Your Tone Must Be Courteous When You Are Writing Counterclaims

Your Tone Must Be Courteous When You Are Writing Counterclaims

Your tone must be courteous when you are writing counterclaims

Daftar Isi

1. Your tone must be courteous when you are writing counterclaims

The answer of this is "TRUE"

2. 6. Your tone must be courteous when you are writing counterclaims,A. TrueC. Both A & BB. FalseD. None of the above​


letter A po


yun po ang alam ko

3. plss answer plss plss plss plss... Your tone must be courteous when you are writing counterclaims. A. True B. False C. Both A and B D. None of the above


A is the answer im sure of it

4. Write your counterclaim with textual evidence


pa help po plz wag po magalit

5. A. What courteous expressions will you use when making calls?​


Making Phone Calls

Good morning/afternoon/evening. This is Mike at (company name)/Mike from (department name). ...

Can I leave a message for him/her? ...

I think we have a bad connection. ...

Thank you very much. ...

Company ABC, this is Mike. ...

May I have your name please? ...

Sure, let me check on that. ...

Can I put you on hold for a minute?

6. Direction: Evaluate if the given statement is true or false. 1. Assessing the validity of the text is the function of critical reading. _2. Critical reading is primarily used to criticize. 3. Hypertext reading is more difficult than intertext reading. _4. Your tone must be courteous when you are writing counterclaims. 5. Interaction with the text is necessary in evaluating judgment. < Direction: Identify the term being described in each item. _6. These are made to rebut a previous claim. _7. These refer to words or phrases that give a courteous tone. _8. It is a body of facts given by the authors to support their claims. 9. It is the act of giving a statement for justification and explanation. _10. It is an engaging in analytic activity which involves the reader by asking questions about toteuted the​

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7. ► PERFORMANCE TASK NO. 2 Directions: Write statements of assertion or counterclaims based on a given situation. Please write your answer on the space provided. 1. Tracking devices on phones is a good idea because if you go somewhere your parents will now your whereabouts.Counterclaim: 2. Situation: Many foreigners come to the Philippines to do plastic surgery because they think it is cheaper. Assertion: 3. Situation: In posting things on social media, you must think before you click Assertion:​


change in the chromosome num.yes/No?meiosis


namo ashley pasikat pachoychoy ang boang

8. Part 2: Read each of the following statements and write your counterclaim for each one. Write your answers on your pad paper. Example Claim: The use of cellphones must not be allowed inside the classrooms. Counterclaim: Research suggests cellphone technology continues its rapid development, as such the device appears capable of contributing to student learning and improved academic performance. 6. Smoking is dangerous. Counterclaim7. I agree that biking is a safe exercise. Counterclaim: 8. I believe that people can live without others.Counterclaim: 9. Student grades really measure achievement. Counterclaim: 10. Electric cars are an effective strategy to fight pollution Counterclaim​


6. Smoking can be an alternative way to release anxiety. It is all about moderation.

7. Biking can be a very dangerous exercise, this can result to a higher risk of injury to the arms, legs, and head. Also, not all roads are safe to ride bicycles.

8. Not everyone has the capacity to live by their own. And, alot of people struggle with separation anxiety due to trauma or stress.

9. ..

10. ..

9. Write your counterclaim for each one:​

asan po ung mga choices true or false po ba?

10. Which of the following is NOT a technique used in argumentative writing? * a. use of logic b. use of aggressive tone c. use of calmer tone d. use of counterclaims


It's b. use of aggressive tone...

Because, It's Talk About Tone, Not A technique used in argumentative writing...




Which of the following is NOT a technique used in argumentative writing? *


a. use of logic

b. use of aggressive tone

c. use of calmer tone

d. use of counterclaims


b. use of aggressive tone

Using aggressive tone is NOT a technique used in argumentative writing ❤SamanthaLee❤

11. Which of the following refers to words or phrases that give a courteous tone in writing a counterclaim.


the refers I good with the following game

12. Now, compare your ideas/ understanding of assertion and counterclaim. Write your answers on their respective spaces below. ASSERTION COUNTERCLAIM​

pa brainliest po ty btw long life brainliest muna bago answer sa comment

13. every claim has a counterclaim. Create your counterclaim on the given Claim the first one is done for you?​


nowadays our need, Stay at Home. wear face mask and face shield . wash everyday of hands and apply alcohol. to keep our health safety

14. Which word best characterizes the tone of communication in your home? 1 Shouting 2 Manipulation 3 Confusing 4 Clear 5 Constructive 6 Courteous

It is number 1. Shouting. Our voice is in the higher tone whenever we speak, talk, angry and lonely. That is for others, we are shouting. But we are not always arguing. It's just that we normally live in that way even before. However, whenever we got mad on each other, highest tone can be expected. But because of this, we can easily get comedy talks and that's what our family want- to stay happy and talk more on good things.

Family Talks

We live with no father so we never experienced to be manipulated by rules. Our single mother tend to be the listener and talk in limit.We never let our family be in confusion. We can confront each of us when there is a problem or annoying thing.We sometimes talk in one thing, but go directly in other agenda, that is is why sometimes the message is short but clear. Since we are more in male siblings, we don't chat emotionally. Our family can be serious privately. We give advice directly and constructively. That is a good thing that our brothers are the one who has good common sense.We are not that courteous in public. But you can see that during problematic times and when we talk privately.

How can we manage a shouting tone of talking in our family?

Listen first, ask first and then think. That is one of our target to do whenever we talk.We try not to prejudge our family members. Everyone can express each feelings. Sometimes, we don't need an advice - just to heads up our feelings and others will listen.

What legacy do you want to put on your family? Read on

What is a permissive family? Read the answer on

What it feels like a broken family? Read on


15. when will the bell eing,and end this weariness ?write your counterclaim​

huh diko gets yung tanong

16. DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions. Write your answers on theanswer sheet.1.When you ask somebody about his/her activities, what courteousexpressions will you say?2.What are the tenses of the verb in your sentences?3.How did you form these verbs?​


1. Hi, let's go to my house. And have some tea, and let's do the activities that our teacher gave us yesterday.

2. Present Perfect Participle

3. By thinking and forming the sentence.


that's my answer, good luck!

17. these are words or phrase that give a courteous tone​


phrase. If something is provided courtesy of someone or by courtesy of someone, they provide it. You often use this expression in order to thank them. The waitress brings over some congratulatory glasses of champagne, courtesy of the restaurant.

18. Write Your Assertion and counterclaim about opening Classes​

Hey Guys It Me (Name) My Age is (youage) And My Messege Is (Your Messege To Others.

19. 5. What must the children learn as they growolder?A.To share responsibilityb. To have jobsTo be courteousd. To read and write6. Which of the following are the teachings ofthe mother to the children?a.To be obedient and courteousb. To love and fear GodC. To write and readd. All of the above​

5. I think it might be 'A' or 'C' but for me it's B?

5. 'D'

20. this can be use to give a courteous tone in your writting such as may​




21. Activity 3 Directions: Read each statement and write your counterclaim for each one. Make sure to use grammatical signals to make the statements coherent.1. Claim: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Counterclaim: _________________________________________________2. Claim: Ilocanos are known to be thrifty.Counterclaim: _________________________________________________3. Claim:Everyone loves to dance.Counterclaim:__________________________________________________4. Claim: Coffee keeps us awake.Counterclaim:_________________________________________________5. Claim: People snore when they are tired.Counterclaim: _____________________________________________6. Claim: The best way to lose weight is to exercise.Counterclaim:___________________________________________7. Claim: Christmas is the most awaited day of the year.Counterclaim:______________________________________________8. Claim: Singing makes you happy.Counterclaim:_________________________________________9. claim: Having a laptop makes your life easy.counterclaim:__________________________________________________10. Claim: It is easy and forget.Counterclaim:_________________________________________________​


8.singing makes you happy but dancing and watching is also make you happy

9. having laptop makes your life easy but cellphone and tablets is easier to your life easy to forgive and forget but is so hard analyzed the one thing you forget

Mark me brainlest plsss

22. Write your counterclaim with textual evidence.pahelp po​

A counterclaim is the argument (or one of the arguments) opposing your thesis statement. In your thesis paragraph, you make it clear to the reader exactly what you plan on proving and how you plan to go about proving it. This paragraph is where you show the reader that you have considered the opposing side's viewpoint and find it to be weak or invalid. A counterclaim and rebuttal paragraph, if done well, gives you a chance to respond to the reader's potential arguments before they are done reading. It also shows that you have considered both sides of the debate, which strengthens your position.

sana Tama U~U

23. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is true and write FALSE if false, ______1. In formulating counterclaims, you must make it real. _____2. In formulating counterclaims, never write countercalm that you cannot support, _____3. In formulating counterclaims, you can repeat your supporting evidences. ______4. In formulating counterclaims, make it dear that you do not agree the claim. ______5. A thesis is any information that helps prove the claim,____6.The author's purpose is to convince us that the claim is true.____7. A claim is strong if it is debatable.​







24. in expressing unfavorable claims,hedges words or phrases should be applied in. A.use of courteous tone B.use of uncourteous toneC.use of technical wordD. a and b​


D. A and B


Hope it helps

Pa-brainliest po please

25. when do we use that courteous words​


ang ganda ko


kase anak aki ng nanay ko

26. What is a counterclaim?Now, compare your ideas/ understanding of assertion andcounterclaim. Write your answers on their respective spaces below,ASSERTIONCOUNTERCLAIMThen write a short paragraph with 3-5 sentences about your insightson both assertion and counterclaim.​​Pa answer po mga loDs

Assertion in the act of asserting, or that which is asserted; positive declaration or averment; affirmation; statement asserted; position advanced while counterclaim is (legal) a suit filed by a defendant against a plaintiff secondary to the original complaint.


27. letters that I want you to arrange to comeарwith a sensible word.UNCMATE CRLIClue: It is the opposite of an opposing argument.Did you get the answer? The answer:What is a counterclaim?Now, compare your ideas/ understanding of assertion andcounterclaim. Write your answers on their respective spaces below.ASSERTIONCOUNTERCLAIMThen write a short paragraph with 3-5 sentences about your insightson both assertion and counterclaim.​


counterclaim its going to be complete the opposite of claim that you will make at the beginning of your essay

28. B. Write your response to the given topic and counterclaim in your notebook.Topic: You want to persuade your parents to get a dog.​


Plan out a daily routine.Show them how you plan to implement that routine.Prove to your parents that you're responsibleDo your researchFigure out a way to help with the expenses that come with dog ownership.Talk up the pros of owning a dog




1. Talk about a dog as a "family" pet.

•Tell them that having a dog can be fun for the whole family—you can go for walks in the park together, or have a family barbecue in the backyard while throwing a Frisbee to the dog.

Ask them to picture how nice it will be to have a family dinner with the dog by your side, or to have a family movie night with the dog sitting at your feet.

2. Say that having a dog will make you spend more time outside.

•Tell them that having a dog will help you to unplug and have a simpler adolescence or childhood outside with your furry pal.

3. Show them that having a dog can improve your mental health.

•Having a dog is therapeutic and people who own dogs have been known to live longer and to be happier. A dog knows when you're upset and can comfort you in times of stress.

4. Tell them that having a dog can make a home feel more secure.

•Dogs are protectors of their pack, and will take any means necessary to ensure the safety of those they regard as their family. You will feel more secure with a dog around in your house. With some careful training, your dog can learn who is and who isn’t welcome in your home.

5. Explain how having a dog will teach you responsibility.

•Having a dog will make you go to bed earlier and wake up earlier so you can walk it. No more staying up until three in the morning staring at your computer or TV screen.

Having a dog will make you go to bed earlier and wake up earlier so you can walk it. No more staying up until three in the morning staring at your computer or TV screen.Tell them that having a dog will teach you the value of being responsible for another being.


Hope it helps

Please mark me as brainliest.

29. write a response to the counterclaim that shows why it is wrong or unimportant. write one or two sentences to rebut your counterclaim​


Beh sorry ah


Parehas lang tayo.. (´~`)

30. in your your own words, explain what a counterclaim is and why is it important to learn how to formulate counterclaims. Write a five-sentence paragraph.​

A counterclaim is the argument (or one of the arguments) opposing your thesis statement. In your thesis paragraph, you make it clear to the reader exactly what you plan on proving and how you plan to go about proving it. This paragraph is where you show the reader that you have considered the opposing side's viewpoint and find it to be weak or invalid. A counterclaim and rebuttal paragraph, if done well, gives you a chance to respond to the reader's potential arguments before they are done reading. It also shows that you have considered both sides of the debate, which strengthens your position.

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