Police Car Gun

Police Car Gun

katana is to samurai and gun is to police​

Daftar Isi

1. katana is to samurai and gun is to police​


katana is for ninja and gun is for police

2. katana is to samurai and gun is to police ​




Their main weapon of samurai , the katana, was thought to be an extension of their soul. The katana was such a crucial part of a samurai's life that when a young warrior was on the verge of entering this world, the sword he would use as a protector was brought into the delivery room as if to greet the young one.

A police car receives a radio message that a robbery has been committed at a certain address by three men who fled in a bright green Ford.

The officers in the car which has been cruising in that vicinity observe a

speeding car fitting the above description and containing three men. The

officers give chase and use the siren as they pursue the Ford for several

miles. It appears that the Ford will outdistance them and the occupants

will escape. May the officers shoot at the car and its occupants?

In this type of case situation, as well as in many others, it is vitally

important to a police officer to know when he may lawfully use his gun.

If he kills without proper justification he may be prosecuted for murder

or manslaughter 1 as well as be sued by the family of the deceased. 2 This

risk not only faces the officer in the "escape" type of situation just described, but in every other instance when he may feel the need to use

his gun.


yes I love guyln and katana

3. katana is to samurai and gun is to police ​


ispada katana baril polis


I hope is help

4. A police car at 100km/hour chases a speeding car moving at 110km/hour. How much closer to the speeding car does the police car get each minute?​

Answer:same question


5. The police car droveby at high speed​


some thing the police car is fast when thers a rober

6. Choose the letter of the best sentence arrangement. A. The angry owner of the car complained to the police officer at the station. B. At the police station the owner of the car complained to the angry officer. C. To the police officer the angry owner complained at the station of the car.

So okay I know that the answer is A but I'll explain why.

Letter B is 
"At the police station the owner of the car complained to the angry officer."
So the owner is probably at the station because his car was hit or some accident happened so why would the officer be the one angry? The owner of the car should be more likely to get mad so no.

Letter C is 
"To the police officer the angry owner complained at the station of the car"
Okay so the sentence is suggesting that he complained over the station of the car. Why would he get mad at that? A car wouldn't move at its own unless it was towed. 

:. Letter A makes more sense compared to the other two therefore it is the best sentence

7. Katana is to samurai and gun is to police a.chaccteristic b.object/action c.part/whole d.tool/worker e.synonms/antonyms f.typesâ


B. Object/Action


I'm not quite sure

8. When can a police officer use his gun?​

On the use of firearms, it is only justified if the suspect poses an imminent danger of causing death or injury to the police officer or other persons. However, self-defense can only be used by officers when there is a real threat to their life and where the danger sought to be avoided is imminent and real.

A police car receives a radio message that a robbery has been com-

mitted at a certain address by three men who fled in a bright green Ford.

The officers in the car which has been cruising in that vicinity observe a

speeding car fitting the above description and containing three men. The

officers give chase and use the siren as they pursue the Ford for several

miles. It appears that the Ford will outdistance them and the occupants

will escape. May the officers shoot at the car and its occupants?

In this type of case situation, as well as in many others, it is vitally

important to a police officer to know when he may lawfully use his gun.

If he kills without proper justification he may be prosecuted for murder

or manslaughter 1 as well as be sued by the family of the deceased. 2 This

risk not only faces the officer in the "escape" type of situation just de-

scribed, but in every other instance when he may feel the need to use

his gun.

9. the branch black guns mom inside the car​


Ano pong gagawin nasaan ba yung object ito

Mom. guns

10. What sound that the police car do?​


One of the common sounds you hear on the streets is a siren: a loud, high noise that comes from police cars, fire trucks, or ambulances. It sounds like “W.a.a.a.a.h.” People living in New York City often call city officials to complain the noise wakes them up and makes dogs cry out loudly.

11. Katana is to samurai and gun is to police. a. characteristic b. part/whole c. tool/worker d.synonyms/antonyms​


C. tool/worker


because the katana and guns are weapons/tool

and samurai and police are users/worker

12. As a police car travels away, the volume of its siren changes. What happens to the volume of the sound? *A. As the police car moves away, the sound becomes softer.B. The police car's siren becomes silent.C. The police car's siren fades off.D. The sound coming from the police car stops.​


c. yan lng.


correct me if im wrong


C. The police car's siren fades off.


Because as the police car moves away its siren gradually disappears due to its distance.


13. why are the police touch the car?​


because police might be touch car beacuse theres a man inside a car when police touch the car it should give you the information

14. A 500 kg police car chases the speed limit violator at a speed of 50 m/s. Computer the kinetic energy of the police car and show your solution





15. how do the police disarm a person with a gun?​

answer: with a practice

sorry yan lang kasi alam ko

16. katana is to samurai and gun is to police.​



explanation :

it's because police is not only can use guns

also an army's can use guns

17. words relayed to police like guns

Law, bullet, badge and jail.

18. 2. Soldier: gun A. Police: prisoner B. Photographer: camera




A.) Police: Prisoner

hindi ako sigurado pero subakan lang natin

19. 7. katana is to samurai as gun is to police A.part/whole B.tool/worker C.synonyms/antonyms​


B. tool/worker


a (worker)police would use a (tool)gun

hope this helps

love lots!


B. tool/worker


What is the meaning of tool/worker in Analogy?

Workers, Tools, and Products

Carpenter is to hammer as a dentist is to drill is an example of a worker-to-tool analogy. An analogy which explains the function of a tool helps you understand tools which may be unfamiliar to you. For instance, saw is to cut as rasp is to file, explains the connection between the items

20. a toy dealer sold 80 toys consisting of cars and guns for 1,060. If he receives twelve pesos for each car and fourteen for each gun, how many did he sell?

Let's assume that the number of cars sold is "x," and the number of guns sold is "y."

We know that the total number of toys sold is 80. Therefore, we can write:

x + y = 80

We also know that the total amount of money collected from the sales is 1,060 pesos. Therefore, we can write:

12x + 14y = 1060

Now we have two equations with two variables. We can solve for x and y by using any method of our choice, such as substitution or elimination. Let's use the substitution method:

x + y = 80

y = 80 - x

Substitute y = 80 - x into the second equation:

12x + 14y = 1060

12x + 14(80 - x) = 1060

12x + 1120 - 14x = 1060

-2x = -60

x = 30

Now we know that the number of cars sold is 30. We can use this information to find the number of guns sold:

y = 80 - x = 80 - 30 = 50

Therefore, the dealer sold 30 cars and 50 guns.

21. As a future police officer how are you going to disarm a person armed with: gun


just gutom of and be careful how to make it tama or you focus to people whos you gonna make it basil baril. don't go much moving your hand


kaya mo na po yan magaynkanaman po ay

22. The police car is chasing the getaway car of bank robbers 7 1/2 km ahead. If the speed of the police car is 5 Kph more than tat of the getaway car, how long will it take the police car to overtake the getaway car?\


1 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:

7 1/2 ÷ 8 = 1 1/2

Sana po makatulong :))

23. in which trial did the toy car run gun?​


Rice's gun was found to be an airsoft replica; it lacked the orange-tipped barrel that would have indicated it was a toy gun. A surveillance video of the incident was released by the police four days after the shooting, on 26 November.

24. Katana is to samurai and gun is to police


Sword for Nights and gun to guards


hope it helps:))

25. what is zhiyuan?a. toysb. gunsc. kitesd. cars​


The Chinese word zhiyuan - 职员 - zhíyuán. (office worker in Chinese)


none of the above po

because zhiyuan is an imperal chinese cruiser

hope makatulong yan Kasi Ang alam ko

26. How to hide a gun,knife,shovel and gasoline from polices. Urgent pls


makasalanan kang bata ka ha


hide it in forest? dig in on some soil and make it deef for gasoline iabot mo nalang sa mag gagasolina  shovel? somewhere no one can see and also if ur doing something bat well ur fingerprints are there so pakipunasan

27. A speeding car is traveling at a constant 30.0m/s when it passes a stationary police car. If the police car delays its motion for 1.00s before starting, what must the constant acceleration of the police car be to catch the speeding car after the police car travels a distance of 300 m


The acceleration of the police car is 1.36 m/s²


In this problem, we need to consider two things before solving the acceleration of the police car. First, since the police car caught the speeding car, it means that they have traveled the same distance and time. Next, the police car delays its motion by 1.0 s. This means that we should add 1.0 seconds to the total time travel of the police car.

Formula to use

1. V₁² = V₀² + 2ax

2. V₁ = V₀ + at

3. x = V₀t + ¹/₂at²


x     is the distance traveled

V₀   is the initial speed

a     is the acceleration

t      is the time

V₁    is the final velocity

Given information

V₀(sc) = 30 m/s    (initial velocity of the speeding car)

V₀(pc) = 0 m/s      (initial velocity of the police car - stationary)

V₁(sc) = 0              (final velocity of the speeding car - stopped when caught

                             by the police)

x = 300 m

t = 1.0 s

a (pc) = ?

Solving the problem

First, let us solve the acceleration of the speeding car using the first given formula

V₁²(sc) = V₀²(sc) + 2ax

Then, substitute the given data

0 = (30 m/s)² + 2a(300 m)

Simplify the equation and solve the acceleration

a = - (30 m/s)² / (2(300 m)

a (sc) = - 1.5 m/s²   (the negative sign indicates that the speeding car slows


Now, let us solve the time traveled by the speeding car using the second given information

V₁(sc) = V₀(sc) + at

Then, substitute the given data

0 = 30 m/s + (- 1.5 m/s²)t

t = (30 m/s) / 1.5 m/s²

t = 20 seconds

Now, let us solve the acceleration of the police car using the third given formula

x = V₀t + ¹/₂at²

300 m = 0 + ¹/₂a(21 s)²

Take note that the time the police caught the speeding car, t(pc) = 20 + 1 = 21 s.

Simplify the equation

a = 2(300 m) / (21 s)²

a = 1.36 m/s²

Therefore, the acceleration of the police car is 1.36 m/s²

To learn more, just click the following links:

Definition of acceleration


Negative acceleration



28. Katana is to samurai and gun is to police a.chaccteristicb.object/actionc.part/wholed.tool/workere.synonms/antonymsf.types​


d tool/worker


a (worker)police would use a (tool)gun

D is the answer in this question

29. katana is to samurai and gun is to police​


the answer is D.Tool/Worker

30. You are arguing over a cellphone while traveling an unmarked police car by 25 m; both your car and the police car are traveling at 110 km/hr. Your argument diverts your attention from the police car for 2.0s. At the beginning of that 2.0s, the police officer begins braking suddenly at 5.0 m/s^2. What is the separation between the two cars when your attention finally returns?

[tex]distance \: travelled \: by \: the \: man's \: car \: after \: 2.0 \: s : \\ d = (110 \frac{km}{hr} \times \frac{1000m}{1km} \times \frac{1hr}{3600s} )(2.0 \: s) \\d = 61.11 \: m \\ \\ distance \: travelled \: by \: the \: police \: car \: after \: 2.0 \: s : \\ d = (vi)t + \frac{1}{2} a {t}^{2} \\ d = (110 \frac{km}{hr} \times \frac{1000m}{1km} \times \frac{1hr}{3600s} )(2.0s) + \frac{1}{2} ( - 5.0 \frac{m}{ {s}^{2} } )( {2.0s}^{2} ) \\ d = 51.11 \: m \\ \\ distance \: between \: the \: two \: cars \: after \: 2.0 \: s : \\ d = (51.11 + 25) - 61.11 \\ d = 15 \: m[/tex]

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