Relationship Of The Speaker

Relationship Of The Speaker

RELATIONSHIP OF THE SPEAKERHow would you explain the relationship of the speaker to the listener in this kind of situation?​

Daftar Isi

1. RELATIONSHIP OF THE SPEAKERHow would you explain the relationship of the speaker to the listener in this kind of situation?​

When the listener get the point what’s the speaker wanted to tell to his/her audiences or listeners

2. Relationship of speaker

The speakers works to enable the audience to make an informed choice about what is best for them. Those who communicate based on Brockriede's principle of cooperation also understand that they should be willing to change their own minds.

3. example of relationship of the speaker​


Students focus on either speaker relationship or task type in separate activities. Example: ... student to student in the school cafeteria: Can you hand me my book bag?

4. what influences the relationship between the speaker and the audience?. ​


➣The audience have the power to reject, accept and react to your speech if its helpful to them or not, Speakers give speeches to entertain the people or the audience around them.



5. what do you think is the relationship of the speaker to the listeners?​


Interaction in Public Speaking: The speaker should engage the audience by interacting with them instead of just speaking to them. Interaction is important in public speaking because it involves your audience being more directly with both you as speaker and your content.

6. 3. How about the relationship of the speaker to the listener?​




its the relationship between a student and also a student

7. what is the relationship between the speaker and the receiver​


the speaker needs to push out the sound and the receiver like mic they receiving the sound and the sound from mic transfering to the speaker


sana makatulong

8. 1. This refers to the manner of how the speech/message is presented.A. Role and Responsibilities of the speakerB. MessageC. DeliveryD. Relationship of the speaker2. This is the core concept of the interaction.A. Roles and Responsibilities of the speakerB. MessageC. DeliveryD. Relationship of the speaker3. The speaker clearly sends the message to the intended receiver,A. Role and Responsibilities of the speakerB. MessageC. DeliveryD. Relationship of the speaker4. This refers to the bond between the speaker and the receiver which may depend onhow the discussion relate to receiver's interests and knowledge.A. Role and Responsibilities of the speakerB. Language form​







thats the answer

9. Refers to the relationship between the author/speaker and the reader/audience.


The relationship between writer and audience is called a rhetorical situation.


10. A speaker is very particular with his or her grammar in a formal dialogue with the client.language formresponsibility of the speakerdeliveryrelationship of the speakermessageduration of the interaction​


Understanding Interaction between Native Speakers. ... Notes, Messages & Forms ... including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation.

11. shift in speech context of relationship of speaker​

A sudden change in communicative strategy may negatively affect the quality of interaction, which includes the performance and organization of ideas of the speaker, the audience, and the message of the topic or discussion.

Pa Brainliests naman!

12. what you learnd about relationship of speaker​


sorry ND alam ang sagot


sorry ND alam ang sagot

[tex] The best speakers are the authentic ones[/tex]

13. the speaker has let go of the relationship true or false ​




I hope it helps

#Carry on learning


thanks for points tysm hehe

14. the speaker has let go of the relationship​

If you mean the speaker (aka Y/N) and has let go of their relationship. Does its have to have a poem or paragraph about it?

(or is this a romantic/drama topic)

(Will edit/answer if I understand and if its gonna be a paragraph.)

15. how would in the relationship of the speaker and the audience affect communication?​


As a speaker, it is vital to make a personal connection with the audience. Your ability to establish this connection can make the difference between being evaluated positively or negatively, being believed or doubted, or delivering an effective or ineffective presentation.

16. The speaker and listener have a deep level of relationship


ito ay nagbibigay ng pag mamahal sa ating mga puso


#sana makatulong

17. the speaker must established positive relationship between ​


hindi kopo na intindihan sorry i cant help you

18. the speaker has let go of the relationship true or false​


false I think so


or true yea it's false im sure maybe not yep it's false




think ko lng po sana makatulong

19. ApproachLanguage FormDuration of interactionRelationship of speakerRole and responsibilities of the speakerMessageDelivery​


anong grade na yan yung question nayan

20. this model stresses the relationship between the speaker and the listener


We also combine these similarity measurements using a linear regression prediction model and assess information transmission quality


This is the answer thank you :)

21. How does the speech style affect the relationship of the speaker?​


Use Vivid Language

helps your listeners create strong, distinct, clear, and memorable mental images. Good vivid language usage helps an audience member truly understand and imagine what a speaker is saying. Two common ways to make your speaking more vivid are through the use of imagery and rhythm.


hope it helps

22. What influences the relationship between the speaker and the audience?​

the relationship between speaker and audience is

Speakers give speeches to persuade, inform, or entertain others. Those others—the audience—have the power to accept, reject, and respond to your speech in the manner that they deem fit.

23. how does speech context affect relationship of speaker?​


When we change the any of the four, speech style, speech context, speech act and communicative strategy, it affects the language a lot. It gives a completely different impression to the listener and changes the duration of interaction considerably.

24. 1. Why is relationship between a speaker and a listener important?​


the listener is.just as important as the speaker; neither one is effective without the other...But the speaker is arguably the most important key as they are responsible for creating a clear message that will be understood by their listener.

25. approach language form,duration of interaction ,relationship of speaker,role and responsibilities of the speaker,message delivery.​



26. Intimate to CasualLanguage form -Duration of interaction -Relationship of speaker -Message -Role and responsibilities of the speaker -Delivery -​

realationship of the speaker






role and responsibilty of the speaker

to inform,to entertain,to inform,to inform

27. what you learnd about relationship of speaker​


I've learned alot


because of the pandemic I learned a lot about my self,falmily,relation ships and study

the speaker works to an able the audience to make infoemed choice about what is best for them

28. where are they? what kind of relationship do the speakers have?​

sorryy po hindi ko po alam

29. What is the relationship between the character or the speaker in the text and their society


The relation between characters and the action of the story shifts historically, often miming shifts in society and its ideas about human individuality, self-determination, and the social order.



30. What is the relationship between the characters or the speakers in the text and their society?​


The relation between characters and the action of the story shifts historically, often miming shifts in society and its ideas about human individuality, self-determination, and the social order.

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