Conversion Of Units Word Problems With Solutions

Conversion Of Units Word Problems With Solutions

PERFORMANCE TASK (Week 2) Directions: Solve the given problem involving Conversion of Units of Measurement. Write your solution by following the steps in solving word problems. Problem: Drinking glasses of water a day is good for your health. Weach glass of water is equivalent to 148 mL, how many liters of water you need to consume every day? Step 1: Identify the important Information and pumbers, Step 2: Determine what is being asked in the problem. Step 3: Identify the appropriate conversion of units of measurement to be used. Step 4: Solve the problero. Step 5: Make a conclusionnonsense: reportoky na sagot 10 points​

1. PERFORMANCE TASK (Week 2) Directions: Solve the given problem involving Conversion of Units of Measurement. Write your solution by following the steps in solving word problems. Problem: Drinking glasses of water a day is good for your health. Weach glass of water is equivalent to 148 mL, how many liters of water you need to consume every day? Step 1: Identify the important Information and pumbers, Step 2: Determine what is being asked in the problem. Step 3: Identify the appropriate conversion of units of measurement to be used. Step 4: Solve the problero. Step 5: Make a conclusionnonsense: reportoky na sagot 10 points​


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2. II. Problem Solving:Directions: Show the solution on how you arrive with your answer.(Note: Always write the given in solving word problems and write its appropriate units)Use the figure below for numbers 11-12,AА A11. Which of the two colors of light has a shorter wavelength?12. Which of the two colors of light bents more?Use the formula on the table for the conversion of temperature scales for number 13-15,To = 5/9 (Tf-32) Tp = 9/5 Tc + 32 Tk = Tc + 273.15 Tp= 9/5 Tk - 459.67​


i need answer too please someone help

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