Land Animals Chart

Land Animals Chart

1. These are plants that grow on land. 2. These are animals that live in water. 3. These are animals can live in in land. 4. These are plants that live on and in water. 5. It is the basic need for the animals to survive. 6. It is process of developing structures or organs for animals to survi Cill in the chart below​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. These are plants that grow on land. 2. These are animals that live in water. 3. These are animals can live in in land. 4. These are plants that live on and in water. 5. It is the basic need for the animals to survive. 6. It is process of developing structures or organs for animals to survi Cill in the chart below​


1.Fruit and vegetables

2.Fish and cat and etc.

4.corals seaweed fghsm


2. Using the chart below, state the different causes and effects of the world destructions today. Lord's creation-------------------------ForestAgricultural LandRiver/SeaMountainAirAnimalsHuman Life​


Burning of forest, Birds don't have shelter.  By destroying the soil using technologies, farmers don't get money anymore because there job is planting and it was destroyed. Throwing toxic waste at seas and rivers, The rain will get the ingredients of the waste and if we drink it we will get sick. Destroying forest on top of a mountain with fire, will make earth hot. Smokes by cars and factories, had a possibility of acid rain. Killing animals. if we continue to kill animals they will be extinct, we will not have food. If humans are gonna kill other humans humans will be extinct, the earth is just gonna be other planets no people living in that planet.


3. PART II. ACTIVITIESDirections: Read, understand and answer the following.1. In a Zoological park there are 1000 creatures as per the following table given below:BeastOther LandWaterBirdsReptilesAnimalsAnimalsAnimals15040022517550Solve for the angle and present the above data in a pie chart.​


Step-by-step explanation:

4. Plants, like animals live on land and in water, Plants that live on land are called terrestrial plants while those that live in water are called aquatic plants. They exist in different kinds and sizes. Plants are food makers and are fed by some animals. In this lesson, you will learn how to identify the specialized structures of terrestrial and aquatic plants. Do you have a garden at home? Do you know at least 10 plants in your area? Now, write at least 3 plants and complete the chart below. Name of Plants Describe and draw. Stem Roots Leaves Flower 2. 3. 1. What are the structures common among these plants? 2. What are the structures that are not similar to each other? 3. How do these structures help the plants to survive in their environment?​


Terrestrial plants are defined as any plant that grows on, in or from the land. By contrast, aquatic plants are plants that thrive when their roots are submerged in water. If you're a gardener considering plants that may thrive in your home environment, knowing the differences between aquatic and terrestrial plants may be very helpful.

5. The 'Singa'Sang Nila Utama an imaginative and adventurous king was restless by nature and wanted to travel to faraway places He loved hunting wild animals, so when he heard that there were stags in the jungles of Tanjong Bentam, which were not easy to hunt, he was excited and took with him a great fleet of ships to Tanjong BentamWhen the king arrived upon the island, he and his subjects had a hunting expedition that lasted several hours, slaying many wild and savage beasts, but no stags. This disappointed the king, for he had a sense of unfulfillment in his heartSuddenly a large stag darted out of the bush in front of Sang Nila Utama, giving the king a shock but the king drew his silver dagger and hurled it at the stag, only grazing the animal The stag began to run and the king pursued it (in those days, it was either your feet or nothing)The stag run through the jungle and darted up a knoll. The king followed the stag up the hill, but uponreaching the summit, the stag was nowhere to be seen. There was a large rock, so the king climbed it andlooked at the land and the sea spread out around him in the distance he saw a stretch of white sand- anislandSang Nila Utama was fascinated by the sight of the island. He tumed to one of his subjects who hadfollowed him"What is the name of that island?"The subject looked into the distance and smiled"That is Ternasek, Your Highness""Then we are going thereThe king ordered his fleet to set sail and they began on their journey towards the island.Suddenly the once clear blue skies were covered with black clouds heavy rain poured from them and strong bursts of wind threatened to tear the ships apart. The ship carrying Sang Nila Utama was in the very eye of the storm The crew lowered the sails, started to ball the water from the ship and get most of the cargo for jettisoning However, an idea came to the king's head. He remembered a story his grandfather told him of howone of his ancestors became the Sea-King and that his crown was the only thing which belonged to hisancestor. He removed his crown immediately and threw it into the seaAll at once the storm broke As suddenly as it started, the skies began to clear and the crew gave a shout of joy and set sail once more to the island of TemasekWhen the king stepped upon the island, a creature stepped out of nowhere, and the king and his men were awe-struck by the magnificent creature. It was large and moved with grace, had a black head, covered in a furry mane, a whitish neck and a red body. When the king drew his bow and arrow, the beast stared back at him with golden eyes and let out a deafening roar before leaping into the jungle"What sort of animal was that? the king asked.A wise old man stepped forth"I have seen animals in portraits from the Far West Perhaps this is a 'singa but I wonder how he got "This must be a great place if it breeds such a beautiful animal. Let us live here. here in the island ofall the way here.Singapura.(Singa- The word "singa is actually the Malay word for lion" Therefore, Singapore is sometimes referredto as the "Lion City ")Who was Sang Nila Utama? Tell something about the setting of the story. What are the important details in the story? Accomplish the charts that will follow sana masagutan niyo po​


The subject looked into the distance and smiled

"That is Ternasek, Your Highness"

"Then we are going there

The king ordered his fleet to set sail and they began on their journey towards the island.

Suddenly the once clear blue skies were covered with black clouds heavy rain poured from them and strong bursts of wind threatened to tear the ships apart. The

6. pls help me I will choose brainliest Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper. ____1. You read a story on your tablet and there are bold words throughout the story when you click on the screen and give you the definition of a word. This is an example a multimedia element that ______________. A. helps set the tone of the story B. helps you hear the sounds the main character would hear C. clarifies the meaning of the word D. helps you visualize what events are happening in the story ____2. Which of the following is a visual element that can contribute to a text? A. drawing of a character’s home C. an audio recording of a story B. sound effects during a scary story D. background music ____3. What do you visualize when you read a poem “At The Zoo “ A. I can visualize different colors. B. I can visualize the characters in the poem. C. I was able to know the poem. D. I was able to visualize the different kinds of animals found in the zoo. _____ 4. Which of the following is an example of a multimedia element that can contribute to text? A. a picture of a main character C. a comic of the ending of a story B. a diagram of a robot D. a video of the main characters’ quest across an unknown land _____5. They are characters that are used to create words, sentences and paragraphs. A. Graphics B. Animation C. Text D. Audio _____ 6. They are digital representations of photographs, drawings, charts, or other visual images. A. Video B. Graphics C. Audio D. Animation _____ 7. These are live or recorded moving images which are usually done during special occasions. A. Video B. Animation C. Graphics D. Audio _____ 8. This is a multimedia element that makes use of sounds and speech ___________ A. Audio B. Graphics C. Text D. Video _____ 9. This multimedia element is perceived by the sense of hearing in the form of music and speech ________ A. Graphics B. Video C. Animation D. Audio _____ 10. When a multimedia developer wants to bring an image to life _______ is used. A. Animation B. Graphics C. Text D. Video _____11. A broad term for something that contains words to express something. A. Graphics B. Text C. Video D. Animation _____12. The illusion of motion created by the consecutive display of images of static elements. A. Text B. Video C. Animation D. Graphics Identify if the BIG WORDS words used have a denotative or connotative meaning. Write D if it is a denotation and C if it is connotation. ______13. Carina is feeling BLUE. She doesn’t want to be with anybody that day. ______14. She felt like HEAVEN when she topped her class. ______ 15. The biggest CROCODILE is found in Amazon River. ______16. The heavenly chocolate fudge seems to MELT in my mouth! ______17. She recognized the lovely AROMA of her mother’s cooking. ______18. He’s such a DOG. ______19. There’s no place like HOME. ______20. A SWARM of bees filled the air near the hive.









8. B






Thats all i know

7. what waste product released during the carbon dioxide oxygen cycle is necessary for the survival of animals ? * photosynthesis people and animals carbon dioxide oxygen Before the experiment, Sheena wrote what might happen if she leaves her crayons near the stove. * Classifying Communicating Observing Predicting A symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit from the interaction is... * commensalism ammensalism parasitism mutualism Is a dead organism still considered a biotic factor? * yes no The pearlfish receives protection from predators by living inside a sea cucumber. The sea cucumber is not affected during this interaction. This ecological relationship is known as - * 1 point commensalism because only the pearlfish benefits while the sea cucumber is not affected parasitism because the pearlfish causes harm to the host sea cucumber mutualism because only the pearlfish benefits in this ecological relationship competition because the sea cucumber and pearlfish often fight for living space Organisms that need nitrogen to survive * 1 point only plants only bacteria only animals all living organisms Remoras are small fish that attach to larger marine animals such as sharks. Leftover food from the shark's prey nourishes the remora fish. The shark remains largely unaffected. The ecological relationship between the whale and remora fish is known as - * 1 point Commensalism Mutualism Parasitism Predator-Prey What is made up of all the living and nonliving things which an organism interacts with? * 1 point Atmosphere Soil Water Supply Environment Which type of succession occurs after some kind of natural disaster wipes out most of the vegetation in a habitat? * 1 point Primary Succession Secondary Succession Which of the following is something that can create new land? * 1 point Volcanic Eruption Wind Rain Snow Which of the following scenario best describes an ecosystem? * 1 point Rabbits hopping around trees burrowing through soil Birds, mice, and trees inhabiting the same area A pack of wolves that live in the same area A single protist All food chains/webs start with the sun. * 1 point true false As the human population grows, resources * 1 point decrease increase, then decrease stay the same increase Anna used a pie chart to know the number of Male and Female Grade 4 Students. * 1 point Observing Inferringion 1 Predicting Communicating After the experiment, Sam concluded that Plant A grew taller than Plant B because of the fertilizers. * 1 point Classifying Observing Inferring Predicting Which of the following statements is an inference? * 1 point The plant on the pot receives suitable nutrients to grow healthier. The plant on the pot has several green leaves. The plant on the pot is growing more. The plant on the pot grows strong stems. What is Sustainability? * 1 point The ability to save resources for years and years The process of maintaining resources so they are not depleted or permanently damaged. The ability to read minds Elijah used a magnet to know which objects are magnetic and nonmagnetic. * 1 point Measuring Observing Communicating Classifying




becuse is perfict


1 to 5 lang ang na answer ko







8. 1. Compare the nine major animal phyla in the order in which the ci presents them, listing the new features for each group. 2. Suppose you watch a video showing the development of an unknow animal. What clues can the developmental pattern give you about li this organism is classified? Creating a flow chart might be useful. 3. Using the evolutionary trees in this chapter, compare the following groups. For each comparison, what features are similar among the groups? What features are different? (a) Compare cnidarians to sponges and to the clade containing flawan mollusks, and annelids. (b) Compare flatworms to cnidarians, other protostomes, and deuterostar (c) Compare mollusks to flatworms and annelids. (d) Compare nematodes to other protostomes in general and to arthry in particular. (e) Compare echinoderms to protostomes and to chordates. 4. List the criteria used to distinguish: (a) animals from other organisms (b) vertebrates from invertebrates; (c) protostomes from deuterostomes (d) ectotherms from endotherms. 5. Compare the digestive tract of an earthworm and a flatworm. How so worm's digestive system adaptive? flatworms than to roundworms. 6. Analyze the evolutionary tree in figure 17.3, and then write an agama supporting or refuting this statement: Annelids are more closely reddit 7. Segmented animals occur in multiple phyla. How might segmentatie benefit an animal? If segmentation is adaptive, why do unser/ 8. Create lists of animal phyla that (a) are cephalized, (D) digestive tract, (c) have segmented bodies, and (d) hann 7 well on land. Whatcha animals still exist?

I hope makatulong sa pagsagot mo

9. Plants, like animals live on land and in water. Plants that live on land are called terrestrialplants while those that live in water are called aquatic plants. They exist in different kinds and sizes.Plants are food makers and are fed by some animals. In this lesson, you will learn how to identify thespecialized structures of terrestrial and aquatic plants. Do you have a garden at home? Do you know atleast 10 plants in your area? Now, write at least 3 plants and complete the chart below.Name of PlantsDescribe and draw.StemRootsLeavesFlower1.2.3.Example: Rosehard w/ thorndeep rootedmany leavesred color w/ scent​



10. ho What's More Directions: Based on the plan presented on the T Chart organizer, write the report on differing viewpoints on the issue regarding the use of disposable plastic bags. You can research on the internet or read articles related to this issue so that you can arrive at a comprehensive report. Question: Should people ban the use of plastic bags? Benefits of Using Disposal Plastic Bags Burdens Brought by Using Disposable Plastic Bags - easy to carry - durable and water proof - reusable - more useful in bad weather faster and easier to open and pack less prone to tearing Unhealthy for the planet (if not properly disposed of, can be devastating to animal life) Can cause pollution in water and land Contaminate food sources Non-renewable The poisonous gaseous product produced by the decomposition can cause cancer Hard to recycle Take up to 1000 years to decompose Which point of view do you agree with? Why?​


on't know what to say to someone who lost a lot of weight and height of the answer to the question on the answer to the question on the information I have to go to the hospital the answer to the question ❓ you have any questions let me know if you need anything


im sorry

11. MELC No: 5 MELC: Determine the distinguishing characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates Title of the Lesson: Vertebrate Animals Activity 1 Directions/Instructions: Identify the characteristics of the different vertebrates by completing the chart using the following descriptions Classification Characteristics Fish a. Warm-blooded, have mammary Bird glands and their bodies are covered Reptiles with hair or fur. Amphibians b. Cold-blooded animals have the Mammals ability to live both on land and water c. The body is covered with dry and hard scales d. They have very light bodies which consist of hollow bones that allow them to fly. e. They live in water and their bodies are protected with scales. Activity Proper: Animals Classification Characteristics 1.crocodile 2.parrot 3.maya 4.carabao 5.snake 6. milkfish


1. amphibians, b

2.birds, d

3. birds, d

4. mammals, a

5. reptiles, c

6. fish, e


hope that's help

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