Invisible Meaning In Tagalog

Invisible Meaning In Tagalog

invisible line in tagalog?​

Daftar Isi

1. invisible line in tagalog?​


linya na hindi nakikita


Hindi nakikita. na linya


good night and sweet dreams to all❤️❤️

Sana makatulong po yan hehe

2. meaning of invisible ​


The term "invisible" generally refers to something that is impossible or very difficult to see or perceive. For example, the term may be used to describe something that is hidden or obscured from view, such as an invisible seam in a garment. It may also be used in a more abstract sense, such as to describe a concept or idea that is not immediately apparent or visible, such as the "invisible hand" in economics, which refers to the way that the free market can operate without a central controlling force. Overall, the term "invisible" typically connotes something that is either hidden, obscured, or beyond the realm of normal perception.


invisible means unable to be seen; not visible to the eye

paBrainliest if helpful


3. What is the meaning of invisibility

Word Etymology:

Invisibility (noun)
In (prefix means 'not')+ Visible (root word) +ity (noun ending words)
-Not Visible by the naked eye.
-The quality of not being perceivable by the eye.

The invisibility of the bacteria is known to be in perceivable in any cause.

4. from original word atomos which means indestructible & invisible​


indestructible is can be seen invisible can't be seen


ayan pag kakaintindi ko

5. Which of the following term mean invisible particle



hope it helpssssssssss


Ano Daw?

paki ayos po para masagutan

6. anong meaning ng invisibility for bias and for report​


invisibility is the state of an object that cannot be seen. An object in this state is said to be invisible. The phenomenon is studied by physics and perceptual psychology.

7. visible and invisible church means​



The invisible church or church invisible is a theological concept of an "invisible" Christian Church of the elect who are known only to God, in contrast to the "visible church"—that is, the institutional body on earth which preaches the gospel and administers the sacraments.

8. What is the meaning of invisibility

incapable of being conquered, defeated, or subdued.

insuperable; insurmountable:
invincible difficulties.

9. what is the meaning of the line "what is essential is invisible to the eye​


It is only in the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye. What this means is that the true nature of things can only be seen and understood if one perceives it with feeling. This suggests passion and care, which the fox experienced when the prince tamed him.


10. What is the meaning of it is only in the heart that one can see rightly what is essential is invisible to the eye

the 'heart' represents our soul or spirit that can see what life truly is. our eyes deceive us by appearances. inside us, we know what is truly important

11. If God created everything visible and invisible, does it means he also created the devils and bad spirits?

He did not created the devil and the bad spirit.

12. meaning of assential invisible repeated responsible tame​


What matters is other people's character, their essence. And this essence is not immediately visible to the eye, it must be searched for and felt. The same goes for life itself—the trappings that other people value are usually the most glittering and obvious. But wealth, fame, power, these matter very little.


ang sagot salamat sa point

13. Directions:Name the prefix of each word the meaning of the base. And use itin a sentence. impossibletransplantmisbehaveinvisibledisagreePrefixbase wordmeaning​


Prefix: im-

Base word: possible

Meaning: not

Sentence: It is impossible for me to finish this task within an hour.

Prefix: trans-

Base word: plant

Meaning: to transfer

Sentence: The farmer decided to transplant the tomato seedlings into larger pots.

Prefix: mis-

Base word: behave

Meaning: to conduct oneself in a certain way

Sentence: The children were misbehaving during the class and were asked to leave the room.

Prefix: in-

Base word: visible

Meaning: able to be seen

Sentence: The dust on the windows made it almost impossible to see through them, rendering the garden invisible.

Prefix: dis-

Base word: agree

Meaning: to have a different opinion

Sentence: Despite the heated argument, the team members could not agree on a suitable approach, leading to a disagreement

14. What do you mean by "Of all things visible and invisible" in the prayer "The Creed"? What is this phrase referring of?

In English subject, There are really things that we can only feel (Abstract Nouns)
Spiritually, We have to accept the truth that there are really thing we can't see.

15. Meaning of Impossible,Transplant,Misbehave, invisible,Disagree

Impossible: not able to occur, exist, or be done

Transplant: An operation in which an organ is transferred

Misbehave: behaving badly

Invisible: not visible to the eye or not able to be seen

Disagree: have or express a different opinion

16. the true mystery of the world is visible not invisible means​


anong tanong diyan tanong ko lang


all things that we can't see is not true cause everything in this world can be found.

17. what is the meaning of the greek word atomosA. inventibleB. invisibleC. indivisibleD. independent​




the meaning of Greek invisible

it's letter C

that is correct

18. it is only with the heart that can see rightly,what is essential in invisible to the eye meaning

Regardless of one's physical appearance, if you developed a great fondness for that person, his appearance won't matter. It is the joy that you feel inside you that you appreciate what is more than skin deep. It is what your heart is yearning for, that can only perceive with feeling.

19. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng "Invisible Hand"? (Tagalog po na kahulugan) SALAMAT​


Ang invisible hand ay isang talinghaga para sa mga hindi nakikitang pwersa na gumagalaw sa malayang ekonomiya ng merkado. ... Sa madaling salita, pinaniniwalaan ng diskarte na mahahanap ng merkado ang balanse nito nang walang gobyerno o iba pang mga interbensyon na pinipilit ito sa mga hindi natural na pattern


I hope it helps :D

20. "music is the harmonious voice of creation, an echo of invisible world" what does it mean?​

Answer: Music is tapping the vast space of creativity in anyone and represents the ability to do so. This could also "echo" to the wide audience of listeners to be inspired and create music.


21. A greek word which means "Invisible particle".​



Democritus was an Ancient Greek philosopher, who formulated an atomic theory for the cosmos, atom come from the Greek word “atomos” which means small,

invisible particle.


hope it helps!


Atomism (from Greek ἄτομον, atomon, i.e. "uncuttable, indivisible") is a natural philosophy proposing that the physical world is composed of fundamental indivisible components known as atoms.


hope it helps

22. The word "atom" comes froma greek word means.A. InvisibleB. IndivisibleC. Undivided ​







The Greek root of atom is atomos, which means "indivisible,"

23. Sumulat ng sanaysay na nag papaliwanag sa mensahe in(TAGALOG)You're good deeds might seem invisible, but the leave a trail that is imprinted on the hearts of others.​


Sumulat ng sanaysay na nag papaliwanag sa mensahe in


You're good deeds might seem invisible, but the leave a trail that is imprinted on the hearts of others.


sorry need ko points mo

24. What is the meaning of... It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.?

maybe feeling or loveWe are only capable of seeing the physical appearance of people we meet with our sense of sight. We cannot see kindness, compassion, humility and love using our eyes. We only "see" those emotions using our hearts.

25. which of the following terms mean invisible particle​




d namin masasagot ng maayos ayusin mo muna po

26. 2.demanded similar meaning3.whimper similar meaning4.stale similar meaning5.invisible similar meaning​



2. claim, exact, and require.

3. snivel, sniffle, pule, whine, fuss, cry, mewl, moan, and weep

4. dry, hard, old

5. imperceptible, microscopic, unseen, inconspicuous, unseeable, concealed, covert, deceptive, disguised, ethereal, gaseous, ghostly, ideal, impalpable, indiscernible, infinitesimal, insensible, intangible, masked, obliterated.

27. meaning of assential invisible repeated responsible tame​

When the fox and the little prince meet for the first time, the fox asks the prince to “tame” him. When the prince asks him what “tame” means, the fox says it means “to establish ties” (21. 16). The process of “taming,” he explains, they will come to mean something to each other and will need each other.





28. Little prince quotes what is essential it is invisible to the eye meaning

"It is only in the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye." - Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery,

This is about passion and care. We can only understand the true meaning of someone if we use our feelings. Love, passion, and care cannot be seen and we only feel it. Like the prince tamed the fox they develop a relationship. The flower didn't experience it. They see themselves as beautiful and because of their number they can't be truly love.

29. it is comes from the greek word atomos which means invisible indivisible​


The word atom is derived from the Greek word atomos, which means indivisible or uncut.

30. what is the meaning of virtual invisibility?​

communication education

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