Meissner s Corpuscles Histology

Meissner s Corpuscles Histology

Renal corpuscles histology slides afferent and efferent arteriole

Daftar Isi

1. Renal corpuscles histology slides afferent and efferent arteriole


"Renal corpuscles" are a component of the kidney, a vital organ responsible for filtering waste and excess substances from the blood. The renal corpuscle comprises the glomerulus and the Bowman's capsule. The glomerulus is a network of tiny blood vessels responsible for filtering blood. The Bowman's capsule is a sac-like structure that surrounds the glomerulus and collects the filtered fluid.

The "afferent arteriole" is a small artery that carries blood into the glomerulus, and the efferent arteriole is a small artery that carries blood away from the glomerulus. The afferent and efferent arterioles are essential in regulating blood flow and filtration in the renal corpuscle.

"Histology slides" are thin slices of tissue mounted on a glass slide and stained with a dye to make specific structures more visible under a microscope. A histology slide of a renal corpuscle would show the different components of the renal corpuscle, including the glomerulus and Bowman's capsule, as well as the afferent and efferent arterioles.

PS: Is this right?

2. Which of the following are skin receptors in humans that are sensitive to heat? Are they: a) end organs of Krause b) Meissner's corpuscles c) end organs of Ruffini d) Pacinian corpuscles

c.) end of organs of Ruffini

3. Column A Structures of the Skin 1. Merkel cells 2. Meissner corpuscles 3. Sudoriferous glands 4. Sebaceous glands 5. Pili6. Keratinocytes 7. Langerhans cells 8. Papillary layer 9. Reticular layer 10.Granular layerChoices are in the picture ​


1. Merkel cells

2. Meissner corpuscles

3. Sudoriferous glands

4. Sebaceous glands

5. Pili

6. Keratinocytes

7. Langerhans cells

8. Papillary layer

9. Reticular layer

10.Granular layer


4. what is the difference of the corpuscle theory and wave theory​


Newton suggested that light consists of really small corpuscles (bodies) which could be reflected off surfaces and bent by lenses.

He however admitted that there were things (like interference and polarization) that could not be explained by his theory. This was where Huygens scored a point, as these were characteristics of waves.

Of course, we know now that light consists of photons which sometimes behave like particles and other times like waves.


Isaac Newton argued that the geometric nature of reflection and refraction of light could only be explained if light were made of particles, referred to as corpuscles because waves do not tend to travel in straight lines. Newton sought to disprove Christiaan Huygens' theory that light was made of waves..


pa brainliest po pls..


5. Relate the histological appearance of the liver and pancreas with their function. (frog)


The liver has a wide range of functions, including detoxification and the production of bile to help with digestion. It also plays a large role in metabolism. The pancreas serves two roles. As an endocrine gland, it produces several important hormones, including insulin and glucagon.

6. what is histology?..​

Histology is the study of the structure and function of tissues. It involves examining tissues under a microscope to understand how they are organized and how they work. Histologists often prepare thin sections of tissues, which are mounted on glass slides and stained with special dyes to make the different cells and tissues visible under the microscope. The study of histology helps researchers and clinicians understand the underlying causes of diseases and how they might be treated.

7. why is histology important​


Histology is the study of how tissues are structured and how they work. Knowing what a normal tissue looks like and how it normally works is important for recognizing different diseases. It also helps in figuring out what causes certain diseases, how to treat those diseases, and whether the treatment has worked.


Histology is important because Histology is the study of how tissues are structured and how they work. Knowing what a normal tissue looks like and how it normally works is important for recognizing different diseases. It also helps in figuring out what causes certain diseases, how to treat those diseases, and whether the treatment has worked.

8. Who discovered the negatively charge particles called corpuscles or electron? negatively charge particles called corpuscles or electrons?A.Werner HeisenbergB.James ChadwickC.J.J. ThomsonD.Democritus​


si J.J Thomson po



C. J.J Thomson


Joseph John Thomson credited with the discovery of electron and the first subatomic to be discovered

I hope this helps


9. 8. What does the body manufacture to fight infection? A. white corpuscles B. red corpuscles C. hemoglobin D. platelets




Because platelets is your protection against infection

10. What is the main job of the white corpuscles in the blood? ​


The word corpuscles is a medical term for a living cell,such as a red blood cell. ... Blood and lymph cells are both considered to be corpuscles because they are suspended in liquid within the body.


#carry on learning

#Brainlest me plss

11. Histologic characteristics comparison of arteries and veins


Generally, arteries will typically have a thicker tunica media and smaller lumen; whereas veins will have a larger lumen and the thickest layer is the tunica adventitia. Large arteries are categorized as either elastic arteries or muscular arteries.

12. Why is it that alcohol is used in fixing tissues for histological purposes?


Ethanol and methanol are the most popular alcohols used for cell and tissue fixation. How does alcohol work? Ethanol and methanol replace water in the tissue, exposing the internal hydrophobic proteins and breaking hydrophobic bonds to alter tertiary structure. Alcohol is considered a precipitating fixative.

13. Histological differences between gray and white matter

Gray Matter

The gray matter regions of the CNS, the brain and spinal cord, contrast with the white matter regions. The gray matter is the areas where the actual "processing" is done whereas the white matter provides the communication between different gray matter areas and between the gray matter and the rest of the body.

The neurons in the gray matter consist of neuronal cell bodies and their dendrites. The dendrites are short protrusions that communicate with immediately neighboring neurons in the CNS. In contrast with the neurons of the white matter, gray matter neurons don't contain long axons that transmit the nerve impulses to more distant regions of the CNS.

White Matter

The white matter regions of the central nervous system (CNS) contrast with the gray matter regions. The white matter refers to those parts of the brain and spinal cord that are responsible for communication between the various gray matter regions and between the gray matter and the rest of the body. In essence, the gray matter is where the processing is done and the white matter is the channels of communication.

The white matter is so-called because it contains many nerve fibers or neurons that are sheathed in the white fatty insulating protein called myelin. In section, myelin is white whereas the gray matter is that color due to all the gray nuclei contained in the cells that make it up.

The white matter is found in the inner layer of the cortex, the optic nerves, the central and lower areas of the brain or brainstem, and surrounding the central shaft of gray matter in the spinal cord.

MS is predominantly a disease of the white matter in the CNS. About 95% of all lesions associated with MS occur in the white matter.

14. histology is the branch of biology that focus on the study of​


the microscopic anatomy of biological tissues


Histology, also known as microscopic anatomy or microanatomy, is the branch of biology which studies the microscopic anatomy of biological tissues. Histology is the microscopic counterpart to gross anatomy, which looks at larger structures visible without a microscope.


Histology, also known as microscopic anatomy or microanatomy, is the branch of biology which studies the microscopic anatomy of biological tissues. Histology is the microscopic counterpart to gross anatomy, which looks at larger structures visible without a microscope.

15. How can knowledge of histology help develop regenerative medicine?


Histology refers to the study of the microscopic structure of tissues.

In your question, "How can knowledge of histology helps to develop regenerative medicine?"

Technically, in medicine, histology is also the study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues of organisms. In histology image analysis for cancer diagnosis, histopathologists visually examine the regularities of cell shapes and tissue distributions, decide whether tissue regions are cancerous, and determine the malignancy level.

Since it deals with analysis of cancer cells, histology can greatly contribute about the development of drugs for regenerative medicine. Because histology is focused in cancer cell diagnosis, thereby, it helps to further create, determine, and develop a medicine that will stop cancer cells; and also investigate what is causing to spread cancer cells, thus it helps treating it by continuous study of application of certain treatment of medicine to cancer cells.


16. Ecology : Environment : Histology : _________ A.FossilsB.TissuesC.HistoryD.Hormones​


B. Tissues



Histology deals with study of Tissues

17. what happens when corpuscles fall on the retina of the eye​


ENTOPTIC plhenoinena may be induced by structures in the retina

and adjoining chorio-capillaris or by structures anterior to the

retina. Only the first of these groups will be considered in this

paper. If it is assumed that the most distal part of the layer of rods

and cones, namely, the outer segment, is the receptive structure for

visible form, it is theoretically possible for this part of the rods and

cones to see in some measure the shadows of all structures on or

near the optic axis in front of it; and, since the distal part of the

rods and foveal cones shows no distinct asymmetry of structure,

there seems no good reason why this receptive part of the retina

should not see objects behind it if these are sufficiently illuminated

for the purpose. This power of looking backwards the retina


Retinal Vessels and Macula

The most easily demonstrable entoptic phenomenon associated

with the retina is the retinal vessels themselves. The shadows of

these are momentarily seen when light is thrown at a slight angle

on the retina. By constant movement of the light they can be

kept in view.

18. 1. What is the difference of the corpuscle theory and wave theory?​


hope it help ❣️

good luck ❣️


Isaac Newton argued that the geometric nature of reflection and refraction of light could only be explained if light were made of particles, referred to as corpuscles, because waves do not tend to travel in straight lines. Newton sought to disprove Christiaan Huygens' theory that light was made of waves...


-Hope It's Help-

19. what is the main job of the red corpuscles in the blood?

Main Job of the red blood cells or corpuscles is to carry the oxygen which is vital to life; it is used to metabolism or the break down of it to energy. It also carry nutrients from the digestive system and carry it to organs which needed it or for storage. It also help for immunity and help antibodies to Help at the Microorganisms that enters the body and cause inflammation. It also help in blood clotting.

20. know as corpuscles?​




Corpuscle (/ˈkɔːrpəsəl/) or corpuscule, meaning a "small body", is often used as a synonym for particle. ... Thomson to describe particles now known to be electrons, in his plum pudding model. A small free-floating biological cell, especially a blood cell. A nerve ending such as Meissner's corpuscle or a Pacinian corpuscle.


21. General histology midterms ceu


dot give up kaya nyo po yan aral lang po

22. describe the histology of the thymus

Normal structure, function and histology of the thymus. The thymus, a primary lymphoid organ and the initial site for development of T cell immunological function, is morphologically similar across species. ... Larger, more mature T cells are found in the medulla where epithelial and other cell types are more abundant.

23. what are the histologic changes in rheumatic myocarditis?


In acute RHD, histological analyses have shown the presence of dense valvular inflammatory infiltrates and Aschoff nodules in the myocardium of 21% of patients. Infiltrating T-cells were mainly CD4+ cells in heart tissue biopsies of patients with rheumatic activity.


。◕‿◕。hope it helps

24. 4. To investigate the histological effect of neem seeds extract on mouse testes. histological​


Effect of oral administration (50, 100, and 200 mg/kg body weight/day, for 28 days) of aqucous leaf extract of neem (Azadirachta indica) on the male reproductive organs of the Parkes (P) strain mice was investigated. The treatment had no effect on body weight and the reproductive organs weight. In treated mice, testes showed both normal and affected seminiferous tubules in the same sections; the affected seminiferous tubules showed intraepithelial vacuolation, loosening of germinal epithelium, marginal condensation of chromatin in round spermatids, occurrence of giant cells, mixing of germ cell types in stages of spermatogenesis and degenerated appearance of germ cells. In severe cases, the tubules were lined with Sertoli cells only, Sertoli cells and rare germ cells, or with Sertoli cells and several germ cells but without cellular association patterns. Also, the frequency of affected seminiferous tubules in testes of the extract-treated mice was significantly higher than the controls, though this remained unaffected in mice treated at 50 mg/kg body weight of the extract mark me as brailiest

25. discuss The histologic composition of bones​


Bone is a modified form of connective tissue which is made of extracellular matrix, cells and fibers. ... The high concentration of calcium and phosphate based minerals throughout the connective tissue is responsible for its hard calcified nature.

26. Relate animal morphology and anatomy to toxomony and histology.​


sorry kailangan lang ng point po sorry po talaga


comment ka po kung ok lang kasi po kailangan lang po ng points eh


Morphology, in biology, the study of the size, shape, and structure of animals, plants, and microorganisms and of the relationships of their constituent parts.

The best known aspect of morphology, usually called anatomy, is the study of gross structure, or form, of organs and organisms.                                                          As nouns the difference between taxonomy and histology is that taxonomy is the science or the technique used to make a classification while histology is (biology) the study of the microscopic structure, chemical composition and function of the tissue or tissue systems of plants and animals.                                

27. 2 another name for red bloodcorpuscles​


erythrocytes and red blood cell

28. Histology is the study of? ​

Histology is the study of the tissues of the body and how these tissues are arranged to constitute organs. This subject involves all aspects of tissue biology, with the focus on how cells' structure and arrangement optimize functions specific to each organ.


Histology is the study of the microanatomy of cells, tissues, and organs as seen through a microscope. It examines the correlation between structure and function.

29. the red corpuscle is an example of? ​


The red corpuscle, also known as the red blood cell, is an example of a type of blood cell. Red blood cells are the most common type of blood cell in the human body and are responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues. They are called red corpuscles because they contain a protein called hemoglobin, which gives them their reddish color.


A mature red blood cell is called an erythrocyte. An erythrocyte is a fully mature red blood cell that primarily functions by transporting respiratory gases, particularly oxygen and carbon dioxide. Most vertebrates have red blood cells that remain nucleated.


real answer

30. Applied veterinary histology banks free pdf


Diko po alm ei HAHa


soweee naa

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