Still Life Landscape Photography

Still Life Landscape Photography

11. These are photographs of poised and candid people .A. Landscape/ travel photographyB. Portrait photographyC. Still life photographyD. Wildlife photography​

Daftar Isi

1. 11. These are photographs of poised and candid people .A. Landscape/ travel photographyB. Portrait photographyC. Still life photographyD. Wildlife photography​



B. Portrait Photography

2. 7. What is a genre of photography which is devoted to displaying clothing and other fashion items? A. Fashion Photography C. Portrait Photography B. Landscape Photography D. Still Life Photography 8. Min MRI stands for ?​

7. What is a genre of photography which is devoted to displaying clothing and other fashion items?

Answer: A- Fashion photography

3. Why still-life photography is considered one of the most difficult kind of photography?

Still life is a unique genre of photography. One thing that makes it so special is that often the subjects aren’t very interesting. They’re just ordinary objects that you normally wouldn’t pay much attention to.

That means that to be successful at still life photography, you need to find ways to make your photos interesting. That also means it’s a great style of photography for learning new skills.

What is Still Life Photography?

You’re probably familiar with still life in art—those paintings that depict a bowl of fruit or flowers in a vase. Those are classic examples of a still life. But even when you’re familiar with the concept, you might not know exactly what makes a still life a still life.

In a nutshell, a still life is a work of art that focuses on inanimate subjects. Usually, the subjects are commonplace objects. That can include both manmade objects (such as vases, items of clothing, and consumer products) and natural objects (like plants, food, rocks, and shells).

4. what photography is either landscape or portrait ​


Portrait vs Landscape orientation in composition. A tall and narrow photograph is shot in portrait orientation (or format), and is photographed vertically. When it's wide and short it's in landscape orientation (or format) and is photographed horizontally.


5. this refers to a painting of of the space inside a part of a house or a buildingA. LandscapesB. portraitsC. Interiors D. Still Life​


C. Interiors


Interiors refers to designing inside of a house or building. An expert who design in this field is called Interior Designer.

6. "the transition of still photography that came in the late 1800s"​


In the case of cinema, however, it is an art form that came in the late 1800s with "series photography" and the invention of celluloid strip film. This allowed successive still photos of a moving subject to be compared on a strip of film advancing a single camera

7. what photography is either landscape or portrait?


What photography is either landscape or portrait?


In photography, landscape format, when the image is wider than it is tall, is perfect for the majority of landscape photographs. However, portrait format creates a picture that is taller than it is wide. When you photograph some nature scenes, it makes sense to rotate the camera 90 degrees.

8. photography in life​


the good quality of camera and the meaning of picture




because everyone can impressionate it

10. it is one of the best object in painting an artwork.A. person B. landscape C. building D. still life object​


D. still life object

Hope it helps.

11. An era that has a variety of subjects, still life, mythological subject,animals, everyday life, portraits, and the development of landscape.​


Paintings from the Romantic Era

Roman paintings have a wide variety of subjects, animals, everyday life, still life, mythological subjects, portraits and landscapes. The development of landscape painting is the main innovation of Roman painting from Greek painting.

12. Describe: Landscape Still life painting thank u in advance!


example the portrait


a beautiful painting. with frame

Landscape painting is an art form that depicts natural scenery such as mountains, rivers, forests or other elements of nature. It can be a realistic portrayal or an abstract interpretation, capturing the essence of the natural world. It aims to evoke a feeling of peace, serenity, and beauty.

Still life painting is a work of art featuring arraigned objects such as fruits, flowers, utensils, or other inanimate objects. It focuses on the appearance of things at rest and creates a sense of timelessness. The objects are arranged in such a way as to convey a message or mood. The painting portrays the beauty of everyday objects in stillness and can be both realistic and abstract. It aims to celebrate the beauty of ordinary things and create a sense of harmony and tranquillity.

13. 10. A digital photography used today for pets, animals or wildlife?A. landscape/travel photographyB. portrait photographyC. wildlife photographyD. all of the abovemturinn an original image through th​

C. Wildlife Photography

Explanation of Wildlife Photography

The field of photography known as "wildlife photography" focuses on recording various species of wildlife in the environments in which they are naturally found.

Photographers who specialize in wildlife often need expertise in fieldcraft in addition to their photographic training. For instance, some animals and birds are difficult to approach. As a result, it is necessary to know the behavior of the animal or bird to be able to forecast the actions that it will take. To photograph certain species, you may need to learn how to stalk them or utilize a hide or blind to conceal yourself.

Even though standard photography gear can be used to capture wildlife images and get good shots of certain animals, more specialized gear is necessary. For example, you need underwater cameras or macro lenses to get good shots of birds or marine life. On the other hand, photographing insects can be done with standard equipment. However, knowing animal behavior is essential to taking excellent photographs of wild animals.

The term "wildlife photography" refers to a sub-genre of nature photography that documents the lives of animals in the environments that are most natural to them, such as forests, oceans or even in the daily life of pets. Therefore, wildlife photography typically consists of shots of animals in motion or engaged in some activity, such as eating, fighting, or fleeing.

The images of wildlife that are the most compelling and engaging include aspects of portraiture, landscape, and action photography. The ability to record animal activity outdoors involves not just technical camera expertise but also a lot of patience and an understanding of the subject's habitat and routines.

The use of photography has consistently been an important component of various conservation projects. People worldwide can connect with and learn about animals thanks to photographs and videos. This is especially true for people who may never have had the opportunity to see an elephant or a humpback whale in person throughout their lifetime.

Learn more about another genre of photography:


14. Line of photography landscaping.



yan po yung link

15. Gothic paintings have a wide variety of subject,animals,everyday life,still life,mythological subjects,portraits,and landscapes true or false​




Roman Paintings po yon

16. 3. This painting depicts scenes from ordinary life.a. Still lifec. Genre paintingb. Interiorsd. Landscapes4. This refers to a painting of the space inside of a partoa. Landscapesc. Interiorsb. Portraitsd. Still life5. This refers to a painting that is finished on a portable ua. Telon paintingc. Genre paintingb. Historical painting d. Easel painting6. This is a painting that involves cutting and pasting relaa board or canvas.a. Religious painting c. Portraitb. Collaged. Landscapes​






I don't Have an Answer In number 3 I'm sorry

17. It has a wide variety of subjects, animals everyday life,still mythological subjects,portraits and landscapes from hellenic paintings​


roman paintings has a wide variety of subjects, animals everyday life,still mythological subjects,portraits and landscapes from hellenic paintings

18. 16.These are photographs of poised and candid people. * 1 point A. Landscape/travel photography B. Portrait photography C. Still life photography D. Wildlife photography 17. Why one of the camera called point-and-shoot camera? * 1 point A. it has autofocus lens B. use focus free lens C. it has a simple operation. D. It automatically makes adjustment and good quality shots 18. It is a type of digital photography wherein a variation of clothes, models, are taken while subjects are in action. * 1 point A. fashion photography B. portrait photography C. still life photography D. wildlife photography 19. If you are to take photos, what are you going to consider? * 1 point A. chosen subject B. good location C. natural light or the most fluttering or effective light D. All of the above 20. What is the ideal or best light for taking photos? * 1 point A. first hour before sunrise B. first hour before noon time and last hour before midnight C. second hour after sunset D. within the first hour after the sunrise and last hour before sunset​


first to answer and good


mag aral nang mabuti

19. How does the use of still life photography make us want to buy a product? ​


The ideal purpose of Product Photography is to lead prospective customers from an initial awareness of the product, all the way through to the prospect, becoming a customer, and making a purchase. Think about the last time you purchased something online.

20. Painters had the advantage of _______ which photography before still lacked.a. technology b. manipulating colorsc. faster productiond. creating true-to-life images​


b. manipulating colors


hope it helps

21. It is a type of digital photography wherein variations of dothes, models, are taken whilesubjects are in action,A Fashion PhotographyC. Still Life PhotographyB. Portrait PhotographyD. Wildlife Photography4. You are to take​


c. still life photography

22. The subject of artworks in this period ranged from bust of important ancestors to mythological and historical scenes,still life and landscapes


Summary of Classical Greek and Roman Art and Architecture

While often employed in propagandistic ways, the human figure and the human experience of space and their relationship with the gods were central to Classical Art. Over the span of almost 1200 years, ideals of human beauty and proportion occupied art's subject.


23. 7. What type of photography is this?a. Landscape/ Travel Photographyb. Still Life Photographyc. Portrait Photographyd. Fashion Photography8. A type of conflict in video games which uses other players or computer-controlled enemy.a. Obstaclesb. opponents c. dilemmas d. cooperation9. It's the most powerful software available for painting.a. Kritab. Procreatec. Mac Paint d. Adobe Photoshop10. A type of Medical Imaging that uses electromagnetic radiations to take images inside the bodya. Ultra soundb. MRIc. Radiography d. Nuclear MedicineTImour choicethe space before each item​


7. B

8 C

9. A

10 C



24. 1. This refers to a painting that shows an arrangement of objects such as fruits and flowers in anatural settinga. Interiorsc. Nudesb. Still lifed. Landscapes​


Still life ❣️


25. Choose what is not belong to the group and why?A. LandscapeB. PortraitureC. Still lifeD. Figure Composition​


c. still life


basta yan na yun

26. Monet is best known for hispaintingSelect one:a. Seascapeb. Still lifec. Landscaped. Abstract​


C. Landscape Painting


C.landscape painting

27. 3. What type of painting that uses human as subject of an artwork?PortraitIconLandscapeStill Life​

Answer: portrait


Because ever human artwork uses portrait as an painting


28. It is the main innovation of Roman painting from Greek painting.A. Abstract paintingB. Landscape paintingC. MosaicD. Still life painting​


C. Mosaic


Pinag aralan namen yan, nung 1st quarter

29. What makes landscape photo unique among other type of photography?​


It can be as simple as a pretty picture, a visually stunning place, or something more emotional, a direct photo journalistic story. Adding this personalized depth to images really helps them stand out from the others. Adding more key details (or maybe less?) leads the viewer into the story you are portraying.

30. Traditional art is art consisting of portraits, landscapes, still life and human interest, mostly as naturally as possible. Select one: True False

my answer is true..........
my answer is yes..........

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