Dissonance In Tagalog

Dissonance In Tagalog

what is unresolved dissonance?​

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1. what is unresolved dissonance?​


In most music a dissonance will resolve it will be followed by a consonant chord that it naturally leads to, for example, a G seventh chord resolves to a C major chord, and a D suspended fourth resolves to a D major chord. A series of unresolved dissonances, on the other hand, can produce a sense of unresolved tension.


Hope it helps :>

2. what meaning of dissonance​


lack of agreement the dissonance between the truth and wath people want to believe espicailly : inconsistency between the beliefs one hold or between one's actions and one's beliefs.


dko alam may mag aano din dyan

3. Often experimental and dissonant​


In music, consonance and dissonance are categorizations of simultaneous or successive sounds. Within the Western tradition, some listeners associate consonance with sweetness, pleasantness, and acceptability, and dissonance with harshness, unpleasantness, or unacceptability, although there is broad acknowledgement that this depends also on familiarity and musical expertise.[1] The terms form a structural dichotomy in which they define each other by mutual exclusion: a consonance is what is not dissonant, and a dissonance is what is not consonant. However, a finer consideration shows that the distinction forms a gradation, from the most consonant to the most dissonant.[2] In casual discourse, as Hindemith stressed, "The two concepts have never been completely explained, and for a thousand years the definitions have varied".[3] The term sonance has been proposed to encompass or refer indistinctly to the terms consonance and dissonance.[4]


Pa brainlist

Pa brainlist

Pa brainlist

4. what is the opposite of dissonance?


the opposite of dissonance is harmony

5. What part of the song where dissonance heard?​


ang awit ng kabataan ay awit natin

6. what means by cognitive dissonance?​


Cognitive dissonance describes the discomfort experienced when two cognitions are incompatible with each other. cognition is a piece of knowledge, such as a: thought. attitude. personal value.


Do u accept?

7. what part of the song where dissonance heard?​


Dissonance was heard by this part...

Buhos na ulan, aking mundo'y lunuring tuluyan

Tulad ng pag-agos mo

'Di mapipigil ang puso kong nagliliyab

Pag-ibig ko'y umaapaw

Damdamin ko'y humihiyaw sa tuwa

Tuwing umuulan at kapiling ka

dissonance is associated with harshness, unpleasantness of the beat of the music.

8. it is a combination of tonal harmonies with slight dissonances?​







yan naonang somagot?

9. when does cognitive dissonance occur?​

Answer:When belief's and behaviour's conflict


Cognitive Dissonance occurs when belief's and behaviour's conflict. For example "I enjoy smoking even though I know it is bad for my health."



Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person believes in two contradictory things at the same time. Within investing and in other areas, failing to resolve it can lead to irrational decision-making.


sana po makatulong

10. it tends to make more use of dissonance


Impressionist music tends to make more use of dissonance and more uncommon scales such as the whole tone scale.

11. What part of the song where dissonance heard?


It's very easy...

The dissonance can be heard around 2:30 to 2:50 when the singer was going to squeal, due to the discordance of the squeal, the dissonance can be heard.

12. is c major consonant or dissonant?


(if im incorrect, correct me:))

13. what part of the song where dissonance heard?​

fvcjcucucufdhducydufydufudugufydufyfucyxufyxufysydydufudigysuguduf6. Yan po sagotayaw po Kasi magsend pag short

14. Empressionictic style in music makes use of dissonant​


Impressionism in music was a movement among various composers in Western classical music (mainly during the late 19th and early 20th centuries) whose music focuses on mood and atmosphere, "conveying the moods and emotions aroused by the subject rather than a detailed tone‐picture"

15. Is the melody of Claire de lune consonance or dissonance?​





the melody of Claire de lune is dissonance

16. it was usually characterized by the use of dissonance


often features a high level of dissonance extreme contrasts of dynamic contrast and changing of textured "distorted" melodies and harmonies and angular melodies with wide leaps.


sana maka tulong

17. Dissonance is a stored experience?

Dissonance is a stored experience?In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the perception of contradictory information. Relevant items of information include a person's actions, feelings, ideas, beliefs, and values, and things in the environment. Cognitive dissonance is typically experienced as psychological stress when they participate in an action that goes against one or more of them. According to this theory, when two actions or ideas are not psychologically consistent with each other, people do all in their power to change them until they become consistent. The discomfort is triggered by the person's belief clashing with new information perceived, wherein they try to find a way to resolve the contradiction to reduce their discomfort. In When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the World (1956) and A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance (1957), Leon Festinger proposed that human beings strive for internal psychological consistency to function mentally in the real world.A person who experiences internal inconsistency tends to become psychologically uncomfortable and is motivated to reduce the cognitive dissonance. They tend to make changes to justify the stressful behavior, either by adding new parts to the cognition causing the psychological dissonance (rationalization) or by avoiding circumstances and contradictory information likely to increase the magnitude of the cognitive dissonance (confirmation bias). Coping with the nuances of contradictory ideas or experiences is mentally stressful. It requires energy and effort to sit with those seemingly opposite things that all seem true. Festinger argued that some people would inevitably resolve dissonance by blindly believing whatever they wanted to believe.


Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balanc


make me brainliest and follow

18. The theory of cognitive dissonance was proposed by


Leon Festinger


Leon Festinget was first to describr cognitibe dissonace, which provides a striling example of how our iwn behaviors can lead to attitude change. According to Cognitive Dissonace theory, any thoughts that are rrlated to each other can either be consonant or dissonant

19. describe the idea dissonant chord​


In music, consonance and dissonance are categorizations of simultaneous or successive sounds. Within the Western tradition, some listeners associate consonance with sweetness, pleasantness, and acceptability, and dissonance with harshness, unpleasantness, or unacceptability, although there is broad acknowledgement that this depends also on familiarity and musical expertise (Lahdelma and Eerola 2020). The terms form a structural dichotomy in which they define each other by mutual exclusion: a consonance is what is not dissonant, and a dissonance is what is not consonant. However, a finer consideration shows that the distinction forms a gradation, from the most consonant to the most dissonant (Schoenberg 1978, p. 21). In casual discourse, as Hindemith stressed, "The two concepts have never been completely explained, and for a thousand years the definitions have varied" (Hindemith 1942, p. 85). The term sonance has been proposed to encompass or refer indistinctly to the terms consonance and dissonance (Renard 2016).

20. what is the melody of pierrot lunaire?consonant or dissonant.​




The narrator (voice-type unspecified in the score, but traditionally performed by a soprano) delivers the poems in the Sprechstimme style. Schoenberg had previously used a combination of spoken text with instrumental accompaniment, called “melodrama,” in the summer-wind narrative of the Gurre-Lieder, and it was a genre much in vogue at the end of the nineteenth century. 

21. what meaning of dissonance​


lack of agreement the dissonance between the truth and what people want to believe especially : inconsistency between the beliefs one holds or between one's actions and one's beliefs — compare cognitive dissonance.


correct me if I wrong ty


What is the meaning of dissonance?

Dissonance is harsh, inharmonious noise—cacophony. It can also refer to stark disagreement or lack of consistency. In both cases, a close synonym is discord. ... In music and in general, dissonance is the opposite of consonance, which means harmony, agreement, or accord.


22. Clair de lune Melody constant, dissonant-​


sorry po need kopo talaga points 0 pnts na ako di ako maka ask

23. what is Melody consonant, Dissonant ofArnold Schoenberg​

Consonance and dissonance, in music, the impression of stability and repose (consonance) in relation to the impression of tension or clash (dissonance) ...

24. is concert for prepared piano and orchestra a dissonant?​




concerto for prepared piano and chamber orchestra was one of John Cage's chance music which has no characteristic of having dissonant on the music.

25. Dissonance is the quality of sounds that seems unstable


dissonance is lack of harmony among musical notes

26. are a fragmented dissonant and experimental depending on the form and style use​




MELODY: Melodies are often fragmented, dissonant and experimental. Depending on the form or style used, melodies could be based on scales from non-Western countries, chromatic scales, twelve-tone rows, or microtonal scales.

HARMONY: Harmony is often experimental and dissonant.

27. Is cognitive dissonance a mental illness?

The correct answer is "no"

28. what is the melody of poeme electronique consonant or dissonant​


dissonant the melody of poème èlectronique


Impressionist music - tends to make more use of dissonance

30. Musical style of Moderate dissonances


dissonance,in music the impression of stability and repose consonance in relation to the impression of tention or clash dissonance experienced by a listener when certain combination of tones or notes are sounded together.

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