A Rapid Automatic Response To A Stimulus

A Rapid Automatic Response To A Stimulus

a rapid automatic response to a stimulus​

Daftar Isi

1. a rapid automatic response to a stimulus​


A reflex is a rapid automatic response to a stimulus. ... The path taken by the nerve impulses in a reflex is called a reflex arc

2. It is an automatic reaction that triggers aphysical response to a stimulus. ​


Physiological Response


Physiological responses are the body's automatic reactions to a stimulus.

3. A reflex is an automatic response to a stimulus that does not require conscious thought.

In biology, a reflex, or reflex action, is an involuntary, unplanned sequence or action and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus. ... The reflex is then an automatic response to a stimulus that does not receive or need conscious thought.


In biology, a reflex, or reflex action, is an involuntary, unplanned sequence or action and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus. ... The reflex is then an automatic response to a stimulus that does not receive or need conscious thought.



4. What factors affect response to a stimulus?

There are many factors affecting the response to a stimulus or reaction time in humans. It could be one of the following:

Age - ageing s a large factor in the health of cells in the body. Old cells generally have lesser reaction time due to wearing out and natural fading health of the cells.Health - the health of the nerves can greatly affect the response to a stimulus. If a nerve is weak or near its death, there will be longer time for the organism or human to react to the stimulus. Attention - a stimulus can be ignored by the brain if the organism is way too focused on another activity. This is because the brain tends to be more effective when it is focused on one thing rather than focusing on several factors around it. Chemical intake - drinks like alcohol and medicines like anaesthesia have a numbing effect to the nerves. This is why some people are not aware of the pain that they feel when they are drunk or intoxicated with anaesthetics.

For more information about nervous system and stimulus, you may click the links below:




5. 5. ____________ a response increases a stimulus.​

Answer: Homeotasis

sana po makatulong!

Pa brainliest na din po

6. what are stimulus and response?


The stimulus–response model is a characterization of a statistical unit. The model allows the prediction of a quantitative response to a quantitative stimulus, for example one administered by a researcher

7. 10. Which of the following events occur in order when responding to a stimulus?A stimulus, receptor, effector, responseB. stimulus, effector, receptor, responseC stimulus, response, receptor, effectorD. stimulus, receptor, response, effector11. Which neuron connects with receptor and motor neurons?A interneuronB. motorC receptorD. sensory12. What is the other term of effector neuron?A interneuronB. motor C receptorD. sensory​







8. it is a rapid automatic response to the environment that happens without action from the brain​

answer: reflex

explanation:reflex is a rapid, unlearned, involuntary (automatic) response to a stimulus (change in the environment). Reflexes are responses that protect the body from potentially harmful events that require immediate action. They involve relatively few neurons (nerve cells) so that they can occur rapidly.


Dogs lack a zygomaticus minor muscle, which produces AU14 in humans. This specific movement is one of the core action units of human frustration facial expression. ... Instead, dogs seem to produce isolated actions in response to specific emotionally-competent stimuli.

10. When response to a stimulus is increased __ is happening ​




11. B. Blood Glucose Level Sensor OR OS Hormone STIMULUS RESPONSE = 2 about some oom) RESPONSE STIMULUS Hormone Elector SH​


sabihin nyo nalang kung ndi nyo maintindihan

12. 5.Feedback mechanism happen when the response to a stimulus ____.a.has an effect on the original stimulus b. decreases the original stimulus c.increases the original stimulus d. all of the above​




sana makatu long po pa follow po ^ ^


13. What is an stimulus? Give example and response.

A stimulus can be external and internal. It is something or anything that causes a physiological response in a cell, a tissue, or an organism.

Example, when touched a hot object (stimuli), your response is to let it go.
If a mosquito bites you (stimuli), you spat it with your finger if you saw it or scratch the bitten area unknowingly.

14. What type of stimulus is an allergen such as pollen? response to a stimulus internal stimulus inborn stimulus external stimulus


External stimulus


It is the type of stimulus an allergen, such as pollen, is classified. This is because this allergen is obtained outside the body. So it must be external.

15. it is a quick and correct movement in response of stimulus​


A reflex, commonly known as a reflex action is the quick, instant response given by the body to an external or an internal stimulus. ... A reflex is basically an automatic response without any conscious thought

16. What is a reflex response to a stimulus? Give three examples, describing both the stimulus and the reflex.


Give three examples, describing both the stimulus and the reflex. Name the five parts of a reflex in order.

17. It is an automatic response to stimulusa.refelex actionb. sensory nerves c. neurond. cerebllum​


A. Reflex Action




A. Reflex Action


A reflex action is an automatic (involuntary) and rapid response to a stimulus, which minimises any damage to the body from potentially harmful conditions, such as touching something hot. Reflex actions are therefore essential to the survival of many organisms.


18. The involuntary action in response to a stimulus​


Reflex action or reflex is an involuntary action in response ti a stilmulus. ...

19. an automatic response to a harmful stimulus can help you and avoid serious injuries???A.brain stemB.cerebellumC.synapseD.reflex E.spinal cord

an automatic response to a harmful stimulus is called reflex which is letter d

20. Which of the following is a stimulus, and which is a response


a stimulus is just like mulus in half or on it and which is a response

a response is just a thing asking a question


hope you have a great day

21. what reaction time is a stimulus response

ANSWER: Complex reaction

Complex reaction time is a stimulus response. Complex reaction is a mechanism that have a number of electrons to transfer steps that is taking place during the succeeding process of transferring chemical electrons. According to research complex reaction are very particular in organic electrochemical.



22. D. stimuli to an involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response stimulus. A. brain B. neuron C. reflex 12. When your hand touches a hot object, what is the automatic response to such stimulus? A. Call for help. B. Pour out water into the hot object. C. Let your hand remain touching the hot object. D. Withdraw your hand.​


C. reflex

12.B. Pour out water into the hot object.

pa brainliest pls

23. What happens to the response to a stimulus in a negative feedback mechanism?A. increases that stimulusB. creates no changes in that stimulusC. reduces that stimulusD. makes the stimulus constant​


C.Reduces that stimulus.

24. an automatic response to a harmful stimulus can help you and avoid serious injuries???A.brain stemB.cerebellumC.synapseD.reflex E.spinal cord

The answet is D.Reflex.

25. 1 It is the amount of time to response in the stimulus ​


Reaction time or response time refers to the amount of time that takes places between when we perceive something to when we respond to it. It is the ability to detect, process, and respond to a stimulus.

PA brainlies po

26. define nerve impulse,stimulus and response​


The nerve impulse is a wave of depolarization traveling along the axon of the motor nerve such that the resting membrane potential of about −70 millivolt is reversed, becoming briefly positive. At the nerve terminal, the nerve impulse causes voltage-gated calcium channels at the active zones…

A change in the environment is the stimulus; the reaction of the organism to it is the response.

27. witch of the following is a stimulus witc is a response


taeng tanong yan


ano ko wizard?

28. factors affect response to a stimulus

Reaction time is a measure of how quickly an organism can respond to a particular stimulus. ... Many factors have been shown to affect reaction times, including age, gender, physical fitness, fatigue, distraction, alcohol, personality type, and whether the stimulus is auditory or visual.

29. The method of classical conditioning begins with _____________. A. the conditioned stimulus and response B. the unconditioned stimulus and conditioned response C. the unconditioned stimulus and response




Classical conditioning is a type of learning that happens unconsciously. When you learn through classical conditioning, an automatic conditioned response is paired with a specific stimulus.




Definition. Classical conditioning occurs when a conditioned stimulus (CS) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (US).

30. What is the function of stimulus and response to human body?

Effectors are organs in the body that bring about a response to the stimulus.Usually these effectors are muscles and they respond by contracting. They could  however be glands and they may respond by releasing an enzyme. Many  responses are reflexes.  

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