Eminent Domain In Tagalog

Eminent Domain In Tagalog

Police of eminent domain​

Daftar Isi

1. Police of eminent domain​


People often get confused regarding the difference between police power and eminent domain. Let me explain the difference:

People often get confused regarding the difference between police power and eminent domain. Let me explain the difference:The simple answer is that when property is taken under police power, as with zoning, compensation is not required; whereas with eminent domain, there must be payment of just compensation.

2. Power of eminent Domain

Answer: My opinion/answer:

Eminent domain is the power of the government to take private property for public use, with just compensation paid to the owner. This power is granted to the government through the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which states that "private property [shall not] be taken for public use, without just compensation."Eminent domain is typically used for projects that benefit the public, such as building roads, schools, and parks. However, it can also be used for economic development purposes, such as building shopping centers or industrial parks.There are limits to the government's power of eminent domain. For example, the government cannot take property for private use or for the benefit of a specific private individual or group. Additionally, the government must provide just compensation to the owner, which is determined by the fair market value of the property.Eminent domain is a controversial issue, as it often involves the taking of property from individuals who may not want to sell. Opponents argue that it infringes on the rights of property owners and can lead to abuses of power by the government. Supporters argue that it is necessary for the government to have this power in order to be able to build necessary infrastructure and improve the public good.


3. What is eminent domain

Eminent domain is the power of the government to take private property for public use with just compensation. Whenever there is an objection during the seizure, the government has the prerogative right to forcefully take the private property with or without pay due to opposition of the owner. Whenever an owner of the land for example will agree and allow the government to take the property for public access, the government shall pay the corresponding amount asked by the owner in accordance with the current market value of the property.

4. tell whether an item is an example of police power power of eminent domain or power of tree axation ​

pa points po


sana tama po

5. Do you think that the current government is using the police power, power of eminent domain and power of taxation properly, fair and effective? ​



Explanation:correct me if I'm wrong

6. how are police power, power of eminent domain, and power of taxation similar to, or different from one another? ​


These three entities are similar in the sense that they exercise powers embraced by the government, yet they are distinct to each other because they have different functions.

7. Explain briefly te nature of police power, eminent domain and taxation power of the state. (9pts)​


Taxation is exercise to raise revenue. Police power is to promote of general welfare. Eminent domain is to facilitate the taking of private property for public purpose.

8. In florida there are ___ jurors for civil and criminal cases and ___ jurors for capital criminal cases and eminent domain cases

In florida there are 6 jurors for civil and criminal cases and 12 jurors for capital criminal cases and eminent domain cases.


9. In your own opinion, how can the power of eminent domain be used to improve the lives of ordinary Filipinos? Provide at least three concrete examples.​


eminent domain, also called condemnation or expropriation, power of government to take private property for public use without the owner’s consent. Constitutional provisions in most countries require the payment of compensation to the owner. In countries with unwritten constitutions, such as the United Kingdom, the supremacy of Parliament makes it theoretically possible for property to be taken without compensation, but in practice compensation is paid. Confiscation is the term most often used in contrast to eminent domain to describe the taking of property by the state without compensation. The idea of eminent domain as a power peculiar to sovereign authority but coupled with a duty to pay compensation comes from such 17th-century natural-law jurists as Hugo Grotius and Samuel Pufendorf. The English practice in the early 17th century was for Parliament to authorize the taking of property and either to prescribe the amount to be paid or to provide a judicial proceeding to determine it. The proceeding was held without the presence of the owner. The American colonies developed judicial procedures enabling the owner to be heard on the question of compensation. There have been few legislative attempts in the United States to control or define what is just compensation. In general, the judicial definition is that just compensation is the fair market value at the time of the taking, the market value including not only the existing use value but also the best use to which the property may be put. Many states and the federal government have “quick-taking” statutes providing that, upon the deposit of adequate security, the government may take title and possession before the price is judicially decided. Nearly all other countries have constitutional or statutory provisions requiring that compensation be paid for property taken. The French and German systems, unlike Anglo-American law, require that it be paid in advance of the taking by the government. In the countries influenced by French and German law, the question of the public purpose to be served by the taking is an administrative one and is not determined in the regular courts. Also, there are fewer general statutes providing for blanket authorization of condemnation for particular purposes (such as highways) than there are in the United States, and more often there is a requirement that expropriation of each particular parcel be authorized by the legislature.


The taking of private property for expropriation can only be validly done if there is genuine necessity and the necessity is public in character.

Together with police power and the power of taxation, the power of eminent domain, sometimes referred to as expropriation or condemnation, is one of the tripod of great powers that inheres in the State in the exercise of sovereign authority. In the context of the Philippines today, this power has become awesome and deserves examination.

The notion of eminent domain comes from the writings of 17th-century natural-law jurists Hugo Grotius and Samuel Pufendorf. Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius, in his legal treatise De Jure Belli et Pacis uses the term dominium eminens (Latin for supreme lordship) or the right of the state to use or even destroy property of subjects for the ends of public utility or extreme necessity but with compensation. German jurist Samuel Pufendorf advanced the legal theory that legitimacy of property rests on two conditions: occupation and state sanction.

Over the centuries, most civil and common law countries have adopted the practice of eminent domain, by way of constitutional or statutory dicta, as an exercise of sovereign power.

What the Constitution, Supreme Court say

In the Philippines, the power of expropriation is also set in stone as it is enshrined in all our constitutions, present and present. Under the 1987 Constitution, the power of eminent domain is contained in article III section 9, which provides: Private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation.


10. translate in tagalog the this type of mixture has uniform appearance or truth it complainants are not recognizable and eminently mix ​


uri ng timpla ay may pare-parehong hitsura o katotohanan na ang mga nagrereklamo ay hindi makikilala at halagang halo

11. importance of eminant domain​

you mean po Eminent Domain?

The importance of eminent domain is to convert private property to some public use, be it a public facility or the economic development of a previously blighted area. ... Typically, the government will identify the property to be taken through eminent domain and notify the owners.

12. Police power and eminent domain may defeat the constitutional rights of a person. true a. True b. False










13. discuss the power of the Eminent domain ​


“Eminent Domain” – also called “condemnation” – is the power of local, state or federal government agencies to take private property for “public use” so long as the government pays “just compensation.” The government can exercise its power of eminent domain even if the owner does not wish to sell his or her property.

14. what do you mean by power of eminent domain?​


the Government can take a private property for public use as long as the government pays just compensation.

the power of eminent domain can be exercised even if the owner does not wish to sell his/her property.

15. how are police power, power of eminent domain, and power of taxation similar to, or different from one another? ​


These three entities are similar in the sense that they exercise powers embraced by the government, but they are distinct to each other because they have different functions.

16. what are the conditions for the exercise of the eminent domain? Is there a possibility that the state can abuse its exercise of this power?


The properly taken must be private property

There must be genuine necessity to take the private properly

The taking must be for public use

17. the purpose of power of eminent domain is for public revenue true or false?​


The purpose of power of eminent domain is for public revenue. true or false?​

Answer and Explanation:
False - Eminent domain is the power of the government to take private property belonging to its citizen's for public use, provided just compensation is paid to the owner

18. 5. Who may exercise power of eminent domain?​


“Eminent Domain” – also called “condemnation” – is the power of local, state or federal government agencies to take private property for “public use” so long as the government pays “just compensation.” The government can exercise its power of eminent domain even if the owner does not wish to sell his or her property.

19. what do you think are the benefit of power of eminent domain? ​


The Pros of Eminent Domain

The Pros of Eminent Domain This may include highways, parks, and buildings for public purpose. The end result may be less traffic congestion, more jobs, improved economy, more tax dollars and other benefits to the city as a whole.



20. Similarities and differences between and among taxation, police power and eminent domain



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21. Statement 1: eminent domain may raise money for the government


no picture


sorry but no picture

22. Question Public improvement is a requisite to the exercise of which power of the state? A. Police Power B. Taxation C. Eminent domain D. Eminent domain and taxation


A. Police Power

• The interests of the public generally require the exercise of the police power. It means that the subject of the measure is within the scope of the police power, that is, that the activity or property sought to be regulated affects the public welfare.




correct me if I'm wrong

23. What are the conditions for the exercise of the eminent domain? Is there a possibility that the state can abuse its exercise of this power?


From this definition, we cull the recognized elements of the valid exercise of eminent domain, namely: (1) the property taken must be private property; (2) there must be genuine necessity to take the private property; (3) the taking must be for public use; (4) there must be payment of just compensation; and (5) the.

24. P-para sa kapangyarihan sa pampulis E-para sa eminent domain B-


Pre Engineered Buildings (PEB) are the buildings which are engineered at a factory and assembled at site. Usually PEBs are steel structures. Built-up sections are fabricated at the factory to exact size, transported to site and assembled at site with bolted connections.


correct me if i'm wrong sorry

25. The power of eminent domain is logged in the executive branch of government. true or false?


True po


Power of Eminent Domain.—The President shall determine when it is necessary or advantageous to exercise the power of eminent domain in behalf of the National Government, and direct the Solicitor General, whenever he deems the action advisable, to institute expropriation proceedings in the proper court.

I hope natulungan ko po kayo

26. What is the different between Police power and power of Eminent Domain? ​



Police Power is the inherent power and constitutional authority of the government to adopt and enforce regulations and laws to promote public health, safety, morals, and general welfare.

Eminent Domain is the right of the government to take private property. This can be used for public institutions such as schools, public utilities, highway construction, railroads and more.

[tex]{\huge{\underline{\boxed{\tt{\green{\hookrightarrow ANSWER}}}}}}[/tex]

What is the different between Police power and power of Eminent Domain? ​

[tex]\huge\blue {\overline{\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \: \: }}\small\blue {\overline{\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \\}}[/tex]

[tex]\large \color{orange} \rm {\underline { \longmapsto \: Hello\ there!! }}[/tex]

The purpose of police authority is to advance public good. Eminent domain makes it easier to take private property for a public good. When police authority is used, the citizen who loses his private property does not receive a fair restitution. There must be fair compensation when eminent domain is used. As a result, the Court needs to make a distinction between using police power and using eminent domain.

[tex]\huge\blue {\overline{\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \: \: }}\small\blue {\overline{\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad \\}}[/tex]

[tex]\large \color{red} \bold{@LukeCha15}[/tex]

27. Tumutukoy sa mga lupa teritoryo at kayamanan ng likas na pagmamay-ari ng mga katutubo na naging dahilan ng pag-aalsa ng agraryo noong 1745A. Eminent domainB.ancestral domainC. territorial domainD. Foreign domain




sana naka to long

at Sana Tama haha

28. action: Compare and Contrast. Using the Venn Diagram, write the similarities anddifferences of Police Power, Power of Eminent Domain, and Power of Taxation.​


[tex]\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\boxed{\begin{array}{c|c|} \\ \hline \sf \end{array}}\end{gathered}\end{gathered} \end{gathered}[/tex]

29. Power of eminent domain may not raise money for the government.


The eminent domain process can only be stopped in a limited number of ways: Public use. The government must support its claim that the “taking” is for a valid public purpose.

30. explain briefly the following:a.police power of the stateb.power of eminent domain​


b power of eminent domain

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