Prejudice Drawing

Prejudice Drawing

a comic strip drawing about prejudice and biases​

Daftar Isi

1. a comic strip drawing about prejudice and biases​


a comic strip drawing about prejudice and biases

2. a comic strip drawing about prejudice and biases​


a comic strip drawing about prejudice and biases

3. make a comic strip drawing about prejudices and biases​

comic strip about prejudices and biases;

4. IV. Analyze each picture. Draw a heart the picture does not biased or prejudice; if not draw x.​


46.) Heart

47.) X

48.) X

49.) Heart

50.) X

5. what is prejudice?example of prejudice​


prejudice an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge. an instance of such judgment or opinion. an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics. prejudice.


For example, prejudice and discrimination based on race is called racism. Oftentimes, gender prejudice or discrimination is referred to as sexism. Discrimination is often the outcome of prejudice a pre-formed negative judgment or attitude. Prejudice leads people to view certain individuals or groups as inferior.

6. Give 2 Bias and Prejudice sentence examples 1. Bias: Prejudice: 2.Bias: Prejudice:


1. Bias: Skittles are the best candy in the world.

Prejudice: Leni doesn't deserve to be a President because she is a woman. (just an example, I don't mean it)

2. Bias: Bobong Marcos is the most suitable President for our country. (another example, I definitely don't mean it)

3. Black people doesn't deserve anything because they are slaves.(it's just an example)

7. 10 prejudices found in the movie "Pride and Prejudice"​


Prejudice in Pride and Prejudice refers to the tendency of the characters to judge one another based on presumptions. The theme is displayed mostly through the character of Elizabeth, who is quick to judge others upon meeting them. These judgements turn into prejudice, even though they are often incorrect.


Darcy is the character who is most obviously proud and prejudiced.

8. the owner of the big star hotel chooses not to employ igorot what type of prejudice ?a.appearance prejudice b. gender prejudice c. this ability prejudice d. racial prejudice​


A. appearance prejudice


Kasi yung iba di nila tinatanggap dahil sa itsura nila

9. A comic strip drawing about prejudice and biasespa answer po ng tama:)​

sana makatulong report me if im wrong

10. 1.) The other employees look down on her because she is a woman, they see her as incompetent. A Age Prejudice B. Disability Prejudice C. Gender Prejudice D. Racial Prejudice 2.) Lucy is always hesitant to go to school because her classmates often talk about the color of her skin A Age Prejudice B. Disability Prejudice C. Gender Prejudice D. Racial Prejudice 3.) Many patients opted for a medical practitioner who is not physically challenged rather than choosing a doctor who is very excellent in his profession but is physically challenged A Age Prejudice B. Disability Prejudice C. Gender Prejudice D. Racial Prejudice 4.) Despite of his skill in swimming, he was not chosen to become part of the varsity since he is colorblind A. Age Prejudice B. Disability Prejudice C. Gender Prejudice D. Racial Prejudice 5.) Though she has a National Certification on welding course, she was not hired in a company since she a is a woman A. Age Prejudice B- Disability Prejudice C. Gender Prejudice D. Racial Prejudice​


.) The other employees look down on her because she is a woman, they see her as incompetent. A Age Prejudice B. Disability Prejudice C. Gender Prejudice D. Racial Prejudice

2.) Lucy is always hesitant to go to school because her classmates often talk about the color of her skin A Age Prejudice B. Disability Prejudice C. Gender Prejudice D. Racial Prejudice

3.) Many patients opted for a medical practitioner who is not physically challenged rather than choosing a doctor who is very excellent in his profession but is physically challenged A Age Prejudice B. Disability Prejudice C. Gender Prejudice D. Racial Prejudice

4.) Despite of his skill in swimming, he was not chosen to become part of the varsity since he is colorblind A. Age Prejudice B. Disability Prejudice C. Gender Prejudice D. Racial Prejudice

5.) Though she has a National Certification on welding course, she was not hired in a company since she a is a woman A. Age Prejudice B- Disability Prejudice C. Gender Prejudice D. Racial Prejudice


Hope its Help

11. A comic strip drawing that depicts prejudice and biases in negros Occidental​


ahh drawing ka daw ng biases in negros occidental


pa brainliiest °-°

12. matching prejudices. match each picture with the words written below then write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.A. Ageism prejudiceB. racism prejudiceC. Gender prejudiceD. Religious prejudice​








,Sana Maka tulung

13. bias and prejudice, which is true about bias and prejudice?​

Prejudice – an opinion against a group or an individual based on insufficient facts and usually unfavourable and/or intolerant.

Bias – very similar to but not as extreme as prejudice. Someone who is biased usually refuses to accept that there are other views than their own.

14. Exercise 5. Directions: In this activity, you can select one among the options for your performance-based output. 1. Think of a profession which shows biases/prejudices in terms of sex, age or race. (Draw your answer). 2. Create a mini dialogue showing your personal experience of prejudice or bias. 3. A comic strip drawing about prejudice and biase 4. A short story of your personal encounter/experience where you are bullied in school, at home in your community or wrongly judged by others around you. 5. Draw signage that portrays biases/prejudices​


sorry about this

Todd food no of so it's sir bus wen if go it's wen read if go it's na so it's en kid so it's no papa en church do outdoor fish issue keep occurred during lucky idyll outfits trees see good Isaiah IEEE

15. this refers to judging by people physical looksA.appearance prejudice B. gender prejudice C.disability prejudiceD.racial prejudice​


A.appearance prejudice


hope it helps :)


A. appearance prejudice

16. explain the difference of sexual orientation prejudice with age prejudice ​


sexaul orientation and the impact of prejudice

difine feminine and masculine behavior

like biological sex,gender identity, or age..

different lesbian,gay and bisexual people.


kayu napo bahala umitindi hope it helps you❤

17. Draw or look for a picture of a situation that shares your feelings about prejudice and bias . Include the difference of bias and prejudiceplease lang po ​


search nyu sa chrome at punta kayo sa images


yan lang po

18. 3. A comic strip drawing about prejudice and biases​


Expert Verified

The character in the comic strip is prejudiced/biased against those who are not good in math.


19. 1 )The other employees look down on her because she is a woman, they see her as incompetent A. Age Prejudice B. Disability Prejudice C Gender Prejudice D Racial Prejudice 2). Lucy is always hesitant to go to school because her classmates often talk about the color of her skin A Age Prejudice B. Disability Prejudice C Gender Prejudice D Racial Prejudice 3). Many patients opted for a medical practitioner who is not physically challenged rather than choosing a doctor who is very excellent in his profession but is physically challenged A Age Prejudice B. Disability Prejudice C Gender Prejudice D Racial Prejudice 4) Despite of his skill in swimming, he was not chosen to become part of the varsity since he is colorblind A Age Prejudice B. Disability Prejudice C Gender Prejudice D. Racial Prejudice 5). Though she has a National Certification on welding course, she was not hired in a company since she is a woman A Age Prejudice B. Disability Prejudice C Gender Prejudice D. Racial Prejudice a​


1. C

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. C



20. what is the difference of gender prejudice with ethnic/ racial prejudice?​


Much of the existing literature on intergroup attitudes in preschool does not look at the intersections of race and gender.

21. what is prejudice? prejudice?



what is prejudice? prejudice?


Prejudice is an assumption or an opinion about someone simply based on that person's membership to a particular group.



22. Look at the words below. From these words, identify which can be associated to prejudice and bias. *1: unfairA. biasB. prejudice2: favoritismA. biasB. prejudice3: assumptionA. biasB. prejudice4: partialityA. biasB. prejudice5: preconceptionA. biasB. prejudice6: preferenceA. biasB. prejudice7: one-sidedA. biasB. prejudice8: stereotypingA. biasB. prejudice9: first impressionA. biasB. prejudice10: over-generalizationA. biasB. prejudice​


1. B. Prejudice

2. A. Bias

3. A. Bias

4. A. Bias

5. B. Prejudice

6. B. Prejudice

7. A. Bias

8. A. Bias

9. B. Prejudice

10. B. Prejudice

23. 2. It is a type of prejudice wherein those below a certain age are prohibited to join orcontribute to a law-making process and to enjoy the privileges of adults.A. Age PrejudiceC. Racial PrejudiceB. Gender PrejudiceD. Class Prejudice​


A. age prejudice




para may matutunan at malaman ang Hindi ko pa alam

24. prejudice statements in Pride and Prejudice:)​

“Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure.”

25. What is BLACKLIVESMATTER? Gender prejudice, sexual orientation prejudice, class prejudice, age prejudice or ethnic/racial prejudice. ​



Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a decentralized political and social movement protesting against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people.While there are specific organizations such as the Black Lives Matter Global Network that label themselves simply as "Black Lives Matter", the Black Lives Matter movement comprises a broad array of people and organizations. The slogan "Black Lives Matter" itself remains untrademarked by any group. The broader movement and its related organizations typically advocate against police violence toward black people as well as for various other policy changes considered to be related to black liberation.



26. Draw a situation that shares your feelings about prejudice ​


search nyu sa chrome at punta kayo sa images


yan lang po

27. Exercise 5. Directions: In this activity, you can select one among the options for your performance-based output. 1. Think of a profession which shows biases/prejudices in terms of sex, age or race. (Draw your answer). 2. Create a mini dialogue showing your personal experience of prejudice or bias. 3. A comic strip drawing about prejudice and biase 4. A short story of your personal encounter/experience where you are bullied in school, at home in your community or wrongly judged by others around you. 5. Draw signage that portrays biases/prejudices​


5. Draw signage that portrays biases/prejudices.

28. Define the following teams in your own words.1. Prejudice 2. Types of Prejudice a. Gender prejudice b. Ethnic/Racial Prejudice c- Sexual Orientation Prejudice d. Age Prejudice e. Class Prejudice​


Prejudice is a negative attitude or feeling towards individuals or groups based on preconceived opinions or beliefs that are not based on facts or evidence. Prejudice is often directed towards individuals or groups who are perceived as different, either because of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, or social class. Prejudice can lead to discrimination, inequality, and unfair treatment of individuals or groups.Types of Prejudice:

a. Gender prejudice refers to the negative attitudes and beliefs towards individuals or groups based on their gender or sex. This can include stereotypes, discrimination, and bias towards women, men, or individuals who identify as transgender or non-binary.

b. Ethnic/Racial prejudice refers to the negative attitudes and beliefs towards individuals or groups based on their race or ethnicity. This can include stereotypes, discrimination, and bias towards people of different races or ethnicities, such as Black, Asian, Hispanic, or Indigenous people.

c. Sexual Orientation prejudice refers to the negative attitudes and beliefs towards individuals or groups based on their sexual orientation or identity. This can include stereotypes, discrimination, and bias towards individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer.

d. Age prejudice refers to the negative attitudes and beliefs towards individuals or groups based on their age. This can include stereotypes, discrimination, and bias towards individuals who are perceived as too young or too old, such as children, teenagers, or elderly people.

e. Class prejudice refers to the negative attitudes and beliefs towards individuals or groups based on their social class or economic status. This can include stereotypes, discrimination, and bias towards individuals who are perceived as wealthy or poor, or who belong to different social classes.

29. Draw a simple poster about the awareness of bias and prejudice . useless answer i will report you immediately


ganito po ba? :):):):):)

30. Draw a situation that shares your feelings about bias. include the difference of bias and prejudice​


Yan po drawing ko po Yan sorry kung panget:-)

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