Literary Criticism Of The Old Man And The Sea

Literary Criticism Of The Old Man And The Sea

•What is defined to be the choice of words and tone used in writing a text? *A. Point of ViewB. MechanicsC. MoodD. Language Use•Which of the following must be asked in evaluating literary texts? *A. Is the author’s purpose achieved?B. What is your overall impression of the text?C. Is the text correctly structured according to its genre?D. All of the above• To whom was the myth Daedalus and Icarus inspired from? *A. Grimm BrothersB. Wright BrothersC. Marx BrothersD. Jonas Brothers•Why did Pi decide to leave the strange floating island? *A. Pi worries that no one will ever find him there.B. The vegetation is man-eating.C. There is nothing for him to eat.D. There are wild beasts that inhabit it.• Which Ernest Hemingway novel do critics often relate to story The Life of Pi? *A. A Farewell to ArmsB. For Whom the Bell TollsC. The Old Man and the SeaD. The Sun Also Rises•ALL of the given choices are those acts that the fair elves do, EXCEPT ______. *A. brought gentle rain and sunshineB. painted flowers and made bed for the streamsC. cut the grains and ground the flourD. took care of all the bees and butterflies•ALL of the given choices are those acts that the ugly dwarves do, EXCEPT ______. *A. forged iron and metalsB. dug gold and silverC. abode into the heart of the mountainD. lived in between the heaven and earth​

Daftar Isi

1. •What is defined to be the choice of words and tone used in writing a text? *A. Point of ViewB. MechanicsC. MoodD. Language Use•Which of the following must be asked in evaluating literary texts? *A. Is the author’s purpose achieved?B. What is your overall impression of the text?C. Is the text correctly structured according to its genre?D. All of the above• To whom was the myth Daedalus and Icarus inspired from? *A. Grimm BrothersB. Wright BrothersC. Marx BrothersD. Jonas Brothers•Why did Pi decide to leave the strange floating island? *A. Pi worries that no one will ever find him there.B. The vegetation is man-eating.C. There is nothing for him to eat.D. There are wild beasts that inhabit it.• Which Ernest Hemingway novel do critics often relate to story The Life of Pi? *A. A Farewell to ArmsB. For Whom the Bell TollsC. The Old Man and the SeaD. The Sun Also Rises•ALL of the given choices are those acts that the fair elves do, EXCEPT ______. *A. brought gentle rain and sunshineB. painted flowers and made bed for the streamsC. cut the grains and ground the flourD. took care of all the bees and butterflies•ALL of the given choices are those acts that the ugly dwarves do, EXCEPT ______. *A. forged iron and metalsB. dug gold and silverC. abode into the heart of the mountainD. lived in between the heaven and earth​


1. D2. C3. A4. D5. B6. D7. D


not sure po just trying to help


2. letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number,1. It is an author's purpose is his reason in writing.a. Author's Intention b. Contextc. Literary Techniqued. Literary Devices2. It is a way of telling one's thoughts on how he/she looks at something.a. critiqueb. elementsC. sharing viewpointsd. techniques3. It pertains to your own possible reactions as well as your attitude as critic when you read the literary piece.a. Reactionb. Ending of the Story c. Contextd. Literary Technique4. It exposes or presents the inner states of characters and the trappings of our everyday or usual worlda Literaryb. Adventurec. Science Fictiond. Fantasy5. It is the data that helps to make sense of a literary text's messagea. Contextb. Author's Intention c. Literary Techniqued. Reaction6. It is an author's purpose wherein he is writing well enough to encourage everyone to change his mind about a problem thatis really important to hima. persuade b. informc. entertain d. inspire7. The author's feelings or emotions towards his/her writing is thea.Toneb. moodc. reactiond. technique8. It is used by the author to compare one thing to another and is described in non-literal terms.a.Metaphorb. similec. Hyperboled. Onomatopoeia9. It is the feeling that the reader gets when the text is read.a. moodb. purposec. techniqued. reaction10. What is the tone of the following text?"I will not!" she shouted. "I will not do things against my will!"a. angryb. happyc. pleasedd. suspicious11. I It pertains to author's written motive and intentiona. author's purposeb. author's techniquec. moodd. tone12. I What type of author's purpose includes information or data that is useful, valuable or important?a to describeb. to entertainc. to informd. to persuade13. It is an author's purpose wherein he includes information or data that is useful, valuable or importanta. informb. to persuadec. to entertaind. to inspire14. The writer usually uses first and third person point of view.a. first and third person b. first personc. third persond. second person15. In this point of view, the writer uses pronouns I, me, and my in narrating the story.a. first personb. point of viewc. third persond. viewpoints16. It shows your agreement or disagreement, approval or disapproval of the elements used in it.a. Reactionb. Contextc. Ending of the Storyd. Literary Technique17. "The truth occurred to me that nature often fulfills her duty more faithfully than man does his."What point of view is used by the writer?a first and third person b. first personc. third persond. second person18. Which among the statements below shows exaggerated or excessive statement?a.I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.b. I couldn't sleep because of the rustling leaves outside the window near my bedroomc.Her cheeks are red like roses.d. You are the apple of my eyes,19. "I can steel remember what she looked like, that beautiful face and that charming smile."In what point of view do you think the writer tells the story?a. first and third personb. first personc.third persond. second person20. Which is the best statement that expresses the feeling of the writer?a. "They are trying to leave the company." He leaned forward. his elbows on his knees. "Tell me all of this at once."b. "Ely is ecstatic when he learns that he will be going on a vacation with his family.">c. "It is true that you give us some meat. But it is often old and tough meat, and has many bones."d. Another lesson I learned from Bakong is the fact that the river was not merely determined to flow just anywhere; it wasdetermined to reach the sea, to the great end​


1. c

2. d

3. b

4. a

5. a

6. d

7. b

8. c

9. d

10. b

11. a

12. b

13. d

14. c

15. d

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