Assumptions And Conclusions Reasoning

Assumptions And Conclusions Reasoning

It is a type of reasoning th at reaches aconclusion by applying generalassumptions, procedures or principles​

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1. It is a type of reasoning th at reaches aconclusion by applying generalassumptions, procedures or principles​

Deductive reasoning is the process of drawing a conclusion based on premises that are generally assumed to be true. Also called deductive logic, this act uses a logical premise to reach a logical conclusion. Deductive reasoning is often referred to as top-down reasoning.

2. 1. is a judgement or decision reached after evaluating reasons.B. conclusionA. inclusionC. assumptionD. generalization​


d. generalization


I'm not sure about this

3. an educated guess or reasonable assumption​




hypothesis is an educated guess



Assume is typically used in situations where someone takes something as the truth with a very low level of certainty or with no proof at all. Presume usually involves a higher level of certainty and is used in situations where someone makes an educated guess based on reasonable proof or evidence.

4. what is your conclusion or assumption in the story silent noise?​


Conclusion of the noise pollution.

the disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of human or animal life.


hope its help ;)


A. The hypothesis is an assumption while the conclusion is the result of the hypothesis

6. Is the process of reaching a conclusion by general assumption, procedures or principle.

Process of Reaching Conclusion

The process of reaching conclusions with general assumptions, procedures or principles is called deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning works the other way around. Keep in mind that induction starts with particular situations and moves toward universal principles. A general premise in deductive reasoning leads to a particular conclusion.

Deductive reasoning is a technique for arriving at a precise conclusion from broad-based bits of data. The scientific method, which involves using this kind of reasoning to test ideas and hypotheses, is what is known as. In deductive reasoning, conclusions are reached based on premises that are typically taken to be true. It employs a logical premise to arrive at a logical conclusion and is also known as "deductive logic." The term "top-down reasoning" is frequently used to describe deductive reasoning, If something is presumptively true and a different object is connected to the first presumption, then the original truth must also apply to the second.

To know more about related topic, visit the link below:


7. it one of the statements in an argument.a. Assumptionb. Conclusionc. Introductiond. Premise​


D or A they doesn't have the same meaning but theire both used when someone was arguing

8. Which reasoning refers to the gathering of information through observation and measurement, formulating conjecture/s, then drawing generalization or conclusion based on the carefully gathered information? *A. ArgumentB. AssumptionC. DeductiveD. Inductive​


Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is D.Inductive or inductive reasoning (correct me if im wrong)



9. __1. Which of the following is NOT a step in writing an indirect proof?A. Identify the statement you want to prove. Assume temporarily thatthis statement is false by assuming that its opposite is true.B. Reason logically until you reach a contradiction.C. Point out that the desired conclusion must be true because thecontradiction proves the temporary assumption false.D. Point out that the desired conclusion must be false becausethe contradiction proves the temporary assumption is true.on he written in30​



Step-by-step explanation:

sana makatulong po ang Sagot ko po

10. what assumptions can you make about the reasons eclipses occur?​


Sometimes when the Moon orbits Earth, the Moon moves between the Sun and Earth. When this happens, the Moon blocks the light of the Sun from reaching Earth. This causes an eclipse of the Sun, or a solar eclipse. During a solar eclipse, the Moon casts a shadow onto Earth.


11. an educate guess or reasonable assumption. ​




an educated guess or a guess value based on experience or theoretical knowledge

12. Assumptions: product a costs twice as much as product c. product c costs less than product d and the same as product b. conclusion: product d costs half as much as product a. if the assumptions are true, is the conclusion:



Step-by-step explanation:

na answeran ki na po yan


LETTER C. product c costs less than product d and the same as product

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope it help pa brainliet plss need lang po tenk u po

13. It is defined as educated guess or reasonable assumption?




14. 2. a proposition made as a basis for reasoning, without anyassumption of its truth.HOEIYPTHSS​




15. Which reasoning refers to the gathering of information through observation andmeasurement, formulating conjecture/s. then drawing generalization or conclusion basedon the carefully gathered information?A. ArgumentB. AssumptionC. DeductiveD. Inductive​



Step-by-step explanation:

=Whereas inductive reasoning draws general principles.

=It is a process of arriving at a conclusion based on a set of observations.

=In itself, it is not a valid method of proof.

=It is used in geometry in a similar way. One might observe that in a few give rectangles, the diagonals are congruent.

Hope it helps.

More study next time.

16. What process of reaching a conclusion applies general assumptions, procedures, or principles?


Deductive reasoning is the process of drawing a conclusion based on premises that are generally assumed to be true. Also called deductive logic, this act uses a logical premise to reach a logical conclusion.

17. 1.The following are the three features of argumentative; EXCEPT for *a. Assumptionb. Evidencec. Conclusiond. Explanation​


Question: The following are the three features of argumentative; EXCEPT for.

Answer: A. Assumption.


Hope it Helps.

18. Discuss the assumption that man is a rational being and free and because of these assumptions, is freedom for men absolute? Discuss the reasons why it is or not.​


A man is born free and a rational being,since he is born with the freedom to explore the world and fullfil his purpose. However, due to the negative sides of the world freedom of men is not absolute.A man's own obsession, and dissatisfaction, could eventually turn freedom into slavery, hence a man's freedom is limited..and as long as he is able to use his freedom in the right way, he is short a man s feedom lies on his hands

19. How did you come to the conclusion that these assumptions were true? ​


Yes because Assumption and conclusion come into play in several portions of the verbal section of the (Argument Essay, Critical Reading)but it is mostly brought up when dealing with the Critical Reasoning section.

Another explanation:

When dealing with questions that ask about the assumption that the author is making, you have to look for:

C = E + A

Where the conclusion (C) of the author is dependent upon some evidence (E) that he or she presents based on some assumption (A).

Often, you can identify the conclusion because there is a keyword that points it out (e.g. hence, thus, so, in conclusion). However, there will be times in that it will just be an opinion from the author. Remember, if it's a fact/statistic/survey/poll, then that is evidence, not a conclusion. If there are several opinions, then it has to be the "strongest" opinion, as in the takeaway from the passage.

On the other hand, the assumption is the implicit idea that holds together the argument of the author. The author may or may not elicit his or her assumption in the passage, but you can infer it from the connection that the author makes between the evidence and conclusion that he or she presents. The assumption is the glue that holds together the argument from the author.

Under the Kaplan Method for Critical Reasoning, it is critical that you master the Assumption structure because it will help you to effectively and efficiently deal with Assumption, Flaw, Strengthen/Weaken question types.

Just read it ☺️thank me later(◍•ᴗ•◍)#CARRYONLEARNING#FIGHTING

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20. key concept• argument• assumption • atternative explanation• counterexample• analysis • evaluation • conclusion • counterargument• claims​


Analyzing an Argument

When you "Analyze an Argument" you evaluate someone else's argument. The task presents a brief passage in which the author makes a case for a course of action or interprets events by presenting claims and supporting evidence. Your job will be to examine the claims made and critically assess the logic of the author's position.

Points for Analysis

You will analyze the logic of the author's case by evaluating both the use of evidence and the logical connections. In reading the author's argument, consider the following:

what evidence is given?

what conclusions are made?

what assumptions (likely not stated) are made?

what ramifications (perhaps not stated) would necessarily follow from the author's argument?

Also evaluate the reasoning and structure of the argument. Look for transition words and phrases to show the author's logical connections (e.g., however, thus, therefore, evidently, hence, in conclusion ). Then evaluate the following:

what leaps are being made from one point of logic to another?

are classic logical flaws evident? *

* You will not need to address classic logical flaws by their Latin names, but you should be able to recognize and refute common logical errors. A review of common logical flaws will be helpful in preparation for analyzing arguments.

Key Concepts

Although you do not need to know special analytical techniques and terminology, you should be familiar with the directions for the Argument task and with certain key concepts, including the following:

argument -- a claim or a set of claims with reasons and evidence offered as support; a line of reasoning meant to demonstrate the truth or falsehood of something

assumption -- a belief, often unstated or unexamined, that someone must hold in order to maintain a particular position; something that is taken for granted but that must be true in order for the conclusion to be true

alternative explanation -- a competing version of what might have caused the events in question that undercuts or qualifies the original explanation because it too can account for the observed facts

counterexample -- an example, real or hypothetical, that refutes or disproves a statement in the argument

analysis -- the process of breaking something (e.g., an argument) down into its component parts in order to understand how they work together to make up the whole

evaluation -- an assessment of the quality of evidence and reasons in an argument and of the overall merit of an argument

conclusion -- the end point reached by a line of reasoning, valid if the reasoning is sound; the resulting assertion


pa brainliest luds

21. hypothesis: an educated guess or reasonable assumption​

Hypothesis is an educated guess

22. It is An approximation based on a reasonable assumption



23. It is the process by which conclusions are made based on previously known facts or by employing general assumptions, procedures, or principlels​


sorry need ko lang point sorry

24. It interprets the result of findings of an investigation.A. ConclusionB. Opinion C. Outcome It is taken as being true or factual and is used as a starting point for a course of action or reasoning.A. AssumptionB. InferenceC. Theory ​


ayus nayan kasi diko din alam






25. an educated guess or reasonable assumption​




The hypothesis part of the scientific method used in experiments. It is an educated guess or reasonable assumption that is tested by the said experiment.

26. Itis the process of reaching a conclusion by applying general assumptions, procedures, or principles.​

Principles i think??

Step-by-step explanation:

yes,coz to understand properly

27. The underlying assumption of reasonable assurance regarding implementation of internal control means that


The underlying assumption of reasonable assurance regarding the implementation internal control means that of a. auditors are reasonably assured that fraud has not occurred in the period. ... auditors are reasonably assured employee carelessness can weaken an internal control structure.


hope it helps

28. A. evidenceB. argumentC. validityD. conclusion3. It is an assumption or decision formed after considering the relevant facts orevidence.4. It is a claim backed up by reasons that are supported by evidence.​


3. D. Conclusion

4. A. Evidence

29. What characteristic of research deals with facts, not with mere opinions arising from assumptions, generalizations, predictions, or conclusions?


Objectiveness - It must deal with facts not with mere opinions arising from assumptions, generalizations, predictions or conclusions.

30. what is the assumption of the reason why people commit crime in thesis?

because he don't have a money'there is a little doubt that someone commit crime such as shoplifting out of desperation especially when food is concerned.yet the same crime also attracts the attention of organised gangs who steal to order and cost stores hundreds of millions each year. 

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