Christ The Redeemer Location

Christ The Redeemer Location

#8 In which country is the stature of Jesus Christ, called Christ the Redeemer, located? A.America B.Brazil C.Canada (Dont need explanations)

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1. #8 In which country is the stature of Jesus Christ, called Christ the Redeemer, located? A.America B.Brazil C.Canada (Dont need explanations)


In which country is the stature of Jesus Christ, called Christ the Redeemer, located?





Christ the Redeemer, Portuguese Cristo Redentor, colossal statue of Jesus Christ at the summit of Mount Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil.

hope this helps

love lots!



In which country is the stature of Jesus Christ, called Christ the Redeemer, located?


B. Brazil



Brazil is the answer po

Hope it helps

Brainliest me pls

i really need it


2. what is the Mood of christ the redeemer​


the mood was also gives joy and remembering our Almighty Father and rejoice

3. 1. Why is Christ the redeemer?​


because He died on the cross for our sins

Answer: Because he paid for our sin

4. Human Person Redeemed by Christ "I think"?​




Central to the principle of human dignity is the understanding that, every human being is created in the image of God, redeemed by Jesus Christ, destined for union with God, and therefore worthy of respect as a member of the human family.

study hard!. 안녕 !!ㅜㅜㅜ

5. why does christ's love redeem us?​


Because he is the son of God.


Because of his love he sacrifice himself by his blood, because blood is life. And that's what the Godfather's will, to save us. Although even if the people are redeemed, if he/she are still taking evildoing's and didn't repent, he/she would not pass the judgement.

6. 7.Amazon River- Machu Picchu- Christ the Redeemer 8.Bay of Bengal -Arabian Peninsula- Persian Gulf 9. Cook Strait- New Caledonia-New Zealand 10. Niagara Falls- Mississippi River- Alaska ​


wow owmy god


paayos po naman plss beke nimen

Where is your question? What are you trying to find?

7. As a Christian, how can you explain the history of salvation to those who did not believein the absolute role of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Christ's redeeming ministry?​

Although Mary is honored with countless titles, none is grander than, “Mary, Mother of God.”

The Catholic Church views the Blessed Mother with such reverence that the octave of Christmas, Jan. 1, is a holy day of obligation. The feast day reminds us of the role she had in the plan of salvation, which began with her simple answer of, “yes,” to God.

Mary’s fiat can be found in Luke 1:38, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Biblical scholars refer to Mary’s answer to the angel as her, “fiat,” because that is the Latin word for, “be it done,” or “let it be done.”

Mary’s fiat is her willingness to submit herself fully to the will of God so that He could restore humanity into communion with Himself.

8. 2. Son of God3. Creation4. Lordship of Christ5. Redeemed6. Heresy7. Faith8. Doctrine9. Christ10. Savedproper meaning and right teaching​


JESUS CHRIST,was the messiah,the son of god who was crucified for the sins of humanity before rising from the dead,according to Christian gospels and early Christian writings

9. 2. Why is Christ the Redeemer?​


Christ the Redeemer (Portuguese: Cristo Redentor, standard Brazilian Portuguese: [ˈkɾistu ʁedenˈtoʁ], local pronunciation: [ˈkɾiɕtŭ̻ xe̞denˈtoɦ]) is an Art Deco statue of Jesus Christ in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, created by Polish-French sculptor Paul Landowski and built by Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa, in collaboration with French engineer Albert Caquot. Romanian sculptor Gheorghe Leonida fashioned the face. Constructed between 1922 and 1931, the statue is 30 metres (98 ft) high, excluding its 8-metre (26 ft) pedestal. The arms stretch 28 metres (92 ft) wide.[1][2]

10. If you have a new life given by Jesus Christ as our redeemer, how can you use you new life?


To have a new life in Christ means you are supernaturally changed into a new creation. You receive a brand new spirit and quite literally, start a new life. Your spirit is the real you. You are made up of three parts- spirit, soul, and body. Your spirit is the real, core part of you that gives life to your body and soul.

11. Do you believe in the power of Christ redeeming love and mercy? How can you possibly love and forgive those who cause you harm ang ill-will?PLS ANWER IT PROPERLY​


i do po im a religious person po kasi

12. which is not a basis or the dignity of the persona. redeemed by christ b. an image ang likeness of Godc. possessions, popularity and powerd. is sanctified by the indwelling of the holy spirit​


c. possessions, popularity and power


Hope it helps


13. all persons are endowed with Except; A. All irrational beingB. Rational SoulC. Created in God's imageD. Redeemed by Christ​


A. Irrational Being

hope it helps<3

14. what type of rock use use for statue of Christ redeemer​


granite peak


It is a 710-metre (2,329 ft) granite peak located in the Tijuca Forest, a national park. Corcovado hill lies just west of the city center but is wholly within the city limits and visible from great distances. It is known worldwide for the 38-metre (125 ft) statue of Jesus atop its peak, entitledChrist the Redeemer

It is a 710-metre (2,329 ft) granite peak located in the Tijuca Forest, a national park. 

15. what is utang kabubut-on? how the filipino value effect indebtness does christ 's redeeming love for us.​


utang kabubut on is bisaya language then in tagalog its utang na loob


Utang kabubut-on means ibinigay mo talaga ng todo na walang pag-iiba ng damdamin o utang-loob


Sana po makatulong po yann


16. 1. in what way we share in Gods enternal life? ( explain in 30 words)2. Identify 3 likenesses of God in you3. Enumerate 3 qualities of Christ as human4. how did christ redeem man? ( explain in 20 words)5. what is meant to be human?Help po brainliest sa makakasagot ng tama​


God states that His purpose is to " bring to pass the immortality and the eternal life of man ". We share God's purpose if we are truly united with Him. Eternal life is life with God through the eternities. The Lord prepared a way for those who haven't had the correct ordinances done while they lived on earth to achieve eternal life.


2. his kind, his faithful, his generous

3. his human, Hi have bone and body, hi is helpfull

4. Jesus Christ redeemed us by His Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. To “redeem” means to buy back something that has been lost, sold or given away. Because of Original Sin and our personal sins, we were slaves of the devil.

5. ‘human’ means ‘my own natural kind,’ then referring to a being as human boils down to the assertion that the other is a member of the natural kind that the speaker believes herself to be.

17. It is a manifestation of Christ's perfect act of of redeeming love through His ultimate sacrifice on the cross.

What do you mean btw what is the question

18. How does the saving love of Jesus Christ redeem us?​


he die on the cross to save us and loved us


and paki like nalang pohhh mga loddds

19. say three things about the christ the redeemer?​


buying back


20. the cross is a symbol of Christ's redeeming act. how will you help the church spread this thrut? explain your answer in not more than 3-5 sentences.​


you can spread it with social media so many will read your post so you can spread the truth

21. how did christ redeem us as people because we are relational by nature?​


Jesus Christ was crucified for our sins.

Atonement of Jesus Christ


Although we are redeemed unconditionally from the universal effects of the Fall, we are accountable for our own sins. But we can be forgiven and cleansed from the stain of sin if we “apply the atoning blood of Christ” (Mosiah 4:2). We must exercise faith in Jesus Christ, repent, be baptized for the remission of sins, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

22. Who biult the christ the redeemer in rio?

Paul Landowski was the sculptor and the engineer was Heitor de Silva Costa (?)

23. PAKI SAGUTAN PO PLEASE NG TAMA What are the implications of being saved and redeemed by Christ ?​


[tex]\huge \mathfrak \color{red}HI USER![/tex]

“Redemption” and “salvation” are two words which many unbelievers and even Christians throw around interchangeably, supposing that they both refer to the same concept: that God makes it possible for us to go to heaven.

In reality, although they are related, there is a crucial difference between the two. “Redemption” refers to undoing the effects of sin for all mankind. The word itself is based in Old English means to “buy back.” Humanity bore a debt to humanity (which it could not pay). In mercy, God used the life of His Son, Jesus Christ, as currency to pay that debt.


24. in what ways can jesus christ as our mediator and redeemer affect our lives as a student? 1. 2. 3. 4. (i will brainly who ever answers)


Recalling these words of Jesus, the Catholic Church professes that, in the celebration of the Eucharist, bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and the instrumentality of the priest. Jesus said: "I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world. . . . For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink" (Jn 6:51-55). The whole Christ is truly present, body, blood, soul, and divinity, under the appearances of bread and wine—the glorified Christ who rose from the dead after dying for our sins. This is what the Church means when she speaks of the "Real Presence" of Christ in the Eucharist. This presence of Christ in the Eucharist is called "real" not to exclude other types of his presence as if they could not be understood as real (cf. Catechism, no. 1374). The risen Christ is present to his Church in many ways, but most especially through the sacrament of his Body and Blood.

What does it mean that Jesus Christ is present in the Eucharist under the appearances of bread and wine? How does this happen? The presence of the risen Christ in the Eucharist is an inexhaustible mystery that the Church can never fully explain in words. We must remember that the triune God is the creator of all that exists and has the power to do more than we can possibly imagine. As St. Ambrose said: "If the word of the Lord Jesus is so powerful as to bring into existence things which were not, then a fortiori those things which already exist can be changed into something else" ( De Sacramentis, IV, 5-16). God created the world in order to share his life with persons who are not God. This great plan of salvation reveals a wisdom that surpasses our understanding. But we are not left in ignorance: for out of his love for us, God reveals his truth to us in ways that we can understand through the gift of faith and the grace of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. We are thus enabled to understand at least in some measure what would otherwise remain unknown to us, though we can never completely comprehend the mystery of God.

As successors of the Apostles and teachers of the Church, the bishops have the duty to hand on what God has revealed to us and to encourage all members of the Church to deepen their understanding of the mystery and gift of the Eucharist. In order to foster such a deepening of faith, we have prepared this text to respond to fifteen questions that commonly arise with regard to the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. We offer this text to pastors and religious educators to assist them in their teaching responsibilities. We recognize that some of these questions involve rather complex theological ideas. It is our hope, however, that study and discussion of the text will aid many of the Catholic faithful in our country to enrich their understanding of this mystery of the faith.


25. we have been redeemed by christ meaning


The Christian use of redemption means Jesus Christ, through his sacrificial death, purchased believers from the slavery of sin to set us free from that bondage. ... In this case, it is Christ freeing us from the bondage of the law to freedom of a new life in him.

26. 10. Christ is Hebrew fora. Protectorb. Messiahc. Redeemerd. Savior​


10. Christ is Hebrew for?

A. Protector

B. Messiah

C. Redeemer

D Savior

Answer: B. Messiah



27. How do virtues affect our lives as a people redeemed by christ? ​


The Christian moral life is one that seeks to cultivate and practice virtue. It allows the person not only to perform good acts, but to give the best of. In addition, God's grace is offered to us to purify and strengthen our human virtues, for our growth. Faith, hope, and charity influence human virtues by increasing their stability.

28. How does the belief in the genesis account of creation is foundational to acceptance oc christ as creator and redeemer? ​


The question of how we read the Genesis creation narratives is particularly pressing in a scientific age. At first glance, what the sciences tell us about the size and age of the universe and the evolutionary origin of humanity stands in clear contradiction to how these realities are portrayed in the opening chapters of Genesis.

There have been various approaches to addressing these seeming contradictions. On the one hand, some skeptics simply dismiss the Bible because its portrayal of reality doesn’t fit that of modern science. On the other hand, many Christians assume that the Bible and science must be shown to agree, which often ends up dismissing any science (for example, evolution) that seems to contradict the Bible; but sometimes this approach results in efforts to make the Bible anticipate modern science (which is anachronistic).

But before considering any supposed contradictions between science and the Bible, we need to deal with the difficulties in the Genesis text itself. The careful reader will notice that there are significant differences between the creation accounts in Genesis 1 and 2.

Let’s first look at the evident differences between these two creation accounts. Then I will suggest how we might understand the relationship of Genesis 1 (technically, Gen 1:1–2:3) to Genesis 2 (beginning at 2:4) as the opening chapters of Scripture, without imposing modern ideas on this ancient text. My purpose here is to help Christians read these chapters for their theological and ethical claims on us as we seek to be faithful to God in the contemporary world.

Different Names for God

First, we should note that the creation accounts in Genesis 1 and 2 consistently use different names for God. Whereas the first account uses the generic term ’elohîm (Hebrew for “God”) right up to Gen 2:3, the second account uses the compound name YHWH ’elohîm, starting in Gen 2:4 (this continues until Gen 3:24, which is the formal end of the Garden narrative about human creation and the origin of sin).1 This compound name allows the Garden narrative to serve as a link between the opening creation account of Gen 1:1–2:3 (which introduces the Creator-God) and the post-Garden narrative (which predominantly uses YHWH, the unique covenant name for the God of Israel).



29. who redeemed us from slavery to sin why redeemed us?​




God redeemed us for the purpose of making us God in life and nature so that Man's concept toward God is mistaken and wrong.

30. saang kontinente matatagpuan ang Amazon river Machu Picchu Christ the Redeemer​


south america


ang christ the redeemer ay nasa rio de janeiro sa brazil

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