Why Do We Need To Study Culture Society And Politics

Why Do We Need To Study Culture Society And Politics

Why do we need to study culture, society and politics

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1. Why do we need to study culture, society and politics

Studying the culture is significant because it gives you the sense of awareness of how a particular group of people behave. For example, their ordinary habits, attitude toward each other and their religious beliefs.

Studying the society is also significant because you will know how they live together in an organized way and how they make decisions about how to do things. With that, it'll be easier for you to mingle with the society.

Studying politics, is indeed significant because you are responsible of knowing the law and disobedience with the laws may lead you to prison.

2. why do we need to study culture, society and politics?​


to more knowledge about that politics issues in our different city

3. why do we need to study culture, society and politics?​


it is very important to understand the concept of culture society and politics because these things please an important role in in one's life . in the society you need to know about the behaviour of a society and politics for the general knowledge you need have the knowledge of general knowledge because you will get to know about affairs going on and about your culture just because culture you get to know about the traditions , all those customs which your in ancestors had followed through which I think you could also get to know about the bad quality of the society by which you could secure yourself from crimes and which would help you to not to be the victim of crimes


4. Why do we need to study culture, society, and politics?​

Answer:  Knowing how society works as a whole and as part of our life helps us find a better way to improve it or keep it alive. The well-being of the country can also be seen in society. It helps students to understand how different societies are structured, managed and governed. This in turn helps students to understand their place in the world. ... For example – in order to investigate poverty in the society, students require knowledge of subjects like – History, Economics and Politics.

Pa Brainliest :D

5. Why do we need to study Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics. Give 5 sentence •́ ‿ ,•̀​​

Understanding of society and culture is important because nowadays in industries or in an informal sector the management gives more importance on human behaviour.Without understanding the norms and rules of society and culture is not possible to move forward.


6. Why do we need to study culture society and politics in our country?

Knowing how the society functions as a whole and as a part of our lives, helps us come up of a better way of improving it or sustaining its brilliance. The country's' well-being can also be seen in its societies. Politics- it is best to be a wise citizen in a world full of deceptions and empty promises


7. Why do we need to study understanding, culture, society and politics?

To be aware on the other culture. To have a knowledfe about it.

8. Holistically, culture includes everything made by man. Our identity and unique differences reflect the kind of culture in our society. In this lesson, you will have a glance on the understanding of culture, society, and politics. You will begin to realize that you are connected to the social realities and phenomena based from your actions, behavior, attitude within a society. This is to prove Aristotle's notion that we are indeed a social animal. Different political, social, and cultural issues do not stand alone inside the classroom hence, they surface beyond that they need thorough analysis and interpretation. WHAT'S NEW You are required to study, give an emphasis, and analyze the words or phrases listed in the box as you study the lesson. It will allow you to gain deeper understanding with the lessons ahead of you. Anthropology Culture Folkways Language Laws Natural Science Norms Politics Positivism Social Science Society Sociology Read and reflect on the quotation inside the box. You may answer in a separate sheet of paper. "A person may escape society for a while, but he can never escape culture." - Joseph H. Fichter."Guide Questions: 1. What can you say about the quotation? 2. Do you agree with the author's statement? Why or why not?​


what about me what about meee what about me and you together


1. This is a different political social and will begin to realize that you are connected to the social realities and phonenomena based from action behavior,or attitude

2.yes , Because holistic, culture is the one being journey


brainleast me if you want

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