Composite Bar Chart

Composite Bar Chart

9. Renato, a Grade 7 learner, wants to know if there is a progress in his academicperformance in Mathematics since Grade 1. Which type of graph is most appropriate to use?A. pie chartB. histogramC. bar graphD. line graph10.Jeryll and her classmates were selling puto as their income generating project. Due tohigh demand, their products were always sold out. As part of the project, they reported theiractivity. In the presentation, they wanted to show the composition of their sales, such aswhich barangays had the highest percentages in their sales. Which graph should they use?A. pie chartB. histogramC. bar graph D. line graph11. Ben is making an ogive. Which of the following will NOT happen when making the ogive?A. The line is increasing.C. The line will rise and fall.B. The line is decreasingD. The line will not be broken.please answer my question​

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1. 9. Renato, a Grade 7 learner, wants to know if there is a progress in his academicperformance in Mathematics since Grade 1. Which type of graph is most appropriate to use?A. pie chartB. histogramC. bar graphD. line graph10.Jeryll and her classmates were selling puto as their income generating project. Due tohigh demand, their products were always sold out. As part of the project, they reported theiractivity. In the presentation, they wanted to show the composition of their sales, such aswhich barangays had the highest percentages in their sales. Which graph should they use?A. pie chartB. histogramC. bar graph D. line graph11. Ben is making an ogive. Which of the following will NOT happen when making the ogive?A. The line is increasing.C. The line will rise and fall.B. The line is decreasingD. The line will not be broken.please answer my question​

Answer: the answer




#hope it help#

2. 1 which among the choices below shows good flexibility in zipper test A 1 cm B 8 cm C 5 cm D 1 cm 2 what is being measured when you do planking a flexibility B muscular endurance C cardiovascular endurance D body composition 3 Basing on the Body Mass Index Chart what is the classification of maylans BMI if she gets 21.777 A underweight B normal C Overweight D Obese 4 which of the following is an example of dynamic stretching A calf B chest C upper back D march and reach 5 which is a static exercise A plank B Jog C run D 3 minute step 6 Which of the following exercises is more appropriate as cool down exercise A static stretching B strength C dynamic strectching D endurance exercise 7 Joseph performed planking for 3 minutes this shows that his ___ is being tested A fexibility B muscular endurance C Cardiovascular endurance D muscular strength 8 which is not a warm-up exercise A carioca B sit-and-reach C jumping jacks D jog in place 9 What exercise can be used in cool-down phase A warm-up B dynamic stretching C static stretching D stretching 10 What are the skill-related fitness components are enhanced in track events? I power II cardiovascular endurance III reaction time IV speed A I and II B I and III C III and IV D II,III and IV 11 What does replenish fluids means? A eat light snacks during breaks B drink water before during and after C execute warumup and cool down exercises D take some break during the activity 12 in backstroke where do swimmers start? A in the water B on the platform C across the finish line D above the touch pad 13 which of the choices below does not belong to the group A beam B pole vault C club D bar What skill-ralated fitness component is enhanced if youre a gymnast? I balance II flexibility III coordination and speed IV speed A I and III B I and II C II only D I,III,IV 15 skipping and walking are two examples of locomotor what is meant by locomotor A skill that can be dont in place B Skill that can be done while travelling C skill that involves an object D skills during warm up I spent 30 points on this lol



















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