Ideal Hero

Ideal Hero

What characteristics make an ideal hero. " Why? not what is ideal hero​

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1. What characteristics make an ideal hero. " Why? not what is ideal hero​


super man


the master super hero! pa Mark brainlest answer po ako please Sana pa nga talaga oh ulit Ako please let me go

2. what characteristic make an ideal hero?


3. What characteristics make an ideal hero. " Why? ​


it's having a big and caring heart, heroes aren't heroes bc they have powers, its bc they have goals of protecting and sacrificing themselves not for themselves but for us


that's all po tyy

4. what characteristics make an ideal hero and why?​


A HERO is a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for their brave deeds and noble qualities. A person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal.


has a quality as a person and true to her/him self.


A HERO is a person of distinguished courage or ability admired for their brave deeds and noble qualities a person who in the opinion of others has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal.

5. What characteristics make an ideal hero. " Why? rude answers-report need 40 words​


an ideal hero needs to be a person that is willing to help the ones who are needed, a brave person who is not afraid to rirk their own life for the sale of others.

6. what makes a hero a hero​




A helping hand


A helping hand is what makes a hero what they are, who they are, and their personality.  Without a helping hand and a kind heart, they can't be what they are, heroes aren't just fictional characters, we humans, are also heroes think about how frontliners work, they helps us right? you may not notice but almost everyone you see can be one or is already one

7. Who is my Hero? l.In a piece of paper, draw your ideal hero. Describe him/her by giving a name; state his/her physical strengths, characteristics, and uniqueness,ll.Create a slogan in English or Filipino or in your mother tongue about the importance of being responsible for oneself and for others.pasagot po plss diko lng po alam kung pano gumawa ng slogan ​


My Hero is my mother and father

because she is always by my side and always takingncare of my siblings she is the best mother and my father are always taking care of us too were alway thanking of them of their loveing,caring,


hope it helps pa brainlist pls

8. 1.Ideal body type of taho vendor2.Ideal body type of3.Ideal body type of A Jeepney Driver4.Ideal body type of A security guard5.Ideal body type of A senior citizen6.Ideal body type of A teachers​


6.Ideal body type of A teachers

9. many neoclassical artists have an subject of an ideal hero or villains. how were classical and historic moments often used in neoclassical painting​

The traditional recovery, otherwise called Neoclassicism, alludes to developments in artistic expressions that draw motivation from the "old style" workmanship and culture of old Greece and Rome. The stature of Neoclassicism agreed with the eighteenth century Enlightenment time, and went on into the mid nineteenth century. The predominant styles during the eighteenth century were Baroque and Rococo. The last option, with its accentuation on deviation, brilliant shadings, and ornamentation is normally viewed as the direct inverse of the Neoclassical style, which depends on hand, evenness, and straightforwardness. With the expanding ubiquity of the Grand Tour, it became trendy to gather relics as gifts. This practice of gathering established the frameworks for some extraordinary workmanship assortments and spread the old style restoration all through Europe and America.Neoclassicism developed to incorporate the entirety of human expression, including painting, form, the enhancing expressions, theater, writing, music, and engineering. The style can commonly be recognized by its utilization of straight lines, negligible utilization of shading, straightforwardness of structure and, obviously, its adherence to traditional qualities and procedures.

In music, the period saw the ascent of old style music and in painting, crafted by Jaques-Louis David became inseparable from the traditional restoration. Be that as it may, Neoclassicism was felt most unequivocally in design, form, and the enlivening expressions, where old style models in a similar medium were genuinely various and available. Design specifically had an incredible abundance of antiquated models from which to learn, be that as it may, most were Roman duplicates of Greek firsts.

10. what is the ideal which our heroes fought and died for​


our country


and our flag also para sa kalayaan


to be able us to be free and conquer those who manipulate us and making us suffer and to fight for our nation

11. what is the ideal which our heroes fought and died for EXPLAIN:​

They fought for freedom from the oppression of our colonizers

12. Who is my Hero? In a piece of paper, draw your ideal hero. Describe him/her by giving a name; state his/her physical strengths, characteristics, and uniqueness. 11. Create a slogan in English or Filipino or in your mother tongue about the importance of being responsible for oneself and for others. 6


I think my hero is mom she always by my side in any problem, she was also my first friend to talk about what was happening in my life. All mothers will do everything just for her/his child, even if they are already hurt. So for me, my mom is my hero.

13. 1. What is your ideal self ?2. What is the importance of ideal self?3. Describe your ideal you. ( your ideal self )​

1. What is your ideal self?

My ideal self is a patient, loving, resilient, generous and smart daughter, student and servent of God.

3. Describe your ideal you. (your ideal self)

I deal my self as a friendly because I want friends I have many friends and also I'm respectable to everyone.


Sorry, I don't know what to answer to number 2

14. In recent years, Overseas Filipino Workers have been hailed as modern day heroes by many sectors in our society based on these criteria: Motives and methods employed in the attainment of the ideal The moral character of a person The influence of the person to his age or epoch and the succeeding era In a well-organized, clearly written essay (3 to 5 paragraphs), explain your own view on why modern day heroes can really be called modern day heroes.


A modern day hero is someone who acts for others before themselves by nature. They do not require a fancy costumes or cars but simply a need to help. Heroes need not to bear capes or arms when bravery and honor serve as their models.

There are so many things that can be improved about our great world and if you stand up to be the man who can lead the way or at least help lead the way, you will be seen as a modern day hero. When you think of heroism, you might think of great acts of bravery, such as rushing into burning buildings and facing danger in battle. But no, heroism consists of putting others first, even at your own peril. An example of a modern day hero is our front-liners.

Despite the many challenges, the front-liners have been recognized for putting their lives on the line and carry out their critical tasks . So that our countrymen can get the best medical care and other essential services they need to recover and return to their families. The selflessness, dedication and bravery they have shown during this health crisis puts them in the same league as our national heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice in order to free our nation from foreign oppressors.

Every person is a hero, and your daily sacrifice and hard work for family and country is worth celebrating and emulating. All of us have the ability to do acts of heroism for fellow citizens and for the country.


15. For you, What characteristics make an ideal hero and Why?​


its having a big and caring heart, heroes aren't heroes bc they have powers, its bc they have goals of protecting and sacrificing themselves not for them but for us


16. 26. Quality of an Ideal Entrepreneur No. 1 * 27. Quality of an Ideal Entrepreneur No. 2 * 28. Quality of an Ideal Entrepreneur No. 3 * 29. Quality of an Ideal Entrepreneur No. 4 * 30. Quality of an Ideal Entrepreneur No. 5


26. Self-Discipline. The first trait that all successful entrepreneurs must possess is self-discipline. Self-discipline is the single most important quality for success in life and business.5

27. Professionalism: Professionalism is a quality which all good entrepreneurs must possess. Along with professionalism comes reliability and discipline. Self-discipline enables an entrepreneur to achieve their targets, be organized and set an example for everyone.

28. Adaptability, persistence and hard work, these are the keys to success in small business, but they are three important attributes no matter what your endeavor.

29. Creativity: Entrepreneurs usually have the knack to pin down a lot of ideas and act on them. Not necessarily every idea might be a hit. But the experience obtained is gold. Creativity helps in coming up with new solutions for the problems at hand and allows one to think of solutions that are out of the box.

30. Persistence. Persistence is the most basic and essential quality of a successful entrepreneur because even good entrepreneurs experience failures and hurdles. But with persistence, you're able to pick yourself back up and keep moving towards your goals.


Hope it Helps


17. What is your idea of a modern day hero?what could be his characterization?what goals and ideals of our people would he embody?

My opinion

So this is my own opinion, I'm a Jehovah's Witnesses. I think that our modern hero in these days are our front liners. Since they are here to help us to be cured or to make sure that we are safe, I also think that peoples who shared good news to peoples that are very sad these days. I think their characterization are very loving and kind, they give their best to help us

So I added that I'm a Jehovah's Witnesses since religion naman yung subject but hope this helps!



18. Who is your hero or heroes? ​


Explanation:that's is my favorite hero


My hero is Dr. Jose P. Rizal

19. a super hero is an idealized version of a particular human value and characters?true or false​



false: a super hero is an idealized version of a particular human value and characters.


20. Use this dictionary entry to answer the questions below. Write youranswers in the space - (he 'ro) n. pl. -roes 1. A person who is admiredor idealized; 2. Anyone who is a good example of strongcharacter; 3. The main character of the story. [fr. LOrigin; Greek heros>1. What is the entry word?2. What are the guide words on this dictionary page?3. What part of speech is the entry word?4. How many syllables does the word hero?5. How do you spell the plural form of hero?6. How many meanings of the entry word are given?7. Where does the word 'hero' originated?8. What is a hero?​


yea I will be available on this email and daddy Ng motor SA parking sadi baloy ni Noel na amay maabtan Kita SA barbecue won na rramguton AKO gasolinahan ko Ng manok ta my isaw pa man

21. choose your ideal national hero and write your own idea and criteria why he or she is the best commendable national hero of our country.​​​

Answer: Harriet tubman was a slave he escaped by swimming off a boat he didn't like being a slave so he help other kids and people he went to slave owners and asked can he have there slaves he convinced some of them and let the kids and adults be free.

22. If the ideal Filipino citizen is described to be socially concerned, producgive, morally upright, and patriotic, like our national hero dr. jose rizal how wpuld you rate yourself in a scale 1 to 10 with 1 as the lowest and 10 as the highest? Explain?​


Be proud of being a Filipino (even if it’s not easy)

By: 5 years ago

Note: In celebration of the Philippines’ 117th Independence Day, is publishing short essays submitted by our readers.

Gemma Louise Heaton, a teacher at The Lord of Grace Christian School, asked students under her History and Social Studies classes to answer our question: “What’s the best that you have done for our country?” Here are their responses.

‘Be proud of being a Filipino’

What is the best the thing I have done for my country? I actually don’t know because at my age, it is impossible to do something big. Then I realized it isn’t important on how big it is. I think the best thing I’ve done for my country is to be proud that I am a Filipino.

Being proud that I am a Filipino is not quite easy. Sometimes, I even doubt it because of our government. The people have to rally on the streets to get what they want. I feel like it is telling me that we have to go to war first before we can gain peace. When I was in Grade 7, we studied Philippine history. I then appreciated peace. It was not just about the Filipinos fighting the Spanish but how we fought for our independence.

Now, if someone will ask me what is the best thing that I have done for our country, I will tell him or her that I am proud to be a Filipino.



IH geevdegeeoefrorhrrgrur9r

23. choose your ideal national hero and write your own idea and criteria why he or she is the best commendable national hero of our country.​​


I will write about George H. W. Bush. Bush began his political career when he became the Republican Party

chairman in Harris County, Texas. Doing this strengthened his career over the years. He then ran for and won a

seat at the House of Representatives. He served two terms there. Then he ran for senate. He lost but Nixon made

him the U.S. ambassador of the United Nations. Nixon removed Bush from the United Nations in 1973 and asked

him to serve instead as chairman of the RNC. Bush supported Nixon until he resigned as president. He then

became vice president while Regan was the president.

What did he do as vice president? “Bush chaired a number of task forces for the administration, including one on

regulatory reform and one on drugs and drug smuggling. He traveled widely as vice president and frequently

represented the administration in international affairs, making many contacts that would become useful when he

became President. The vice president was often involved in the administration's foreign policy discussions and

occasionally influenced its decisions”(

But, in November 1986, the Iran-Contra affair broke. The scandal involved the administration selling arms to Iran

to free hostages held by a terrorist organization in Lebanon and then using some of the money from the arms

sales to buy weapons for the Contras, a rebel group fighting against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua.

Selling arms to Iran violated U.S. policy, and buying weapons for the Contras was against the law. Most sources

believe that Bush was neither involved in crafting the policy nor knowledgeable about its implementation. They

believe that Regan might have been involved tho he said he was not.


Use this and make some points why they were good or reword it for that reason. I hope you get a good grade and good luck. :D

24. Describe your ideal hero. Set your own criteria by giving 5 characteristics/qualities. Discuss each by how it is being reflected in the life of the person.​


mahaba to ah :0

pero kaya yan >:D

Hero: my parents

1. strong- my heroes are strong as every single day they bear the responsibilities to take care of me even if they're tired

2. loving- they are loving, every day they show me how much they do, they struggle to love themselves or each other sometimes but, they let out that love to me

3. caring- they are caring, they cared for me and will continue to care until their last breath, ever since i was born it was them that took care and taught everything to me

4. brave- they're brave, they defend me from foes, troubles and illnesses, sometimes even if i don't see it, they are there protecting me

5. hard working- they work very hard to give me a promising and better future, and they exhaust themselves doing it, but that's what makes them special and very loving

hope it helps ( sorry kung mali) :(

25. What characteristics make an ideal hero. " Why? need many answer ,report rude answers​


What is the ideal hero?

Image result for What characteristics make an ideal hero. " Why? need many answer ,report rude answers​

Usually, the Ideal Hero does what he does because it's the right way to live. He gets rewarded for it less often (sometimes far less often) than not. What's more, he may even struggle with himself to make the right choice — but always (or almost always) makes the right choice in the end.


What makes an ideal hero:

An ideal hero has to be strong, not physically but mentally. Someone who makes an ideal hero has the mental strength to go on even though it seemed like the world has turned against themAn ideal hero has to be brave, not recklessly making decisions but brave to stand against injustice and evil.An ideal hero has to have the willpower to go on even though they are wounded. The courage to act brave even though they are weak.

26. nonsense answer_reportcopy answer_reportneed help;(send image for the drawing.WHO IS MY HERO?l. In a piece of paper, draw your ideal hero. Describe him/her by giving a name; state his/her physical strengths, characteristics, and uniqueness.Il. Create a slogan in English or Filipino or in your mother tongue about the importance of being responsible for oneself and for others.​


I. mag drawing Ka Ng nanay at tatay mo

at explain mo My mother and my father is my hero because my mom and my dad taking care of me every day


Hope it helps^^

don't forget to study everyday^^


27. 1. Who is my Hero? In a piece of paper, draw your ideal hero. Describe him/her by giving a name; state his/her physical strengths, characteristics, and uniqueness. II. Create a siogan in English or Filipino or in your mother tongue about the importance of being responsible for oneself and for others.​


My Parents


Someday I will be like her because she help students don't have knowledge and I'm so proud of her. And my father too, even if he don't have work and he's only a motorcycle driver,I'm so proud of him. He give us a beautiful and comfortable life. Soon I will be like them.

28. Paciano Rizal: The Hero's Hero​


Where is the question l??

29. in the country the ideal hero is man who has excellent memory.​


ahhh mk


anyways tnx sa points

30. the hero is an ideal figure of his people he has superhuman or divine traits​

God Bless You!


The hero is a figure of great national or even cosmic importance, usually the ideal man of his culture. He often has superhuman or divine traits. He has an imposing physical stature and is greater in all ways than the common man. The setting is vast in scope.

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