Consolidation Warehouse

Consolidation Warehouse

Display the warehouse number, class, highest price & lowest price, total on hand balance whose class is AP.Sort the output by warehouse number.Select one:a.SELECT warehouse, class, MAX(price), MIN(PRICE), sum(onhand)FROM partsWHERE class = 'AP'GROUP BY warehouse, class, priceORDER BY warehouse, classb.SELECT warehouse, class, MAX(price), MIN(PRICE), sum(onhand)FROM partsWHERE class = 'AP'GROUP BY warehouse, classORDER BY warehouse;c.SELECT warehouse, class, HIGH(price), LOW(PRICE), SUM(onhand)FROM partsGROUP BY warehouseWHERE class = 'AP'ORDER BY warehouse, class;d.SELECT warehouse, class, MAX(price), MIN(PRICE), SUM(onhand)FROM partsGROUP BY warehouse, classORDER BY warehouse;WHERE class = 'AP'​

Daftar Isi

1. Display the warehouse number, class, highest price & lowest price, total on hand balance whose class is AP.Sort the output by warehouse number.Select one:a.SELECT warehouse, class, MAX(price), MIN(PRICE), sum(onhand)FROM partsWHERE class = 'AP'GROUP BY warehouse, class, priceORDER BY warehouse, classb.SELECT warehouse, class, MAX(price), MIN(PRICE), sum(onhand)FROM partsWHERE class = 'AP'GROUP BY warehouse, classORDER BY warehouse;c.SELECT warehouse, class, HIGH(price), LOW(PRICE), SUM(onhand)FROM partsGROUP BY warehouseWHERE class = 'AP'ORDER BY warehouse, class;d.SELECT warehouse, class, MAX(price), MIN(PRICE), SUM(onhand)FROM partsGROUP BY warehouse, classORDER BY warehouse;WHERE class = 'AP'​

this is the answer thank you and brainly pls

2. the floor erea of precys warehouse is 224 sq.m.and its volume is 4032cu.m.the warehouse looks like a rectangular prism.what is the hieght of the warehouse?​


ang ng english nyo po

Step-by-step explanation:

ok ·ω·

3. how can the warehouse handling system be improved without expanding the warehouse​


How to Maximize Warehouse Space Utilization

How to Maximize Warehouse Space UtilizationExtend your racking up vertically.

How to Maximize Warehouse Space UtilizationExtend your racking up vertically.Install a mezzanine above a floor-level process.

How to Maximize Warehouse Space UtilizationExtend your racking up vertically.Install a mezzanine above a floor-level process.Reduce aisle width in the racking area.

How to Maximize Warehouse Space UtilizationExtend your racking up vertically.Install a mezzanine above a floor-level process.Reduce aisle width in the racking area.Change your storage medium.

How to Maximize Warehouse Space UtilizationExtend your racking up vertically.Install a mezzanine above a floor-level process.Reduce aisle width in the racking area.Change your storage medium.Add half-pallet storage locations.

How to Maximize Warehouse Space UtilizationExtend your racking up vertically.Install a mezzanine above a floor-level process.Reduce aisle width in the racking area.Change your storage medium.Add half-pallet storage locations.Leverage your warehouse management system for directed put-away.

How to Maximize Warehouse Space UtilizationExtend your racking up vertically.Install a mezzanine above a floor-level process.Reduce aisle width in the racking area.Change your storage medium.Add half-pallet storage locations.Leverage your warehouse management system for directed put-away.Use underutilized space.

4. Data warehouse is __________ as the warehouse is organized around the major subjects of the enterprise rather than the major application areas.



follow by more





pa brainleast po at pa heart thansk you

5. Consolidation stage needs and wants​


Basic Needs are things that are important and that we need it to ex!st/l!ve and some basic needs are Food, Water, Shelter, Clothing and etc. and wants are things that you can ex!st/l!ve without but you want it so my examples are Cellphone, Tablet, Laptop, Car, Jewelry and Etc.

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope these helped. sorry if not the answer you were looking for. stay safe and have a good day.



(not forcing you po)



ha? ano daw? wla aq naintindihan ih sorii mwehhe.

6. warehouse requirements


15 Considerations in Warehouse Space Planning


Clear Stack HeightThe clear stack height is the useable height for storing products, supplies or inventory within racking and shelvingTotal Square FeetDuring each step in determining your space needs, it is vital to take into account inventory and order volume growth. Dock DoorsThis is one area many companies underestimate and always wish they had more of. Dock EquipmentFor pre-existing facilities, consider what dock equipment you require and the condition of that equipment. Electrical RequirementsThis is an often-overlooked aspect of a new building. If you have a fleet of lift trucks and stock pickers, you want to ensure the facility has enough capacity to support the charging requirements.Building Shape and FootprintThe building’s shape significantly impacts a facility. Truck YardDetermine your needs for inbound and outbound staging of trailers. Floor ConditionEvaluating floor condition prior to signing a lease is important. Working EnvironmentFor most companies, warehouses are not conditioned spaces. Safety and FireUnderstand the product classification, sprinkler, and storage requirements in the county where the facility is located. Employee and Visitor ParkingDetermine how many parking spots you need currently and through the life expectancy of the building. Breakrooms, Bathrooms, and LockersWhat are your needs based on the number of employees? Typically, bathrooms and breakrooms are undersized. Transportation AccessWhat is the optimal facility requirements for truck traffic including local roads and proximity to interstates? Do you need easy access to ports or rail?Building ExpansionOnce you have determined what your space needs are, look at the building in terms of building expansion.

(need brainliest mark please)

⚡ ^_^✨


1. safety of working.


3.Warehouse traffic.

4.Marking and safety areas.

5.Food safety.

6.Flooring. The floor of the warehouse should be on a higher level than areas outside.


sana makatulong po

7. What is your understanding of data warehouse appliances? List some of the benefits of data warehouse appliances​


A data warehouse appliance is a combination hardware and software product that is designed specifically for analytical processing. An appliance allows the purchaser to deploy a high-performance data warehouse right out of the box.

Benefits of a Data Warehouse

Delivers enhanced business intelligence. ...

Saves times. ...

Enhances data quality and consistency. ...

Generates a high Return on Investment (ROI) ...

Provides competitive advantage. ...

Improves the decision-making process. ...

Enables organizations to forecast with confidence. ...

Streamlines the flow of information.

8. there are many equipment in the warehouse​


Yes there are many stock eqiupment in warehouse the where is the question?

9. differentiate merger from consolidation.​


During a merger, essentially other corporate entities become a part of an existing entity. This can be useful for smaller companies merging into larger companies that have greater brand recognition and market traction. Conversely, a consolidation is when multiple companies join to form a new entity.Apr

10. consolidate the components of the business plan​

Main Components of a Business PlanExecutive summary. This is your five-minute elevator pitch. ...Business description and structure. This is where you explain why you're in business and what you're selling. ...Market research and strategies. ...Management and personnel. ...Financial documents.

Carryonlearning (;

Mark me as a brainliest

11. a warehouse that is cm3 or m3​

Answer:A. Directions: A.Which would be an

cm3 or m3 on the space provided.

appropriate unit of measure for volume? Write

1. a dice

2. a warehouse

3. a box of milk

4. water tank

5. a matchbox

B. Directions: Write the equivalent measure of the given units.

1. 6000 cubic centimeters =

cubic meter


cubic meters

8000 cubic centimeter

3. 4 000 cubic centimetre


4.9 liter

cubic centimeter

5. 9000 cubic centimeter =

cubic meter​


cm3 po


Sana po makatulong

Like nga po thx

12. ano ang democratic consolidation

Consolidating democracy in Bangladesh

13 April 2012

Author: Syeda Naushin Parnini, University of Malaya

Since Bangladesh achieved independence from Pakistan in 1971, democratic consolidation has faced various challenges.

Military and quasi-military governments have ruled the country for 15 of the 41 years since independence.

The past few years have seen a concerted effort to sustain liberal democracy in Bangladesh by improving institutional performance and promoting greater transparency. But Bangladesh is currently experiencing internal power struggles between the two dominant political parties, which threaten to destabilise the country’s democratic system.

Consolidating democracy in Bangladesh

13 April 2012

Author: Syeda Naushin Parnini, University of Malaya

Since Bangladesh achieved independence from Pakistan in 1971, democratic consolidation has faced various challenges.

Military and quasi-military governments have ruled the country for 15 of the 41 years since independence.

The past few years have seen a concerted effort to sustain liberal democracy in Bangladesh by improving institutional performance and promoting greater transparency. But Bangladesh is currently experiencing internal power struggles between the two dominant political parties, which threaten to destabilise the country’s democratic system.

13. consolidated mixture of minerals​

Answer:minerals water


14. what is the meaning of consolidatorfor export?​


a transportation company that arranges for goods sent by different companies to be stored and transported together: Intermediaries known as consolidators gather together goods or packages from a variety of customers and load them all into the container

What is the meaning of consolidator

hat is the meaning of consolidatorfor export?

A transportation company that arranges for goods sent by different companies to be stored and transported together: Intermediaries known as consolidators gather together goods or packages from a variety of customers and load them all into the container.


15. A clay is normaly consolidated. a laboratory consolidation test on the clay using oedometer gave the following results

An oedometer test is a kind of geotechnical investigation performed in geotechnical engineering that measures a soil's consolidation properties. Oedometer tests are performed by applying different loads to a soil sample and measuring the deformation response.

16. what is a similar words of consolidated​


17. Consolidated financial statements

Consolidated financial statements

are financial statements of an entity with multiple divisions or subsidiaries. Companies can often use the word consolidated loosely in financial statement reporting to refer to the aggregated reporting of their entire business collectively.


Consolidated Financial Statement helps to portray the financial position of a company. It is really important for stakeholders of a company to know the actual financial position of a company. Consolidated Financial Statement help stakeholders to know the exact asset and liabilities of a company.


Full consolidation, proportionate consolidation, and equity consolidation are the three consolidation methods. The consolidation process in accounting is used when the parent owns more than 50% of the subsidiary, while the equity method is used when the parent owns 20 to 50% of the subsidiary.

example of consolidation.

example of a consolidation is when two companies merge together. The merger of two or more commercial interests or corporations.


hope it helped

18. warehouse requirements


bed thats the one you need in a warehouse

19. data warehouse evolution​


Hindi q rin po alam ehh sorry po


need q Kasi ng points ehh sorry

20. There are 58 cases of soda in a warehouse. If there are 24 cans of soda in each case, how many cans of soda are in the warehouse?

58 cases x 24cans/1case = 58 x 24 cans = 1392 cans

21. consolidation center example?​


third-party storage facility where small shipments are combined into larger and more economical truckloads bound for a similar destination. The consolidated shipments may also go through regional distribution before being delivered to the end-users.


What is a Consolidation Warehouse? A consolidation warehouse is a third-party storage facility where small shipments are combined into larger and more economical truckloads bound for a similar destination. The consolidated shipments may also go through regional distribution before being delivered to the end-users



22. What is personality consolidation in philosophy?


For us, the philosophical personality is a figure who embodies the beliefs and attributes shared by a majority of philosophers who occupy posi- tions of power in the field. ... Our concept of “the philosophical personality” captures these trends by personifying them and elu- cidates these spaces by surveying them.

23. consolidated mixture of minerals? ​


term:rocks = a consolidated mixture of minerals.

24. When did consolidation ends?​

What Is Consolidation?

Consolidation in technical analysis refers to an asset oscillating between a well-defined pattern of trading levels. Consolidation is generally interpreted as market indecisiveness, which ends when the asset's price moves above or below the trading pattern. A consolidation pattern could be broken for several reasons, such as the release of materially important news or the triggering of a succession of limit orders.

In financial accounting, consolidation is defined as a set of statements that presents a parent and subsidiary company as one company.

When did consolidation ends?

In business, consolidation or amalgamation is the merger and acquisition of many smaller companies into a few much larger ones. In the context of financial accounting, consolidation refers to the aggregation of financial statements of a group company as consolidated financial statements. The taxation term of consolidation refers to the treatment of a group of companies and other entities as one entity for tax purposes. Under the Halsbury's Laws of England, 'amalgamation' is defined as "a blending together of two or more undertakings into one undertaking, the shareholders of each blending company, becoming, substantially, the shareholders of the blended undertakings.



2. To help, here are 20 common inventory management challenges to watch for in your supply chain.

Inconsistent Tracking: ...

Warehouse Efficiency: ...

Inaccurate Data: ...

Changing Demand: ...

Limited Visibility: ...

Manual Documentation: ...

Problem Stock: ...

Supply Chain Complexity:

3. Warehousing allows for timely delivery and optimized distribution, leading to increased labor productivity and greater customer satisfaction. It also helps reduce errors and damage in the order fulfillment process. Plus, it prevents your goods from getting lost or stolen during handling.

# carry on learning

# life goes on

26. consolidation strategy of mcdonalds philippines​


The Challenge

McDonald’s, a global fast food chain with over 36,000 restaurants in over 100 countries, was looking for a single service provider to effectively manage all self-serve kiosk, POS system, kitchen equipment and construction equipment vendors. In addition to vendor management, they needed real-time trackable inbound and outbound transportation and warehousing capable of picking and kitting specific solutions to deliver to stores based on a tight construction schedule. The results had to be a flexible, variable-based solution that is repeatable and scalable across the country.

Project Goal: Consolidate a historically independent vendor system with multiple points of contact, into one uniform system with a single point of contact. Implement real-time trackable inbound and outbound transportation, storage and consolidation, and final delivery based on a strict construction schedule

The Solution

Rather than managing separate contractors for each vendor, Suddath® was able to leverage our size, multiple warehouse locations and expertise to manage all of the client’s vendors, effectively becoming a single-source point of contact. We provided inbound transportation from each vendor into a local market warehouse equipped to put together unique product kits for each solution. After assembling product kits, we provided real-time trackable outbound delivery to stores based on a strict construction schedule. Suddath was their single point of contact capable of managing all aspects of their vendor management, transportation, and warehousing needs. This approach streamlined the process and reduced hidden costs to the client.

Sana nakatulongヾ(^-^)ノ

27. what is means consolidate range​


Consolidation is the term for a stock or security that is neither continuing nor reversing a larger price trend. Consolidated stocks typically trade within limited price ranges and offer relatively few trading opportunities until another pattern emerges.

28. data warehouse evolution​


To sum up, data warehouses have evolved from databases in 1990 to data warehouses, to MPP architecture, to data warehouses in the big data era, and to cloud-native data warehouses today


base on my research hope it help for u


Yan sa pic po


hope it's Help po

29. what is the meaning of consolidator​


noun. a person or thing that consolidates. a company that offers flight tickets for a variety of different airlines, usually at a reduced price.


/kənˈsɒl.ɪ.deɪ.tər/ a company that buys a supply of particular goods or services from different places and then offers them for sale to the public: The website lets you scour the sites of all airlines, hotels, and consolidators for the best price. Consolidator tickets are generally non-refundable.

30. warehouse worker tagalog​






manggagawa sa warehouse


hope it helps

correct me if I'm wrong

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