From The Top Of A Building 100m High

From The Top Of A Building 100m High

a stone is dropped from the top of a 100m high building with an initial velocity of 10.0m/s at an angle of 50 above the horizontal

Daftar Isi

1. a stone is dropped from the top of a 100m high building with an initial velocity of 10.0m/s at an angle of 50 above the horizontal


It has already been stated and thoroughly discussed that the horizontal and vertical motions of a projectile are independent of each other. The horizontal velocity of a projectile does not affect how far (or how fast) a projectile falls vertically. Perpendicular components of motion are independent of each other. Thus, an analysis of the motion of a projectile demands that the two components of motion are analyzed independent of each other, being careful not to mix horizontal motion information with vertical motion information. That is, if analyzing the motion to determine the vertical displacement, one would use kinematic equations with vertical motion parameters (initial vertical velocity, final vertical velocity, vertical acceleration) and not horizontal motion parameters (initial horizontal velocity, final horizontal velocity, horizontal acceleration). It is for this reason that one of the initial steps of a projectile motion problem is to determine the components of the initial velocity.

Determining the Components of a Velocity Vector

Earlier in this unit, the method of vector resolution was discussed. Vector resolution is the method of taking a single vector at an angle and separating it into two perpendicular parts. The two parts of a vector are known as components and describe the influence of that vector in a single direction. If a projectile is launched at an angle to the horizontal, then the initial velocity of the projectile has both a horizontal and a vertical component. The horizontal velocity component (vx) describes the influence of the velocity in displacing the projectile horizontally. The vertical velocity component (vy) describes the influence of the velocity in displacing the projectile vertically. Thus, the analysis of projectile motion problems begins by using the trigonometric methods discussed earlier to determine the horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity.

Consider a projectile launched with an initial velocity of 50 m/s at an angle of 60 degrees above the horizontal. Such a projectile begins its motion with a horizontal velocity of 25 m/s and a vertical velocity of 43 m/s. These are known as the horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity. These numerical values were determined by constructing a sketch of the velocity vector with the given direction and then using trigonometric functions to determine the sides of the velocity triangle. The sketch is shown at the right and the use of trigonometric functions to determine the magnitudes is shown below. (If necessary, review this method on an earlier page in this unit.)

2. An object is dropped from restfrom the top of a 100m building.How long will it take for theObject to hit the ground?answer using GRESA​


Therefore approx. time is 4.47 seconds

3. A ball is dropped from a building 100m high. If the mass of the ball is 10 gm after what time will the ball strike the earth?




because the air is stike that be the ball is 80m high:)

4. mandy went back home from her work place she walked 100m north, 100m west and 100m south​


Whats the question?


5. 3. On his way to school, Greg traveled 100m North, 300m East, 100mNorth, 100m East, 100m North. Find the total distance traveled by Greg.​







=700 m distance

6. a truck carrying the covid-19 vaccines from the airpot to the hospital travelled 100m east 50m south,and finaly 100m west.what is the total distance traveled by the truck? what is the displacement


To find the total distance traveled by the truck, we need to add up the distances traveled in each direction:

Distance traveled east = 100m

Distance traveled south = 50m

Distance traveled west = 100m

Total distance traveled = 100m + 50m + 100m = 250m

Therefore, the total distance traveled by the truck is 250 meters.

To find the displacement, we need to find the net distance and direction from the starting point to the ending point.

The truck started at a point and ended at the same point, so the net displacement is zero. This is because displacement takes into account the direction and the final position, while distance only takes into account the length of the path traveled.

In this case, the truck moved east and west by the same distance, so the net displacement in the east-west direction is zero. Similarly, the truck moved south by 50m and then returned north by the same distance, so the net displacement in the north-south direction is also zero.

Therefore, the displacement of the truck is zero.

7. Find the angle of elevation of the sum when a tower 100m high cast a shadow of 120m long.paki sagot lang po need help!

[tex] \tan \: θ = \frac{opposite}{adjacent} [/tex]

[tex]tan \: θ = \frac{100}{120} = 0.83[/tex]

[tex]tan {}^{-1} (0.83) \\ [/tex]

To get that, using your scientific calculator type 0.83 then tap Shift or 2ndF then tap tan.

The answer would be 39.69°.

8. A kite by 100m of string makes an angle of elevation with the ground of 45° About how high is the kite above the ground


Ans: 70.71m

Step-by-step explanation:

Kite is 70.71m high from ground.

I can't post the solution po, nag e-error p sya. Pero tama po yang answer nayan.

9. 4. which one is the name of the angle of elevation?A. /ABCB. /BDCC. /DCBD. /DBA5. from the above figure, what is the angle of depression?A. /ABCB. /BDCC. /DCB D. /DBA6. A businesswoman is standing 150 feet away from a 280-foot office building. What is the angle of elevation from her to the top of the building?A. 57.5°B. 61.8°C. 67.0°D. 72.9°7. A person 1.6m tall stands on the top of a tower which is 9.4m tall and watches the car parking on the road. the distance between the base of the tower and car point on the road is 100m. find the angle of depression formed between the observer and carA. 84.29°B. 88.42°C. 92.48°D. 98.42°8. an observer from a 200-feet ta building sees the foot of a tree and the distance from the building and the tree is 100 feet. what is the angle of depression formed?A. 27.65°B. 27.50°C. 26.57°D. 25.47°9. From a point 80m from the base of a tower, the angle of elevation to the top of the tower is 28°. How tall is the tower?A. 49.6mB. 46.8mC. 45.2mD. 42.5m10. A 20-ft ladder is leaning against the side of a building. if the angle formed between the ladder and the ground is 75°, how far is the bottom of the ladder from the base of the building?A. 5.2ftB. 6.4ftC. 6.8ftD. 7.4ft​





7.A Or D basta sa dalawa



10. Given that the height of the building, AB, and the flagpole, CD, is 100m and 12m, respectively, and the distance of the flagpole from a point on the ground, O, is 30m, find the distance between the flagpole and the building.​


person stands 150 ft away from a flagpole and measures an angle of elevation of 32∘ from his horizontal line of sight to the top of the flagpole. Assume that the person's eyes are a vertical distance of 6 ft from the ground. What is the height of the flagpole?

Step-by-step explanation:

The picture on the right describes the situation. We see that the height of the flagpole is h+6 ft, where

h150 = tan32∘⇒h = 150tan32∘ = 150(0.6249) = 94 .(1.3.1)

How did we know that tan32∘=0.6249 ? By using a calculator. And since none of the numbers we were given had decimal places, we rounded off the answer for h to the nearest integer. Thus, the height of the flagpole is h+6=94+6=100 ft .

11. 100m water and 100m oil did it desolve yes or no?​




because water and oil are not friends so the oil stays on top while the water is on the bottom

12. A rectangle has a perimeter of 250m. What could be its dimensions? a. 100m by 25m b. 100m by 120m c. 100m by 12m d. 100m by 30m

the answer is letter A

im not sure ^^

13. find the total distance of 100m 50m 100m ​


A car travels along the straight road 100 m east, then 50 m west. The total distance covered by the car is equal to the total path covered by it. In this case, distance of the car is equal to 100 m + 50 m = 150 meters.


pa Brainliest Answer po ty

14. a ball is dropped from a building with height 100m, if the ball rebounds 4/5 of its height after each bounce. What will be the height after the 6th bounce?

Solve for Geometric Sequence:

An = An-1 (r)

A1 = 100m

A2 = 100m (4/5)

= 80m

A3 = 80m (4/5)

= 64m

A4 = 64m (4/5)

= 51.2m

A5 = 51.2m (4/5)

= 40.96m

A6 = 40.96m (4/5)

= 32.768m

Answer: 32.768m

15. Rico, Richard, and Marco are vying for top 3 places in a 100m dash marathon. In what ways could they possibly occupy the top three places of the event? Complete the table belew​



16. A yacht was observed from the top of a 100m high cliff at an angle of depression of 28°. An hour later, the same yacht, travelling directly away from the coast, was observed at an angle of depression of 18°. How dar had the yacht travelled between the two observation?​


655 have a nice time with3rd230th

17. fine the area (hectare) of the 100m×100m​



=10 000m²

Sana makatulong

18. Find the angle of elevation of the sun when a tower 100m high casts a shadow of 120m long? show solution


Find the angle of elevation of the sun when a tower 100m high casts a shadow of 120m long?

This is trigonometry.

Let's first remember the trigo rules:





The shadow is adjacent to the angle of elevation. Therefore:

Adjacent = 120m

The height is opposite the angle of elevation. Therefore:

Opposite = 100m

theta = angle of elevation





theta=50.1944 degrees or 50 degrees.

Therefore, the angle of elevation is 50 degrees.


19. An object mass 30 kgs , is placed on hill top of height 100m . What is the potential energy possesed by the object ?​


PE = 29400 J


PE = mgh

PE = (30 kg)(9.8 m/s²)(100 m)

PE = 29400 J


20. 15. A garbage pit has a 5m long, 3m wideand 10m high A. 100m³ C. 200m³ D. 150m³ B. 155m³ ​

[tex] \huge \mathfrak {\red{question}}[/tex]

» A garbage pit has a 5m long, 3m wide and 10m high

[tex] \huge\green {\overline{ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: }}[/tex]

[tex] \huge \mathfrak {\red{solution}}[/tex]


5m long3m wide10m high

Formula: V= l x w x h

V= l x w x hV= 5 × 3 × 10V= 150m³

Answer is 150m³

#Tulungan ang nahihirapan


21. A Janitor is having a short nap in the shade under a tree that is 100m from the base of the tower. The angle of elevation from the janitor to the top of the tower is 38 degrees. Find the height of the tower.


Ans: h = 78.13m

Step-by-step explanation:

Please see attachment for the illustration and solution.

22. what will be the dimension of the rectangle we can get from an area of 100m²?​


2 dimension

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply the length times 2 and subtract this figure from the perimeter, if you're given these values. Then divide by 2 to find the width

23. A Janitor is having a short nap in the shade under a tree that is 100m from the base of the tower. The angle of elevation from the janitor to the top of the tower is 38 degrees. Find the height of the tower


banned mo sila kapag hindi nag answer

Step-by-step explanation:

ako diko talaga gets

24. A school complex is to be built in a 100m by 100m lot, with a square open space at the middle of the lot for students' activities.The size of the open space will be decided later. Express the area of the school building in factored form.​

the area of the school building is 100m by 100m lot

25. a mass of 5kg is taken from the ground to the height of 100m, find the potential energy​


PE = 4903.325J


26. Name Time of Travel Speed (m/s) Runner 1 Runner 2 Runner 3 Runner 4 Runner 5 Distance Travelled 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 5s 7s 4s 8s 10s​


what is the distance travelled by the runners

27. An arrow is shot vertically upward at a speed as high as 100m/s


[tex] \color{cyan}\rule{1pt}{999999pt}[/tex]

[tex] \color{cyan}\rule{1pt}{999999pt}[/tex]


[tex] \color{cyan}\rule{1pt}{999999pt}[/tex]

[tex] \color{cyan}\rule{1pt}{999999pt}[/tex]

28. What would be the velocity of a 10kg object dropped from a 100m cliff?


integral_(-L)^L integral_(-L)^L 100 a m dm da = 0

29. two tall building with height of 150m and 100m respectively are 60m apart if a ball is thrown horizontally from the taller building 150m high and enters the window of the other building 40m above the ground what is the initial horizontal velocity of ball​

the correct answer is 110m

30. find the angle of elevation of the sun when a tower 100m high cast a shadow of 120m long? ​


The sun's angle of elevation is 24.44°.

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