Visual Harassment

Visual Harassment

why guy harassed guy and why women harassed women ​

Daftar Isi

1. why guy harassed guy and why women harassed women ​


2. have you experienced harassment? if yes what type of harassment?

No! Because all people that close to me or not is being to friend with me and they have no negative plan for me.

3. Where does sexual harassment usually happen? Who are the common victims of street harassment? What is the key to stop or end street harassment?​


Sexual Harrasment usually happens in streets or public transportions. The most common victims of it is Women. Holly Kearl, founder of the website stop street harrasment, believes that in sharing one's experience to other victims helps a lot to know that they're not experiencing it alone so they can learn to stand for themselves.

4. examples of harassing

Like Physical harassment?
Verbal harassment?

5. meaning of harassment


6. How do you define harassment?• What can you say about harassment?​


If someone is abusing, insulting, or otherwise harming you on a regular basis, it's called harassment. Cruel and usually really annoying, harassment is also illegal in some cases. Harassment is a word that describes any kind of ongoing torment. At school, harassment is often known as bullying.

7. Where does sexual harassment usually happen? Who are the common victims of street harassment? What is the key to stop or end street harassment? According to the article, what is as important as being safe?​


Where can sexual harassment occur? Sexual harassment can occur in the workplace or learning environment, like a school or university. It can happen in many different scenarios, including after-hours conversations, exchanges in the hallways, and non-office settings of employees or peers.

Recipients include people of all genders, but women are much more commonly victims of harassment by men. According to Harvard Law Review (1993), street harassment is considered harassment done primarily by male strangers to females in public places

Respond in a safe way: Calmly and firmly let them know that their actions are unwelcome, unacceptable, and wrong. Step in to help: Intervene when someone else is being harassed and let the harasser know that their actions are not condoned by others.

8. it doesn't just happen to girls.Boys can harass girls ,but girls also can harass guys,guys may harras other guys ,and girl may harass other girl.​

This is true,girls can also harass..

9. How do you define harassment?What can you say about harassment?​

Harassment covers a wide range of behaviors of an offensive nature. It is commonly understood as behavior that demeans, humiliates or embarrasses a person, and it is characteristically identified by its unlikelihood in terms of social and moral reasonableness. In the legal sense, these are behaviors that appear to be disturbing, upsetting or threatening.



How do you define harassment?

If someone is abusing, insulting, or otherwise harming you on a regular basis

What can you say about harassment?

Harassment can be a big problem for kids and teens, especially when smartphones, online messaging, and social media sites make it easy for bullies to do their thing.

No one deserves to be harassed.

- Pa brainlest poh...


10. • How do you define harassment?• What can you say about harassment? ​


Harassment is unwanted behaviour which you find offensive or which makes you feel intimidated or humiliated. It can happen on its own or alongside other forms of discrimination. Unwanted behaviour could be: spoken or written words or abuse.

11. sexually harassment evidence​


Written communications devoid of explicit sexual material may also collaborate your story. For example, repeated invitations to have dinner or drinks may be relevant. Evidence that the harasser ignores your work-related emails after rejection preventing you from doing your job is also relevant.

12. Harassment, refers to engagement ofharassment, bullying, or other types ofharassment would be considered an issue to bedealt with immediately and, depending on theseverity, may result in immediate termination is it true or false?​




Its true that it may resyult immediatte termination

13. •Does the Harassment have long-tern effect to a victim?•What does women do to avoid street harassment?•What are the effects of street harassment to a women? pa help po​


- Yes. It can take a toll on someone's mental health and could possibly traumatize them.

- Women sometimes carry weapons, such as a pepper spray in order to protect themselves. Of course, they don't just use it without letting their harasser know that their actions are inappropriate and unwelcome.

- It is reported that women who gets objectified frequently feels greater body shame as well as prone to eating disorders. Also, possibly, depression.


This is only based on my opinions and knowledge.

14. How to prevent harassment?​

You can prevent harassment by:

Informing employees that harassment is prohibited;

Identifying who employees should contact to discuss harassment questions or concerns;

Assuring employees that they will not be punished for asking questions or sharing their concerns;

Responding to harassment questions or concerns and investigating harassment complaints promptly and effectively; and

Ensuring that managers understand their responsibility to stop, address and prevent harassment.

Harassment leads to absenteeism, poor morale, loss of focus, and legal consequences. Failure to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace will break compliance with title VII of the Civil Rights Act and similar state civil rights laws and fair employment laws.

15. Meaning of harassment



To make reapeated attacks againts (an enemy)

16. Define Sexual harassment​


behavior characterized by the making of unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks or physical advances in a workplace or other professional or social situation.

17. what should you do if you are harassed? If you're being harassed, where do you seek help?​


magreport agad sa police at wag matakot mag sumbong sa pulisya.

Answer: for me tell your parents, teachers, friends or someone who you know that can accompany you in needs or if he or she blackmails you or trying to send you death threats its better to address this to a police station


18. Effect of harassment in a workplace



1.Emotional and Physical Issues

2.Professional and Financial Problems

3.Decreased Company Productivity

4.Lawsuits and Reputation

19. Disadvantages of sexual Harassment





post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd)

20. •How do you define harassment?•What can you say about harassment?​

[tex]\tt\color{red}{ANSWER}[/tex]How do you define harassment?

If someone is abusing, insulting, or otherwise harming you on a regular basis

What can you say about harassment?

Harassment can be a big problem for kids and teens, especially when smartphones, online messaging, and social media sites make it easy for bullies to do their thing.

No one deserves to be harassed.


21. sexual harassment meaning​


Question: sexual harassment meaning


It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person's sex. Harassment can include "sexual harassment" or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.


22. solution of harassment​

Consult. If you're not ready to report, consult with one of Stanford's resources for further help and guidance. These people can provide support and advice about Stanford's policy and procedures, and can help you explore options towards resolution.

Ask for the conduct to stop. We are here to assist you but if you would like to manage this on your own, it is okay to clearly and firmly state directly to the harasser that you want a particular behavior to cease. This is not a time to be polite or vague.

Send a written message to the harasser. This can often succeed in stopping sexual harassment. Include a factual account of the offending behavior, describe how you felt about it, and state simply that you want that particular behavior to stop.

Keep records or a journal and save any letters, e-mails, or notes you have about the situation if the harassment persists. Record dates, places, times, witnesses and the nature of the harassment—what was said when, and how you responded.


Informing employees that harassment is prohibited;

Identifying who employees should contact to discuss harassment questions or concerns;

Assuring employees that they will not be punished for asking questions or sharing their concerns;


( - -)

23. wha is meaning of harassment​


If someone is abusing, insulting, or otherwise harming you on a regular basis, it's called harassment. Cruel and usually really annoying, harassment is also illegal in some cases. Harassment is a word that describes any kind of ongoing torment. At school, harassment is often known as bullying


24. Ano ang harassments​

Harassment is forcing undesired sexual behaviour by the offender upon the victim. When the abuse involves sexual intercourse. It is termed as rape and can be interchange with the term sexual assault

25. solution of harassment.​


Start by telling the person that you don't like the his/her behavior and ask them to stop.And if it doesn't work take measures such as involving the police and increasing your security.Or you can file for a restraining order to keep your harasser away.

26. what is sex harassment​


It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person's sex. Harassment can include "sexual harassment" or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.


here the answer thanks me later

27. kahulugan ng harassment


ᕙ( • ‿ • )ᕗ

Ang pananakit or harassment ay hindi kanais-nais na pag-uugali na sa tingin mo ay nakakasakit o kung saan ay pakiramdam mo ay takot o kahiya-hiya. ... Ang hindi ginustong pag-uugali ay maaaring: sinasalita o nakasulat na mga salita o pang-aabuso.

























28. Definition Harassment


aggressive pressure or intimidation.

"they face daily harassment and assault on the streets"


harrasment is the one and only harrasment

29. Sexual harassment, source


This chapter reviews the information gathered through decades of sexual harassment research. It provides definitions of key terms that will be used throughout the report, establishing a common framework from the research literature and the law for discussing these issues. In reviewing what sexual harassment research has learned over time, the chapter also examines the research methods for studying sexual harassment and the appropriate methods for conducting this research in a reliable way. The chapter provides information on the prevalence of sexual harassment and common characteristics of how sexual harassment is perpetrated and experienced across lines of industry, occupation, and social class. It concludes with common characteristics of environments where sexual harassment is more likely to occur.


just you know it

30. What are the reasons on why victims of Sexual Harassment are unable to tell or confide that they are sexually harassed?​


Sexual harassment is, above all, a manifestation of power relations  women are much more likely to be victims of sexual harassment precisely because they more often than men lack power, are in more vulnerable and insecure positions, lack self confidence, or have been socialized to suffer in silence. In order to understand why women endure the vast majority of sexual harassment, it is important to look at some of the underlying causes of this phenomenon.


The most common reason people choose not to tell anyone about sexual abuse is the fear that the listener won’t believe them.

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