Strengths And Weaknesses Of Teaching Methods

Strengths And Weaknesses Of Teaching Methods

What are the methods and strategies do you use in teaching poetry and short stories? What are the strengths and weaknesses?

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1. What are the methods and strategies do you use in teaching poetry and short stories? What are the strengths and weaknesses?

Have the students be exposed to poems or short stories from different genres and authors

The most effective strategy or method in teaching poetry and short stories is introducing the students to different genres, authors, or styles. This way, students will get to know that there are many kinds and variations to these two literary work. In addition:

1. Recite the poem together at the beginning of the class.

2. Have the students read the poems or short stories at home, and ask questions about them while in class.

3. Choose the poems or short stories which will be interesting to your students, for example, poems or short stories catered for teenagers which contain adventure, romance, etc.

Meanwhile, the strength is that students will concentrate while in class because they can relate with what us teachers are talking about. But, the weakness is that they can get bored anytime, so make sure to keep them interested.

Learn more about the topic of poetry in the following link:


2. Educating students is the primary goal of colleges and universities However, reaching that goal depends on understanding those leamers. Only by understanding the NMLS can colleges and universities create learning environments that optimize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. The study aimed at determining the perspectives of the NMLS in terms of the teaching learning process they undergo in higher education. The study is a descriptive type of research which attempts to describe the new millennium higher education learners using a researcher made instrument A total of 350 college students from six institutions of higher learning in Region IV-A were the respondents of the study. Results have shown that even with the luxury of the technological advances, there is not much change in the ways NMLS want education should be in the Philippines, education is still a valued activity that every youth should be able to acquire. The traditional ways and methods still apply but with some adjustments, modifications or additions. Technology is used as tools but the methods and strategies still remain. The teacher is still a requirement in the classroom for the students to follow do you find the activity?


The text presented was a research article in which the structure is called problem and solution. It presented the result of the research where facts helped the text to look scholarly

3. ACTIVITY 1: Read me well! Directions:Identify the structure of the academic texts presented below. Examine the content of passage and take note of the structure used and on how words are arranged carefully. _________________________________________________________ . Educating students is the primary goal of colleges and universities. However, reaching that goal depends on understanding those learners. Only by understanding the NMLs can colleges and universities create learning environments that optimize their strengths and minimize thier weaknesses. The study aimed at determining the perspectives of the NMLs in terms of the teaching learning process they undergo in higher education. The study is a discriptive type of research which attempts to describe the new millennium higher education learnirs using a researcher made instrument. A total of 350 college students from six institutions of higher learning in Region IV-A were the respondents of the study. Results have shown that even with the luxury of the technological advances, there is not much change in the ways NMLs want education should be.In the philippines,education is sill a valued activity that every youth should be able to acquire. The traditional way methods still apply but with some adjustments, medifications or additions. Technology is used as tools but the methods and strategies still remian. The teacher is still requairement in the classroom for the students to follow.


learning environments thant optimize their strenght

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