Examples Of Push And Pull Factors In Tourism

Examples Of Push And Pull Factors In Tourism

Push-pull is a popular theory to explain the reason why the tourists decide to visit the destination rather than other place, the kind of experience they want to get and the type of activity they want to do.How is the knowledge on push/pull relevant in managing tourism and hospitality activities?​

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2. give precise examples of each cultural factors and how they contribute to tourism?


Contribution to the store and get a chance to get a chance to

3. 14 factors that favor the grouth of tourism it tourism and hospitality ​



10 tourists are favor ang have hospitality


Environmental Factors


Good climate l, beautiful scenery, etc. Socio- economic factors: accessibility, accommodation, amenities ancillary service, etc. Historical and cultural factors Religious factors and.

4. Explain the factor of sustainable development in tourism


Thus, sustainable tourism should: Make optimal use of environmental resources that constitute a key element in tourism development, maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity.


Hope it helps ;-;

5. identify and explain factors affecting tourism​


Among these factors culture, peace, security, developed infrastructure of the world, visa facilities, natural beautification, attitude of the people, tourist number, Quarantine, World population, Education, Income level, Price level of different commodities in the world, different languages and fare of hotel etc are the well known factors which affect the tourism industry positively and negatively in the world.


courtesy: papers.ssrn.com

6. identify at least 5 factors that helped in the development of tourism and hospitality in your province. explain briefly how each factor favored the growth of touris. and hospitality in your province.just example ​


Environmental factors:

1.) Good climate

2.) Beautiful scenery, etc.

Socio-economic factors :




4.)Ancillary services, etc.

Historical and cultural factors,

Religious factors and

Other factors.

7. what is the importance of tourism and the factors affecting it​


Among these factors culture, peace, security, developed infrastructure of the world, visa facilities, natural beautification, attitude of the people, tourist number, Quarantine, World population, Education, Income level, Price level of different commodities in the world, different languages and fare of hotel etc ...

8. Solution for the negative factors that influence tourism in the Philippines ​





2.thank you

3.salamats naw

9. What factors are associated with increased of tourism demand.


What factors are associated with increased of tourism demand.


Main Determinants of Tourism Demand

Income.Price.Exchange Rates.Other Economic and Non-economic Variables.Trade Openness.Population Size and Population Segment.Marketing.Country Attractiveness.


10. Discuss the factors that hastened the growth of tourism and hospitality​


of tourism

Environmental factors : Good climate, Beautiful scenery, etc.

Socio-economic factors : Accessibility, Accommodation, Amenities, Ancillary services, etc.

Historical and cultural factors,

Religious factors and.

Other factors.

11. what is the importance of tourism and the factors affecting it​


The factors affecting it are

Tourism Management - Factors Affecting

Environment at Destination. Tourism is in its best form when the destination boasts of conducive climate.

Economy of the Country.

Historical or Cultural Importance of Destination.

Research Importance of Destination.

Religious Importance of Destination.


Its importance of tourism is that it  boosts the revenue of the economy, creates thousands of jobs, develops the infrastructures of a country, and plants a sense of cultural exchange between foreigners and citizens. The number of jobs created by tourism in many different areas is significant.


Hope it helps :)

12. Describe the factorsthatfavor the growthof tourism?​

Answer:Two main environmental factors that have led to the growth of tourism: Good climate : Good climate is one of the most important features of attraction for any tourist place.

13. what are factors in achieving sustainable tourism


43] identified five factors of a stakeholder's understanding of sustainable tourism development: (1) natural resources; (2) planning; (3) economic concerns; (4) educational needs; and (5) awareness of tourism.



14. give 15 factors that the growth of tourism and hospitality​


Environmental factors : Good climate, Beautiful scenery, etc. Socio-economic factors : Accessibility, Accommodation, Amenities, Ancillary services, etc. Historical and cultural factors, Religious factors and.

15. geography tourism examples​


Tourism geography is that branch of human geography that deals with the study of travel and its impact on places. Geography is fundamental to the study of tourism, because tourism is geographical in nature.


Tourism geography is the study of travel and tourism, as an industry and as a social and cultural activity. Tourism geography covers a wide range of interests including the environmental impact of tourism, the geographies of tourism and leisure economies, answering tourism industry and management concerns and the sociology of tourism and locations of tourism.


yan haha.

16. example of national tourism

Traveling to other countries

17. What are the significant factors of tourism and hospitality?​


Among these factors culture, peace, security, developed infrastructure of the world, visa facilities, natural beautification, attitude of the people, tourist number, Quarantine, World population, Education, Income level, Price level of different commodities in the world, different languages and fare of hotel etc


Among these factors culture, peace, security, developed infrastructure of the world, visa facilities, natural beautification, attitude of the people, tourist number, Quarantine, World population, Education, Income level, Price level of different commodities in the world, different languages and fare of hotel etc are ...


hope it helps:)

18. factors that makes gaming industry essential to tourism?​


At present, tourists need not worry about how to get entertainment while on vacation. This is due to the fact that casinos in tourist attraction sites and accommodation facilities such as hotels offer world class gaming services that are not only fun to play but also very engaging.


At present, tourists need not worry about how to get entertainment while on vacation. This is due to the fact that casinos in tourist attraction sites and accommodation facilities such as hotels offer world class gaming services that are not only fun to play but also very engaging.Oct 14, 2013



19. Factors for tourism movement

-Environment at Destination. Tourism is in --its best form when the destination boasts of conducive climate. ...

-Economy of the Country. ...

-Historical or Cultural Importance of Destination. ...

-Research Importance of Destination. ...

-Religious Importance of Destination. ...



please click thanks

20. Research: Factors affecting the hospitality and tourism industry​


Tourism industry play great role in the development of a world and it positively and negatively correlated with the economic growth of the global economy. Seeing to its importance the present study was arranged since 23, March, 2020. The universe of the study was the world. The major objective of the study was to examine the factors which affect tourism industry positively and negatively while also study its impact on the global economy of the world. Secondary data were used and total 18 articles were downloaded from the net and read many times and analyzed the situation. The analysis indicates that tourism industry keep tight correlation with the economic growth of the global economy while there are so many factors which affect the tourism industry positively and negatively which in the long run or short run affect the global economy of the world negatively and positively. Among these factors culture, peace, security, developed infrastructure of the world, visa facilities, natural beautification, attitude of the people, tourist number, Quarantine, World population, Education, Income level, Price level of different commodities in the world, different languages and fare of hotel etc are the well known factors which affect the tourism industry positively and negatively in the world. Similarly on one side these factors push the tourism industry in the short and long run positively and negatively while on the other side affect the economic growth of the global economy of the world negatively and positively. Recently due to bad quarantine the corona virus spread into the whole world which has now closed all sectors of the world economies and the government have banned people from social contacts from one another in the world and the government told to them to stay at your home and through this methodology which was applied by China will be escaped from this virus pandemics. So tourism is link with every sector of the economy. More money is earned by governments in the world. The people enjoy the time very well while they were charged by government which increase the revenue of the government and generate new employment in the countries of the world which improve socioeconomic condition of the world community and give prosperity to them. There are so many problems which affect to this industry negatively while few are mentioned here for explanation: Terrorism decrease the number of tourist in the world; Visa problems and flight problems also decrease the number of tourist in the world; Bad transportation also affect the tourism industry negatively; Hotel and transportation high fare also decrease the number of tourist in the world; Bad attitude of the country also affect the tourism industry negatively in the world. On the basis of problems the study recommend that to provide tight security to tourism spot in the world; Decrease fare of the hotel and transportation in the world; Easy Visa and Transportation should be provided to tourist in the world; Clean food should be provided on the tourism spot to tourist in the world; Good and tight quarantine should be provided at the entry and out point in the world; Tourist should be behaved in a good manner and never used abused words to them; Always give honor to tourist in the world on the tourism spot. Good and honest staff should be appointed in the tourism industry for running the system. By all world government good policy should be prepared for tourism enhancement.


pili ka ng importante sa sagot na yan

21. Discuss factors that hastened the growth of tourism. ​

Tourism is a service industry. It generates an income for some countries through a providing a range of jobs. People visiting places in their own country is referred to as domestic tourism, whereas international tourism is when other countries are visited.

Tourist destinations develop because they are attractive to people:

Cities - contain shops, restaurants, bars, theatres, museums, famous buildings and nightlife. Top tourist destinations include London, Rome and Las Vegas.

Coasts - beaches for sunbathing, the sea for water sports and an attractive environment for outdoor activities such as walking. Famous coastal resorts include Blackpool, Benidorm and Bondi beach in Australia.

Mountains - spectacular views, rock climbing, walking, white water rafting in fast-flowing mountain rivers and skiing. Famous destinations include the Pennines, the Alps and the Himalayas.

Climate - the Mediterranean climate has hot, dry summers, perfect for a beach holiday, whilst snow in the Alps provides ideal conditions for skiing.

Resorts - such as Centre Parcs and Disneyland have attracted millions of visitors in recent years.

Enclave tourism - all activities are planned within the same area, providing tourists with varied entertainment and excursions, without having to travel farther afield.




leisure time - therehas been an increase in the amount of paid leave days

greater awareness - television travel programems have raised people's expectations

increased life expectancy - there are greater number of older people traveling

great affluence - people have more spending money


correct me if I'm wrong

22. what are the 15 factors that favor the growth of tourism​


Tourism Management - Factors Affecting

Environment at Destination. Tourism is in its best form when the destination boasts of conducive climate. ...

Economy of the Country. ...

Historical or Cultural Importance of Destination. ...

Research Importance of Destination. ...

Religious Importance of Destination. ...


23. discuss the factors that affect the tourism decision-making process in selecting tourism product​


Factors that affect the tourism decision making process are social, cultural, personal and psychological factors, the number of tour- ists' attractions, available amenities, price, human resources and various types of tourism destinations.

24. 1. What are the factors that influence consumer behavior? Give examples of how they are applied in the tourism setting. 2. What are the benefits of service quality?

Consumer behavior is a highly important issue for all marketing activities which have the purpose to promote and sell tourism products. The tourism consumer behavior can be defined as the ensemble of its acts, attitudes and decisions regarding choosing, buying and consuming tourism products and services, and also its post-consuming reactions .

Here are the factors that affects consumer behavior

1. psychological it is the level of motivation influences the buying behavior of the consumers. ... Perception: The consumer perception towards a particular product and the brand also influences his buying decision.

2.Social factors influence the behavior of an individual in one or the other way: Family: The family members play a crucial role in designing one's preferences and behavior. It offers an environment wherein the individual evolves, develop personality and acquire values.

3. Cultural factor It is the culture of an individual which decides the way he/she behaves. In simpler words, culture is nothing but values of an individual. What an individual learns from his parents and relatives as a child becomes his culture.

4. Personal factors are: Age: The consumer buying behavior is greatly influenced by his age, i.e. the life cycle stage in which he falls.  Income: The income of the person influences his buying patterns.

5. Economic factors,  person to make a purchasing decision, which is duly affected by the economic factors such as personal income, family income, consumer credit, govt. ... A person's disposable income is what is left after fulfilling the basic needs and the disposable income increases the purchasing power of the consumers

benefits of quality services is more customer will patronized your product, more customers will come to your store because they are delighted by the quality service.

25. Explain the factors that favor the growth of tourism and hospitality. ​


There are two main factors that are essential in the growth of tourism: Access and accommodation. For a resort or city to become a popular tourist destination it must be easily reached and have large numbers of beds providing a range of accommodation.

Another obvious answer is attractions: People need a reason to go somewhere. An obvious exception to those rules is Las Vegas but having been virtually created out of nothing it has the airport access and thousands of hotel beds that has turned it into an attraction on its own in the middle of the desert and brought in supplementary businesses that want a slice of the action.


A natural infrastructure that makes a place reachable by car, train and bus helps to draw in tourists, this is especially true of most European cities where long established transport infrastructures makes travel easier. Where that infrastructure isn't in place it has to be created with the likely market for the area key to deciding how transport/access should be created.


Providing a range of accommodation is essential to retain visitors and to encourage them to extend their stay. Depending on the target market accommodation will be designed accordingly. A business or conference destination will be require three and four star hotels to attract visitors whilst a bag packers type place is more in need of hostel type accommodation of the cheap and cheerful variety.

Having a coherent strategy towards tourism also brings focus to an area. Knowing the aims, attractions and market that you are looking to attract makes promotion and marketing fairly straightforward. When all these factors are in place, when research is completed and visitors' views are sought and monitored the tourism success of a place can be managed and developed.

26. Examples of tourism site


sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ)


ExamplesWrite a five direct speeches and five indirect speeches about i love sport of tourism siteExamples of tourism site

27. the abstract factors affecting the tourism development ​


na San Po Yung choice Kasi Po di Po masasagot yan

28. example of Coastal Tourism​


The major recreational elements of coastal tourism are visiting beaches, swimming, snorkeling and scuba diving, boating, fishing, surfing, and wildlife watching. It is important to note that coastal tourism and recreation activities often overlap and are not always confined to the marine and coastal environment.


The major recreational elements of coastal tourism are visiting beaches, swimming, snorkeling and scuba diving, boating, fishing, surfing, and wildlife watching. It is important to note that coastal tourism and recreation activities often overlap and are not always confined to the marine and coastal environment



29. example of tourism planning​

Packing,foods,fuel etc.






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