Dynamite Fishing Law

Dynamite Fishing Law

why is catching fish using dynamite by law​

Daftar Isi

1. why is catching fish using dynamite by law​


Because it is dangerous in nature, animals and also to humans. It is also forbidden because not everyone can use or do it.

2. why is catching fish using dynamite prohibited by law


because when using a dynamite the corals will crack/break and the fish will die so that's why its have a law



catching fish using dynamite because the fish can eat more small fish it know it became catching fish


sana makatulong ito tama yan

3. why do you think dynamite fishing is prohibited by law​


Explosions from dynamite fishing destroy coral reefs and kill fish and their eggs and larvae, and injure other animals including marine mammals.


sorry yan lang answer ko pa report lang kong gusto mo


Because explosions from dynamite fishing destroy coral reefs and kill fish and their eggs and larvae, and injure other animals including marine mammals. It can be harmful impact on local ecosystems and the economy in this.#CarryOnLearning

4. describe the event of dynamite fishing​

Blast fishing, also known as dynamite fishing, is a highly destructive, illegal method of catching fish which uses dynamite or other types of explosives to send shock-waves through the water, stunning or killing fish which are then collected and sold.


it's right I got perfect with this answer


if a fisher use an dynamite to get fishes, it willcause to harm the corals and fishes and also, that can kill a fisher


5. Dynamite fishing will result to​


Destructive fishing methods include the use of explosives to kill or stun fish, which destroys corals. This method, called blast or dynamite fishing, shatters coral colonies and kills the coral tissues on adjacent colonies.

6. Ano ang Dynamite Fishing


Ito ay isang uri ng pangingisda na pinagbabawal dahil nasisira nito ang lamang dagat or elligal fishing

7. Dynamite fishing source​



The main ingredient used by fishermen for these dynamite explosives is ammonium nitrate, an agricultural fertilizer. Similarly, the blasting caps of these explosives can be taken from dynamite for mining and supplies for military purposes.


Dynamite fishing may be viewed as something that arose due to economic necessity. Marginal fishers who practice this unsustainable method of fishing appear to be victims of unfair competition imposed by the large, commercial fishers.

Blast fishing, fish bombing, or dynamite fishing is a destructive fishing practice using explosives to stun or kill schools of fish for easy collection.





ANSWER: ANSWER: Source of dynamite fishing

✓The intrusion of commercial fishers into municipal waters and

✓The lack of capacity to purchase the appropriate fishing gear due to proverty.

8. using dynamite for fishing ​


I believe you didn't or can't write the question? But I'm gonna answer it anyway.

Using dynamite for fishing is bad because corals and other creatures underwater may be involved in the blasting and may die.

Hope it helps and I hope I understood your unfinished question.


blast fishing or dynamite fishing is a destructive fishing practice using explosives to stun or kill schools of fish for easy collection. This often illegal practice is extremely destructive to the surrounding ecosystem, as the explosion often destroys the underlying habitat that supports the fish.



9. What is the effect of dynamite fishing​

Also known as blast or dynamite fishing, fish bombing is one of the most destructive forms of fishing because it indiscriminately kills any animal in the blast area—from fish eggs and plankton to whales and dolphins—and devastates corals


It can destroy the marine environment and can damage the coral reefs etc

10. if dynamite fishing is done​


i can't understand your question

11. Use dynamites while fishing.


Dynamite fishing destroys both the food chain and the corals where the fish nest and grow. Blast fishing kills the entire food chain, including plankton, fish both large and small, and the juveniles that do not grow old enough to spawn.


Dynamite fishing destroys both the food chain and the corals where the fish nest and grow. Blast fishing kills the entire food chain, including plankton, fish both large and small, and the juveniles that do not grow old enough to spawn.


hope it helps

12. In your opinion,why dynamite fishing method is prohibitied by law?ESSAY!​


Simply because dynamite fishing will cause a lot of damage to our resources particularly in the sea and if people do dynamite fishing it can cause damage to coral reefs, and those fishes that are still young. Many people will suffer because of this, mainly because it is the source of their income and food. The reason why it is prohibited to maintain and preserve our sea and to avoid abusing our nature.


13. dynamite fishing is________in this country​

Answer:is not able in this country


di ko po sure




you could search RA 10654 to know why

14. what is dynamite fishing​


Dynamite fishing is one of the methods of catching fish. This is an activity using an explosive device that kills many fishes and other creatures under the sea. This is also an illegal practice that is mostly done by people who believe that this is the best way of catching fish. dynamite fishing is done not only in the Philippines but in other parts of the world as well.

Blast fishing or dynamite fishing is a destructive fishing practice using explosives to stun or kill schools of fish for easy collection. This often illegal practice is extremely destructive to the surrounding ecosystem, as the explosion often destroys the underlying habitat that supports the fish.

15. cause of dynamite fishing​

Because of poverty, people living near the sea or those who make fishing their source of living resort to desperate measures to augment their income. Some fisher folk say it's better to go to the sea and fish (using whatever means, including dynamites) than doing nothing at all.

16. Possible solutions for dynamite fishing​


provide training and scientific materials at local universities and enforcement agencies to support marine conservation; purchase small water purifier systems that will be donated to local communities that shows progress in stopping dynamite fishing.


it can be destroy the corals , 5he corals are the home of many creatures if the corals explode there is no home to the creatures that it causes death

17. destruction that caused by dynamite fishing​


Dynamite is used by unscrupulous fishermen to blast coral reefs and other shallow areas to stun fish, which are then collected from the surface or shallow waters. Because it explodes like a bomb, it is locally known as bomu. Its explosion is highly damaging to the benthic communities and branching corals.


18. how to know if the fish is from dynamite fishing​


Nothing beats dynamite fishing for sheer efficiency.

A fisherman in this scattering of islands in the central Philippines balanced on a narrow outrigger boat and launched a bottle bomb into the sea with the ease of a quarterback. It exploded in a violent burst, rocking the bottom of our boat and filling the air with an acrid smell. Fish bobbed onto the surface, dead or gasping their last breaths.

Under the water, coral shattered into rubble.

The blast ruptured the internal organs of reef fish, fractured their spines or tore at their flesh with coral shrapnel. From microscopic plankton to sea horses, anemones and sharks, little survives inside the 30- to 100-foot radius of an explosion.

With 10,500 square miles of coral reef, the Philippines is a global center for marine biodiversity, which the country has struggled to protect in the face of human activity and institutional inaction. But as the effects of climate change on oceans become more acute, stopping dynamite and other illegal fishing has taken on a new urgency.

19. 4. The practices below help in saving coral reefs, EXCEPTA. dynamite fishingB. discouraging others from collecting coralsC. strict implementation of laws on illegal fishingD. reforestation​

QUESTION⤵The practices below help in saving coral reefs, EXCEPT


A. dynamite fishing

B. discouraging others from collecting corals

C. strict implementation of laws on illegal fishing

D. reforestation


➡A. dynamite fishingA dynamite fishing is not a good habit in saving coral reefWe need to save coral reef because it help because Coral reefs help fish and other sea creatures to live well


20. Effects of dynamite fishing


Also known as blast or dynamite fishing, fish bombing is one of the most destructive forms of fishing because it indiscriminately kills any animal in the blast area—from fish eggs and plankton to whales and dolphins—and devastates corals.


hope it helps pabrainliest Na din po thanks


1.Dead coral reefs

2. killing innocent dolphins and other sea animals


Yan lang po alam ko sana makatulong

21. Slogan to stop dynamite fishing


√Another way to stop dynamite fishing is to make sure there's no "dynamite" to be had. While the term might call to mind sticks of TNT, the homemade explosives fishers concoct are made from cheap blasting caps and ammonium nitrate fertilizer.

22. about dynamite fishing​




23. solutions for dynamite fishing​


provide training and scientific materials at local universities and enforcement agencies to support marine conservation; purchase small water purifier systems that will be donated to local communities that shows progress in stopping dynamite fishing.

24. Why dynamite fishing is bad


because it can damage our seas and also hurt many wild fish


in short

It damages our wildlife

it indiscriminately kills any animal in the blast area—from fish eggs and plankton to whales and dolphins—and devastates corals.


The explosives used destroy the marine environment,

25. dynamite fishing dynamite fishing ​


dynamite fishing poles hehe

26. Sources of dynamite fishing


Sources of dynamite fishing

•the intrusion of commercial fishers into municipal waters, and.

•the lack of capacity to purchase the appropriate fishing gear due to poverty. These two factors are discussed in more detail in the next section

27. using dynamite for fishing​



Using dynamite for fishing is illegal practice here in the Philippines. Using dynamite for fishing can harm and destroy the coral reef and can be the cause of exhaustion in species that live under the sea. Improvised explosive devices such as dynamite might detonate rashly and have been known to harm or kill the individual utilizing them, or guiltless observers.

Impact fishing, when dynamite or different explosives are utilized to daze or kill fish, is a training utilized in numerous towns and segregated districts of the world. Blasts from dynamite fishing obliterate coral reefs and kill fish and their eggs and hatchlings, and harm different creatures including marine warm blooded animals.

Using dynamite for fishing ​



28. The practices below help in saving ecosystem EXCEPT.a. deforestationb. dynamite fishingc. discouraging others from collecting coralsd. strict implementation of laws on illegal fishing​


The answer is letter

b. dynamite fishingis cannot help in saving ecosystem


#Carry on learning

29. What's MoreActivity 1: Directions: Read the selection and answer the following questions.Dynamite FishingThe most wasteful method of catching fish is with the use of dynamiteA stick of dynamite thrown to a school of fish kills not only the adult fish directly but also thecountless generations of fish that would have been spawned Fish eggs, fry, fingerlings and theimmature fish are also killed by the dynamite blast.Even the living plankton, the food of the fish, is killed.Everyone should cooperate to help stop fishing with dynamite. The ordinary housewife can doher share by refusing to buy fish caught with the use of dynamite1. What is the most wasteful method of catching fish?2. is a stick of dynamite can kill not only the big fish but also the small ones?3. Should dynamite fishing be stopped? Why? Provide evidence to support your answer.​


1. Dynamite fishing

2. Yes it can also kill small fishes

3. yes, because it is harmful for the nature and it is also very dangerous.

30. A. Dynamite fishing is good for the environment B. Dynamite fishing can help fisherman. C. Dynamite fishing kills small fishes and can harm our seas and oceans. Pick a correct asnwer.


C. Dynamite fishing kills small fishes and can harm our seas and oceans


Dynamite fishing brings harmful impact on our ecosystems. Explosions from this can destroy coral reefs and kill fish, and injure other marine mammals.


My answer is Letter C.Dynamite fishing kills small fishes and ca harm our seas and oceans.

Using a Dynamite in fishing harms any water resources and damages the home of some living water animals.


Isn't it obvius?

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