Communication Variables

Communication Variables

it describes the process of communication, show the relationship among variables, and help find a correct communication variables. ​

Daftar Isi

1. it describes the process of communication, show the relationship among variables, and help find a correct communication variables. ​

iwan ko sa inyu Hindi Ako marunong

2. what are the variables in the definition of communication


Intensity, Immediacy, and Diversity.

^spam squad^


Question: what are the variables in the definition of communication


There are many such variables to take into consideration in regards to the communication process.Factors such as one's value, social norms, attitudes, stereotypes, and language skills can all affect the communication process.


3. identify the variables involved in the communication process​

lol lol answer is


4. cite a real life situations in your community that represents linear equations and inequalities in two variables ​


Linear equations use one or more variables where one variable is dependent on the other. Almost any situation where there is an unknown quantity can be represented by a linear equation, like figuring out income over time, calculating mileage rates, or predicting profit. Many people use linear equations every day, even if they do the calculations in their head without drawing a line graph.


5. In what way does collaborative learning increase communicative competence in dependent and idependent variables?​


Ways in which collaborative learning increase communicative competence are ; Improving Engagement ; by increasing using collaborative learning , there tends to be cohesion within the learners.


Ways in which collaborative learning increase communicative competence are ; Improving Engagement ; by increasing using collaborative learning , there tends to be cohesion within the learners.

6. communication models describe how the procof communication, show the relationship among variables and help find and repair problems in communication.true or false




Communication models help identify and understand the components and relationship of the communication process being studied. Models represent new ideas and thought on various aspects of communication which helps us to plan for effective communication system.

7. HYpoThesis Control Investigation Dependent variable Experiment Conclusion Data Communicate Observation independent Variable interpret variable record Question Procedure

AnswA. qualitative observation


8. what are the effects of two months enhanced community quarantine in the Philippine economy? independent variable / dependent variablesubject: PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2​


the effect. of two months enhanced community quarantine or ecq is that a lot of people need works because the government never sent us or give us a let say ayuda(search niyo nalang among English niyan) and a lot of family are poor

9. Describe how the variables of the group communication – conflict, conformity, and consensus affect the performance of a team ​

wag mong problemahin Ang problema dapat problema Ang mamomroblema

10. how the variables of the group communication – conflict, conformity, and consensus affect the performance of a team ​

A team is a group of individuals who depend on each other and work to achieve a common goal. Teams are often superior to individuals as they are more creative, have more information and more interpersonal communication dynamics. A team's contribution often exceeds the sum of the individuals contribution in a business environment. However there is a danger of teams wasting time through 'social loafing' or avoiding individual responsibilities on the pretext that someone else in the group will do it.

Variables of group communication: Conflict, conformity and consensus are the three variables of group dynamics.

Conflict is generally misunderstood as a deterrent and counterproductive in group behaviour. However, conflict is an essential part of team dynamics and call resolve issues through debates and testing of ideas before they are implemented. Every one's point of view is to be heard before consensus is reached. If the group does not exhibit conflict there is very little use for them to be together, they may as well achieve individually.

Conformity is agreement with regard to rules, ideas and principles. Members can disagree on issues but there has to be conformity on fundamental principles as to how the group should operate. Though cohesiveness and conformity are a must for group dynamics, too much of stress on unity can result in what is called Groupthink which is a communication barrier resulting in the stifling of ideas and opposing points of view which enrich the body of information that the group produces. The pressure to unite may become so great that negative information is not discussed and questioned. Thus the group loses perspectives arising out of conflict. Conflict therefore is a pre-requisite to collaboration.

Consensus means reaching a solution acceptable to all in the group, that which best reflects the thinking of all the members. Consensus should be supported by all members. Consensus is not a majority vote or even a unanimous vote it is the collective thinking of the group. Productivity of the group is the highest at the point where conformity peaks and falls as the Groupthink increases.

Feedback: Giving feedback is essential to any group process. When giving feedback some points are to be noted: (a) It should always be constructive (b) Give both positive and negative feedback. People assume that feedback is given only when problems arise. This is not true. Positive feedback helps inspire and encourage team performance. In learning how to give feedback note these two aspects:

Be descriptive. Relate objectively what you saw and heard. More recent the better and be specific.

Avoid using labels. Words like undependable, unprofessional, irresponsible are labels we attach to behaviours. Drop the label and describe the behaviour itself. Whenever feedback is given pause for the receiver to respond. Let there be a discussion rather than a discourse.

Don't exaggerate. Don't say things like you are "always" late for meetings. This maybe untrue and unfair.

Speak for yourself. Don't speak for anyone else and don't refer to absent persons.

Use "I" statements. Instead of saying " You are late for meetings"; say -- " I get annoyed when you are late". "I" statements create an adult-peer relationship.

To minimise conflict in a group that is not productive. The group has to mingle before the meeting and members should get to know each other personally so that they can support each other's point of view objectively and oppose without fear. Consider each problem as a group problem -don't make a scapegoat of one member. For eg: " We would be done with meeting if Rekha had finished her task in time". Rarely is a single member responsible for the failure of a group process. As every role is a function of the individual personality and the group personality, thinking in terms of the group is a must for resolution of conflict. While making comments be realistic and goal-oriented, factual and constructive. When the atmosphere becomes tense diffuse the tension with a light-hearted comment or a joke. Restore harmony in a fighting group as soon as possible. Discussing is not the same as arguing.

There is an ethical dimension to accepting membership to a team. The team's needs, aspirations, goals and gain are put before personal gain. The attitude should be-- "I don't care who gets the credit as long as we achieve our team goal together". Finally each member has the duty to promote the team's welfare. "One for all and all for one" is the motto. However this varies much in different cultures. In the USA and Canada individual achievements are put before group achievements. This sometimes creates competition and bickering. In Japan however " a standing nail is hammered down". Meaning group consensus is a must for all action. Japanese insist that a majority consensus is not enough. Every member of the group HAS to agree before action is initiated. This takes time and effort.

11. in what way does collaborative learning increase communicative competnce? Dependent Variable


Improving Engagement ;   by increasing using collaborative learning , there tends to be cohesion within the learners.

Building Interdependence and Trust; the learners get to identify their strengths in communication hence building interdependence between them.

Sharing ; the learners get to learn on how best to share in order for them to integrate their knowledge.


12. What is the level of effectiveness of information, education, and communication in the awareness of students considering the following variables:


Effective communication skills that build a positive school environment are self-awareness; sending direct, complete, relevant, congruent messages; listening; using feedback and being aware of what we are communicating nonverbally


13. The variables that create are Based on my understanding the five basic elements of the flow of communication are because


because the five elements is important to do in eveyday

14. A is factor that changes in an experiment. A. Communication B. Question C. Procedure D. Variable




yan tlga sagot


D - Variable


The things that are changing in an experiment are called variables. A variable is any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types.

hope it helps :)

15. hypothesiscontrol investigationdependent variable experimentconclusiondatacommunicateobservationindependent variable​




dependent variable

independent variable






16. communication model describe how the process of communication,show the relationship among variables and help find and refair problems in communication true or false?​




Communication models help identify and understand the components and relationship of the communication process being studied. Models represent new ideas and thought on various aspects of communication which helps us to plan for effective communication system.

17. Proper communication skills independent variable​


The three lexical variables on which we focus are language intensity, verbal immediacy, and lexical diversity.

.Speak clearly, maintain an even tone, and make eye contact. Keep your body language relaxed and open. Wrap up with a summary and then stop. Summarize your response and then stop talking, even if it leaves a silence in the room.





its my answer be a good SCHOOL boy or a girl

19. what variables should be expensive and rare to find or not common in the community? criteria, or not?​


not a criteria


20. what are the seven variables in the communication process?​


(1) sender (2) ideas (3) encoding (4) communication channel (5) receiver (6) decoding and (7) feedback.


Factors such as one's value, social norms, attitudes, stereotypes, and language skills can all affect the communication process.

• sender

• ideas

• encoding

• communication channel

• receiver

• decoding

• feedback.

21. communication models describe how the process of communication through the relationship among variables and help find and republic and communication​


thank sa points my way home now

22. independent and dependent variable for:In what way does collaborative learning increase communicative competence?​

Independent: Collaborative learning

Dependent:Ways to increase communicative competence

23. What tradition do you want to practice in your own community is variable in other communities?


celebrating fiesta because these day where we all reunited as a Filipino

24. research title about environmental problems in our community and its dependent and independent variable​


The independent variable is the variable that is manipulated throughout the course of the experiment. The dependent variable, or response variable is the variable by which we measure change in response to the independent variable.

25. Identify if the random variable is a DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS. Total number of volunteers in a community

DISCRETE is the answerDiscrete................

26. noted philosopher who emphasized that there are three variables in the communication procces


it gives the audience a preview to the type of speaker you are

27. What are the variables involved in the communication process.


The five elements of the communication process are (1) a sender; (2) a message; (3) a channel; (4) a receiver; and (5) the outcome of the receiver (Kitson, Marshall, Bassett, & Zeitz, 2013).


hope it's help

28. The variables that create are Based on my understanding the five basic elements of the flow of communication are because​



29. what is hypothesis,control,investigation,dependent variable,experiment,conclusion,data,communicate,observation,independent variable,interpret,variable,record,question,procedure


terms of definition in science


30. data means?control means?dependent variable means?experiment means?communicate means?observation means?independent variable means?​


data - facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis

Control is a function of management which helps to check errors in order to take corrective actions.

The dependent variable is the variable being tested and measured in an experiment, and is 'dependent' on the independent variable.

An experiment is a test of an idea or a method.


Data are characteristics or information, usually numerical, that are collected through observation. In a more technical sense, data are a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables about one or more persons or objects, while a datum (singular of data) is a single value of a single variable.

Control is a function of management which helps to check errors in order to take corrective actions. ... Control in management includes setting standards, measuring actual performance and taking corrective action In decision making.

The dependent variable is the variable being tested and measured in an experiment, and is 'dependent' on the independent variable. An example of a dependent variable is depression symptoms, which depends on the independent variable (type of therapy).

An experiment is a test of an idea or a method. It is often used by scientists and engineers. An experiment is used to see how well the idea matches the real world. ... Experiments are part of scientific method. Many experiments are controlled experiments or even blind experiments.

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another. Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a message and a recipient. ... These include our emotions, the cultural situation, the medium used to communicate, and even our location.

Observation is the active acquisition of information from a primary source. In living beings, observation employs the senses. In science, observation can also involve the perception and recording of data via the use of scientific instruments.

An independent variable is exactly what it sounds like. It is a variable that stands alone and isn't changed by the other variables you are trying to measure. For example, someone's age might be an independent variable.

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