Avl Rotation Practice

Avl Rotation Practice

why is there a need to practice swinging and rotating exercise?​

Daftar Isi

1. why is there a need to practice swinging and rotating exercise?​


It builds muscles in the core and hips that are necessary for generating high-speed rotational force. Additionally, it helps create muscle memory that is essential for a consistent, repetitive swing.

2. Is crop rotation farming practices advantageous or disadvantageous? WHY?​


Advantages of Crop Rotation. Increases Soil Fertility. Increases Crop Yield. Increases Soil Nutrients. Reduces Soil Erosion


3. __ agricultural practice of growing a single crop year on the same/and in the absence and rotation.​


Monocropping is the agricultural practice of growing a single crop year after year on the same land, in the absence of rotation through other crops or growing multiple crops on the same land (polyculture). Monocropping allows for farmers to have consistent crops throughout their entire farm. ...

4. farmers perception in crop rotation practices in their farm can you give are problem situation, research problem, hypothesis and objectives in three sentences each​


Problem situation: Many farmers are reluctant to adopt proper crop rotation practices, which can lead to soil degradation, loss of yield, and increased use of fertilizers and pesticides.

Research problem: What are the factors impeding farmers from adopting crop rotation practices and what can be done to encourage their adoption?

Hypothesis: Increasing awareness among farmers about the benefits of crop rotation, providing financial incentives, and facilitating access to relevant resources will lead to greater adoption of crop rotation practices.


1. To identify the factors influencing farmers' decisions to adopt or not adopt crop rotation practices.

2. To assess the effectiveness of various strategies, such as education and financial incentives, in encouraging farmers to adopt crop rotation practices.

3. To develop practical recommendations for promoting the adoption of crop rotation practicesd among farmers.

5. the earth _______on its axis a. rotate b. rotates c. rotated d. will rotate​


B. rotates po


sana makatulong

6. 6. Why the 4-stroke engine rotates 720 degree to complete its cycle of operation? * 1 point A. Because in every stroke cycle the crankshaft rotates 90 degree rotation B. Because in every stroke cycle the crankshaft rotates 180 degree rotation C. Because in every stroke cycle the crankshaft rotates 540 degree rotation D. Because in every stroke cycle the crankshaft rotates 720 degree rotation

C pooo

Hope its help if its incorrect plesse dont report me:(( i tried my best and i hope its correct ty!:(

7. Agricultural practice of growing a single crop year on the same / and in the absence and rotation​




hope it helps po, and pa brainliest.

8. what does a volleyball team need to do before serving a. practice b. switch sides c. run d. rotate


The player serving the ball must stand behind the end line or restraining line at the back of the court until after they have contacted the volleyball. To serve a player hits the ball with their hand over the net and into the opposing team's side.


I hope it helps you


A. Practice-The player serving the ball must stand behind the end line or restraining line at the back of the court until after they have contacted the volleyball. To serve a player hits the ball with their hand over the net and into the opposing team's side.


i forget how to play volleyball because it's been a year seens i started playing at the school maybe it's 2019? ang hope it help you :)

9. which of the following practices involved the planting of crops on terraces or steps built on the slope of a mountainside?A. countour plowingB. crop rotationC. Rip RappingD. Terracing​


D. Terracing


Terracing -make or form (slopping land) into a number of level flat areas resembling series of steps.

10. which of the following practices involve the planting of crop on terraces of steps built on the slope of a mountain side? a. contour plowing b. crop rotation c. ri rapping d. terracing


D. Terracing


Terracing -make or form (slopping land) into a number of level flat areas resembling series of steps.

i already studied that hope it helps


11. if a rotation is performed on a coordinate plane, what angles of rotation would make the rotation easier?

Predicting Rotations

Rotate the point (5, 8) about the origin 270° clockwise. The rule for rotating an object 270° clockwise about the origin is to take the opposite value of the x coordinate and then switch it with the y coordinate. The opposite of 5 is -5 and, switching the coordinates, we obtain our answer: (8, -5).


predicting rotation

Step-by-step explanation:


12. please helppp 1. 90° clockwise rotation 2. 270° clockwise rotation 3. 90° counterclockwise rotation 4. 180° counterclockwise rotation

1.A 90° clockwise rotation is equivalent to flipping an image or object 90° to the right. For example, if you rotate the letter "L" 90° clockwise, it becomes the letter "J".

2.A 270° clockwise rotation is equivalent to flipping an image or object 90° to the left or 90° clockwise three times. For example, if you rotate the letter "L" 270° clockwise, it becomes the letter "T".

3.A 90° counterclockwise rotation is equivalent to flipping an image or object 90° to the left. For example, if you rotate the letter "L" 90° counterclockwise, it becomes the letter "7".

4.A 180° counterclockwise rotation is equivalent to flipping an image or object 180° or upside down. For example, if you rotate the letter "L" 180° counterclockwise, it becomes the letter "└".

13. Activity 2 Rotational equilibrium Rotational dynamics


sana makatulong


yan lang po masasagot ko

14. which statement describe rotation rotation refers to​


"Rotation" refers to an object's spinning motion about its own axis. ... For example, Earth rotates on its own axis, producing the 24-hour day. Earth revolves about the Sun, producing the 365-day year. A satellite revolves around a planet.

15. The Earth's rotation happensHow does Earth's rotation happen?The Earth's rotation results to theoccurrence ofExplain the results of Earth's rotation,​

The Earth's rotation happens because its axis runs from the North Pole to the South Pole. It takes the Earth 24 hours, or one day, to make one complete rotation around this invisible line. As the Earth rotates, each area of its surface gets a turn to face and be warmed by the sun.

Hope it helps :D

Pa brainliest na din po


16. 3. This is the practice of growing different vegetables in the same area in different planting seasons. a. Use of sticky traps c. Companion planting or intercropping b. Chemical control d. Crop rotation




crop rotation is the practice of growing different crops,

rather than the same vegetable or members of the same family of vegetables,in the same place of each year.

hope it helps stay safe.

17. when viewed above the north pole, the earth rotates in prograde rotation. in what direction does the earth rotates?​



As the Earth rotates, only one-half of the Earth faces the sun at any given time. The half facing the sun is light (day) and the half facing away from the sun is dark (night).


hope it helps! :>


18. Which agricultural practice is done when a farmer plants different crops in a field each season or year?a. crop rotationb. contour farmingc. strip croppingD. terracing​


b contour farming po


19. farmers perception in crop rotation practices in their farm can you give are problem situation, research problem, hypothesis and objectives​


Problem Situation: Farmers in a particular region have been practicing continuous cropping on their farms for many years, without incorporating crop rotation practices. This has led to a decline in soil fertility and increased pest and disease problems, resulting in reduced crop yields and income for farmers.

Research Problem: The research problem is to understand farmers' perceptions of crop rotation practices and identify the factors that influence their decision-making process in adopting or not adopting crop rotation practices.

Hypothesis: The hypothesis is that farmers' perceptions of crop rotation practices are influenced by their knowledge, experience, access to resources, and socio-economic factors.


1. To assess farmers' knowledge and awareness of crop rotation practices.

2. To identify the factors that influence farmers' decision-making process in adopting or not adopting crop rotation practices.

3. To evaluate the benefits and challenges of crop rotation practices for farmers.

4. To develop recommendations for promoting and increasing adoption of crop rotation practices among farmers.

20. Rotational equilibrium and Rotational dynamics Activity 2


Hello po ang tawag Jan ay kabúbúhan charrr

21. what is rotation?Image result for what is rotation?Image result for what is rotation?Image result for what is rotation?Image result for what is rotation?Image result for what is rotation?Image result for what is rotation?Image result for what is rotation?Image result for what is rotation?Image result for what is rotation?Image result for what is rotation?Image result for what is rotation?View allA rotation is a circular movement of an object around a center (or point) of rotation. ... A rotation around a completely external axis, e.g. the planet Earth around the Sun, is called revolving or orbiting, typically when it is produced by gravity, and the ends of the rotation axis can be called the orbital poles.​

What is rotation?

•rotation is a circular movement of an object around a center (or point) of rotation. ... A rotation around a completely external axis, e.g. the planet Earth around the Sun, is called revolving or orbiting, typically when it is produced by gravity, and the ends of the rotation axis can be called the orbital poles•

22. 24. Which of the following practices involve the planting of crops on terraces or steps built onthe slope of a mountainside?A. Contour Plowing B. Crop Rotation C. Riprapping D. Terracing​






23. Which agricultural practice is done when a farmer plants different crops in a field each season or year?a. crop rotationb. contour farmingc. strip croppingD. terracing​​


a. crop rotation hope it helps :)

24. how do the axes of rotation affect the rotation of the pole​



Earth's axis of rotation itself rotates, or precesses, completing one circle every 26,000 years. Consequently, Earth's North Pole points toward different stars (and sometimes toward empty space) as it travels in this circle.



points toward different stars (and sometimes toward empty space)


Earth's axis of rotation itself rotates, or precesses, completing one circle every 26,000 years. Consequently, Earth's North Pole points toward different stars (and sometimes toward empty space

25. What desirable farming practices are used when fields are plowed along the curves of a slope? * a. Terracing b. Strip Cropping c. Contour Farming d. Crop rotation

C. Contour Farming

Answer Key ✨

contour farming, the practice of tilling sloped land along lines of consistent elevation in order to conserve rainwater and to reduce soil losses from surface erosion.

carry on learning

26. clockwise or counterclockwise 1/2 rotation of 360° 4/9 rotation of -360° 2/5 rotation of 360°


4/9 rotation of -360°

Step-by-step explanation:

4/9 rotation of -360°

27. 8. Segment AE is a diameter of OV, measure of arcLT= 120° and arc AT = 40°. The m Z AVL isa. 20°b. 40°c. 80°d. 160°​



Step-by-step explanation:

sana makatulong ang sagot

28. Farmers in Southeast Asia have adapted mountainous areas for agricultural use by 1. building levees2. constructing terraces3. practicing crop rotation4. developing contour cultivation

By constructing terraces

29. do you think the islamic era and spanish era were avle to destroy the original art form of our ancestors? why or why not?​


      The Philippine Muslims was once a dominant group in the country. They have 500 years political history, so far the longest political experience compared to other groups in the whole Philippines. Their culture is a blend of Islam and adat.  Adat is the sum of both pre-Islamic culture and the philosophical interpretation of the Muslims on the teachings of Islam. It is itself the lasting contribution of the Philippine Muslims to the country’s national body politic. However, to know the Muslim history, one should understand the role of Islam in bringing about historical development. It is this Islam that actually produced heroic resistance against western colonialism. The Philippine Muslims today became known as cultural communities owing to their culture surviving foreign hegemonism to this day.


30. How does Earth's rotation happen? The Earth's rotation happens ... The Earth's rotation results to the Occurrence of Explain the results of Earth's rotation. Ready​


The Earth's rotation happens because its axis runs from the North Pole to the South Pole. It takes the Earth 24 hours, or one day, to make one complete rotation around this invisible line. As the Earth rotates, each area of its surface gets a turn to face and be warmed by the sun.

[tex]\small\fcolorbox{red}{blue}{Step-by-step Explanation:}[/tex] [tex]\small\fcolorbox{red}{blue}{Answered By JhonLouie:}[/tex]

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