Comet Color

Comet Color

C. Draw and label the structure of a comet. You may include details such as color and some information about each part. ​

Daftar Isi

1. C. Draw and label the structure of a comet. You may include details such as color and some information about each part. ​

yan kang nakita ko sorry

2. 10. Which is the most famous comet of the 20 century?A Comet Halley B. Comet Lemmon C. Comet PruyneD. Comet Robinson​


Which is the most famous comet of the 20 century?

Answer: A. Comet Halley

Halley's Comet

Halley's Comet is the most famous of all comets.



3. 20. The famous comet of the 20th century and is the only known short period comet isA Comet EnckeC. Comet Swift-TuttleB Comet HalleyD. Comet Tempel-Tuttle​


B. Comet Halley


Halley's Comet is the most famous comet in the Solar System with an orbital period of 75-76 years.

4. Which common belief is associated with the appearance of comet?a. the appearance of comet foretells trafedyb. the appearance of comet predicts oong droughtc. the appearance of comet suggest the deaths of a relatived. the appearance of comet mean deformities of unborn child​


D po na answer qnayan ehh


Buhayin si Cheong san Whaha

5. What is a comet What are the part of a comet


What is a comet

Comets are cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rock, and dust that orbit the Sun. When frozen, they are the size of a small town. When a comet's orbit brings it close to the Sun, it heats up and spews dust

and gases into a giant glowing head larger than most planets.

What are the part a comet

A comet is made up of four visible parts: the nucleus, the coma, the ion tail, and the dust tail. The nucleus is a solid body typically a few kilometres in diameter and made up of a mixture of volatile ices (predominantly water ice) and silicate and organic dust particles

6. Pa answer po Difference between Comets and meteor Meteor and asteroids Asteroids and comets Similarities of Comets, meteor, and asteroids


Asteroids are smaller than a planet, but they are larger than the pebble-size objects we call meteoroids. A meteor is what happens when a meteoroid – a small piece of an asteroid or comet – burns up upon entering Earth's atmosphere, creating a streak of light in the sky.

Meteor: A meteoroid that enters Earth's atmosphere and burns up. ... Asteroid: A rocky object that orbits the sun and has an average size between a meteoroid and a planet. Comet: An object made mostly of ice and dust, often with a gas halo and tail, that sometimes orbits the sun.

Meteors are different or similar from Asteroid and Comets. They are all the same they are rocks that orbit but they all are not a big planet.

7. Earth's magheuc15. Which comet is often considered the most famous ?A. Holley's CometB. Halley's CometC Giotto's CometD. None of these​


B, po Halley's comet or 1p halley

8. fill out the venn diagram below about the similarities and differencens of comets and asteroidscomets, asteroids, comets & asteroids​


Asteroids, meteors, and comets actually have the same basic composition. They are made of rock, dust, and sometimes ice that was leftover from the… What are the main similarities and differences between asteroids and comets? Asteroids are made up of metals and rocky material, while comets are made up of ice, dust and rocky material.


Hope it helps!


please leave a heart!

9. 24. Comet that was visible in the Philippines includea. Halley's comet b. comet Hale-But​


a.Halley's comet


nabasa ko po ito ito sa libro.

hope it helps : )


Comet NEOWISE hope it helps

10. Comet usually orbits along the sun. What will happen to the comet when it is near approaching the sun? A. The comet burned B. The comet disappearsC. The size of the comet become smaller D. The comet becomes bigger from its original size ​​


D. The comet becomes bigger from its original size


D. the comet becomes bigger from its original size


im not sure

11. What happens when the comets go near the sun? a. The comets become smaller b. The tail of the comets are developed c. The comets disappear d. The comets are burned​


1.When a comet's orbit brings it close to the Sun, it heats up and spews dust and gases into a giant glowing head larger than most planets. The dust and gases form a tail that stretches away from the Sun for millions of miles

2.Meteors become incandescent – or glow – almost as soon as they hit Earth's atmosphere. But the height at which they entirely burn up in the atmosphere varies. Some meteors, such as the Perseids in August, burn up in the atmosphere at about 60 miles (100 km) above Earth's surface


B. The tail of the comets are developed.


As the comet comes near the sun, it burns the ice and its dust that will result to a tail.

12. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a comet? *1 pointA. Comet orbits the sun.B. The comet is an icy object.C. Comet is a rocky fragment.D. Comets have a tail made of plasma and dust.How do asteroids and comets similar to each other? *1 pointA. The asteroid and comet both have tails.B. The asteroid and comet both orbit the sun.C. The asteroid and comet both have an elliptical orbit.D. The asteroid and comet both originated from the oort cloud.How do comets and meteors differ when viewed from the sky? *1 pointA. A comet moves swiftly while a meteor moves slowly.B. A comet moves slowly while a meteor moves swiftly.C. A comet did not move while a meteor constantly moves.D. A comet constantly moving while a meteor does not move.Which celestial body is being shown in the picture? *1 pointCaptionless ImageA. AsteroidB. CometC. MeteorD. Moon​







hope its help

btw happy valentines day

13. Comet usually orbits along the sun. What will happen to the comet when it is near approaching the sun? A. The comet burned B. The comet disappearsC. The size of the comet become smaller D. The comet becomes bigger from its original size ​​




I'm not sure but hope it help

14. What happens when the comets go near the sun? a. The comets become smaller. b. The tail of the comets are developed. c. The comets disappear. d. The comets are burned.



the tail of the comets are developed since it will melts as its go nearer to the sun

15. Comet usually orbits along the sun. What will happen to the comet when it is near approaching the sun? A. The comet becomes bigger from its original size B. The size of the comet become smaller C. The comet burned D. The comet disappears




Because some of the comet crash straight into the sun they will evaporate and dissapear


Superstitious Beliefs:

-People used to believe that seeing a comet was an omen of some sort, especially if seen during the day.

-Seeing shooting stars at night is considered to be good luck.

-Comets were also asaociated (superstitiously) with either good luck or bad luck ( the word "disaster" means "bad star") sometimes fires, sometimes diseases. :)

17. What is COMETS? When do comets come?

Like asteroids, comets are suspected to be remnants of planet formation in the Solar System about 4Comets primarily originate from two regions of the solar system: the Kuiper Belt, which is a disk of icy bodies that lies just beyond the orbit of Neptune, and the Oort Cloud, a more distant, spherical collection of objects that marks the very edge of the solar system. Short-period comets, which orbit the sun in 200 years or less, are usually Kuiper Belt objects, while long-period comets that take hundreds or thousands of years to orbit the sun generally come from the Oort Cloud..6 billion years ago. 

18. comet halley the most famous comet of the 20th century is the only known as A. short period comet B. long period comets C. slightly short period comet D. protracted period comets​


A. short period comet


Halley is the only known short-period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and the only naked-eye comet that can appear twice in a human lifetime.

19. is comet hyakutake a short term or long term comet? ​


Comet Hyakutake, long-period comet that, because of its relatively close passage to Earth, was observed as one the brightest comets of the 20th century.


So the answer is long term, Hope it helps❤️


long term comet


Comet Hyakutake, long-period comet that, because of its relatively close passage to Earth, was observed as one the brightest comets of the 20th century.

20. what will happen if a comet gets closer to to the sun? a comet will​

The comet might melt by the sun's light radiation. Causing to release a tail on it's back that is made from dust and ice.

Hope it helps.

A comet will start to melt and boil off some of the ice, along with particles of dust.



21. Comet s head antitail comet s tail



Comets are interstellar bodies that follows long, oval or elliptical orbits around the Sun. They come from deep space (usually from Kuiper belt) swing around the Sun and head off again, to return years or centuries later. They are often called as "dirty snow balls".


Comets have three main parts: The nucleus inside its head, the head (also known as coma) , and the tail.


22. Comet usually orbits along the sun. What will happen to the comet when it is near approaching the sun? A. The comet burned B. The comet disappearsC. The size of the comet become smaller D. The comet becomes bigger from its original size ​




pakiramdam ko lang



Most asteroids are rocky bodies that lie within the asteroid belt while comets are dirty snowballs from the Oort Cloud, with some objects acting like a hybrid of these two types.


Don't you mean venn diagram of comets and asteroids?


What's the difference between asteroids and comets? | Astronomy Essentials

24. 4. What is the effect of solar wind on tail of a comet?A. It makes the comet stays on its orbit.B. It changes the shape of the comet.C. It makes the tail of the comet to point away from the sun.D. It makes the comet disappears.​


C.It makes the tail of the comet tonpoint away from the sun




Tail formation

The streams of dust and gas thus released form a huge, extremely tenuous atmosphere around the comet called the coma, and the force exerted on the coma by the Sun's radiation pressure and solar wind cause an enormous tail to form, which points away from the Sun.



25. 3. What is the name of the most famous comet of the 20th century?a. Comet Hale b. Comet Halleyc. Comet Hale Bopp d. Comet Bopp​


B. Comet Halley





ang kometang ito ay ang nakadiskobre ay si halley at pinangalanganang itong cimet halley

26. is comet hale bopp a short period comet

comet hale bopp is not a short period comet.this comet first seen in july 23 last seen in april 1 will seen again,believe it or not,after year  4380.the time of its orbit is 2,534 years,imagine.this comet is long period comet.

27. the comet has collected ice and comet dusts and gases such as ____.____.and.____.​


meteor , meteoroid , meteorites



28. 1. Which of the following is an example of a short term comet?a. Halley's cometc. Comet Hale-Boppb. Comet Yakutaked. Comet Shoemaker Levy-9​


A. Halley's comet


A comet with an orbital period of less than 200 years is known as a short-period comet or a 'periodic comet'.

29. what famous comet is the only known short period comet thet passes every 76 years?a.HaleBoppb.Halley's Cometc.Holme's Cometd.Toutatis​


B because it's famous comet


B. Halley's comet


i searched it :p

30. A.Similarities of Asteroids and Comets B.Similarities of Asteroids and Meteoroids C.Similarities of Comets and Meteoroids D.Similarities of Asteroids, Comets, and Meteoroids


-Asteroid and Comets

They are both celestial bodies orbiting our sun, and they both can have unusual orbits.

-Asteroids and Meteoroids

Have a basic composition. They are made of rock, dust, and sometimes ice.

Comets and Meteoroids

Again, they are made of rock, dust, and sometimes ice.

-Asteroid, Comets, and Meteor

Burns uo upin entering Earth's atmosphere.

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