Paper Relief Sculpture

Paper Relief Sculpture

It is a sculpture that incompletely finish. A.Low Relief Sculpture B.High relief Scuplture C.Assemblage D.Constructions​

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1. It is a sculpture that incompletely finish. A.Low Relief Sculpture B.High relief Scuplture C.Assemblage D.Constructions​


letter D. po


tig seacher ko na po, para sgurado



relief painting and relief sculpture


examples lang po yan

3. what is the contrast of free-standing sculpture and relief sculpture​


The short answer is that relief is a type of sculpture which has a background, like a picture, from which things protrude to varying degrees; whereas normal sculpture, called in contrast sculpture-in-the round, is fully three-dimensional, free-standing, and not attached to a background.

4. relief sculpture in malaysia


here's my answer


hope ut helps

5. Relief sculptural technique where the sculpted elements remain attached to a solid background of the same material. Which of the following is NOT a type of relief sculptures. A. Alto formB. Bas formC. Sperlonga formD. Sunken relief sculpture​


A po


Im not sure correct me if i wrong

6. what is sculpture relief


Relief is a sculptural technique where the sculpted elements remain attached to a solid background of the same material. The term relief is from the Latin verb relevo, to raise. To create a sculpture in relief is to give the impression that the sculpted material has been raised above the background planet.

7. which one is not a type of relief sculpture​


where is the choices of ur question

8. cite some examples of low relief and high relief sculptures​


type of relief sculpture

In a low relief, or bas-relief (basso-relievo), the design projects only slightly from the ground and there is little or no undercutting of outlines. In a high relief, or alto-relievo, the forms project at least half or more of their natural circumference from the background and may.

9. 1.)relief sculpture were done with?​


hope it helps


relief sculptures are made out of stones, marbles, bronze, and other subtances. also, a relief sculpture is carved with a plane surface

10. most of their sculpture are relief​


Relief is a sculptural technique where the sculpted elements remain attached to a solid background of the same material. The term relief is from the Latin verb relevo, to raise. To create a sculpture in relief is to give the impression that the sculpted material has been raised above the background plane.


There are three basic types of relief sculpture: (1) low relief (basso-relievo, or bas-relief), where the sculpture projects only slightly from the background surface; (2) high relief (alto-relievo, or alto-relief), where the sculpture projects at least half or more of its natural circumference from the background,

11. a form of art sometimes called relief sculpture​



Also known as relievo, relief sculpture is a combination of the two-dimensional pictorial arts and the three-dimensional sculptural arts. Thus a relief, like a picture, is dependent on a background surface and its composition must be extended in a plane in order to be visible

12. which of the following is not a type of relief sculpture​


Techno - Sculpture form

13. How does a relief sculpture differ from other forms of sculpture?​


Sculpture-In-The-Round has a front and a back and is meant to be seen from all sides,while Relief sculpture is meant to be seen from only one side.

14. three main types of relief sculptures​


There are three basic types of relief sculpture: (1) low relief (basso-relievo, or bas-relief), where the sculpture projects only slightly from the background surface; (2) high relief (alto-relievo, or alto-relief), where the sculpture projects at least half or more of its natural circumference from the background, and may in parts be wholly disengaged from the ground, thus approximating sculpture in the round. [Sculptors may also employ middle-relief (mezzo-relievo), a style which falls roughly between the high and low forms]; (3) sunken relief, (incised, coelanaglyphic or intaglio relief), where the carving is sunk below the level of the surrounding surface and is contained within a sharpely incised contour line that frames it with a powerful line of shadow. The surrounding surface remains untouched, with no projections. Sunken relief carving is found almost exclusively in ancient Egyptian art, although it has also been used in some beautiful small-scale ivory reliefs from India.

15. 5. Which of the following is NOT an example of relief sculptures?a. Alto formc. Sunken relief sculptureb. Bas formd. Techno - sculture form​


A) alto form


We dont like a happy


D techno - sculpture form


A alto is a relief sculpture

Even b and c are relief sculpture


16. Differentiate free standing sculpture from relief sculpture​

A relief sculpture is a sculpture carved into stone, usually a wall or column whereas a freestanding sculpture is one that can be viewed from all sides and is not attached to a wall or structure.

17. 4 relief sculpture and it's region in the Philippines​


Rarely collected in such a broad group displa, both figurative sculpturs and ritual boxes exemplify the talent of artist from the ifugao, Bontoc and Kankanaey tribes in the northern Luzon region of the Philippines

18. what type of relief sculpture that barely extends past the basic?a.altoform b.basform c.reliefsculpture d.sunken and relief sculpture​


B.bass form


bass form barely extends past and base

19. Is Relief TYPE, PROCESS, or TECHNIQUE in Sculpture.


The term relief refers to a sculptural method in which the sculpted pieces are bonded to a solid background of the same material. The term relief is from the Latin verb relevo, to raise. To create a sculpture in relief is to give the impression that the sculpted material has been raised above the background plane.

pa brainlest

20. where relief sculpture​


Relief sculpture is a complex art form that combines many features of the two-dimensional pictorial arts and the three-dimensional sculptural arts.

21. Relief sculpture in Malaysia​


Alto form

Bas form

Sunken relief sculpture

22. Known for his work in bas- relief. a form of shallow relief sculpture.


He is, in part, known for his work in bas-relief, a form of shallow relief sculpture that, in 'Donatello'


23. a relief sculpture in malaysia​


malsia skin sculpturesti

24. he is known for his bas relief a form of shallow relief sculpture​


Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi (Donatello)


He is an early Renaissance Italian sculptor from Florence and is known for his bas-relief work, a form of shallow relief sculpture.


Donatello ( Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi)

25. Relief sculpture are famous in lndonesia


Most notable sculpture of classical Hindu-Buddhist era of Indonesia are the hundreds of meters of relief and hundreds of stone buddhas at the temple of Borobudur in central Java.

26. 1. The following are three main types of relief sculptures in Malaysia. EXCEPT;A. Alto formB. GopuramC. Bas formD. Sunken relief sculpture​

The answer is letter B. Gopuram

27. three types of relief sculpture??!​


relief,high relief,bass relief


i i hope this is helpful

28. A bas relief sculpture made by Donatello?​


The Feast of Herod The panel of The Feast of Herod is one of the great masterpieces of Renaissance sculpture. It was the first relief to be built in accordance with the rules of perspective. In 1427 Donatello executed the Herod's Banquet, a bronze relief, for the Baptismal Font in the Cathedral of Siena.

29. what are the two kinds of relief figure sculpture​


There are three basic types of relief sculpture: (1) low relief (basso-relievo, or bas-relief), where the sculpture projects only slightly from the background surface; (2) high relief (alto-relievo, or alto-relief), where the sculpture projects at least half or more of its natural circumference from the background, and may in parts be wholly disengaged from the ground, thus approximating sculpture in the round. [Sculptors may also employ middle-relief (mezzo-relievo), a style which falls roughly between the high and low forms]; (3) sunken relief, (incised, coelanaglyphic or intaglio relief), where the carving is sunk below the level of the surrounding surface and is contained within a sharpely incised contour line that frames it with a powerful line of shadow.


low relief, high relief and sunken relief

30. In what period did the relief sculpture start​

Relief sculptures were prominent in the sarcophagi of Roman art during the 2nd and 3rd centuries ce.

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