Harmful And Useful Materials Worksheets

Harmful And Useful Materials Worksheets

SCIENCE WORKSHEET NO.2: PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS( Useful and Harmful Materials at home) tivity 1. Select the correct property and uses of the materials in the picture and complete ble below​

Daftar Isi

1. SCIENCE WORKSHEET NO.2: PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS( Useful and Harmful Materials at home) tivity 1. Select the correct property and uses of the materials in the picture and complete ble below​



Baby powder. • Sprinkle it on tangled jewelry to get knots out.

Clear nail polish.

Coconut oil.





Rubber bands.


Non-Stick Cookware

Flea and Tick Products


Air Fresheners

Oven Cleaner

Furniture Polish and Stain

Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Gas Space



2. LEARNING ACTIVITY WORKSHEET 1-Q1 SCIENCE S Activity 1: Which is Which Direction identify whether the materials are useful or harmful. Put a che useful and across (Q mark if it is harmful |||| 1. shampoo 2. tullet cleaner 3. liquid sose 4. hot saute CORPO 6. mail polish 7. paracetamolk 5. cologne $rat killer 10 Beach​












mag aral.kayo wag puro ml

3. Materials: Worksheet . Pen​



bag,book,pen ,pencil,ruler,copybook

4. what are worksheets used for?


A worksheet in its primary meaning is simply a piece of paper that is used to work on. This may be to complete a task, to log or accompany work, and they are commonly used in school, finance and tax.


mouse and keyboard navigating


To navigate a spreadsheet with the mouse, you can click the scroll bars or use the scroll wheel on your mouse, if you have one.


Navigate Excel with the Keyboard - 9 - Jon Acampora. Ctrl+Arrow Keys. When you hold down the Ctrl key and then press an Arrow key, the last used cell in the current data region will be selected.


To help you view and select cells in different parts of your spreadsheet, Excel offers various ways to navigate a spreadsheet using the mouse and keyboard. Using the mouse to move around in a spreadsheet To navigate a spreadsheet with the mouse, you can click the scroll bars or use the scroll wheel on your mouse, if you have one\

hope it helpss

6. state the importance of recognizing the proper usage of tools and materials in gift wrapping (please see worksheet)​

Gift Wrapping - it is the act of placing a gift on some type of material. Wrapping paper is a type of paper designed for gift wrapping. An alternative to gift wrapping is to use a gift box or bag. A wrapped or boxed gift can be closed with a ribbon and decorated with a decorative bow (an ornamental knot made of ribbon.

7. These are used for switching to other worksheets within the workbook. You can keep multiple worksheets together in a group called workbook. You can move quickly one worksheet to another by clicking the worksheet tabs ​


Every workbook contains at least one worksheet by default. When working with a large amount of data, you can create multiple worksheets to help organize your workbook and make it easier to find content. You can also group worksheets to quickly add information to multiple worksheets at the same time.


You can move worksheets with the keyboard by using Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDown. Ctrl+PgUp moves toward the first worksheet in the workbook and Ctrl+PgDown moves toward the last.


On the Edit menu, click Sheet > Move or Copy Sheet. On the To book menu, click the workbook that you want to move the sheet to. Tip: To create a new workbook that contains the moved sheet, click new book. In the Before sheet box, click the sheet that you want to insert the moved sheet before, or click move to end.

8. WORKSHEET 7: (please answer)Activity iDirections: Identify what is being described in the statement. Write your answeron the blank space provided.1. It is a written method outlining how to perform a task with minimum risk topeople, equipment, materials, environment, and processes.2. A term used to describe something that has the potential to cause harm.3. A measure of the possibility of a specific harmful effect in givencircumstances.4. Determine appropriate ways to eliminate the hazard, or control the riskwhen the hazard cannot be eliminated.5. Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm.​

1.)out lining






Wc po pa brainliest

9. it is used for selecting the entire worksheet in excel​


Press CTRL+A


Note: If the worksheet contains data, and the active cell is above or to the right of the data, pressing CTRL+A selects the current region. Pressing CTRL+A a second time selects the entire worksheet.













10. Identify the following tools and materials used in gift wrapping. the first item is provided to guide you (please see Worksheet)​



2.platic tape



5.ribon or decorations


pa brainlest answer po

11. The _______________ is used to separate the name of the worksheet and cell address


split text to columns? just a guess

12. Using synonyms as context clues worksheet

Synonym as context clues has a word that has the same meaning as another word is known as a synonym.

  Contextual clues include synonyms and antonyms. Words or phrases in a text called as context clues assist you understand unfamiliar jargon. Contextual cues come in a variety of forms, such as succinct definitions and restatement, synonyms and antonyms, and examples. When an author uses a word that sounds similar to one for which you might not be familiar with the definition, synonyms are employed as context hints.


He lives a rancor life as a result of his bitterness or contempt towards his brother.

The definition of rancor in this statement, according to the synonym hint

A. loveB. generousC. toleranceD. hatred

2. As fans attempted to escape the rock concert, there was frantic pandemonium.

Pandemonium in this statement, according to the synonym clue, signifies

A. silenceB. Chaos or insanityC. orderD. peace

You must learn to understand context clues. You can logically infer a word's meaning by becoming more aware of specific words and phrases that are used around it. The many categories of context hints are as follows:

a concise explanation or repeatAnalogies and contrastsExamples

To know more about Synonym: https://brainly.com/question/15654880?referrer=searchResults


13. Activity 1You will learn the basic features of an earth-quake by reading and answering the providedworksheets.Activity 2You will learn to differentiate the three types offaults by reading and answering the providedworksheets.Activity 3You will create a fault model using art materialsafound in home and at school.​


Activity 1 & 2 - Please show the Worksheet

Activity 3 - Find any item that can be used in House and School and Create a Fault Model with it.


Hope it helps, Pa Brainliest po

14. it is used to break worksheet to fit page as it prints​


nasaan sasagutan need ko pic

15. 7. When you insert a new worksheet using New Sheet, the new worksheet tab appears.A To the left of the current worksheet tab.B. To the far left of all worksheet tabs.C. In a random position, depending on which worksheet is activeD. To the right of the current worksheet tab.​


a or d

carrying on learning.

brainliess my answer please.

16. using the back part of this worksheet

Using the back part of this worksheet. What?

17. What are the uses of a worksheet in offices and industries?​

Answer:hi pooooooooooooooo

18. It is an example of the most commonly used computerized worksheets​


Today, Microsoft Excel is the most popular and widely used spreadsheet program, but there are also many alternatives


The term Worksheet used in Excel documents is a collection of cells organized in rows and columns. It is the working surface you interact with to enter data. Each worksheet contains 1048576 rows and 16384 columns and serves as a giant table that allows you to organize information.

The worksheet is a technique of accounting through which the accounting information is integrated for adjustment and classification. The main objective of the worksheet is to verify the accuracy of accounting information before the preparation of financial statements.

19. When using a worksheet, adjusting entries are journalized?


after the work sheet is completed and after financial statements have been prepared.

20. ACTIVITY Worksheet Activity 1: Identify whether the material is an insulator or conductor Pls po yung maayos ​







expanation:Meron po kasi kami nan

I hope its help,pa brainlist po

21. Which of the following materials is non-authentic? A. worksheet C. magazine B. recipe D. advertisement


D po


dahil alam kopo ang sagot

22. Which of the following materials is non- authentic? A. Worksheet B. magazine C. recipe D. advertisement​


Letter c


Sana makatulong

23. 7. When you insert a new worksheet using New Sheet the new worksheet tab appearsA To the left of the current worksheet tab.B. To the far left of all worksheet tabs.C. In a random position, depending on which worksheet is activeD To the right of the current worksheet tab.​




24. 1. What does the Excel Worksheet refers?2. How important is Excel Worksheet and their uses?​

1)The term Worksheet used in Excel documents is a collection of cells organized in rows and columns. It is the working surface you interact with to enter data. ... Typically, a workbook contains several worksheets with related content and only one of the worksheets is active at a time.

2) MS Excel is a spreadsheet programme developed by Microsoft in 1985, with the sole purpose of helping businesses compile all their financial data, yearly credit, and yearly debit sheets. Fast forward to the future after 31 years, it is now the most commonly used program for creating graphs and pivot tables.

pa brainliest po

25. 6. It is used for selecting the entire worksheet.​


a paper


i just think it and question it to my self

26. Used to emphasize or define section of a worksheet​


1. a2bc + abac + abc2


1. a2bc + abac + abc2

27. used to simulate paper worksheet

The effectiveness of the student worksheet with PhET simulation used scaffolding question prompt


28. what is the uses of a worksheet​


In the classroom setting, worksheets usually refer to a loose sheet of paper with questions or exercises for students to complete and record answers. They are used, to some degree, in most subjects, and have widespread use in the math curriculum where there are two major types.

29. I used to emphasize or define section of a worksheet.​


I Don't know


kaya mo yan gogogooo

30. Activity 1: Which is Which Direction: Identify whether the materials are useful or harmful. Put a check (/) mark if it is useful and a cross (X) mark if it is harmful. 1. shampoo 2, toilet cleaner ING ACTIVITY WORKSHEET 1-Q1 SCIENCE 5 3. liquid sosa 4. hot sauce 5. cooking oil 6. nail polish 7. paracetamol 8. cologne 9. rat killer 10. Bleach:pls pa help po.​













hope it's help brainliest me if you want thank you❤

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