Marketing Information Systems And The Sales Order Process

Marketing Information Systems And The Sales Order Process

27. The following are the ways to determine the demand of bamboo, wood or metal products in the market in this time of pandemic except one. A Surfing in the internet B. Interview some businessmen/women who sell certain kind of products c. Visit the website of the Department of Trade and Industry D. Gather some information on the Philippine exports of wood, bamboo and metal 28. The following are the commonly used sewing tools needed for sewing household linens except: A. Dressmaker's Pin B. Tape Measure C. tracing wheel D. lamp29. In sewing placemat, leave a inch seam allowance but leave inch opening on the corner. A. 1 B. 2 C.3 D. 4 30. The correct formula in getting the total selling price of your household linen project is A. Total Cost of Materials + Profit = Total Selling Price B. Total Cost of Materials + Labor Cost = Total Selling Price C. Total Cost of Materials + Labor Cost + Snacks = Total Selling Price D. Total Cost of Materials + Total Selling Price = Profit 31. This is a method in which food item such as cured meat of fish is exposed to smoke not only to preserve them but also to add flavor and color. A. Freezing B. Salting C. Smoking D. Canning 32. Choose the food that can be food preserved by the process of curing. A. Fruit and Vegetables B. Fish C. Meat D.Egg 33. are used for measuring liquid ingredients. A. Glass measuring Cup C. Measuring Spoons B. Weighing Scale D. Tape Measure34. Which of the following classification of products does a trophy fall under? A. bamboo craft B. metal craft C. wood craft D. wood and bamboo craft 35. This process can be used on both woodcraft and metalcraft using a colored substance which is spread over the surface and dries to leave a thin decorative or protective cover A. Wood turning B. Pyrography C. Gilding D. Painting 36. It is the modern way of endorsing product. A. Direct Marketing C. Radio Television and Internet Advertising B. Advertising in Print Media D. Distributing Products via Transport System 37. To preserve the natural beauty of the bamboo, it must be heated over the charcoal at the temperature of for 20-30 minutes. A. 49 °C to 54 °C C. 10 °C to 15 °C B. 60 °C to 65 °C D. 35 °C to 54°C 38. Which of the following finishing materials is always used because of its beautiful color and a good protector of materials. A. glue C. Paint D. Shellac B. Lacquer 39. Which of the following is NOT important in decorating products. A. It can increase the sale C. It improves the quality of the product D. It can enhance the customers to buy the product B. It can bring more capital 40. When planning a project that makes use of natural resources you must consider the policies the policies and principles of C. marketing A. economic efficiency B. environmental integrity D. sourcing of materials 41. Why is it important to know the necessary precautions in making a project? A. In order to have a profit B. In order to avoid waste materialsC. in order to finish the project immediatelyD. in order to have a successful project making pasinsya na po kong subrang haba need ko lang po hehe n͟o͟n͟s͟e͟n͟c͟e͟ : r͟e͟p͟o͟r͟t͟ ​

Daftar Isi

1. 27. The following are the ways to determine the demand of bamboo, wood or metal products in the market in this time of pandemic except one. A Surfing in the internet B. Interview some businessmen/women who sell certain kind of products c. Visit the website of the Department of Trade and Industry D. Gather some information on the Philippine exports of wood, bamboo and metal 28. The following are the commonly used sewing tools needed for sewing household linens except: A. Dressmaker's Pin B. Tape Measure C. tracing wheel D. lamp29. In sewing placemat, leave a inch seam allowance but leave inch opening on the corner. A. 1 B. 2 C.3 D. 4 30. The correct formula in getting the total selling price of your household linen project is A. Total Cost of Materials + Profit = Total Selling Price B. Total Cost of Materials + Labor Cost = Total Selling Price C. Total Cost of Materials + Labor Cost + Snacks = Total Selling Price D. Total Cost of Materials + Total Selling Price = Profit 31. This is a method in which food item such as cured meat of fish is exposed to smoke not only to preserve them but also to add flavor and color. A. Freezing B. Salting C. Smoking D. Canning 32. Choose the food that can be food preserved by the process of curing. A. Fruit and Vegetables B. Fish C. Meat D.Egg 33. are used for measuring liquid ingredients. A. Glass measuring Cup C. Measuring Spoons B. Weighing Scale D. Tape Measure34. Which of the following classification of products does a trophy fall under? A. bamboo craft B. metal craft C. wood craft D. wood and bamboo craft 35. This process can be used on both woodcraft and metalcraft using a colored substance which is spread over the surface and dries to leave a thin decorative or protective cover A. Wood turning B. Pyrography C. Gilding D. Painting 36. It is the modern way of endorsing product. A. Direct Marketing C. Radio Television and Internet Advertising B. Advertising in Print Media D. Distributing Products via Transport System 37. To preserve the natural beauty of the bamboo, it must be heated over the charcoal at the temperature of for 20-30 minutes. A. 49 °C to 54 °C C. 10 °C to 15 °C B. 60 °C to 65 °C D. 35 °C to 54°C 38. Which of the following finishing materials is always used because of its beautiful color and a good protector of materials. A. glue C. Paint D. Shellac B. Lacquer 39. Which of the following is NOT important in decorating products. A. It can increase the sale C. It improves the quality of the product D. It can enhance the customers to buy the product B. It can bring more capital 40. When planning a project that makes use of natural resources you must consider the policies the policies and principles of C. marketing A. economic efficiency B. environmental integrity D. sourcing of materials 41. Why is it important to know the necessary precautions in making a project? A. In order to have a profit B. In order to avoid waste materialsC. in order to finish the project immediatelyD. in order to have a successful project making pasinsya na po kong subrang haba need ko lang po hehe n͟o͟n͟s͟e͟n͟c͟e͟ : r͟e͟p͟o͟r͟t͟ ​


















sana makatulong, correct me if im wrong

2. 27. The following are the ways to determine the demand of bamboo, wood or metal products in the market in this time of pandemic except one. A Surfing in the internet B. Interview some businessmen/women who sell certain kind of products c. Visit the website of the Department of Trade and Industry D. Gather some information on the Philippine exports of wood, bamboo and metal 28. The following are the commonly used sewing tools needed for sewing household linens except: A. Dressmaker's Pin B. Tape Measure C. tracing wheel D. lamp29. In sewing placemat, leave a inch seam allowance but leave inch opening on the corner. A. 1 B. 2 C.3 D. 4 30. The correct formula in getting the total selling price of your household linen project is A. Total Cost of Materials + Profit = Total Selling Price B. Total Cost of Materials + Labor Cost = Total Selling Price C. Total Cost of Materials + Labor Cost + Snacks = Total Selling Price D. Total Cost of Materials + Total Selling Price = Profit 31. This is a method in which food item such as cured meat of fish is exposed to smoke not only to preserve them but also to add flavor and color. A. Freezing B. Salting C. Smoking D. Canning 32. Choose the food that can be food preserved by the process of curing. A. Fruit and Vegetables B. Fish C. Meat D.Egg 33. are used for measuring liquid ingredients. A. Glass measuring Cup C. Measuring Spoons B. Weighing Scale D. Tape Measure34. Which of the following classification of products does a trophy fall under? A. bamboo craft B. metal craft C. wood craft D. wood and bamboo craft 35. This process can be used on both woodcraft and metalcraft using a colored substance which is spread over the surface and dries to leave a thin decorative or protective cover A. Wood turning B. Pyrography C. Gilding D. Painting 36. It is the modern way of endorsing product. A. Direct Marketing C. Radio Television and Internet Advertising B. Advertising in Print Media D. Distributing Products via Transport System 37. To preserve the natural beauty of the bamboo, it must be heated over the charcoal at the temperature of for 20-30 minutes. A. 49 °C to 54 °C C. 10 °C to 15 °C B. 60 °C to 65 °C D. 35 °C to 54°C 38. Which of the following finishing materials is always used because of its beautiful color and a good protector of materials. A. glue C. Paint D. Shellac B. Lacquer 39. Which of the following is NOT important in decorating products. A. It can increase the sale C. It improves the quality of the product D. It can enhance the customers to buy the product B. It can bring more capital 40. When planning a project that makes use of natural resources you must consider the policies the policies and principles of C. marketing A. economic efficiency B. environmental integrity D. sourcing of materials 41. Why is it important to know the necessary precautions in making a project? A. In order to have a profit B. In order to avoid waste materialsC. in order to finish the project immediatelyD. in order to have a successful project making pasinsya na po kong subrang haba need ko lang po hehe n͟o͟n͟s͟e͟n͟c͟e͟ : r͟e͟p͟o͟r͟t͟ ​


















sana po makatulong:)) correct me if im wrong

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