Circular Story Examples

Circular Story Examples

-2. Which of the following is an example of NON-LINEAR text a. Story c. Report b. Speech d. Venn Diagram 3. It is a circular statistical tool. It uses portions or slices to represent numerical proportions or percentages of a given whole. a. Venn diagram c. pie chart b. Bar graph d. Line Graph​

Daftar Isi

1. -2. Which of the following is an example of NON-LINEAR text a. Story c. Report b. Speech d. Venn Diagram 3. It is a circular statistical tool. It uses portions or slices to represent numerical proportions or percentages of a given whole. a. Venn diagram c. pie chart b. Bar graph d. Line Graph​


Bar graph


Yan napo ang sagot

2. II. Directions: Read the following items carefully. Write True if the statement is conFalse if it is not. Write your answer in your notebock.1. Stories, essays and novels are examples of non-linear text.2. Linear text is considered as traditional or most common reading3. Non-linear text is the use of graphics or pictures.4. The reading path for non-linear text is sequential where grasyntax are taken in consideration.5. Tables, maps, ads, and posters are examples of non-linear text.6. Linear text is a combination of text with visual elements.7. Non-linear text focuses on the arrangement of words.8. Pie chart is circular chart which is divided into slices or portionproportion.9. Reading path is the way that the text, or text plus otherdetermine or order the way we read.10. The reading path for linear text is non-sequential.11. Non-linear text contains series of words that are logical an​


1 false

2 true

3 false

4 true

5 true

6 true

7 false

8 false

9 true

10 false

11 false


paki brainliest nalang po ako

3. Directions: Choose ine letter of the correct answer 1. It is non- sequential. The readers decide on how the text is to be read without necessarily following a prescribed pattem A. Linear Text B. Non-inear Text C. Descriptive Text D .Narrative Text 2. It refers to the traditional text that needs to be read from beginning to end. A. Linear Text B. Non-linear Text C. Descriptive Text D. Narrative Text 3. Choose an example of linear text. A. Line Graph B. Table C. Story D. Pie Graph 4. Choose on example of non-linear text. A. Newspaper B. Story C. Speech D. line graft5. A graphical display of data that continuously changes over a specific amount or period of time. A. Venn Diagram B. line Graph C. Pie Graph D. Bar Graph 6. A graphical representation of data that uses bars to compare data occording to given categories A Venn Diagram B. Pie Graph C. Bar Graph D. Bar Graph 7. A circular statistical tool which uses portions or slices to represent numerical proportions or percentages of a given whole. A Bar Graph B. Line Graph C. Pie Graph D. Venn diagram 8. uses overlapping shapes to show or represent the similarities and differences between two or more items or concepts. A Pie Graph B. Venn Diagram C. Concept Diagram D. Venn Diagram pa help po pls nonsense:report =∆help help ╥﹏╥​

1.B. Non-linear Text2.C. Descriptive Text 3.C. Story 4.D. line graft5.B. line Graph 6.C. Bar Graph, D. Bar Graph 7.C. Pie Graph 8.D. Venn Diagram, B. Venn Diagram

4. Patulong lamat. 12. What is the biggest and oldest church in Nueva Ecja?A. Parish of The Three KingsC. Spanish GateB San Andres Apostol Parish Churchd. Tamauini Church13. What provrice is called the Wood Carving Capital of the Philippines?a ZambalesC Lagunab. Rizald. Bataan14. Where can you find Saint Dominic De Guzman Parish Chaurah?A ZambalesCLagunab. Rizald. Isabela15. Which of the following is NOT an example of architecture?A. Calle Crosologoc. HigantesB. Spanish Gated. pazish of the Three Kings16. If you will make your own architectural product which adopts the design of Tamauini Church, how will you do it?a. I will make a 4 story building which is made of brids and arranged artistically.b. I will build house made mal stories with antesC.I will incorporate Spanish styles.D. I will make use of rative materials to build a house17. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Vigan?A. Vigan is called as the ntramuros of the North.B. Vigan is one of the few Spanish colonial towns left in the Philippines whose old studues have mostly remained imac.C. Vigan is well known for its seti pavements and a unique architecure of the Spanish Philippines colonial era.D. Vigan is known for its carved artworks.18. How will you compare Tumeuini Church and San Andres parish Churd in terms of its architectural design?A. Tumaini is known for its exiensive use of red bricks on is exterior and interinomanens utile San Andres Church elaborately carved niche of the tow's patron saint and carving of geometric shapes and medallons on the periment.b. Tamuíní is has a four story bel tower whereas San Andres Apostol ParishChurch is designed ike a circular template.C. Tamauini church is made of coral stones but San Andres Parish Church is made di adote.d. none of the above19. Why do Ifugaos use bul ul as guard to their rice crops?A. They believe that bul ul can guard the rice crops better than a scarecrow.B. They believe that bul ulis represents the dead family membersC. They believe that bul ul represents the rice granary spritis which sägnilies wealth, happiness, and being to them.D. They believe that bul ul can proted the nice crops from thieves.20. What do Higantes of Rizal nepresent?a The Higantes show the mood of the people in Rizalb. The Higantes represent the hacienderos during the colonial period.C. The Higantes Represents the different occupation in Rizal.D. The Higantes show different costumes in rizal.​


14.B 15.C 20.A 19.B 18.C


Sana maka tulong pa brain lest na lang po

5. A. Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct a circular chart divided into fractions or portions.A. Bar graphB. Concept mapC. Pie chart D. Venn diagram2. Which of the following is not true?A. Linear texts are also called graphic representation.B. Non-linear texts are oftentimes accompanied by explanations.C. Examples of linear texts include articles, e-mails, and blog entries.D. A bar graph is a non-linear text that consists of bars representingnumerical data.3. Which of the following non-linear texts may be used to present the topic, “Howto Bake a Cupcake?A. Bar graphB. Line graph C. Pie chartD. Flow chart4. Courtney wrote a text that does not make use of graphics. All of the followingare the possible work Courtney did, exceptA. Bar graphB. E-mailC. EssayD. Short story5. Samuel wants to write about the similarities and differences of two things, buthe wants to do it in a way that would not be boring for his reader. Which of thefollowing would make his text interesting?A. Making a pie chart to state the similarities and differences.B. Using a line graph to depict the similarities and differences.C. Writing the similarities and differences in an elaborate essay.D. Writing the similarities and differences using a Venn diagram.​


The answer for number 1 is C. Pie chart

I could only give you the answer for number one, because if I would give you the answer to all of those I am conceding your relying for question.

6. Activity A. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your paper. 1. A type of text that focuses on the arrangement of words both grammatically and stylistically. A. Bar graph B. Line Graph C. Linear Text D. Non-Linear Text 2. This type of text does not require the reader to go through the text in a sequential manner in order to make sense of the text. A. Bar graph B. Line Graph C. Linear Text 3. Examples of this type of texts are novels, short stories and letters. A. Bar graph D. Non-Linear Text B. Line Graph C. Linear Text 4. Which of the following DOES NOT show uses of Non-Linear text? A. show comparisons B. show narrative story D. summarizes figures C. show relationships 5. This is a kind of Non-Linear text that shows series of events in order. It has arrows that signify the flow of events or details. A. Cause and Effect Diagram B. Flowchart D. Pie Chart C. Graphic Organizer 6. It is a graph that connects information that generally takes place over the course of time. This type of graph is helpful for showing data that has both dramatic and subtle changes, and can also feature multiple sets of data at B. Flowchart D. Pie Chart once. A. Cause and Effect Diagram C. Line Graph 7. It chart is a circular chart that shows how data sets relate to one another. The arc length of each section is proportional to the quantity it represents, usually resulting in a shape similar to a slice of pie. A. Cause and Effect Diagram C. Line Graph 8. It is a diagram or graphical tool that visually represents relationships between concepts and ideas. D. Non-Linear Text B. Flowchart D. Pie Chart A. Flowchart B. Line Graph 10.A type of text that typically contains A. Essay B. Linear Text A. Concept Map B. Flowchart D. Pie Chart C. Line Graph 9. It used to identify, classify, categorize and recognize similarities and differences of two or more subjects, thoughts, ideas or concepts. D. Venn Diagram C. Pie Chart digital texts. C. Non-Linear Text D. short storiespa rushh po ng sagotttt​


1.B. Line Graph

2.D. Non-Linear Text

3.C. Linear Text

4.D. summarizes figures

5.B. Flowchart

6.C. Line Graph

7.D. Pie Chart

8.A. Concept Map

9.D. Venn Diagram

10.C. Non-Linear Text


Linear text is text that is written and read in a sequential manner, with each sentence building on the previous one to form a coherent narrative or argument. Non-linear text, on the other hand, does not follow a linear structure and allows the reader to access information in any order. A line graph is a type of graph that shows information as a series of data points connected by straight lines. It is often used to show changes or trends over time. A pie chart is a circular chart that shows how a whole is divided into parts, with the size of each section proportional to the quantity it represents. A concept map is a graphical tool that is used to visually represent the relationships between different concepts or ideas. A Venn diagram is a type of diagram that uses circles to show the relationships between two or more subjects, thoughts, ideas, or concepts. It is often used to identify, classify, categorize, and recognize similarities and differences.












Explanation:pabrainliest po ty

7. a circular chart divided into fractionsor portionsa. Bar graphb. Concept mapC. Pie chartd. Venn diagram7. Which of the following is not true?a. Linear texts are also called graphicrepresentationb. Non-linear texts are oftentimes accompanied byexplanations.c. Examples of linear texts include articles, e-mails,and blog entriesd. A bar graph is a non-linear text that consists ofbars representing numerical data.8. Which of the following non-linear texts may be usedto present the topic, "How to Bake a Cupcake"?a. Bar graphb. Line graphc. Pie chartd. Flow chart9. Courtney wrote a text that does not make use ofgraphics. All of the following are the possible workCourtney did, excepta bar graphb. E-mailc. essayd. short story10. John wants to write about the similarities anddifferences of two things, but he wants to do it in away that would not be boring for his reader. Which ofthe following would make his text interesting?a. Making a pie chart to state the similarities and​



7 d






8. 11. It includes firsthand accounts, raw data and other original materials on which other researches are based * 1 point a. Primary b. tertiary c. secondary d.elementary 12. Which are examples of secondary sources * 1 point a. textbooks b. book reviews c. magazine articles d.all of the above 13. The following are examples of Tertiary Sources EXCEPT * 1 point a. interviews b. abstracts c.indexes d. bibliographies 14. It is defined as brief statement that presents the most important points of an original material. * 1 point a. Paraphrase b. main idea c. summary d. supporting details 15. It refers to restating someone else’s work or idea in your own words at roughly the same level of details. * 1 point a. summarizing b. paraphrasing c.researching d. reporting 16. It refers to the central point that the author is trying to communicate in his/her work. * 1 point a. summary b. main idea c. paraphrase d. key information 17. It refers to important pieces of evidence, reasons, examples and explanations that support the main idea. * 1 point a. summary b. main idea c. paraphrase d. key information Complete the meaning of each paragraph by filling in the blanks with the missing words or terms. 18. Summary is a ________ version of an original material. * 1 point a. paraphrasing b. shortened c. nutshell d.ideas 19. While summary is closely related to _________, * 1 point a. paraphrasing b. shortened c. nutshell d.ideas 20. They are different techniques usually employed when writing using other author’s _______________. * 1 point a. paraphrasing b. shortened c. nutshell d.ideas 21.When writing a summary, you should be able to identify the ______________that make up the original materials. * 1 point a. beginning b. words c. main/central ideas d. paraphrasing 22. The summary should only contain these ideas retold in your own _________________. * 1 point a. beginning b. words c. main/central ideas d. paraphrasing 23. A given text can have one or more central ideas usually found at the_______________ * 1 point a. beginning b. words c. main/central ideas d. paraphrasing 24.One important tip when writing a summary is to always remain ___________. * 1 point a. objective b.opinions c.ideas d. nutshell 25. This means that you should not include personal ________ in what you are writing. * 1 point a. objective b.opinions c.ideas d. nutshell 26. In terms of length, summary is shorter than the original material. It presents all the important ideas of the original text in a ____________ * 1 point a. objective b.opinions c.ideas d. nutshell 27. It is a literary technique that involves comparison of how two things are alike. * 1 point a. metaphor b. comparison c. simile d. analogy Classify each sentence below as to SIMILE, METAPHOR, ANALOGY or PERSONIFICATION 28. He is as thin as a stick * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 29. Life is a wonderful journey * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 30. “Life is like a bag of candies-you never know what you’re going to get.” * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 31. Life is like a tree. * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 32. “What soldiers do for the country, white blood cells do inside the body.” * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 33. English : Language :: Mathematics : Arithmetic * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 34. Life is like a tree---it starts from a seedling that grows into full-grown tree that has trunk and branches that make itself strong, and bears wonderful fruits. * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 35. Her smile beams like the sun. * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 36. It refers to traditional text that needs to be read from beginning to end in order to make sense of its content. * 1 point a. linear b. non-linear c.reading path d.scanning 37. A text which is non-sequential, meaning, the readers, not the author, decide how the text is to be read without necessarily following a prescribed pattern. * 1 point a. linear b. non-linear c.reading path d. line graph 38. Which of the following is an example of LINEAR text * 1 point a. Line Graph b. Pie Graph c.story d. Venn diagram 39. Which of the following is an example of NON-LINEAR text * 1 point a. Story b. Speech c.Report d.Venn Diagram 40. It is a circular statistical tool. It uses portions or slices to represent numerical proportions or percentages of a given whole. * 1 point a. Venn diagram b. Bar graph c. pie chart d. Line Graph








sorry yan lang alam ko

9. Need ko po answer asap. Pa answer po ng maayos, Salamat. 1. Choose an example of linear text. A. Line graph B. Table C. Story D. Pie graph 2. A graphical display of data that continuously changes over a specific amount or period of time. A. Venn diagram B. Line graph C. Pie graph D. Bar graph 3. A graphical representation of data that uses bars to compare data according to given categories. A. Venn diagram B. Pie graph C. Bar graph D. Line graph 4. A circular statistical tool which uses portions or slices to represent numerical proportions or percentages of a given whole. A. Bar graph B. Line graph C. Pie graph D. Venn diagram 5. It uses overlapping shapes to show or represent the similarities and differences between two or more items or concepts. A. Pie graphB. Venn diagram C. Concept diagram D. Venn diagram 6. A diagram that shows suggested relationships between concepts; typicaly represents ideas and information as boxes and circles and uses lines to show the relationship between them. A. Concept diagram B. Venn diagram C. Bar graph D. Pie graph 7. To transcode means to _____ something from one form to another. A. Remain B. Transform C. Prohibit D. Repress










hope it helps

pa brainliest po pls and pa follow na din ,thx










Sana makatulogg

10. Written works # 2 ARTS1. A pre-historic structure in a form of table consisting of two huge standing stones supporting a horizontal giant stone. A. Cromlech C. Megalith B. Dolmens D. Menhir 2. A type of Egyptian tomb in the form of a flat-roofed, rectangular structure with outward sloping sides. A. Colosseum C. Mastaba B. Giza D. Parthenon 3. Below are the characteristics of Egyptian architecture, except. A. The architecture is made huge stone block called megaliths. B. The ornamentations were symbolic. C. The structure has thick sloping walls with few openings. D. Temples were aligned with astronomically significant events.4. A Greek classical temple with impressive columns, ingeniously engineered to correct optical illusion. A. Colosseum C. Mastaba B. Giza D. Parthenon 5. Roman architecture intended for huge balls and arenas for public games, baths, and procession. A. Colosseum C. Mastaba B. Giza D. Parthenon 6. What is an art process where an image is created using an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stones, and other materials? A. Mosaic C. PaintingB. Mural D. Pressing 7. What era lived on the Greek and Roman styles of painting? A. Byzantine C. Gothic B. Egyptian D. Romanesque 8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a Gothic Era painting? A. Subjects usually depict popular legends and love story.B. Stained glass windows were created to transform the vast stone interiors.C. Paintings show Arabic influence through elongated oval faces, long noses, and large staring eyes.D. The paintings show realistic details and naïve naturalism.9. Which of the following paintings/mosaic is a product of Romanesque Era? A. The Shepherd DavidC. The Court of Empress TheodoraB. Christ in MajestyD. Lady and the Unicorn tapestry10. What is the most common theme depicted in the paintings, murals, and mosaics of the Medieval PeriodA. Abstract C. NatureB. Kings and Queens D. Religious11. This era was a realization of religious and social functions and had Architectural program with a wealth of sculptural decorationA. Romanesque B. ByzantineC. Greek Art Style D. Gothic12. This architectural design included two new devices: pointed arch which enable builders to construct much higher ceiling vaults and stone vaulting borne on a network of stone ribs supported by piers and clustered pillars.A. Byzantine B. RomanesqueC. Gothic D. Classicism13. This means holy wisdom. It narrates how magnificent construction transformed from being a church, into a mosque.A. Hagia SophiaB. The ColosseumC. The ParthenonD. Mastaba14. This Architecture has a lot in common with the early Christian Architecture.A. Romanesque B. GothicC. Byzantine D. Classicism15. The Hagia Sophia can be found in this country.A. Istanbul, Turkey B. Greece C. Italy D. Philippines 16. What was the Byzantine religion? A. Eastern Orthodox B. Christianity C. Muslim D. Roman Catholic 17. Where does Byzantine Architecture came from? A. Greece B. Egypt C. Eastern Roman Empire D. Prehistoric18. Architectural style of medieval Europe characterized by semi-circular arches. A. Romanesque B. Gothic C. Byzantine D. Greek19. What is the most famous example of Byzantine Church?A. Durham Cathedral B. Hagia SophiaC. Chartres Cathedral D. Notre Dame cathedral20. What is the most famous example of Gothic Church? A. Chartres cathedral B. Hagia Sophia C. Hagia Irene D. Durham Cathedral​


1. B. Dolmens

2. C. Mastaba

3. B. The ornamentations were symbolic.

4. D. Parthenon

5. A. Colosseum

6. A. Mosaic

7. A. Byzantine

8. D. The paintings show realistic details and naïve naturalism.

9. B. Christ in Majesty

10. D. Religious

11. A. Romanesque

12. C. Gothic

13. A. Hagia Sophia

14. D. Classicism

15. A. Istanbul, Turkey

16. B. Christianity

17. C. Eastern Roman Empire

18. A. Romanesque

19.  B. Hagia Sophia

20. D. Durham Cathedral​


DOLMENS: These structures are in a form of table consisting of two huge standing stones supporting a horizontal giant stone. It is believed that it serve.

mastaba - rectangular superstructure of ancient Egyptian tombs, built of mud brick or, later, stone, with sloping walls and a flat roof. A deep shaft descended to the underground burial chamber.

patheron - It is impossible not to be awed when one stands in the shadow of the great Parthenon and looks up at its elegantly carved Doric columns towering overhead.

"Mosaic - is the art of creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials. It is a technique of decorative art or interior decorations."

christ in majesty - The latter continued to follow essentially Byzantine iconographic models for the most common subjects in churches, which remained Christ in Majesty, the Last Judgment, and scenes from the Life of Christ.

Most art forms in the middle ages were considered to be medieval religious art. Common themes for art pieces were about God and the saints, and were made primarily for the church.

Hagia Sophia - means "Holy Wisdom" it narrates how a magnificent construction transformed from being a church,into a mosque and what is now known as the Hagia Sophiamuseum.

Citizens of the Byzantine Empire strongly identified as Christians, just as they identified as Romans. Emperors, seeking to unite their realm under one faith.

Byzantine architecture -  is the architecture of the Byzantine Empire, or Eastern Roman Empire. The Byzantine era is usually dated from 330 AD.

Romanesque architecture -  is an architectural style of medieval Europe characterized by semi-circular arches.

the Hagia Sophia  - The most famous example of Byzantine architecture is the Hagia Sophia. The Hagia Sophia held the title of largest church in the world until the Ottoman Empire sieged the Byzantine capital.

11. 1. It is non- sequential. The readers decide on how the text is to be read without necessarily following a prescribed pattern. A. Linear Text B. Non-linear Text C. Descriptive Text D. Narrative Text 2. It refers to the traditional text that needs to be read from beginning to end. A. Linear Text B. Non-linear Text C. Descriptive Text D. Narrative Text 3. Choose an example of linear text. A. Line Graph B. Table C. Story D. Pie Graph 4. Choose an example of non-linear text. A. Newspaper B. Story C. Speech D. Line Graph 5. A graphical display of data that continuously changes over a specific amount or period of time. A. Venn Diagram B. Line GraphC. Pie Graph D. Bar Graph 6. A graphical representation of data that uses bars to compare data according to given categories. A Venn Diagram B. Pie Graph C. Bar Graph D. Bar Graph 7. A circular statistical tool which uses portions or slices to represent numerical proportions or percentages of a given whole. A Bar Graph B. Line Graph C. Pie Graph D. Venn diagram 8. It uses overlapping shapes to show or represent the similarities and differences between two or more items or concepts. A Pie Graph B. Venn Diagram C. Concept Diagram D. Venn Diagram 9. A diagram that shows suggested relationships between concepts; typically represents ideas and information as boxes and circles and uses lines to show the relationship between them. A. Concept Diagram B. Venn Diagram C. Bar Graph D. Pie Graph 10. To transcode means to _______ something from one form to another. A. remain B. transform C. prohibit D. repress​


1. B. Non-linear Text

2. A. Linear Text

3. C. Story

4. D. Line Graph

5. B. Line Graph

6. C. or D. Bar Graph (kung alin po ang bar graph diyan, yan po ang sagot)

7. C. Pie Chart

8. B. Venn Diagram

9. A. Concept Diagram

10.  B. transform















hope it helps:)

12. 33. What should be included in the summary?A. Your opinion of the story B. Where the story takes placeC. Where you read the story D.where you will end the story35. What is the first paragraph called?A. the body paragraphB. the starting paragraphC. conclusionD.introduction36. This compares two things using the words "like" or "as” to create new meaning.A. SimileB. MetaphorC. AnalogyD. Comparison37. This is a figure of speech used to make comparisons without the use of as or like.A. SimileB. MetaphorC. AnalogyD. Comparison 38. This function is to describe or explain one thing by examining its similarities with another thing.A. SimileB. MetaphorC. AnalogyD. Comparison 39. All the statements refer to analogy EXCEPT A. Analogies that identify identical relationships.B. Analogies that identify shared abstractC. Analogy is one type of figurative language. D. Analogy is one type of literary piece 40. Which of the following is an expression used in making analogy?A. is almost alikeB. for better or worseC. beauty and the beastD. furthermore 41. Which statement is an example of analogy?A. She is busy.B.he was a quiet as the church mouse. he doesnt speak at allC. You are the wind beneath my wings.D. Alex is the apple of her eyes. 42. Analogy comes from the Greek word which means _. A. analogyB. guessC. compareD.proportionality 43. It is a circular chart divided into fractions or portions.A. Bar graphB. Concept mapC. Pie chartD.venn diagram 44. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. Linear texts are also called graphic representatiB. Non-linear texts are oftentimes accompanied by explanations.C. Examples of linear texts include articles, e-mails, and blog entries.D. A bar graph is a non-linear text that consists of bars representing numerical data. 45. Which of the following non-linear texts may be used to present the topic, "How to Bake a Cupcake"? A. Bar graph B. Line graph C. Pie chart D. Flow chartneed ko na po. thankyou ​

33. A









43. C

44. C

45. D

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