Raw Materials And End Products Of Photosynthesis

Raw Materials And End Products Of Photosynthesis

2. What are the raw materials and end products of photosynthesis?RAW MATERIALSEND PRODUCTS​

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1. 2. What are the raw materials and end products of photosynthesis?RAW MATERIALSEND PRODUCTS​


The raw materials of photosynthesis,water and carbon dioxide, enter the cells of the leaf, and the products of photosynthesis, sugar and oxygen, leave the leaf. Water enters the root and is transported up to the leaves through specialized plant cells known as xylem vessels.


hope its help

2. Raw materials and end product of photosynthesis Complete the table below write tha raw materials and product of photosynthesis


The raw materials of photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide, enter the cells of the leaf, and the products of photosynthesis, sugar and oxygen, leave the leaf. Water enters the root and is transported up to the leaves through specialized plant cells known as xylem vessels.

What are the 6 raw materials of photosynthesis?

What are the 6 raw materials of photosynthesis?Chlorophyll, energy, food, carbon dioxide, water, photosynthesis.

What is the end product of photosynthesis?

What is the end product of photosynthesis?Though the final product of photosynthesis is glucose, the glucose is conveniently stored as starch. Starch is approximated as (C6H10O5)n, where n is in the thousands. Starch is formed by the condensation of thousands of glucose molecules.


pa brainliest po ✨✅

3. Raw materials and end products of photosynthesis

Raw Materials:
Carbon Dioxide + Water

End Products:
Oxygen + Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) or energy

4. what is the Raw materials and end products of photosynthesis?


5. Identify the raw materials and end products of photosynthesis .

    Raw Materials                 Products

Sunlight                         Oxygen Chlorophyll                   Sugar ( glucose, food)Carbon Dioxide       Oxygen Water                       Carbohydrates

6. Which of the following statement is TRUE about photosynthesis and cellular respiration?A. The products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration are the same.B. The raw materials for photosynthesis and cellular respiration are the same.C. Both the raw materials and products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration are the same.D. The product of photosynthesis is the raw materials for cellular respiration and the products of cellular respiration is the raw materials for photosynthesis.​


D. The product of photosynthesis is the raw materials for cellular respiration and the products of cellular respiration is the raw materials for photosynthesis



7. enumerate the cell structure involved,raw materials,end product and energy requirment in photosynthesis and cellular respiration. PHOTOSYNTHESIS CELLULAR RESPIRATION


Photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose. Glucose is used as food by the plant and oxygen is a by-product. Cellular respiration converts oxygen and glucose into water and carbon dioxide. Water and carbon dioxide are by- products and ATP is energy that is transformed from the process.


8. what is difference between photosynthesis and respiration with regards to the raw materials and end products? ​


Photosynthesis makes the glucose that is used in cellular respiration to make ATP. ... While photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, cellular respiration requires oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. It is the released oxygen that is used by us and most other organisms for cellular respiration.


Photosynthesis makes the glucose that is used in cellular respiration to make ATP. ... While photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, cellular respiration requires oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. It is the released oxygen that is used by us and most other organisms for cellular respiration.


Correct me if I'm wrongCarry on learningStudy hardStay safe

9. 7-8 raw materials during photosynthesis but end product during respiration​


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10. complete the concept map showing the different processes,raw materials used and end products of photosynthesis​


1. water



4. ATP

5. CO↓2


7. sugar

11. What are the raw materials of photosynthesis and end product?

The Raw Material we Get From The Photosynthesis procedure that the plant Does

Oxygen: We Use oxygen(O) to start our daily lives Starting in the morning when we wake up in the morning we inhaled already oxygen(O) From Taking Our Carbon Dioxide(co2)

12. raw materials and end products of photosynthesis

raw= sunlight, carbon dioxide, water
end= glucose and oxygen

13. what is the photosynthesis of cell structure,required energy, raw materials qnd end products

Chloroplasts have two separate membranes. The process of photosynthesis requires utilizing energy from sunlight to convert absorbed carbon dioxide and water chemically into sugars that are used as an energy source and oxygen.

14. what are the raw materials and end products of photosynthesis?


water and carbon dioxide, enter the cells of the leaf, and the products of photosynthesis, sugar and oxygen

15. identity the raw materials and end products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration​


identity the raw materials and end products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration

16. mention the raw material required for photosynthesis and what are the end product and by product of photosynthesis

materials: CO2, H2O and sunlight
end product: O2 and glucose

17. Raw materials and end products of photosynthesis?

Plants need food but they don't have to rely for humans or animals to take care of them. The majority of plants will grow their own food whenever they need it. It is achieved using light, and the photosynthesis is called the method.

Four main raw materials used in photosynthesis:

Carbon Dioxide

            In soil plants, carbon dioxide is collected via the stomata from the atmosphere. Tiny quantities of carbonates are also extracted through the roots from the soil. As bicarbonates, hydrophytes get their supply of carbon dioxide from the marine world.


           For photosynthesis water is a source of electrons.


            Light is the electromagnetic radiation's visible component. Electromagnet radiation is a source of energy consisting of a stream of tiny particles flowing in waves.


             In eukaryotic photoautotrophs, chloroplasts are green plastides that act as the site of photosynthesis. Leaves have a cumulative chloroplast count of more than half a million per square millimetre. Within the leaves, chloroplasts often occur in the mesophyll cells along their walls for fast gas diffusion and obtaining optimum amount of incident light.

The end product of photosynthesis:


               Photosynthesis components are glucose, and oxygen. Photosynthesis consumes carbon dioxide and water and blends them to produce food for the organism in the presence of energy from the light. Photosynthesis takes place in membrane-bound structures called chloroplasts.  

               The key component of photosynthesis is glucose, the molecule that produces energy to operate the cell's processes.

               Oxygen is basically a by-product of the photosynthesis process. Six carbohydrate molecules and six water molecules are required to produce one glucose molecule.

                 Glucose is glucose, a carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen complex. The cells will use the energy in glucose through the oxidation cycle performed in the mitochondrion, another membrane-bound structure within the cell.

For more details see link:




18. Raw materials and end product s of photosynthesis

Raw Materials:

Water and Carbon Dioxide

End Product:

Glucose/Sugar and Oxygen

These are the 2 main raw materials and end product of photosynthesis

19. Identify the raw materials and end products of photosynthesis .

Glucose and oxygen.

The photosynthesis chemical equation states that the reactants (carbon dioxide, water and sunlight), yield two products, glucose and oxygen gas.

20. raw materials photosynthesisended products​


sunlight, water and carbon dioxide

the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a byproduct.

21. Raw materials and end products of photosynthesis


Raw materials of photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide, enter the cell of the leaf, and the products of photosynthesis, sugar and oxygen, leave the leaf.

22. raw materials during photosynthesis but end product during respiration ​


The raw materials are carbon dioxide and water; the energy source is sunlight; and the end-products are oxygen and (energy rich) carbohydrates, for example sucrose and starch. This process is arguably the most important biochemical pathway, since nearly all life depends on it.

23. Which of the following statement is TRUE about photosynthesis and cellular respiration?A. The products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration are the same.B. The raw materials for photosynthesis and cellular respiration are the same.C. Both the raw materials and products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration are the same.D. The product of photosynthesis is the raw materials for cellular respiration and the products of cellular respiration is the raw materials for photosynthesis.​


D.The product of photosynthesis is the raw materials for cellular respiration and the products of cellular respiration is the raw materials for photosynthesis.


1. What is Photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is

The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a byproduct.

2. What are the raw materials of Photosynthesis?

The raw materials of photosynthesis, WATER AND CARBON DIOXIDE, enter the cells of the leaf. Oxygen, a by-product of photosynthesis, and water vapor exit the leaf. In most land plants, water enters the roots and is transported up to the leaves through specialized cells known as xylem (pronounced zigh-lem).

3. What are the end products of Photosynthesis?

The products of photosynthesis are GLUCOSE AND OXYGEN,

Although the hydrogen atoms from the water molecules are used in the photosynthesis reactions.



25. raw materials during photosynthesis but end product during respirstion​



Aral wag pure brainly

carbon dioxide yan na yung answer

26. raw materials and products of photosynthesis

The raw materials of photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide, enter the cells of the leaf, and the products of photosynthesis, sugar andoxygen, leave the leaf. Water enters the root and is transported up to the leaves through specialized plant cells known as xylem vessels.

27. Raw Materials and End Products of Photosynthesis​





carbon dioxide


yan lang po alam ko eh

sana po makatulong!

pa brainliest po

28. what is the Raw materials and end products of photosynthesis?

The raw materials and end-products of photosynthesis are indicated below.

Photosynthesis is the process wherein plants use energy from sunlight to produce glucose and oxygen. The word photosynthesis literally means “to put together with light”. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants make their own food by using light energy to make sugars from carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Understanding the process of the food-making of plants is understanding the process of photosynthesis.

What are the raw materials and products of photosynthesis?

The two needed raw materials for photosynthesis are water and carbon dioxide. The water through the roots of the plants, and carbon dioxide moves into the stomata of the plant by diffusion.

On the other hand, during the process of photosynthesis, plants release oxygen into the air. The end-products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen. These are released into the atmosphere by diffusion again.

The formula for photosynthesis is this: 6H2O + 6CO2 + light = C6H12O6 + 6O2. This means that six molecules of water plus six molecules of carbon dioxide produce one molecule of glucose and six molecules of oxygen.

Here are other links that are related to the process of photosynthesis:

What is photosynthesis? https://brainly.ph/question/239865



29. Raw materials and end products of photosynthesis?

The raw materials for photosynthesis are:
Carbon dioxide

While the end products are:
Sugar (food, glucose)

30. Write the raw materials and end products of photosynthesis in the table below.RAW MATERIALS1.​


Raw materials:

Carbon dioxide





(tig dalawa lang aken eh,sana nakatulong paren ^^)

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