Speech About Dreams And Goals In Life

Speech About Dreams And Goals In Life

Make a SPEECH OUTLINE and a PIECE on the sample context given below. Context: Contrary to popular opinion if we want to achieve our goals and dreams in life, we should NOT focus on them. Make a speech about the assertion presented. Do not forget to include your speech outline before making your speech piece.

Daftar Isi

1. Make a SPEECH OUTLINE and a PIECE on the sample context given below. Context: Contrary to popular opinion if we want to achieve our goals and dreams in life, we should NOT focus on them. Make a speech about the assertion presented. Do not forget to include your speech outline before making your speech piece.


if we want to achieve our goals in life, we should not focus on them.

that phrase is somehow ironic but it does makes sense, we should not focus in only one goal but rather achieving it as a whole part in your life. because focusing one goal makes the others  unclear and might lead you to the wrong path making it very narrow minded goal.


sabog ako sorri

2. prepare a two minute speech about your self describing the essence of your personal indentity."who are you?"you can choose to share a story or an interesting experience.you can talk about your family or career or your dreams and goals in life.​


In the daytime, I'm Marinette. Just a normal girl, with a normal life. There's something about me that no one knows yet. Another day, I'm back at school. I think about him, he's so cool. He looks at me. I look away. But does he see me anyway? Oh oh oh, he's got me spinning round. Oh oh oh, my feet are off the ground. Oh oh oh, and when the sun goes down, that's when I become Miraculous. Simply the best. Up to the test, when things go wrong. Miraculous the luckiest. The power of love always so strong. Miraculous. I am the Cat, just chillin out. But in the night, she's all I think about. I feel so strong, when she's around. She picks me up, when I am down. Oh oh oh, Oh no you'll never know. Oh oh oh, my love can only grow. Oh oh oh, and when I see her smile. That's when she become Miraculous. Simply the best. Up to the test, when things go wrong. Miraculous.

3. 5. The figure of speech used in lines 2-4 of the poem isa. personificationb. similec. metaphord. alliteration6. The dominant figure of speech used in the final lines of the poem to express the effect of a failed dreamisa. hyperboleb. metaphor c. ironyd. idiomatic expression7. The kind of dream that the speaker is talking about in the poem isa daydreaming b. imagination c. dreams while we sleep d. aspirations and goals in life8. As hinted in lines 4 and 5, unfulfilled dreams may causea. forgetfulness b. happiness in life c. emotional problemsd. stability in life9. The theme of the poem is abouta. striving hard to make dreams come true c. changing one's dreams if hindrances comeb. delaying the fulfillment of dreams d. having dreams in life is like carrying a heavy load​








that's my answer, sana makatulong

4. 31. __________ - Which of the following sentences serve as the introduction of the speech above? A. The Museo ng Malacanang stands as a symbol of the living reality of a government open to the people and trying to become an integral part of their lives and hopes. B. Some people think that this idea of a Museo ng Malacanang in the same grounds as the seat of power is a security nightmare. C. I wish to thank the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the tremendous amount of time and energy they have so generously poured into the establishment of the Foundation. D. The opening of Malacanang Palace to the public as a museum and as a historical site achieves one of the most important goals of those who dreamed and fought for Filipino freedom. 32. __________ - Which of the following is the conclusion of the speech above? A. I want you therefore to appreciate the importance of the project that has been entrusted to you: to preserve the symbolism and reality of our new democracy. B. The opening of Malacanang Palace to the public as a museum and as historical site achieves one of the most important goals of those who dreamed and fought for Filipino freedom. C. Some people think that this idea of a Museo ng Malacanang in the same grounds as the seat of power is a security nightmare. D. The Museo ng Malacanang stands as a symbol of the living reality of a government open to the people and trying to become an integral part of their lives and hopes. 33. __________ - What is the purpose of the speech? A. to thank everyone that has contributed to the building of the museum B. to promote the uniqueness of the museum C. to argue that more museums should be built D. to prove that museums are still important in today’s modern world 34. __________ - Which is not a goal of an informative speech? A. narrate a significant human experience B. may explain something most readers would not know C. teach readers to solve a problem or apply knowledge D. present the recent research on a topic 35. __________ - Which of the following cannot be part of the introduction of an informative speech? A. an illustration of the topic B. summary information C. an information that is true and illustrates the point you wish to make D. an anecdote 36. __________ - Which of the following should be considered when writing an informative speech? A. emotions of the speech writer B. purpose of the speech C. audience 37. __________ - They are useful English language conjunctions, transitional phrases, synonyms, and pronouns that are utilized to express ideas in a cohesive manner A. Cohesive devices B. Synonyms C. Devices 38. __________ - Which of the following concluding statements below would best end an informative speech about the following topic? How have ready-made meals and fast food changed the way we live? A. To sum up, fast food has changed our life in many ways and not for the better. B. It could be that fast food is more expensive than food prepared at home. C. People are always looking for ways to make their lives easier. D. People are getting fatter and unhealthier due to all the chemicals in the processed food they eat. 39. __________ - Which of the following concluding statements below would best end an informative speech on the following topic? Each generation of people is different. Explain how your generation is different than your parents. A. Therefore, we need to bridge the gap of generations by communicating properly. B. From my point of view,we need to try to understand what is happening around us. C. Every moment in history affects a generation in a certain way. D. In the past, people believe that you could not achieve success unless you were… 40. __________ - Given the question below, what would be a possible topic of the informative speech? People have different ways of dealing with stress. Some people like to take walks, others do yoga while others read a book. What are some of the best ways to relieve stress? A. Possible Ways to Relieve Stress B. Dealing with Anxiety C. The Causes of Stress D. Effects of Stress on the Quality of Life

31 a 32 c 34 a 35 b 36 c37 a 38 d 39 b 40 d

5. identify whether the speech below is memorized, extemporaneous or impromptu.1. My own first personal memory of war was in 1968 As a 16-year-old dishwasher in a small diner in upstate New York, I watched a Vietnam veteran get off the bus, coming back from his first tour of duty in Vietnam, to be met by his family. And at a time in our history when heroes were hard to find, I thought I'd found one. I'd never seen anybody so handsome, so physical, so determined, so proud. Captain John Graham - Captain John Graham was his name. And he is a big part of the reason I went to West Point.2. "So I'd like you all to charge your glasses and join me in toasting the new Mr and Mrs Brown! Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the bride and groom" "Wishing them all the health, wealth and happiness in the world, I'd like you all to join me in toasting the happy couple3. I always wanted to see what will be my life in the future, what will be my careerand wnat will l'become? As 1 reflected my childhood I have many dreams and aspirations that iwould like to accomplish within the next ten years to come. In ten years, I can see myself havingmany of my goals accomplished, if not accomplished, I will be working on accomplishing those goalsto fulfil my life. We all know when growing up that we all wanted that fairy tale ending with the house,car, kids, and the dog. Ten years from now I plan to be raising my children, coming out of collegewith several degrees, and being happy. They say in one's life we all make choices, but in the end,our choices make us. You're about to embark with me unto the long, curvy road of my life, and watchupon it as it unfolds through my eyes. This is my life as I see it will be ten years from now. I havemost of it planned out already. This is my story.4. On behalf of the Government of Vietnam, I would like to convey my warmest welcome to all distinguished delegates and guests attending the Vietnam Business Summit on the occasion of the 2017 APEC Economic Leaders' Week. May I extend my warmest greetings to all distinguished guests and delegations, representatives from organizations and enterprises, experts and investors Vietnamese and international alike.​






6. Read Vice President Leni Robredo graduation message to Class of 2020 and identify its geographic and linguistic dimension Dearest Class of 2020 Congrats to you and to your proud parents for making this f I know this is not how you imagined your graduation to be-no applause, no IG worthy photos no partes, no big speeches. Many of you must feel robbed as we are al stuck in our homes forced to deal with at that is happening from a distance The pandemic has brought our lives to a halt like nothing else could competing to imagine our world anew. How do we navigate through the uncertainties posed by our time? The simple truth is that there are no ready-made answers for this question. None of us have gone through ma before. No one realy 100-percent ready for what comes next What I can say, however, is that I myself have gone through periods of uncertainty And my experiences have taught me to be at peace with the act of stepping into the unknown by anchoring mysed on two things looking outward and moving forward Look beyond ourselves names of cra, many will feel the urge to think only of ones to founder, and o retreat in cur anal comes of comfort. When the fateful plane crash took the life of my husband. Jesse, it turned my whole world and those of my children upside down But the way the nation grieved with us and the impact of the legacy Jesse left behind plucked me out of the shadows I realized that there are things greater than ourselves and that there are causes that will always be worth fighting for no matter Ilamed that shing back into our bubbles, allowing fear and get to paralyze us only leads in deeper despair. We need to book beyond ourselves and expand our circles of empathy-whom we wil help, whom we will, whom wer will ve for We need to ask the hand, important questions How can I make the world a better place for others? How do I make sure that I will love this world better man when bund it? Where am most needed now? Many of you have big dreams. Some of you want to be doctors and act wyers and accourants, engineers and architects, teachers and joumalas anong many others There a reason so put your rews on hot in fact, you called to pursue these dreams with even deeper sovet dream not only for yourselves and for your families, but for the at the east and the t Move forward Amid difficulty, what keeps me going is seeing that each small task, each affor help someone goes a long way. That every food pack eases a bit of the burden on families who have lost their incomes. That every protective equipment aut makes a medical front-liner foul safer. That every palengke delivery made means that a market vendor and tricycle driver eam enough to put food on the table. This is how we can move forward + Furwant by regaining anchorage on amat, real things with real outcomes, ming one step after another as we strive to reach our goals. Forward knowing that doing aomeng for acmeone else can be a spul save for the cray that we c Forward, knowing that we are caled to do everything we can for the good of others especially those that need hep the most Looking outward and moving forward-this is how we can bravely face the new world. With passion and purpose. With grit and resolve Win compassion and with courage Dear graduates, no matter what the future holds, stay on the side of courage and be nopetal for better days. When the path seems too difficult, remember that you were made for the time-to pave a new way forward for our nation, and for the rest of DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Answer each given question below using about 3 sentences.1. What did you feel after reading this speech? Explain why you think you felt that way. 2. Gave the general setting and situation in our country when Vice Pres. Robredo delvered this speech in July 2020. 3. What is the main idea of the message that she in giving to the graduates of 2020 in this speech?4. Why do you think VP Robredo chose those ideas in her message, and how is it related to the current situation in our country? 5. Notice the language used in this speech and its message. Do you think it fits the audence to whom the speech is addressed? Why? Why not?​


number one, i felt very inspired about what vp leni robredo gave the graduates of 2020 because to me it was inspirable to other students and gave us inspiration and knowledge and she helped us gave strength in our education for better years

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