Which Critical Approach Focuses On Objectively Evaluating The Text

Which Critical Approach Focuses On Objectively Evaluating The Text

which critical approach focuses on objectively evaluating the text

Daftar Isi

1. which critical approach focuses on objectively evaluating the text


New Criticism focuses on “objectively” evaluating the text, identifying its underlying form. May study, for example, a text’s use of imagery, metaphor, or symbolism. Isn’t concerned with matters outside the text, such as biographical or contextual information.

Sana tama;)

2. which critical approach focuses on "objectively" evaluating the text,identifying its underlying form. It may study ,for example, a texts use of imagery ,metaphor or symbolism?​


new criticism approach

3. 10. Which critical approach focuses on "objectively" evaluating the text, identifying itsunderlying form. It may study, for example, a text's use of imagery, metaphor orsymbolism?A Reader-responseB. Media CriticismCHistoricismFormalism​


C hictoricism

because that is my answer

4. 10. You read a story in the newspaper about salary negotiations with public transportation workers. The workers are threatening to go on strike tomorrow if their demands for higher wages and better benefits are not met What can you infer from this news story? A Health insurance premiums are very expensive. B. The cost of gas will make ticket prices increase in the next few weeks. C People who nde the bus should look for possible alternative transportation. D. Employers never like to meet salary demands, MELC: Uses appropriate critical writing a critique such as formalism, feminism, etc. 11. Which critical approach focuses on understanding ways gender roles are reflectedor contradicted by texts? A Reader-response B. Feminism C. Historicism D. Marxist 12. Which critical approach focuses on ways texts reflect, reinforce, or challenge the effects of class, power relations, and social roles? A. Reader-response B. Feminism C. Historicism D. Marxist 13. Which critical approach focuses on understanding texts by viewing texts in thecontext of other texts? A Reader-response B. Feminism C. Historicism D. Marxist 14. Which critical approach focuses on each reader's personal reactions to a text, assuming meaning is created by a reader's or interpretive community's personal interaction with a text? A Reader-response B. Feminism C. Historicism D. Marxist 15. Which critical approach focuses on "objectively" evaluating the text, identifying its underlying form? It may study, for example, a text's use of imagery, metaphor, or symbolism? A. Reader-response B. Media Criticism C. Historicism D. Formalism MELC: States the thesis statement of an academic text Directions: Read the following statements very carefully. Select only one more effective thesis in the thoris etatement should be​









Yan lang po

5. ______ 1. What are the purposes of doing an academic writing? A. To settle, to negotiate and to inform B. To inform, to persuade and to argue a specific point C. To defend, to challenge and to question D. To guess, to hypothesize and to make conclusions _____ 2. Writing academic papers requires deliberate, thorough, and careful thought. Therefore, what should one do to achieve a well-crafted academic essay? A. One must depend on his/her own opinions alone. B. One must conduct research on the topic at hand. C. One must not consult the Internet for unsure sources. D. One must depend highly on the Internet for easy information access. ______ 3. What are the three main parts of an essay? A. The hook, the main idea, and the conclusion.             C. The body and the conclusion. B. The introduction, the body, and the conclusion.          D. None of the above  ______ 4. What is the purpose of the topic sentence? A. To give coherence to the paragraph.            C. To help with the flow of sentences. B. To help the reader understand what the paragraph will be about     D. To convince readers ______ 5. What is 'academic writing'? A. An old-fashioned way of writing. C. How university professors write. B. An accurate and professional assignments D. The writing you find in textbooks ______ 6. Choose three words to describe academic writing: A. Talented, stylish, inspiring C. Decisive, divisive, derisive B. Precise, clear, objective D. Subjective, obscure, vague ______ 7. What is the sequence of an essay? A. Body Paragraph, Introduction, Conclusion, Body Paragraph B. Introduction, Body Paragraph, Body Paragraph, Conclusion C. Introduction, Body Paragraph, Conclusion, Body Paragraph D. Conclusion, Introduction, Body Paragraph, Body Paragraph ______ 8. Which of the following is NOT true about the reaction paper? A. It may include the main purpose of the event. B. It purely expresses one’s opinions on certain issues and concerns. C. It conveys incisive insights into its analysis of events. D. It is mainly written to communicate a fair assessment. ______ 9. Which of the following can be a form of a reaction paper? A. news report B. book review C. incident report D. romantic poem  ______ 10. Why should we cite specific source? A. It makes the paper more substantial. C. It is an additional creative part of the paper. B. It makes the reaction paper reliable. D. It can attract many readers to read your paper. ______11. Which critical approach focuses on "objectively" evaluating the text, identifying its underlying form.  It may study, for example, a text's use of imagery, metaphor, or symbolism? A. Historicism B. Formalism C. Media Criticism D. Reader-response  ______ 12. What academic writing that tells what the project is all about, the reasons of conducting the  project as well the process of carrying it out? A. Research Paper B. Concept Paper C. Critique Paper D. Position Paper ______ 13. Why is a concept paper necessary? A. It documents the steps clearly C. It explains ideas clearly. B. It gives opportunity for fund sources D. It brings societal change. ______14. Why do you need to include the distinguishing feature in formal sentence definition? A. To recognize it from the other terms. C. To be different in some terms. B. To present the unique qualities of a term. D. To be specific in meaning.  ______ 15. Which of the following i8s a purpose of writing a concept paper? A. To show one’s skill in conceptualizing ideas C. To get possible source of income B. To present a feasible project worth future funding D. To communicate one’s intention ​


















6. Identify the approach used if it is A. Structuralist b. Formalist c. Moralist d. Marxist e. Feminist f. Historical g. Reader-response___________1. Devoted their attention to matters of literary form (i.e. structure) rather than social or historical content.___________2. They were intended to put the study of literature on a scientific, objective basis.___________3. It can be viewed as an extension of “Formalism”___________4. An interpretive approach that emphasizes literary form and the study of literary devices within the text.___________5. The critic may analyze the number of lines, sentences, words, rhyme scheme, meter, stanzas and sound devices.___________6. This approach focuses on individuals, couples, families, and professionals on a moralistic definition of relationship, life, and family processes that presumes a moral ascendancy of one value system over others.___________7. Judges the value of the literature based on its moral lessons or ethical teachings.___________8. Stresses the close reading of the text with sensitivity to the words and their various meanings.___________9. It also provides the framework upon which we think and discuss in a reasoned way, and so evaluate, specific moral issues.___________10. Evaluates the ethical content of literary works.___________11. It focuses in the analyses of money, power, and social institutions such as governments, families, and religions both inside and outside of the text.___________12. This criticism is based on the political and economic theories of Karl Marx___________13. It brings awareness about the sexual politics and to analyze the writings of women writers from the feminist perspective___________14. It include both the development and discovery female tradition of writing, and rediscovering of old texts, while also interpreting symbolism of women's writing so that it will not be lost or ignored by the male point of view and resisting sexism inherent in the majority of mainstream literature.___________15. An understanding of the world the author lived in (events, ideologies, culture, lifestyle etc.) allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the work.​


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7. Which of the following is NOT true about the reaction paper? A. It purely expresses one’s opinions on certain issues and concerns. B. It conveys incisive insights into its analysis of events. C. It may include the main purpost of the event. D. It is mainly written to communicate a fair assessment. 2. Which of the following can be a form of a reaction paper? A. Romantic Poem B. News Report C. Book Review D. Incident Report 3. Which of the following is needed to make objective assessment? A. Facts B. Objectives C. Assessment D. Personal Views 4. Which of the following is NOT a form of reaction paper? A. Appeal B. Protest C. Reflection D. Sports Report 5. Why should we cite specific source? A. It makes the reaction paper reliable. B. It makes the paper more substantial. C. It is an additional creative part of the paper. D. It can attract many readers to read your paper. 4940 6. Which critical approach focuses on understanding ways gender roles are reflected or contradicted by texts? A. Reader-response B. Feminism C. Historicism D. Marxist 7. Which critical approach focuses on ways texts reflect, reinforce, or challenge the effects of class, power relations, and social roles? A. Reader-response B. Feminism C. Historicism D. Marxist 8. Which critical approach focuses on understanding texts by viewing texts in the context of other texts? A. Reader-response B. Feminism C. Historicism D. Marxist 9. Which critical approach focuses on each reader's personal reactions to a text, assuming meaning is created by a reader's or interpretive community's personal interaction with a text? A. Reader-response B. Feminism C. Historicism D. Marxist 10. Which critical approach focuses on "objectively" evaluating the text, identifying its underlying form. It may study, for example, a text's use of imagery, metaphor, or symbolism? A. Reader-response B. Media Criticism C. Historicism D. Formalism Answers:












8. D. Marxist9. Which critical approach focuses on each reader's personal reactions to a text,assuming meaning is created by a reader's or interpretive community's personalinteraction with a text?A. Reader-responseB. FeminismC. HistoricismD. Marxist10. Which critical approach focuses on "objectively" evaluating the text, identifying itsunderlying form. It may study, for example, a text's use of imagery, metaphor, orsymbolism?A. Reader-responseB. Media CriticismC. HistoricismD. Formalism11. Which of the is NOT true about a concept paper?A. It expounds a concept.B. It defines a concept.C. It clarifies a concept.D. It is a research paper.​


9 c

10 b

11 b

it is the answer

9. A. FORMALIST CRITICISMB. READER-RESPONSE CRITICISMC. MARXIST CRITICISMD. FERMINIST CRITICISME. HISTORICALF. BIOGRAPHICAL1. It investigate the life of an author using primary texts such as letters diaries and other documents that might reveal the experience thoughts and feelings that led to the creation of a literary work. 2.This criticism argues that the meaning of a text is dependent upon the reader's response to it. 3. A criticism that examines texts out of the context of their time period,social setting, and author's background.4. A criticism that focuses on the act of reading and how it affects reader's perceptions of texts.5. A critical approach that understands the authors background which can help reader's interpret the text.6. The focuses on " objectively " evaluating the text identifying it's underlying form. it may study, for example, a text use of imagery, methapor,or symbolism.7. A critical approach that reveal how aspects of our culture are partiarcgal, i. e., how are culture views mean as superior and women as inferior.8. This criticism examines how literary text reflect the idea's, beliefs and attitude of the time which they were created.9. A criticism that focuses on how class, power, race and economic status affects the content and theme of a certain work.10. This approach deals with overall artistic value of the structure and elements of the selection.​


Answer:Biographical CriticismReader-Response CriticismFormalist CriticismReader-Response CriticismHistorical CriticismFormalist CriticismFeminist CriticismHistorical CriticismMarxist CriticismFormalist Criticism

10. Test 1. IDENTIFICATION ( pis each): Identity which among the three approaches in Literary Criticism is being described in each item. Write S for Structuralism, M for Marxism, F for Feminism, and R for Reader Response in each blank provided 1-2. I emphasizes the ways gender roles are reflected or contradicted by texts, how dominance and submission play out in texts and how gender roles evolve in texts. 3-4. It focuses on ways texts reflect, reinforce, or challenge the effects of class, power relations and social roles 5-6 It focuses on "objectively' evaluating the text, identifying its underlying form. 7-8. It focuses on the reader (or "audience") and their experience of a literary work 9-10. It suggests that the role of the reader is essential to the meaning of a text, for only in the reading experience does the literary work come alive. 11-12. It considers the political content of the text and the personal relationship of the reader to text. 13-14. It answers the questions like, "How does the story re Inscribe or contradict the traditional gender roles? 15-16. It uses a wide variety of issues related to gender, concerning the author, the work itself, the reader, and the societies of the author and the reader, 17-18. It studies a text's use of imagery, metaphor, or symbolism 19-20. It considers language as a system of signs and signification, the elements of which are understandable only in relation to each other and to the systemGUYSSSS PLSSSS PASAGOT PLASS​


Yan di Po hinahanap ko Po sorry keep safe po

11. D. Reader-response9. Which critical approach focuses on each reader's personal reactions to a text?A. MarxistB. FeminismC. HistoricismD. Reader-response10. Which critical approach focuses on "objectively evaluating the text, identifying itsunderlying form. It may study, for example, a text's use of imagery, metaphor, orsymbolism?A. FormalismB. HistoricismC. Media CriticismD. Reader-response3​


9. D) Reader -responce

10.i dont know to

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