Freestanding In Art

Freestanding In Art

what is the meaning of Freestanding sculpture​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the meaning of Freestanding sculpture​


Freestanding Sculpture is unattached to the background and has space on all sides. It is also referred to as sculpture in round. Unlike relief, freestanding sculpture can be viewed from all sides.


Freestanding sculptures, as the name suggests, are stand-alone objects that can be seen from all angles and can be walked around or turned in the hand, depending on their size.2 Jul 2014


sana naka tolong

2. What is the difference between reliefs and freestanding sculptures?


A relief sculpture is a sculpture carved into stone, usually a wall or column whereas a freestanding sculpture is one that can be viewed from all sides and is not attached to a wall or structure.


3. 3. Pillars are slender, freestanding, vertical support and a column.​



4. 14.It is a Obese or pregnant female statues believed to be symbol of fertility.a. Venus of Willendorfb. Stonehengec. Freestandingd. Kioks​


A. These statues are called Venus of Willendorf.


the answer is A. venus of willendorf

5. COLUMNACOLUMNBloolOo1. Freestanding staki4 Steve arrange​



it is important word because it is the sign of Columbia

6. ART:TRUE OR FALSE 1:prehistoric era includes all human existence before the emergence of writing 2:The purpose of Egyptian paintings is to make the deceased afterlife place unpleasant 3:Paintings during classical era were most commonly found Inside the cave 4:in tomb paintings, artist rely on the shade and hues of paint to create depth and life-life feeling 5:Paintings from roman era were copied or intimated from Hellenic Greek paintings 6:Acheologists believe that prehistoric sculpture is a result of natural erosion and not of human artists 7:Greek sculpture had finally evolved and showed all the points of human anatomy and proportion 8:most Roman sculpture are made of monumental figure 9:Romanesque sculptures have a greater freedom of style 10:symbolisms were heavily used to represent the gods in Egyptian sculpture 11:prehistoric drawings of animals were usually not proportion 12:Roman paintings were focused mainly on mythological subjects 13:pillara are slender, freestanding, vertical support and a column 14:megaliths are large stones used in the prehistoric architectures 15:hieroglyphics is a system of writing using picture symbols used in ancient Egypt ​

Answer :

TrueFalse; Pleasant False; Prehistoric*True (Not sure, I'm sorry)TrueFalse; No. Just no. True Archeologists would NEVER. True (hehe smol dicc David statue)TrueTrueTrueFalse; They were weirdly accurate and proportional.False; They were more into Landscapes.False; Did they mean pillar? I think they did.TrueTrue

I hope this helps a bit! Good luck and don't stress too much!

7. 2. The items to be baked either on sheet pans or in the case of some breadfreestanding are placed directly on the bottom, or deck of oven;a. Convection ovenb. Deck ovenc. Dutch ovend. Rack oven.


a.convection oven

correct me if wrong:)))

8. true or false13. Pillars are slender, freestanding, vertical support and a column. 14. Megaliths are large stones used in the prehistoric architectures.15. Hieroglyphics is a system of writing using picture symbols used in ancient Egypt.​


I think its






I think is





9. Activity 2 Direction: Read the following statement.Choose T if the statement is correct and F is the statement is incorrect. __________1. Ovens are used as kitchen appliances for roasting and heating. Foods normally cooked in this manner include meat, casseroles, and baked goods such as bread, cake, and other desserts. In modern times, the oven is used to cook and heat food in many households across the globe. ___________2. Convection oven is a thick-walled type of oven (usually cast iron) cooking pot and has a tight-fitting lid. ___________3. Deck ovens are also called as Rack Oven. ___________4. Oven is a type of tool used to bake breads and pastries. ___________5. Mechanical oven is an oven in motion. The most common type of mechanical oven is a revolving oven, in which his mechanism is like that of a is like a Ferris wheel. ___________6. Stack Oven is a large oven into which entire racks full of sheet pans can be wheeled for baking. ___________7. Dutch Oven is also called as “casserole hot plate”. ___________8. A convection oven is an oven that has fans to circulate air around food which gives a very even heat. The increased air circulation causes a fan-assisted oven to cook food faster than a conventional non-fan oven, which relies only on natural convection to circulate the hot air. __________9. You need to preheat first the oven before baking. __________10. DECK OVEN are so called because the items to be baked either on sheet pans or in the case of some bread freestanding are placed directly on the bottom, or deck of oven.













i hope its help

10. Pahelp po 1. What term do you use to refer a shape which is more flowing and natural in appearance? 2. Differentiate relief sculpture with freestanding sculpture.


[tex]common \: answer[/tex]

1.Are shapes with a natural look and a flowing and curving ... Geometric shapes may also be used to create abstract

2.Shapes can be used in art to control your feelings about the mood and ... Representational art is the blanket term


11. Direotions: Write TRUE iſ the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not. Write youranswer in the separate sheet of paper.1. Prehistoric era includes all human existence before the emergence of writing2. The purpose of Egyptian paintings is to make the deccased afterlife placeunpleasant.3. Paintings during Classical Era were most commonly found inside the cave,4. In tomb paintings, artists rely on the shade and hues of paint to create depthand life-like feeling.5. Paintings from Roman Era were copied or imitated from Hellenic Greek paintings6. Archeologists believed that Prehistoric sculpture is a result of natural erosionand not of human artistry.7. Greek sculptures had finally evolved and showed all the points of humananatomy and proportion.8. Most Roman sculptures are made of monumental figure.9. Romanesque sculptures have a greater freedom of style.10. Symbolisms were heavily used to represent the gods in Egyptian sculpture.11. Prehistoric drawings of animals were usually not proportion.12 Roman paintings were focused mainly on mythological subjects.13. Pillars are slender, freestanding, vertical support and a column.14. Megaliths are large stones used in the prehistoric architectures,15. Hieroglyphics is a system of writing using picture symbols used in ancientEgypt. paki answer po, kailangan ko agad answer niya​













12. 5. Which of the following statements is TRUE about convection oven? A. The items to be baked either on sheet pans or in the case of some bread freestanding are placed directly on the bottom, or deck of oven. B. It contains fans that circulate the air and distribute the heat rapidly throughout the interior, C. A large oven into which entire racks full of sheet pans can be wheeled for baking D. None of the above


letter A

cause convection oven has a fan and exhaust system that circulate hot air around the cavity of the oven, reducing hot and cool spots and helping dishes on every rack cook more evenly. Convection ovens can also have a third heating element, called true convection, to help foods cook faster.



13. it was the first known freestanding nude statue sculpted by donatello

Donatello's bronze David, now in the Bargello museum, is Donatello's most famous work, and the first known free-standing nude statue

14. this is oven where breads freestanding is placed directly on the bottom,ot deck of oven​


this is oven where breads freestanding is placed directly on the bottom,ot deck of oven


Deck Ovens

Deck Ovens - are so called because the items to be baked either on sheet pans or in the case of some bread freestanding are placed directly on the bottom, or deck of oven. This is also called STACK OVEN because several may be stacked on top of one another.

hope in help;)


15. their sculpture did not attempt to compete within freestanding greek word of history what era that best describes the sentence​


Roman Era


They did not attempt to compete with free-standing Greek works of history or mythology but rather they produced reliefs in the Great Roman triumphal columns with continuous narrative reliefs around.

16. 13.Pillars are slender, freestanding, vertical support and a column.





so what is the question???so that I can answer

17. true or false1 furniture made oneplace lively and attractive2 freestanding furniture can be moved or arranged relatively3 dining table is an example of furniture4 picture is also an example of fixture and fitting5 arrange the furniture in a more interesting style where there is a center of interest6 different kind of furniture may be grouped together according to its function7 use cleaning cloth to remove dust and loose dirt8 examples of stain removal are alcohol milk and vinegar9 don't give up after one application10 star chemicals out of the reach of children and away from food productsASAP PO SANA SALAMAT!!​


1. T











I'm not sure.l, That's is correct


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