Originally Is Not An Issue In Contemporary Art Means

Originally Is Not An Issue In Contemporary Art Means

"Originality is not an issue in contemporary art" means​

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1. "Originality is not an issue in contemporary art" means​

Meaning an artist can get another artist's work and add to it, redesign and interpret it using other materials.

2. Originality is not an issue in contemporary art means ​


Meaning an artist can get another artist's work and add to it, redesign and interpret it using other materials. Literally, it is not a problem. An artist has his/her own ways on doing it


3. "Originality is not an issue in contemporary art"means


Artists can get another artist's work and add to it, redesign, and interpret it. Every artist has their way of expressing their emotions and redesigning is a part of it, they can add a new touch to make it new.

4. origin of art history led to contemporary art period? ​

Many art enthusiasts understand how art genres affect one another, how styles transform over time, artists develop new approaches, and cultural changes drive popularity and demand. War, politics, technology are all well-known influences which play a part in art development.

5. originality is not an issue in contemporary art, what does it mean​


Meaning an artist can get another artist's work and add to it, redesign and interpret it using other materials. Literally, it is not a problem.

6. contemporary arttrue or false questions:1.artists are self-taught and did not have formal education originally I'd not issue in contemporary art.​




God bless


7. It is an issue in contemporary art​


Students will gain a deep appreciation for power of the visual arts, including contemporary art, to evoke understanding and compassion. They will be inspired as they increase their understanding of the spiritual dimensions of art.

Critically reflect on the student's own creative works in relation to various researched audiences, publics and discourses, balancing the interrelationships among the individual, others, and Deity. They will gain insight into how to judge artwork in the context of gospel principles and develop inner richness, a sanctuary of the mind, and spiritual insight.


Investigate a variety of practices and methodologies used by contemporary artists, pedagogues, and critics to discover multiple meanings, and to interpret, critically appreciate, and respond to works of contemporary art. They will gain an appreciation of the importance of historical and cultural contexts of art.

Lively Engagement

Students will expand their knowledge of contemporary artists, write critical responses to a number of artworks, share responses with fellow students, and discuss and defend their written work. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills, including description, analysis, interpretation, and explication of form, meaning, and value with respect to works of art.

The student will apply contemporary practices and conversations to the student's own artistic investigations, engagements, and works in a sophisticated and professional manner, in relation to various discourses and feedback (from the teacher, literature, classmates' interpretations, etc).

Personal Appreciation Aesthetics and Artistic Practice

Both students and instructor will broaden their personal aesthetic perspectives and develop a deep appreciation of the myriad aspects of contemporary art. Students will gain artistic confidence that is grounded in their own experience working in artistic media.

Contemporary Art Critique and Writing

Students will learn about the works of many contemporary artists, write critical responses to a number of artworks, share responses with fellow students, and discuss and defend their written work. They will develop critical thinking and writing skills, including description, analysis, interpretation, and explication of form, meaning, and value with respect to works of art.

8. artists are self - taught and did not have formal education originality is not issue in contemporary art? true or false​




sana makatulong at sana correct

im bot sure pero base sa mga nabasa ko its true

9. originality is not an issue in contemporary art means

✏️Answer。.゚+ ⟵

Originality is not an issue in contemporary art. An artist can get another artist's work and add to it, redesign or interpret it using other materials. What is essential to contemporary artists therefore, is the


。.゚+ ✧*✧*。*・゜゚✧*。。.゚+ ✧**・゜゚。.゚+ ✧*✧*。*・゜゚✧*。。.゚+ ✧**・゜゚*・。.゚+*・



10. How are "originality" and "art construction"viewed in contemporary arts? ​


originality in giving emphasis to honoring the original work and uniqueness,while art construction may be modification of existing or to adopt in the changing

11. 1. Artists are self-taught and did not have formal educationOriginality is not issue in Contemporary Art.Trueoo False​




Meaning an artist can get another artist's work and add to it, redesign and interpret it using other materials. Literally, it is not a problem. An artist has his/her own ways on doing it.

12. how are originality and art construction viewed in contemporary art? ​


Pa heart din ng answer ty

13. originallity is an issue in contemporary art?​


yes because the haven't an originality to their selves

14. 1. Artists are self-taught and did not have formal education Originality is not issue in Contemporary Art. o True o False.​




Artists are self-taught and did not have formal education Originality is not issue in Contemporary Art. It is a modern art form means that photograph is now viewed as being more than just beautiful. It also considered one of the most powerful means of education.

15. what do you mean by originality is not an issue in contemporary art?​


In my own point of view it means that we can draw inspiration in other's art to channel our own masterpiece in art so as long we do not copy totally a work of art in contemporary dance then it's not an issue always note that you must only draw inspiration on it and not to copy it.


16. Artists are self taught and did not have formal education originality is not issue in contemporary art




17. how are "originality and art construction viewed in contemporary art​


originality in giving emphasis to honoring the original work and uniqueness,while arts construction may be modification of existing or to adopt in the changing


hope its help :)

18. Artist are self taught and did not have formal education originality is not issue in contemporary art


Explanation:it should be FILM

19. Why does "originality" is not an issue to Contemporary Art?


Yes, it isn't, especially.now that both contemporary and emerging artists make.bold art that go against old-age faulty beliefs and traditions.

20. what are examples of "Originality is not an issue in contemporary art"?


Many examples of "Originality is not an issue in Contemporary art" can be categorized into one, which is called the "Fan Art" category.

Additional Information

"Fan Art" can be described as servicing fans of their favorite artworks or literature piece. It is an artwork by fans based on a favorite fictional work which is mostly composed of the characters from the original artwork or literature piece. But, other elements in the Original artwork can be included as well like, items, fictional creatures, places, and so on.

Because of this, the characteristic of "Fan Art" being a Real art has become debatable. Most artist see that the lack of originality is what disqualifies "Fan Art" to be considered as Real Art.

In my opinion, "Fan Art" is fine as long as an artist doesn't commit plagiarism. It is a good form of exercise for an artist to study the styles of their favorite artist. In fact, this was a teaching method done during the early movements of art. An example ishow Rembrandt teaches his students by making them copy his artworks.

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Effects of Plagiarism


21. contemporary issue meaning


A contemporary issue refers to an issue that is currently affecting people or places and that is unresolved. A geographic issue refers to a topic, concern or problem, debate, or controversy related to a natural and/or cultural environment, which includes a spatial dimension.

22. How are "originality" and "art construction" viewed in contemporary art?.


originality in giving emphasis to honoring the original work and uniqueness,while art construction may be modification of existing or to adopt in the changing

23. originality is not issue in contemporary art​


An artist can get another artist's work and add to it, redesign or interpret it using other materials. ... What is essential to contemporary artists therefore, is the “PROCESS OF ART-MAKING.”


Originality is not an issue in contemporary art. An artist can get another artist's work and add to it, redesign or interpret it using other materials. ... What is essential to contemporary artists therefore, is the “PROCESS OF ART-MAKING.”




24. 1. Artists are self-taught and did not have formal educationOriginality is not issue in Contemporary Arto True- False​


false cuz that the correct answer heisijsjzndjoakaksd

25. what does “Originality is not an issue in contemporary art” means

Since contemporary art only started after 1960s, classical art and modern art (that emerged from late 1870s and ended in the '60s) made a major impact to contemporary art. Meaning, most of the contemporary artists are inspired by the masters and early art forms. Since it only started in the 1960s, though it is still emerging, it is still developing.

26. 1. Artists are self-taught and did not have formal educationOriginality is not issue in Contemporary Art.TrueFalse​




27. what do you mean by "Originality is not an issue in contemporary arts? explain​


Meaning an artist can get another artist's work and add to it, redesign and interpret it using other materials.

Literally, it is not a problem. An artist has his/her own ways on doing it.


28. 1.) contemporary arts is2.) the practise of selling artworks has changed by3.) "originality is not an issue in contemporary art" means​


1.) contemporary arts is


contemporary arts is term used for art of the present day.

2.) the practise of selling artworks has changed by?


In this era, selling artworks is no longer limited within the museums or streets. The Internet has provided artists new ways to showcase and sell artworks digitally. This includes selling on websites dedicated to artworks, social media, and shopping apps. It even opened new doors for the market that can't afford luxurious paintings. During the previous eras,  museums were conceived as a place of fame for artists. Because only the rich/upper could access the museum. Today, changes in social structure have brought more freedom in Art.

3.) "originality is not an issue in contemporary art" means​


Meaning an artist can get another artist's work and add to it, redesign and interpret it using other materials.



29. “Originality is not an issue in contemporary art” mean?

Meaning an artist can get another artist's work and add to it, redesign and interpret it using other materials.

Literally, it is not a problem. An artist has his/her own ways on doing it.

30. contemporary issues meaning


A contemporary issue refers to an issue that is currently affecting people or places and that is unresolved.

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