Autokinetic Effect

Autokinetic Effect

The two main phases of the cell cycle are the cytokinetic phase and interphase

Daftar Isi

1. The two main phases of the cell cycle are the cytokinetic phase and interphase


False po


the 2 main phases of cell cycle is interphase and M Phase

note: what is M Phase? migth be Mitosis or Meiosis


May cause pollution and severe global warming.


Harmful Towards Animal and marine life.


And causes acid rains. Acid rains causes death of trees and any living things.

3. 15. Just because you havechange in the school system does not mean you willalways achieve your desireda. effected/effect b. effected/affect c. affected/affect d. affected/effect​


all of these







D. affected / effect

paheart tas parate narin thanks:))

4. Difference between affect and effect ?

Ung affect parang APEKTADO parang sa pag-IBIG palagi kang APEKTADO khit di kayo. Ung effect naman ung SANHI ng pangyayari parang sa pag-IBIG hindi mo alam yung sanhi bakit kayo naghiwalay...

5. Saving 10% of the production cost? effecient or effectiveness?​


effecient is the answer trust me I all ready learned that

6. How does illegal mining AFFECT our health? (not its effects, so don't give me its effects but on how it AFFECTS our health) ​

Miners are the risk of Developing a lung disease called pneumoconiosis because of their exposure to airbone respirable dust.


7. What is the difference between affect and effect?

eto kung marunong ka magtagalog maiintindihan mo.
Affect - nakakaapekto sa ibang tao o pwede sa ibang bagay.
Effect - bunga

8. in what ways is the force of friction affecting us, give me good effects and badd effects​


Scientists are not completely sure what causes friction; however it is thought to be caused by the interactions between the tiny bumps on surfaces as they rub against each other.

The bumps on each surface bend and exert a force on each other making it hard for the surfaces to slip over each other. The force on the moving surface is in the opposite direction and resists the motion.

The idea that surfaces have tiny bumps provides a useful model for explaining the cause and effect of friction. Students should discuss this model in an attempt to build an understanding of what the microscopic surfaces may look like and how they interact with each other


Pa brainliest po

9. factor that affects the effective of chemical sanitizer​


Am siguro alcohol peri I'm not that quite sure

10. how does greenhouse effect affects the agriculture


Likely effects of global warning

Decreased crop yields and decreased arable land availability (the coastal and river planes are often the most fertile soils), with subsequent starvation and malnutrition.

11. when an earthquake occurs in a populated area not only can people be harmed physical but their future can be affected as well how does a disaster affect different aspect of societyeffect on citizens:effect on government:effect on environment:effect on insfrastructure:effect on economic:​


Effect :Thanks For the points

effect :Thanks For the Points

Effect: :^ LeL

effect : :^ LeL

12. why is it important to study the affect animation and effect?​


why is it important to study the affect animation and effect?

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There are many reasons to study animation: you'll get to use your imagination and present your ideas to wide audiences, you'll learn many transferable skills that are relevant to other careers and sectors, and once you graduate, you'll find great job prospects with a high earning potential.

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13. useful effecks and harmful effects​


Ano poBah yung gagawin po?paki complete po sa question!

14. What negative effects of technology affect y​


Research has linked too much screen time or low-quality screen time to:

behavioral problems.

1.less time for play and loss of social skills.


3.sleep problems.


thats my answer


#carry on learning

15. it is the factor or factors that affect effectiveness of communication​


Factors that may influence our communication are; eye contact, body language, tone of voice, gesture, and facial expression


16. How to be an effective and effecient student?​


Being effective is about doing the right thing while being efficient is about doing things right. Student life is not easy by any means if we measure it in effective and efficient manner.

pa brainliest pls


demonstrate that they care about their grades and are willing to work to improve them. Get Organized. Making a plan for what you're going to do and when you're going to do it will make sure you're always ahead of the curve. Set a schedule. Do you work better right after school or after you've eaten dinner? Are you more productive in 90-minute blocks or half-hour spurts? Find a schedule that works for you, and stick to it. be attentive in class. take advantage of extra credit opportunities when offered

17. 5effect on natural resources(EFFECTS)​


Natural resources exploitation, exploration, mining and processing have caused different types of environmental damages which include ecological disturbances, destruction of natural flora and fauna, pollution of air, water and land, instability of soil and rock masses, landscape degradation, desertification and global ...


Hope it helps T_T

18. What is the effect when disease affect organism?


Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Many organisms live in and on our bodies. They're normally harmless or even helpful. But under certain conditions, some organisms may cause diseases.

Hope this help you


An ecosystem with lots of variation (genetic diversity and diversity of species) is more resilient to the impacts of disease because there are greater possibilities that some species have evolved resistance, or if a species is lost, there will likely be another species to fill the niche of an extinct species


not sure but make me brainleast plzzz

19. What is the difference between "affect" and "effect"?​


Here is a basic guideline for affect or effect that can help clarify how to use the two words correctly: Generally, we use affect as a verb (an action word) and effect as a noun (an object word).

20. The ________ of the medicine on my headache is fast. A. affection B. effective C. affect D. effect

The effect of the medicine on my headache is fast.

Answer: D. effect

The answer is D because if it is C, then its stats the effect, if its B, it describes the medicine, and if it is A, its not even related.

21. Differentiate of effeciency and effectiveness? ​


Efficiency versus effectiveness defined. Efficiency is the ability to produce an intended result in the way that results in the least waste of time, effort, and resources. Effectiveness is the ability to produce a better result, one that delivers more value or achieves a better outcome.


I hope it's help

22. how does noise affect effective communication​

Background noise can have a profound impact on the effectiveness of communication in several different ways. ... They may mishear and misunderstand the communication. This can can cause stress and anxiety, which in themselves are further barriers to effective communication.

23. What is the diff. between effective & effecient?

Effective is in terms of usefuless and efficient is in terms of how good it is done

24. 8. Tuberculosis (affect) the lungs A affect B affections C affected D effects​




pa Brainlieast po

25. factors affecting the effectivity of chemical solution​


Several physical and chemical factors also influence disinfectant procedures: temperature, pH, relative humidity, and water hardness. For example, the activity of most disinfectants increases as the temperature increases, but some exceptions exist.


Pa Brainliest Po Please

26. the effects of drug abuse as to physical affects


1. Become thinner

2.Reddesh eyes

3.Can't sleep

27. What are the effects of affecting our harvest?​


Time of harvest during the day affects the susceptibility of fresh fruit to bruising. Overall, harvesting during the hotter part of the day results in faster senescence, shrivelling and wilting of fruits



sabihin mo salamat shopee

28. what factors affects effective reading?

One effective factor that affects reading is listening to a relaxing music.

29. how do this effect affect the ecosystem?​


Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.


all this affect the ecosystem because all people was making it harm and also other


i hope it is helpful thanks

30. druge abuse affect on effect on brain?​


Have a drug problem—need help?

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Drugs & Health Blog

National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week®


Drug Facts Brain and Addiction

Brain and Addiction


Conceptual image of a man from side profile showing brain and brain activity


Your Brain

Your brain is who you are. It’s what allows you to think, breathe, move, speak, and feel. It’s just 3 pounds of gray-and-white matter that rests in your skull, and it is your own personal “mission control.”

The brain is always working, even when you're sleeping. Information from your environment makes its way to the brain, which receives, processes, and integrates it so that you can survive and function under all sorts of changing circumstances and learn from experience. This information comes from both outside your body (like what your eyes see and skin feels) and inside (like your heart rate and body temperature).

The brain is made up of many parts that all work together as a team. Each of these different parts has a specific and important job to do. When drugs enter the brain, they interfere with its normal tasks and can eventually lead to changes in how well it works. Over time, drug use can lead to addiction, a devastating brain disease---when people can’t stop using drugs even when they really want to, and even after it causes terrible consequences to their health and other parts of their lives. (Learn more about the brain-body connection.)

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Drugs affect mostly three areas of the brain:

The brain stem is in charge of all the functions our body needs to stay alive—breathing, moving blood, and digesting food. It also links the brain with the spinal cord, which runs down the back and moves muscles and limbs. It also lets the brain know what’s happening to the body.

The limbic system links together a bunch of brain structures that control our emotional responses, such as feeling pleasure when we eat chocolate or kiss someone we love. The good feelings motivate us to repeat the behavior, which can be good because things like eating and love are critical to our lives.

The cerebral cortex is the mushroom-shaped outer part of the brain (the gray matter). In humans, it is so big that it makes up about three-fourths of the entire brain. It’s divided into four areas, called lobes, which control specific functions. Some areas process information from our senses, allowing us to see, feel, hear, and taste. The front part of the cortex, known as the frontal cortex or forebrain, is the thinking center. It powers our ability to think, plan, solve problems, and make decisions.


iDrug abuse affects ouf brain.

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