3i s Lesson Plan In English

3i s Lesson Plan In English

1.)What is the conjugate of the complex number 7+3ia.)-7+3ib.)-7-3ic.)3id.)7-3i​

Daftar Isi

1. 1.)What is the conjugate of the complex number 7+3ia.)-7+3ib.)-7-3ic.)3id.)7-3i​


[tex]7 - 3i \\ \\ trust \: me \: yan \: yung \: sagot \: \\ \\ why \\ because \: 7 + 3i \: is \: to find \: the \\ complex \\ \\ so \: the \: answer \: is \: 7 - 3i \: or \\ {7 - 3i}[/tex]


[tex] \Huge\tt{ANSWER:}[/tex]

Conjugating complex number

[tex] {\boxed {\tt{ANSWER:d.)7 - 3i}}}[/tex]



A complex numbers is in the form a + bi.To find the conjugate of any complex number,change the sign of the imaginary term.Thus the conjugate of a + bi is a - bi.The complex number in this problem is 7 + 3i.Using the rule for writing a conjugate,the conjugate of 7 + 3i is 7 - 3i


2. What is the conjugate of the complex number 7+3i ? A. -7+3i B. -7-3i C. 3i D. 7-3i Improper answer = report delete answer Right answer = Brainliest


Using the rule for writing a conjugate, the conjugate of 7+3i is 7-3i therefore the answer is letter D

Letter D. po yung sagot

3. Convert 6cis5pi/6 to rectangular form. A. 3sqrt3 + 3i B. -3sqrt3 + 3i C. 3sqrt3 - 3i D. -3sqrt3 - 3i E. 3 - 3sqrt3i

[tex]r\cos\alpha=x+iy\\r\cos\alpha=-r\cos(\pi-\alpha)\\6\cos\frac{5\pi}6=6\cos(\pi-\frac{\pi}6)=-6\cos\frac{\pi}6=-6\frac{\sqrt3}{2}=-3\sqrt3\\\\x^2+y^2=r^2\\r=6\\x=-3\sqrt3\\y=\sqrt{r^2-x^2}=\sqrt{6^2-(-3\sqrt3)^2}=\sqrt{36-27}=\sqrt9=3\\\\Answer: \\B. -3\sqrt3+3i[/tex]

4. calculate for the dot product of the two vector S and T. S = (6i+4j+2k)m; T=(-3i+4j+5k)m​

calculate for the dot product of the two vector S and T. S = (6i+4j+2k)m; T=(-3i+4j+5k)m



V-W=(2i+3j-2k) - (31 4j)+= (2-3)i)j+(-2-5= -i+7j - 7k

pinag isipan ko po yan nang mabuti kaya tamayan ty po nlng sa points

5. 2+3i rational or irrational​



Step-by-step explanation:

6. What is 8/3is equal to?



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{8}{3} =8\div3 \rightarrow2 ,(remainder \ 2)\\[/tex]


2 2/3

Step-by-step explanation:

8/3 = 2.6

8/3 = 2 2/3

in percentage

8/3 = 266.67%

7. 3is to 10 as _ is to 30​



Correct me if I'm wrong


12 ata

Step-by-step explanation:

correct me if I'm wrong(2)

8. twice the sum of a number and 3is 12​


The other number is 3

Step-by-step explanation:

3 + 3 = 66 x 2 = 12


9. what is 3i in Synthetic division ​

need ponts

iStep-by-step explanation:

need points

10. 14. The reaction of aluminum with iodine produces aluminum iodide. How many moles of AII 3(s) , are produced by the reaction of 6.0 moles of aluminum according to the following equation; 2Al (s) +3I 2(s) AII 3(s)



Step 1: Determine the mole ratio needed.

mole ratio = 2 mol Al(OH)₃ : 1 mol Al₂O₃

Step 2: Calculate the number of moles of Al(OH)₃ produced using the mole ratio.

im not sure with this


Carry On Learning

11. 1 2/3is an example of?​


Mixed fraction


12. Find 2v, when u = (3i + 4j – 2k) and v = -4j a. 6i + 8j – 4k b. 3i – 8j – 2k c. -8j


B po answer


Pa Brainliest po

13. Subtract. (−3 + 3i) – (7 – 2i)​

(−3 + 3i) – (7 – 2i)

= - 3 + 3i - 7 + 2i

= - 3 - 7 + 3i + 2i

= -10 + i(3+2)

= -10 + 5i


#Carry On Learning




i am not sure

14. Prove that z[√3i] = {a+b√3i : a, b ∈ z} is an abelian group




15. differentiate of 3is research​


Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion is about experiencing research and researching experiences. In this undertaking, basic knowledge of what research is, and how it works is essential to ensure that the experience becomes fulfilling.

16. Subtract. (−3 + 3i) – (7 – 2i)​



[tex]\large \bold{Given:}[/tex]

Subtract. (−3 + 3i) – (7 – 2i)ㅤ


[tex]\large \bold{Formula}[/tex]

Subtraction of Complex Numbers:

To subtract complex numbers, subtract their real parts and subtract their imaginary parts.

( a + ib ) − ( c + id ) = ( a − c ) + i ( b − d )ㅤ


[tex]\large \bold{Answer:}[/tex]

( −3 + 3i ) – ( 7 – 2i )

= - 3 + 3i - 7 + 2i

= - 3 - 7 + 3i + 2i

= -10 + i ( 3+2 )

= -10 + 5i



17. 2 + 3i real or not real number​



Step-by-step explanation:

hindi ako sigurado

18. Complex Number Solve for what1. Multiply(3-2i)(4+3i)2. divide4+3i÷2-i​


asdfghjkl qweryuiop zxcvbnm

19. Let's do essay about 3is about plan after senior high school, Connect next strand about future about pa answer po Ng maayos po ​


As a senior high school student, it is important to start thinking about the future and making plans for what comes next. After graduation, there are several options to consider, including college, vocational school, entering the workforce, or taking a gap year.

Personally, I am planning on attending college to pursue a degree in (insert major here). I have always been passionate about (insert interest or subject here), and I believe that pursuing a degree in this field will allow me to make a positive impact on the world.

In order to achieve this goal, I have taken steps to prepare myself for the college application process. I have researched several universities and have narrowed down my list to those that offer programs in my field of interest. I have also been actively involved in extracurricular activities and have taken advanced courses in high school to strengthen my application.

While attending college, I hope to gain a deeper understanding of (insert subject here) and to develop skills that will be valuable in my future career. I plan on taking advantage of internships and other opportunities to gain real-world experience in my field and to network with professionals in the industry.

Ultimately, my goal is to (insert long-term career goal here). I believe that by pursuing a degree in (insert major here) and gaining valuable experience in the field, I will be well-prepared to achieve this goal and make a positive impact in my community.

In conclusion, as a senior high school student, it is important to start thinking about the future and making plans for what comes next. By setting goals and taking steps to achieve them, we can work towards a successful and fulfilling career that will make a positive impact on the world.

20. find the cojugate this value 2-3i



Step-by-step explanation:

2- 3i = 2-6

       = -4

just use your calculator and press the button x^ -1  and then it will show the conjugate symbol which is i

21. 3is what percent of12


3 is 25% of 12.


3 is 25% of 12

if that help wellcome

22. The measure of angle 3is

Triange has 3 angle


23. 7. If one of the roots of the polynomial equation is 1 - 3i, what is the other root? A. -3i B. 1-3i C. 3i D. 1+3i 8. Suppose the given roots of the cubic equations are 2 and √3i,find the equation. A. X³-2x² + 3x - 6= 0 B. x³-2x² + 3x + 6 = 0 C. x³- 2x² - 3x - 6 = 0 D.x³+2x² + 3x - 6= 0 9. One of the roots of the polynomial equation 2x³ + 3x² – 32x + 15 = 0 is ½Find the other roots. A. -3 and -5 C. -3 and 5 B. -5 and 3 D. 3 and 5​

The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study. The theoretical framework introduces and describes the theory that explains why the research problem under study exists.

24. the expression (r+2y)3is an example of


diko alam e

salamat sa poimts

25. Find all zeros of the polynomial function P(x) = x3 + 6x2 + 9x + 54. A. {6.3,-3) B {-6, 3i, -3i) C (-6, 3-3} D. {6, 3i, -31)​



Step-by-step explanation:

ginuathmath ko yan... correct me if im wrong

#pa brainliest

26. the common monomial factor of 6×+3is:​


Gawin ninyo ako   ( Brainliest )  para sa Effort sa sagot

Step-by-step explanation:

27. 7. If one of the roots of the polynomial equation is 1 - 3i, what is the other root? A. -3i B. 1-3i C. 3i D. 1+3i 8. Suppose the given roots of the cubic equations are 2 and √3i,find the equation. A. X3-2x2 + 3x - 6= 0 B. *3-2x2 + 3x + 6 = 0 C. x3 - 2x2 - 3x - 6 = 0 D.x3+2x2 + 3x - 6= 0 9. One of the roots of the polynomial equation 2x³ + 3x² – 32x + 15 = 0 is ½Find the other roots. A. -3 and -5 C. -3 and 5 B. -5 and 3 D. 3 and 5​


7.A. or D.

8.B. sa tingin ko

9.mamili ka dito





Step-by-step explanation:

pa brainliest po

28. Add : 5 + 3i and -8 + 2i.​

(5 + 3i) + (-8 + 2i)

= 5 + 3i - 8 + 2i

= 5 - 8 + 3i + 2i

= -3 + i(3+2)

= -3 + 5i


#Carry On Learning


Add : 5 + 3i and -8 + 2i.Add : 5 + 3i and -8 + 2i.

29. 3i+i= what is the answer?​



ans: 4i

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps


3i+i = 4i

Step-by-step explanation:

(3 x i) + (1 x i)

(3 + 1) + i


30. which of the following is equal to zero? a.4-4i b.0+0i c.0-3i d. -3+3i explain please

answer 0-3

sa na makatulong

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