Father Day Message From Daughter In Law

Father Day Message From Daughter In Law

What was the father's reason for submitting his daughter-in-law to varioustest? ​

Daftar Isi

1. What was the father's reason for submitting his daughter-in-law to varioustest? ​


to test if she's pregnant? or her daughter from a mistress? or sick?


what is the source of this HAHA

2. What is your message to your daughter onTeacher's day?​


I love you so much, my beautiful daughter. “  “Your mother and you are the women of my life, the biggest reason to fight every day to provide you only the best. I love you dear daughter and I want you to be happy every day of your life.


God bless and Happy teachers day

3. Sample of deed of donation from father to daughter


I think the manner cause they thought us to have good manners so i think it is

4. What can you say about the treatment of the daughter to her father and the father to hisdaughter?​


Dads and Daughters suggests these tips for girl dads to inspire, understand and support their daughters: Listen to girls. Focus on what is really important – what does your daughter think, believe, feel, dream and do – rather than how she looks. Encourage her strength and celebrate her savvy.


When your daughter does come to you and discusses personal issues and problems, she needs to know that you will treat them with respect


5. 1.point of view for a father and daughter​


1.second person po


Sana po makatulong po thanKs

6. what will the daughter say to his father after receiving gift from him​


Thank you so much.




OMG!! dad thank you so much, I've never been happier before, really dad thank u,this is the best gift ever (kiss kiss) ;)

7. One fine day, the father and daugther were holding each other's hand, walking happily on their way to school where the daughter handed a letter to her dear father.​

What's the question?


8. why do you think the daughter of samantha still wishes to meet her father one day?


i think because its her father and she loves her father

9. Baby Baldo and his family are all going to a family reunion! At the reunion there is a grandmother, a grandfather, two mothers, two fathers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two daughters, a mother-in-law, a father-in-law and a daughter-in-law. How many people came to the family reunion?

if their is a grandmother in a grandfather in  two mothers , two fathers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two daughters, a mother-in-law, a father-in-law and a daughter-in-law. ,their would be about 23 people at the family reunion 

10. my brothers mother-in-law from canada has arrived to visit her daughter ​


huh?..ano po instructions?

11. Marry father has a 5 daughter MariaJuliettaAliceSarahwho is the fifth daughter of marry father​


Marry is the name of the fifth daughter

12. My brother's MOTHER-IN-LAW from Canada has just arrived to visit her daughter​

yan po yung question or answer?

13. A father and his daughter g0 to the bus stop that is located 75 m from their front door The father walks in a straight line while his daughter runs along varied path. Despite the different paths, they both end up at the bus stop at the same time. The father's average speed is 2.2 ms and his daughter" average speed is 3.5 m/s: Part A. How long does it take the father and daughter to reach the bus stop? Part B. What was the daughter's total distance traveled? Part C If the daughter maintained her same average speed and traveled in J straight Iine Iike her father; how far beyond the bus stop would she have traveled?


the Daughter well stop when his father was in 2.2 if that's happened the daughter average know is 3.5 if this works for and the father and daughter both end up at the bus stop at the same time if the quality it depends on the 3.5 m/s. Because it located 75 m from there front door.

part A :. it located 75 m from there front door the father walks in a straight line while his daughter runs along varied path.

part B:. the total amount of distance traveled average speed is 3.5 m/s that was the average on his daughter.

part C. I think 3.7 m/s or 2.6 m/s that is depends on when or what are speed for that is the average speed up at the bus the bus stop .

thank you

God Bless po

more answers sayo

Sana maka tolong sayo

tama po yan.

pa BRINLIEST po please


pa follow narin po kaayo para ma sagutin na natin.

thanks again


14. what is a meaning of daughter-in-law​


the wife of one's son or daughter.


the wife on one's daughters.......

15. 3. Based on the poem, complete the graphic organizer by writing words associated with the words father and daughter. father daughter.​Answer plß


Father lost love of her daughter

16. one day the father and daughter we're holding each other's hand to walking Happily on their way to school where the daughter handed a letter to her dear​


what next on your reading

17. If you were the father in the story how would you have reacted to each of the daughters wishes? the story is a father and his two daughters.


father reaction is happy for wishes of his daughter


in every parents-child relationship, there are clashes when our choices depart from those our parents would have chosen for us.

18. 2. My brother's mother-in-law from Canada has just arrived to visit her daughter.​


because ha missed it


do he go in the csnada





...yes please

19. interview your parents on how filipinos welcome a new daughter in law find out if what baldos father did was a typcal of accepting a new member of the family

it is especially difficult if you are not accepted by the parent.

20. Mother:Father:Son/Daughter:Mother and Father:​







Mother and Father:

21. 2: What will the daughter say to his father after receiving gifts from him?​


thank you papa for this wonderful gift...

22. a father has a son and a daughter if the father is twice as old as his son and the son is 4 years older than his sister how old is the daughter if the father is 32 years old? ​


12 years old.

Step-by-step explanation:

Father = 32 years old; twice the age of his son

Son = since his age is double the age of his father that's 32 ÷ 2 = 16

Daughter = It was mentioned that her brother is older than her by four years, so 16 - 4 = 12

23. my brother mother-in-law from canada has just afraid to visit here daughter​


or just because just afraid or she not know you


Ang papapasya na dapat gawin ay para sa kabuting

24. . My brother’s MOTHER-IN LAW from Canada has just arrived to visit her daughter​


okay that's nice

i guess

25. A father and his daughter g0 to the bus stop that is located 75 m from their front door The father walks in a straight line while his daughter runs along varied path. Despite the different paths, they both end up at the bus stop at the same time. The father's average speed is 2.2 ms and his daughter" average speed is 3.5 m/s: Part A. How long does it take the father and daughter to reach the bus stop? Part B. What was the daughter's total distance traveled? Part C If the daughter maintained her same average speed and traveled in J straight Iine Iike her father; how far beyond the bus stop would she have traveled?


The kinematics for the uniform motion can be found to be correct is:

D. (a) 34 s (b) 119 m (c) 44 m

Parameters Given

• The distance x = 75 m

• Average velocity of father and daughter v₁ = 2.2 m/s and v₂ = 3.5 m/s

To find

a) The travel time

b) The distance traveled by the daughter

c) How much does the daughter exceed the stop if she is going in a straight line

Kinematics studies the movement of bodies, finding relationships between position, velocity and acceleration.

In the special case that the acceleration is zero, the motion is called uniform motion and is described by the relation.

ayaw ma type sorry



= \frac{\Delta x}{\Delta t}



Where v_avg is the mean speed, Δx and Δt are the variation of distance and time in the interval

a) Since the father travels in a straight line to the bus, his distance is


Δt = \frac{\Delta x}{v_1}




Δt = \frac{75}{2.2}



Δt = 34.09 s

This time is the same for both since they indicate that they arrive together

b) The distance traveled by the daughter

Δx₂ = v₂ Δt

Δx₂ = 3.5 34.09

Δx₂ = 119.32 m

c) If the daughter's trip had been in a free straight, she would open after the stop

Δx = Δx₂ - 75

Δx = 119.32 -75

Δx = 44.2 m

In conclusion using the kinematic relations for the uniform motion we can find that the answers are:

a) The travel time is 34.09 s

b) The distance traveled by the daughter is 119.32 m

c) The daughter passed the stop by a distance of 44.2 m

Reviewing the answers we find that the correct one is:

d) (a) 34 s (b) 119 m (c) 44 m

26. my brothers mother-in-law from canada just arrived to visit her daughter​


ok thank you sa points


thank you so much god bless

27. Mary's father has 5 daughters : nana, nene, nini, and nono, then who's the fifth daughter?

father has 5 daughters : nana, nene, nini, and nono, then who's the fifth daughter the answer is nunu.

The fifth daughter is Mary

28. My Brother's mother in law from Canada has just arrived to visit her daughter,what is the meaning of mother in law?​


1: the mother of one's spouse

2archaic : STEPMOTHER

29. my brother in law from canada has just arrived to visit her daughter ​

congratulations because your brother in law already saw his daughter

30. my brothers MOTHER IN LAW from Canada has just arrived to visit her daughter


so this is english sentence in a Filipino subject


Is this a question?


where is the story


keep on learning

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