The Teaching Profession Answer Key

The Teaching Profession Answer Key

does the teaching profession fulfill all the elements of a profession? explain your answer​

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1. does the teaching profession fulfill all the elements of a profession? explain your answer​




The teaching profession can fulfill the elements of a profession according to ALEX S. Teacher also needs professional development so others must undergo schooling for additional education because it helps to assure minimum competency throughout their career❤

2. teaching as a profession? ​


The first thing that you must know about teaching as a profession is that teaching is about inspiring and motivating students to realize and exceed their potentials. The greatest teachers of all time have devoted their life in inspiring and empowering their students to achieve great things and be a good human being.

Hope this will help!!

3. what is teaching profession? why it is considered the noblest profession?​


Teaching profession is considered the noblest profession since they can be considered the trainers of the community. Without teachers, othe professions like engineering or medical courses won't turn successful and if worst, might have never existed. Teachers are like the carpenters of the community and their profession is the blueprint. They prepare students to a bigger platform and to be able to face the cruel world.

4. Why teaching is a profession?​


Why teaching is a profession?

Professionalism in the teaching discipline is diversely considered. ... This definition serves the suggestion that teaching is in fact a profession, because to graduate with a teaching degree, you are required to be relevantly and formally qualified and to have completed the appropriate teacher training.




for me i think teaching is a profession because it is about inspiring and motivating students to realize and exceed their potentials.  they are the one who devoted their life in inspiring and empowering their students to achieve great things and be a good human being.

remember those classes where your teachers would share stories with you; explain complex topics through fun activities, and share their experiences and love for their subjects? They are not ordinary teachers. They are your mentors. They are the ones who inspire students, not just by teaching a subject, but by sharing a bond, exchanging thoughts, and building upon them.

so you see, teaching is not only a profession but also as a passion.

5. conclusions of teaching profession​


Professional teachers, having demonstrated the knowledge and skills needed to positively impact student learning, benefit from ongoing professional learning and growth.


Mark me as a brainliest if you want

6. journal about the Teaching profession and science teaching​


boang you po teacher is the tall player

7. what is the requirement of teaching as profession​


became a good person haiw hwiab s

8. There are more women than men in the teaching profession. Does this indicate that less men are able to face challenges of the teaching profession?





9. There are more women than men in the teaching profession. What do you think are the reasons of having morewomen in the teaching profession?​






For me, the reason of having more women in teaching profession because they are much interested with this job and maybe it fits them! Some men like to work as a Police Man/Police Officer, Engineers, Architects, Fire Man, etc. Maybe Men are attracted to higher salaries in professions other than teaching and Women are attracted in teaching.

Hope this helps!


10. Advocate for Teaching Profession​


An advocate is a person who supports or promotes the interests of another, and that is what a teacher is doing when he or she works to engage students and their parents as partners in a positive, learning-focused classroom community.

11. journal on the teaching profession





12. 3. How do you compare the teaching profession with other professions?​


Teaching profession is different from all other profession beacause

1- It is a profession of creating sparkle not burning or extinguishing.

2- In other peofession responsibility is to complete a task ,but in teaching creating task compliter or clone of self.

3- In teaching there is an eaternal satisfaction of ability to do some thing for future world.

4- In this profession there are scopes for the teacher for reformation of social, cultural and economical state.

5- In most of other professions the scope of contribution is limited , but in teaching…..

6- If a manager or a clerk does any mistake it will effect a person or a limited environment, but a mistake done by a teacher may effect whole human race. For example terrorism is the result of wrong teaching.

Teaching job is a job of high responsibility. Only well aware and responsible person should come to this profession.


Sana makatulong

13. How to do an matrix about teaching as a teaching profession?


Faculty members can use the Teaching Matrix to plan their teaching and to plan ways to gather information about their teaching effectiveness. It is a tool for planning actions, a “suggestion box” of ideas, advice, and questions, and most importantly, a guide to systematic reflection on teaching.

Teaching is the specialized application of knowledge, skills and attributes designed to provide unique service to meet the educational needs of the individual and of society. The choice of learning activities whereby the goals of education are realized in the school is the responsibility of the teaching profession.

14. Is Teaching a Profession or a Vocation




Because teachers have their masteral degrees in college for that profession.


Profession. (but more Vocation)

The words worthy and great fulfilment breaks the borderline whether teaching is a profession or a vocation. Teaching is a career where people get paid for the job. ... We consider teaching a vocation because of the dedication that one exerts to provide quality learning atmosphere to their students.


Teaching is a profession but more of vocation. Teachers'role is to educate and enable the world to become knowledgeable and independent one. It requires knowledge, skills and experience to become worthy in the profession.

15. why teaching is a profession?


Because you share your knowledge to others as well your experiences that makes teaching a professional job.


16. why is it imperative to consider teachers as professionals and teaching as a profession? justify your answer

because they are the ones who are responsible in molding students, and guiding them towards their professional life, in other words- no teacher means no education, no education will then result to no professionals at all.

17. there are more women in the teaching profession. Does this indicate that only fewer men are able to face the challenge of teaching profession?​


No because men and women face different trade-offs and opportunity costs when choosing careers and most of men choose other professions to get a better pay.

18. Why teaching is the profession upon which all profession ls depend?​

If what you've done is memorize information and spit it back on a test, you will be utterly unprepared for [our changing] world. In fact, our kids are going to have to work with knowledge that hasn't been discovered yet and technologies that haven't been invented yet, to solve big problems that we haven't been able to solve. They need work in school that allows them to take up a problem, figure out how to find the resources that will be needed to solve that problem, work with others to design a solution, test it, evaluate it, revise it, and be able to generate their own progress in learning.

That's a very different kind of teaching. It doesn't mean the facts disappear. It doesn't mean that teaching a structured curriculum disappears. But it does mean that the way you approach the curriculum has to be much more focused around that kind of inquiry than simply reading the chapter and answering the questions at the end of the book.

19. does the teaching profession fulfill all the elements of a profession?​


"Yes, the teaching profession can fulfill all the elements of a profession"


20. Teaching as a challenging profession?​


Teaching is a challenging profession because we are responsible for teaching students our content areas but also we must teach them how to learn. Once such challenge comes in the form of note taking. This is a learned skill and one that most students are unable to just figure out on their own. Students must be guided in note taking best practices. Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey (2004) remind teachers, “students must learn to focus on the important phrases, selecting on the key words that carry the meaning, even if some of the details are not yet scripted. This practice is also essential to good notetaking because one cannot write down everything one hears.” (p 104)


hope it helps


Yes, teaching is a challenging profession. Being an educator is more than standing in front and discussing a lesson. To achieve such an effective teaching style, good communication skill, and good connection with their students, are sleepless nights and hardworks.

21. What is Teaching Profession?​


A teacher is a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue. Informally the role of teacher may be taken on by anyone.

Occupation type: Profession

Activity sector: Education

22. Advocacy of teaching profession​

advocate is a person who supports or promotes the interests of another, and that is what a teacher is doing when he or she works to engage students and their parents as partners in a positive, learning-focused classroom community.

23. What is teaching as a profession?


Professionalism in the teaching discipline is diversely considered. ... This definition serves the suggestion that teaching is in fact a profession, because to graduate with a teaching degree, you are required to be relevantly and formally qualified and to have completed the appropriate teacher Teaching is the specialized application of knowledge, skills and attributes designed to provide unique service to meet the educational needs of the individual and of society. The choice of learning activities whereby the goals of education are realized in the school is the responsibility of the teaching profession..


Hope it Helps #CarryOnLearning

Pa Brainliest naman po JK

24. meaning teaching profession​


The teaching profession is an occupational field in education that is directly responsible for the formation of young minds and hearts.

25. What is Teaching Profession? ​




teachers are the shadows of parents showing love and seldom admonishing, reaching out to be creators narrating noble deeds, like a goldsmith hammering to perfection.

26. problem of teaching profession​


They come across many obstacles, hurdles, and challenges as given below regardless of their training and location. Teachers are rarely appreciated or paid incentives for their tedious job. There is a lack of acknowledgment of their efforts by the schools as well as parents.

27. Does the teaching profession fulfill all the elements of a profession?


Explanation: because teaching is the elements of professional

28. There are more women than men in the teaching profession. Does the indicate that less men able to face the challenge of the teaching profession?​


not necessarily its just that our society labeled teaching profession as a profession for women

29. There are many women than men in the teaching profession. Does this indicate that fewer men are able to face the challenge of the teaching profession


yes because some of men wants to teach also

30. importance of teaching profession​


Teachers are nation builders- the strength of every profession in our country grows out of knowledge and skills that teachers help to instill in our children. -Leaders of Change Teachers have the capacity to shape the minds and futures of many - and they do so at all kinds of critical life stages

and so on

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