Insights Essay Examples

Insights Essay Examples

What are the difference of mental health and emotional health? Give some insights and examples (Essay and no copy paste)

Daftar Isi

1. What are the difference of mental health and emotional health? Give some insights and examples (Essay and no copy paste)


the defference between mental health and emotional health is

mental health is from the brain

emotional health is from the heart

thank you god blesss

2. Make an "ESSAY" by Reflecting on the different examples of the western art. Share your insights on how you perceive their art according to the mood, ideas as well as their functions.


History of Art Final Paper I think the most important part of art Is understanding how styles developed over the years and what Influenced those developments. Some art movements develop based on political context, while others are created as a contrast to the current popular art movement. From a historical standpoint, I feel that portraiture is the best way to capture the essence of everything throughout the past. If I were an art director, I would choose to a portraiture display to show the progression of styles through time.

Since my exhibition has to do with historical context, I would arrange my pieces In very strict chronological order. The dates of the paintings themselves would not have to be in chronological order, but the order in which the different art styles came about would have to be followed exactly. My exhibit would start off with The Mona Lisa, by Leonardo dad Vinci. This was painted c. 1503-1519 during the High Renaissance in Italy. It is considered to be one of the most popular and well-recognized examples of portraiture In the world, so It would only seem logical to Include it in the exalt.

The High Renaissances mall focus was returning to classical antiquity, such as the beauty of the art from ancient mimes and a rebirth of the classical culture. This spawning of new intellectual ideas came after the Middle Ages in Europe, which were generally considered a very dark time. The Renaissance evoked in people nostalgia for the culture of the classical ages. A focus of the Renaissance was the growing interest in humanism, as opposed to strictly religious works.

3. Make an "ESSAY" by Reflecting on the different examples of the western art. Share your insights on how you perceive their art according to the mood, ideas as well as their functions. ​


Arts in the Philippines refer to all the various forms of the arts that have developed and accumulated in the Philippines from the beginning of civilization in the country up to the present era. They reflect the range of artistic influences on the country's culture, including indigenous forms of the arts, and how these influences have honed the country's arts. These arts are divided into two distinct branches, namely, traditional arts[1] and non-traditional arts.[2] Each branch is further divided into various categories with subcategories.

4. Write a short essay " MY PURE SELF-BEING". The essay should have insights and examples to prove one’s point. Use the following words in your essay and underline. 1. Attributes 2. Preference 3. Animosity 4. Fear 5. Honest THANK YOU PO.


when those who do not follow your duties for others. the wickedness and hatred of the people prevailed. their misuse and adherence so now I'm just thinking to myself. regretting my past activities. people attributes about causing not so good. At first you thought they were honest but in your heart you have the fear that they will avoid and punish you. no longer felt any animosity towards you. they're not close in preference to serve themselves. that only means one thing “they don’t like you in their daily life.


5. Write a short essay “ MY PURE SELF-BEING”. The essay should have insights and examples to prove one’s point. Use the following words in your essay and underline. 1. Attributes 2. Preference 3. Animosity 4. Fear 5. Honest THANK YOU PO.


its honest


sana maka tulong

6. . DIRECTIONS: Evaluate the given statements. Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if FALSE.1. A critique is a person who evaluates the merits of literary, artistic, or musical work.2. A critic is an in-depth evaluation of a story, novel, film, or other reading/viewing materials for the purpose of giving the public an insight into the text.3. A critique is intended primarily to point out the faults or flaws in work.4. It is alright not to give a summary of the story critiqued because the readers aremost likely familiar with it already. 5. Reading a critique helps future readers or viewers understand better the materialthat they are reading or viewing. 6. Critiques contain a careful evaluation mainly but are not limited to the followingelements of a narrative: characterization, setting, conflict, plot, dialogue, theme, and style. 7. A critique is a purely opinionated piece of writing about a story, novel, film, etc.8. Like an essay, a critique has an introduction, body, and a conclusion. 9. The word "report" is often used interchangeably with the word "critique."9. The word "report" is often used interchangeably with the word "critique."B. DIRECTIONS: Read the following steps in writing an independent critique. Write I if the step applies in writing the INTRODUCTION, B if in writing the BODY, and C if writing the CONCLUSION.10. State your overall assessment of the story's value, worth, and significance.11. Mention the name of the author and the title of the work.12. Give a systematic and detailed assessment of the different elements of the work, but make sure that your discussion and judgement will be supported by specific details such as quotes or examples from the work itself. (This is the main bulk of the critical essay, and it may run for more than three paragraphs.) 13. Give recommendations for improvement if necessary.14. Give a brief summary, including a description, background, or context of the work.15. Indicate the elements you want to examine and state the purpose of your critique.PA HELP PO ​












10. I






7. TESTDirections: Read and study the blog.Then find the transitionaldevices used by encircling itTwin College Essay: The Benefits of Being a TwinPerhaps almost everyone has dreamed of having a twin in their childhood. It seemed to be sobeneficial to have an identical copy of oneself that would think and act(similarly. For children,having a twin means to have a reliable friend throughout their whole lives, imate for sharingnumerous jokes and playing games, or an invaluable assistant who would always come to help inthe time of need. Howevery having a twin doesn't lose its advantages even in the adult age. Twins.share many interests: they often form bonds that, due to their unique nature, are not possible in anyother relationship and it lasts forever. Therefore, being a twin has many benefits.The advantages of being a twin are especiall evident in the early childhood years. In the earlyyears, the twin children develop trust between themselves" (Safdarmehdi, 2012, para. 2). Siblingrivalry is not such a problem because the kids form an attachment to each other from birthFurthermore, at an early age, twins need each other because they give each other a sense ofsupport and security. The twins are there for each other as they experience the ups and downs oflife and growing up. Academically, socially and emotionally, twins offer each other support whichbuilds their relationship and creates trust between themIn contrast, the teenage years offer more insight into the disadvantages of being a twin. Privacyand sexuality become more important, and rivalry for the attention of the opposite sex and fromparents comes into play. For example, in the film Dead Ringers, two identical twins both becamewuccessful gynecologists and ended up falling in love with the same woman (Safdarmehdi, 2012.para 3). After the teenage years, this rivalry and tension between the twins usually fade away. Thetwins get married and become involved with their own new families. They do not worry as muchabout what the other twin is up to. However, a close bond between the twins usually still remainstangiyatatamaran​


doki alam yan sorry thx sa point

8. What I Know39Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on aseparate sheet of paper.1. The word critique is NOT the same as:A. reviewB. analysisC. assessmentD. appraisal2. It is an in-depth evaluation of the story for the purpose of giving the readingpublic insight into the story.A. CritiquingB. Ending of the storyC. OrganizingD. Elements3. The following are guides in writing a critique except ONE.A. grammarB. contentC. literary devicesD. author's intention4. Below are ways on how to write a critique. Which one is NOT applicable?A. Study the work under discussion.B. Don't make notes on key parts of the work.C. Develop an understanding of the main argument.D. Consider how the work relates to a broader issue.5. Speech is an example of:A. a literary textB. an essayC. a dramaD. a myth​


1. D






sana makatulog nat sure po sa sagot







Correct me if I'm wrong

9. Directions: Read and study the blog. Encircle the transitional devices used. Twin College Essay: The Benefits of Being a Twin Perhaps almost everyone has dreamed of having a twin in their childhood. It seemed to be so beneficial to have an identical copy of oneself that would think and act similarly. For children, having a twin means to have a reliable friend throughout their whole lives, a mate for sharing numerous jokes and playing games, or an invaluable assistant who would always come to help in the time of need. However, having a twin doesn't lose its advantages even in the adult age. Twins share many interests; they often form bonds that, due to their unique nature, are not possible in any other relationship and it lasts forever. Therefore, being a twin has many benefits. The advantages of being a twin are especially evident in the early childhood years. "In the early years, the twin children develop trust between themselves" (Safdarmehdi, 2012, para. 2). Sibling rivalry is not such a problem because the kids form an attachment to each other from birth, Furthermore, at an early age, twins need each other because they give each other a sense of support and security. The twins are there for each other as they experience the ups and downs of life and growing up. Academically, socially and emotionally, twins offer each other support which builds their relationship and creates trust between them. In contrast, the teenage years offer more insight into the disadvantages of being a twin. Privacy and sexuality become more important, and rivalry for the attention of the opposite sex and from parents comes into play. For example, in the film Dead Ringers, two identical twins both became successful gynecologists and ended up falling in love with the same woman (Safdarmehdi, 2012, para. 3). After the teenage years, this rivalry and tension between the twins usually fade away. The twins get married and become involved with their own new families. They do not worry as muchabout what the other twin is up to. However, a close bond between the twins usually still remains.​


answer na yan?


ask ko lang salamat

10. ______ 1. What are the purposes of doing an academic writing? A. To settle, to negotiate and to inform B. To inform, to persuade and to argue a specific point C. To defend, to challenge and to question D. To guess, to hypothesize and to make conclusions _____ 2. Writing academic papers requires deliberate, thorough, and careful thought. Therefore, what should one do to achieve a well-crafted academic essay? A. One must depend on his/her own opinions alone. B. One must conduct research on the topic at hand. C. One must not consult the Internet for unsure sources. D. One must depend highly on the Internet for easy information access. ______ 3. What are the three main parts of an essay? A. The hook, the main idea, and the conclusion.             C. The body and the conclusion. B. The introduction, the body, and the conclusion.          D. None of the above  ______ 4. What is the purpose of the topic sentence? A. To give coherence to the paragraph.            C. To help with the flow of sentences. B. To help the reader understand what the paragraph will be about     D. To convince readers ______ 5. What is 'academic writing'? A. An old-fashioned way of writing. C. How university professors write. B. An accurate and professional assignments D. The writing you find in textbooks ______ 6. Choose three words to describe academic writing: A. Talented, stylish, inspiring C. Decisive, divisive, derisive B. Precise, clear, objective D. Subjective, obscure, vague ______ 7. What is the sequence of an essay? A. Body Paragraph, Introduction, Conclusion, Body Paragraph B. Introduction, Body Paragraph, Body Paragraph, Conclusion C. Introduction, Body Paragraph, Conclusion, Body Paragraph D. Conclusion, Introduction, Body Paragraph, Body Paragraph ______ 8. Which of the following is NOT true about the reaction paper? A. It may include the main purpose of the event. B. It purely expresses one’s opinions on certain issues and concerns. C. It conveys incisive insights into its analysis of events. D. It is mainly written to communicate a fair assessment. ______ 9. Which of the following can be a form of a reaction paper? A. news report B. book review C. incident report D. romantic poem  ______ 10. Why should we cite specific source? A. It makes the paper more substantial. C. It is an additional creative part of the paper. B. It makes the reaction paper reliable. D. It can attract many readers to read your paper. ______11. Which critical approach focuses on "objectively" evaluating the text, identifying its underlying form.  It may study, for example, a text's use of imagery, metaphor, or symbolism? A. Historicism B. Formalism C. Media Criticism D. Reader-response  ______ 12. What academic writing that tells what the project is all about, the reasons of conducting the  project as well the process of carrying it out? A. Research Paper B. Concept Paper C. Critique Paper D. Position Paper ______ 13. Why is a concept paper necessary? A. It documents the steps clearly C. It explains ideas clearly. B. It gives opportunity for fund sources D. It brings societal change. ______14. Why do you need to include the distinguishing feature in formal sentence definition? A. To recognize it from the other terms. C. To be different in some terms. B. To present the unique qualities of a term. D. To be specific in meaning.  ______ 15. Which of the following i8s a purpose of writing a concept paper? A. To show one’s skill in conceptualizing ideas C. To get possible source of income B. To present a feasible project worth future funding D. To communicate one’s intention ​


















11. equnu ayi ali duysap/10m Test 2. Critical Interpretation Direction: Write a close analysis on any modern or historical event, film, book, types of music, games, and complicated social and political issues. RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENT OF CRITICAL ANALYSIS BEGINNING (2) DEVELOPING (3) ACCOMPLISHED (4) EXCELLENT (5) No clear thesis Clear thesis supported by evidence 1. CONTENT & ORGANIZATION 4. Focus & Unity Includes a developed introductaon with thesis statement Paragraphs are all related to topic Thesis attempted but not covering same ground as essay Exceptional thesis in good academic style Paragraphs seem unrelated Most paragraphs clearly relevant, supporting and explaining thesis Follows almost all specific directions provided Paragraphs all clearly related to central focus of essay Follows all directions precisely Follows any specific directions for the particular assignment B Organisation Points are thoroughly developed Paragraphs relevant to topic but connections are unclear Attempts to follow directions but sometimes fails Some paragraphs underdeveloped Fails to follow directions for focus, length, etc Many paragraphs too underdeveloped Points are developed with onginality and great clarity kilala Points are well developed in each paragraph. Arguments of the essay are sup-ported with sufficient detail from sources Includes specific de-tails throughout essay Includes specific details, examples, Teasons, etc C Comprehension of Literary Te Accurately describes plot characters, structure, and other basic elements Includes all textual evidence relevant to topic Few details to sup-port statements Contains several factual Crocs Includes enough detail 10 indicate familiarity with text Contauns occasional errors Includes striking examples, insightful reasons, etc Shows outstanding comprehension and perception Shows understanding of the literary text by using appropriate examples to support thesis Includes incomplete evidence from text to support statements Uses extensive evidence closely related to points being made Includes all evidence relevant to points being made Includes little evidence showing familiarity with ext Mostly summarizing with some CITOS D Thoughtful Analis Explains interprets vs. summarizing Summanzes accurately but little evidence of malysis Analyzes text perceptively, using summarizing only as needed Interprets tex analytically, understanding the intent of the literary text and sup-porting theses with appropriate detail, with some unnecessary use of summary Uses relevant literary terminology accurately 10 Uses relevant literary terminology correctly Shows little familiarity with relevant terms Incorporates literary terminology smoothly into style Integrates discussion of form and content, techniques and themes Includes writer's own amsaghats beyond what was said in class. Fails to discuss form and techniques Cannot explain points made Uses some relevant terminology, but not always correctly Makes some attempt to include form as well as content Comprehends classroom analysis but adds no personal insights Includes most significant elements of form and content Expands on classroom analysis with occasional original insights illustrating critical thinking lategrates form and content perceptively Integrates classroom analysis smoothly with onginal insights pinag- 2. COMPOSITION SKILLS A Style Employs vaned sentence structure Many sbor choppy sentences in need of transition Varying sentence forms Varied and well-thought sentence forms Uses precise vocabulary Mostly short sample sentences, fragments, and run-aas Uses very limited vocabulary Uses slang, contractions, first and second person pronouns, etc Includes more than six CITORS Uses precise and appropriate vocabulary Incorporates suitable formality (3rd person except for personal cumple, no slang or contractions) B Grammar & Mechanics Uses standard grammar Punctuates and spells correctly 3. RESEARCH SKILLS A Selecting and documenting sources Selects professionalacademic sources Sometimes uses imprecise language Uses standard English but some contractions and inconsistent use of propouns Includes five or more errors Uses standard formal English with occasional lapses Vocabulary is precise and sophisticated Uses standard for-mal English in 3rd person except for personal examples Includes less than three errors Includes no errors Cites some academic sources, but some factual or unrelmble Cites reliable and ap-propriate sources and shows predominate use of professionalacademic sources Complete use of professional academic sources Jaydoso S Cites mostly public internet material or other factual sources Misinterprets sources frequently Confused about some sources B. Incorporating source correctly Clearly understands material borrowed Mostly shows evidence of comprehension of sources Clearly understands any cited material ​

I don't know sorry po sorry talgaa

ano daw? confused po ako sorry

12. Briefly explain the following essay questions with examples about philosophical insights on freedom. Freedom as a gift, Freedom is complementary to reason, Freedom is absolute and Freedom demands responsibility.​


Yung tanong ay yun ang sagot

Briefly explain the following essay questions with examples about philosophical insights on freedom. Freedom as a gift, Freedom is complementary to reason, Freedom is absolute and Freedom demands responsibility.

13. TRUE OR FALSE 1. Consultation from inexperience person may help in finding a current problem of discipline to be solved, which may serve as basis for formulation of research problem. 2. Intuitions are considered good sources of knowledge as well as sources to find new research problems. 3. Published Materials such as books and articles relating to the subject of our interest, including research reports, opinion articles, and summaries of clinical issues, pertinent questions may arise in our mind 4. If an existing theory is used in developing a researchable problem, a specific statement from the theory must be isolated. 5. Brainstorming sessions are good techniques to find new questions, where an intensified discussion among interested people of the profession is conducted to find more ideas to formulate a good research problem. 6. Day-to-day practical experience of a researcher may serve as a good source of ideas to formulate a research problem. 7. Discussion among friends can often spark our interest in a problem or provides us with the reinforcers for pursuing a question, is an example practical experience. 8. Consultation with professionals in a specific field, study specialists, research associations, and essay counselors will help you identify your problem area. 9. During field exposure, researchers get variety of experiences, which may provide plenty of ideas to formulate research problems. 10. Sources of topics are suggested (such as COVID-19 pandemic) by more global contemporary social or political issues of relevance to the health care community is an example of research problem from insights












14. 11. This a method in which students may assume the role of a person or character and act out scenarios. a. Dramatization b. Role-play c. Acting 12.This is a kind of performance which is to make something seem more exciting or surprising than it is and can change a piece of writing into a play to be performed. a. Dramatization b. Role-play c. Acting 13. Acting and pretending to shop in a store is an example of _________ a. Dramatization b. Role-play c. Acting 14. Acting as the main character Romeo in the Romantic Drama of Romeo and Juliet a. Dramatization b. Role-play c. Acting 15. It is the process of recording personal insights, reflections and questions on assigned or personal topics. a. Journal Writing b. Script Writing C. Essay Writing








sorry sa 15







15. 1. The CoViD-19 pandemic has caused some anti-Chinese resentment in social media, with certain people blaming the Chinese people for the spread, calling them racist names (ching- chong). In the US, there is also The Black Lives Matter movement which sparked because of the killing of African- American by members of the police. In your observation, has there been any instance or non- inclusive behavior that need to be corrected? Write 200-word essay on your insights. Cite examples. (30ptsPAKISAGOT PLSSS NEED NGAYON HUHU​


In recent years, there have been several instances of non-inclusive behavior that need to be corrected. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in anti-Chinese sentiment, with some people blaming the Chinese people for the spread of the virus. This has resulted in racist name-calling, discrimination, and even physical attacks against people of Chinese descent. This behavior is not only unjustified but also unhelpful in tackling the pandemic, as it divides people and undermines efforts to work together to find solutions.

The Black Lives Matter movement also highlights the need for greater inclusivity and respect for diversity. The movement sparked in response to the killing of African-Americans by members of the police, and draws attention to the systemic racism and discrimination that many people of color face. This movement has led to calls for greater police accountability, social justice, and equal rights for all people, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

In my observation, I have also noticed instances of non-inclusive behavior in my own community. For example, I have seen people make insensitive jokes or comments about individuals with disabilities or mental health conditions. I have also witnessed people making assumptions or stereotyping others based on their gender, religion, or sexual orientation.

To correct these non-inclusive behaviors, it is important to promote greater awareness and understanding of diversity and inclusion. This can be done through education, community outreach programs, and initiatives that promote tolerance and respect for different cultures and perspectives. It is also important to hold individuals and organizations accountable for any discriminatory behavior or practices, and to provide support and resources to those who have been affected by such behavior.

In conclusion, non-inclusive behavior remains a persistent problem in many communities. It is important to recognize and address these issues, and to work towards a more inclusive and respectful society. By promoting diversity and inclusion, we can create a more harmonious and equitable world for all people.


Kindly hit the thanks button.

16. Read each statement and identify what is being described. Write the letter that corresponds to your answer. _____8. It is a form of literature written in sentences, paragraphs and even chapter and uses normal language pattern. a. narrative b. poetry c. prose _____9. It is a form of literature written in lines and stanzas and adds artistic style to writing. a. narrative b. poetry c. prose _____10. It is a literary work that is wholly or partly imagined or taken from author’s imagination. a. fictional b. nonfictional c. heroic prose _____11.It is a literary work based mainly on fact which includes biographies and essays. a. fictional b. nonfictional c. heroic prose _____12. It is an example of fictional prose or narrative text. a. cookbook b. manual c. short story _____13. It is an element of short story where the writer tells insights about life through their narratives. a. character b. mood c. theme _____14. It is an element of short story that answers the question when and where. a. character b. mood c. setting _____15. It is an element of short story where the writer creates an emotional atmosphere within the story. a. character b. mood c. setting ​


8. C. prose

9. B. poetry

10. A. fictional

11. B. nonfictional

12. C. short story

13. A. character

14. C. setting

15. B. mood

Hope it helps. Study well!

17. Direction: Read the article below entitled "The future Gender Equality" and do the following:1. Summarize the article in your own words using any of the academic writing approach that you have learnedin your previous lesson whether it will be formal, objective or technical.2. Provide your own insights about the issue of gender equality and give examples to support your ideas.3. Observe proper use of the three part structure of an essay.Write your answer at the back of this paper, use additional paper if necessarypahelp po​

Search Quillbot, then copy your article, after that paste it, choose the summarize. Hope it helps.

18. A-RIGHT B-WRONG 1.Mood is the emotion that the readers felt after reading the selection 2. Author presenting an event in the future is called flashback 3."The birds sing and the trees dance to the sound of the wind." is an example of personification. 4.One of the author's purposes in writing is to entertain the readers. 5. Imagery is the drawing or picture in the selection or story, 6. Setting is a part of the story that tells where and when did the story happen. 7. Plot refers to the struggles or opposition in the story 8. Theme refers to the main idea or subject of the story. 9. Essay is a short formal piece of writing that deals with a single subject 10. Descriptive essay is also known as an expository essay. 11. Poetry is a form of literature written in sentences, paragraphs and even chapte and uses normal language pattern. 12. A literary work that is wholly or partly imagined or taken from author's imagination is a fiction. 13. Theme is an element of short story where the writer tells insights about life through their narratives. 14. Antagonist is the main character of the story, 15. The struggle between people or things in the story is a conflict ​



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[tex] \color{blue} \rule{1000000pt}99999pt[/tex]

19. 1 What is the external conflict between two characters in a story?a. Man VS Nature b. Man vs Himself c. Man vs Man d. Man vs Society2. What is the central message or insight explored in a story?a charactersb. imageryc. themed setting3. What is highest point of interest, emotional intensity, and suspense in a story?A. ExpositionB. Falling actionC. Climax D. Rising action4. What is the sequence of events in a story?A. ExpositionB. ResolutionC Climax D Plot5. Which Philippine folk narratives features animal characters or inanimate objects that behave like people?a folktaleb. legendc fable6. Which of the following is a narrative poem that celebrates the adventures and achievements of a hero?a folktaleb. legendc. fabledepic7. What literature of the Philippines includes all literature produced before the Spanish colonization?a postwar literatureb. contemporary literaturec precolonial literature d. Spanish literarute8. Which of the following literature is NOT written during Spanish period?a Florante at Laurab. Noli Me Tangerec. Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa d. Dead Stars9. Who among the following was NOT considered a writer?a. Carlos P. Romulob. Andres BonifacioC. Jose P. Rizal d. Emilio Aguinaldo10. Which period of the Philippine Literature is mostly influenced by Christianity as well as the European ideliberty and freedom through trade?a Spanish Periodb. American Periodc. Japanese Periodd. Contemporary Period11 Which literature refers to facts and statistics about people, places and things?A textbook B. encyclopediaC dictionary D. biography12. Which literature refers to personal stories about events in real lifeA journal B biography C blog D. autobiography13. Which literature refers to long story, usually in chapters?A playB novelC. short storyD. mystery14. Which literature has rhythm, may rhyme, may have stanzas (sections)?A poetryB. proseC. short storyD. science fiction15. Which literature refers to story about effects of science on societyA science fictionB mysteryD. legend16. Which literature refers to dialogue and directions for actors, scenes, and actsA mysteryB. poetryC dramaD novel17. Which literature refers to refers to personal journal on the internet?A journal B. newspaper C blogD textbook18. Which of the following is NOT an example of fiction?a poetry b autobiography c. short storyd novel19. Which of the following is NOT an example of nonfiction?a drama b. traveloguec. essayd journal20 There are two forms of writing, that's prose and verse. Which of the following is NOT considered prosa historical writing b. newspapers c scientific writingsd poetryC. play​


1. C

2. C

3. C

4. D

5. C

6. D

7. C

8. D

9. B.

10 A

11. D

12. D

13. B

14. A

15. A

16. C

17. A

18. B

19. B

20. Play

20. ACTIVITY 3 - Directions: Based on the given example of an argumentative essay, write downyour insights what you have grasped from the lesson. 1. I learned that argumentative essay is 2. I have realized that 3. I believe I can deepen my understanding through​


I learned that argumentative essay is a text that aims to argue about a certain topic and give opinion that is factual and truthful. I have realized that argumentative essay is more on arguing with evidence and claims about the topic. I also realized that argumentative essay is something like debate but the difference is you don't speak personally but you write it on the paper. I believe I can deepen my understanding through learning and reading everything about argumentative essay. I must understand what I'm reading to deepen my knowledge about this.

21. Performance Task ESSAY Choose a literary work from the past lesson and analyze it using a biographical, sociocultural and linguistic approach. Kindly include the title and the author in your essay. You will be graded using the criteria below: SCORING RUBRIC CRITERIA SCORE Focus/ Main point DEVELOPING (2 points) The essay is focused on topic and includes few loosely related ideas ACCOMPLISHED (3 points) The essay is focused on the topic and includes relevant ideas Supports main point with developed reasons and/or examples NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (1 point) The essay poorly addresses topic and includes irrelevant ideas Provides little or no support for the main point OUTSTANDING (4 points) The essay is focused, purposeful, and reflects clear insight and ideas Persuasively supports main point with well-developed reasons and/or examples Effectively organizes ideas to build a logical coherent argument Distinctive experimentation with language and usage Support Supports main point with some underdeveloped reasons and/or examples Some organization of ideas to build an argument Organizes ideas to build an argument Little or no organization of ideas to build an argument Organization & Format (Paragraphs Transitions) Originality Sufficient experimentation with language and usage onhance concents. Very little experimentation to enhance concepts Does not exhibit No experimentation nor enhancement of concepts No adherence to the​


bat di ka nagsasalita ganyan kapa sakin eh pahirapan tuloy ako kumuha ng tao tao eh may be a little late but I just


ang organization aymabuti


thank you

22. Essay Writing (11-25) What is the difference between an academic text and a literary text? Provide examples to justify your insights. Write your essay on the back of this paper. Criteria Content (5) Organization (5) Unity and Coherence (5)​




Ang political Isang acedemikong na maaring tayo matoo sa kahit ano²

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