Millikans Oil Drop Experiment

Millikans Oil Drop Experiment

In Millikan's Oil Drop Experiment, oil droplets are suspended in an electric field. Whatprovides the downward force on the suspended droplets?A. the positive charge on the top plateB. the negative charge on the bottom plateC. gravityD. the strong nuclear force​

Daftar Isi

1. In Millikan's Oil Drop Experiment, oil droplets are suspended in an electric field. Whatprovides the downward force on the suspended droplets?A. the positive charge on the top plateB. the negative charge on the bottom plateC. gravityD. the strong nuclear force​


C. gravity


ayan sagot.

2. aWhich scientist's experiment resulted in the development of the nuclear model of the atom?A. Robert Millikan's oil drop experiment B. Ernest Rutherford's gold foil experimentC. Johann Hittorf's experiment with objects in a vacuum tube D. William Crookes'experiment with passing a current through a vacuum tube​


B. Ernest Rutherford's gold foil experiment

3. A student has determined the mass-to-charge ratio for an electron to be 5.64*10^12 kg/C. in another experiment,using Millikan's oil-drop apparatus,he found the electron to be 1.605*10^19 C.What would be the mass of the electron,according to these days?​

using the fact of fact the bird can't fly without fact fact

4. 2. He created a classification of elements based on their atomicweight.a. Rutherfordc. Millikanb. Daltond. ​


Dimitri Mendeleev


bat wala d?

Dmitri MendeleevIn 1869, Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev arranged 63 elements by increasing atomic weight in several columns, noting recurring chemical properties across them. ,

5. IlonB 2. Heavier elements are formed throughB heliumC. lithium D. hydroA combustionB. nuclear fusion3. The origin and production of heavy elements is known asC nuclear fissionD. nuciA. R-ProcessB. Supernova4. A scientist who created a classification of elements based on their atomic weightC. Stellar NucleosynthesA DaltonB. MillikanC. MendeleevDR5. It is the relative ability of a bonded atom to attract shared electron pairs.A lonization energy B. Electron affinityC. Metallic property6. What is the type of chemical bond that holds the atoms of water molecule together?A lonic bondB. Hydrogen bond C. Polar covalent bo7. It is defined as the ability of a solid substance to be dissolved in a given amount ofA. SolubilityB. MiscibilityC. Surface tensionㄷ8. Which of the following intermolecular forces of attraction is the strongest?A lon-dipoleB. H-bondingC. Dipole-dipole9. What do you call these forces which are present between and among moleculesA. intramolecular forces B. intermolecular forces C. covalent for10. Which of the following ions will result to higher ion-dipole interactions?A. anionsB cationsC. diatomic11. It is a biomolecular group that carries and passes on the hereditary informatiC. nucleic acB. proteinsA. lipids12. It is a monosaccharide and is used in dextroseB. glucoseC. fructoseA. lactose13. These are reactants that are used up when the reaction is finishedA. Excess ReagentB. LimitingReagentts that are used up when the reaction is finished.C. Productthe original product of heavy element is known as ​














report me if I'm wrong ❤stay safe


6. NEED HELP PLS 1. Who proposed the idea that matter has no ultimate particle? a. Anaximenes b. Aristotle c. Heraclitus d. Thales 2. Who proposed the idea on the existence of an atom being the ultimate particle of matter? a. Aristotle b. Democritus c. Heraclitus d. Thales 3. Which of the following sets of materials comprise the early beliefs on the ultimate composition of matter? a. Gas, soil, fire, water b. Air, earth, fire, water c. earth, fire, water, wind d. earth, wind, space, water 4. What kind of visuals can illustrate appropriately the particulate nature of matter? a. actual objects b. ball-and-stick model c. particulate drawings d. all of the above 5. What state of matter exists only at a temperature of near absolute zero? a. Bose-Einstein condensate b. gas c. plasma d. all of the above 6. Who originated the idea that an atom is neutral, tiny, indestructible, and the smallest particle of matter? a. Dalton b. Rutherford c. Socrates d. Thomson 7. Which of the following apparatus was first used to establish the existence of the electrons? a. Canal ray tube b. cathode ray tube c. gold foil apparatus d. mass spectrometer 8. What is the SI unit of an electric charge? a. ampere b. coulomb c. ohm d. volt 9. Who proposed the raisin pudding model of an atom? a. Dalton b. Millikan c. Rutherford d. Thomson 10. What experiment validated the existence of the nucleus of an atom? a. Oil drop b. gold foil c. cathode ray d. nuclear reaction 11. What is described by the dual nature of matter? a. A particle has its own antiparticle. b. A particle is both an atom and a wave. c. A particle is both a particle and a wave. d. A particle is both an electron and a wave. 12. Which of the following can be derived from the Schrodinger’s equation? a. Size of the atomic nucleus b. Directions of electron spin c. The four quantum numbers d. All of these 13. What quantum number designates the most probable distance of an electron from the nucleus? a. Spin quantum number b. Principal quantum number c. Magnetic quantum number d. Azimuthal quantum number 14. Which of the following atomic models accounts for a detailed description of electron distribution in an atom? a. Bohr’s atomic model b. Thomson’s atomic model c. orbital model of the atom d. Rutherford’s atomic model 15. How many orientation in space does a p-orbital have? a. one b. two c. three d. four



2) b Democritus

3) b air, earth, fire and, water

4) a actual objects

5) c plasma

6) d thomson

7) b cathode ray tube


9) d thomson

10) b gold foil






7. c. Particle Accelerator1. It is a device that is used to speed up the protons to overcome therepulsion between the protons and the target atomic nucleibusing magnetic and electrical fields.a. Spectroscopyb. Particle Deceleratord. Microscope2. He created a classification of elements based on their atomiweight.a. Rutherfordc. Millikanb. Daltond. Mendeleev3. It is a one-dimensional point which contains a huge mass in ainfinitely small space.a. Nucleosynthesisc. Singularityb. Dilationd. R-process4. He noticed that shooting electrons at elements caused themrelease x-rays at unique frequencies.a. Mendeleevc. Moseleyb. Millikand. Serge5. He synthesized element with atomic number 43 using a lineaparticle acceleratora. Ernest Rutherfordc. Dmitri Mendeleevb. Ernest Lawrenced. John Dalton5. This is known as the origin and production of heavy elements.a. Stellar Nucleosynthesis c. R-Processb. Primordial Nucleosynthesis d. Supernova Nucleosynthes7. This is known as the origin of light elements.a. Stellar Nucleosynthesis c. R-Processb. Primordial Nucleosynthesis d. Supernova Nucleosynthes​


1. C. Particle Accelerator

2. D. Mendeleev

3. C. Singularity

4. C. Moseley

5. A. Ernest Lawrence

6. A. Stellar Nucleosynthesis

7. B. Primordial Nucleosynthesis

8. 1.He is an American Physicist who made plenty of contributions to the field of acoustics and atomic physics. *A. Harvey Fletcherb. Robert Millikanc. Antoine Lavoisier​


He is an American Physicist who made plenty of contributions to the field of acoustics and atomic physics.

A. Harvey Fletcher

[tex] \: [/tex]

» Harvey Fletcher - is an American Physicist who made plenty of contributions to the field of acoustics and atomic physics.



[tex]\large\boxed{\text{Together we go Far!}}[/tex]

American Physicist

[tex] \blue{⊱─━━━━━━━━⊱༻●༺⊰━━━━━━━━─⊰}[/tex]

He is an American Physicist who made plenty of contributions to the field of acoustics and atomic physics.

[tex] \blue{⊱─━━━━━━━━⊱༻●༺⊰━━━━━━━━─⊰}[/tex]

[tex] \pink{\underline{\rm{Answer : }}}[/tex]A. Harvey Fletcher

[tex] \blue{⊱─━━━━━━━━⊱༻●༺⊰━━━━━━━━─⊰}[/tex]

[tex] \pink{\underline{\rm{More \: Information: }}}[/tex]

Harvey fletcher is an American Physicist also called a " father of stereophonic sound". He was born in September 11, 1884 in United States and died in July 23, 1981 also in United States who invented lots of contributions to the field of acoustics and atomic physics.

[tex] \blue{⊱─━━━━━━━━⊱༻●༺⊰━━━━━━━━─⊰}[/tex]

[tex] \pink{\boxed{\sf{°•o•°}}}[/tex]

9. 18. It is a device that is used to speed up the protons to overcome the repulsion between theprotons and the target atomic nuclei by using magnetic and electrical fields.a Spectroscopyd. Microscopec. Particle Acceleratorb. Particle Decelerator17. He created a classification of elements based on their atomic weight.a Rutherford b. Daltonc. Millikand. Mendeleev18. It is a one-dimensional point which contains a huge mass in an infinitely small space.a. Nucleosynthesis b. Dilationc. Singularity d. R-process19. He noticed that shooting electrons at elements caused them to release x-rays at uniquefrequencesa. Mendeleev b. Milikanc. Moseley d. Serge20. He synthesized element with atomic number 43 using a linear particle accelerator.a Emest Rutherford b. Ernest Lawrence c. Dmitri Mendeleev d. John Dalton21. This is known as the origin and production of heavy elements.a Stelar NucleosynthesisR-ProcessPrimordial Nucleosynthesisd. Supernova Nucleosynthesis22. This is known as the origin of light elementsStelar NucleosynthesisCR-Processb. Primordial Nucleosynthesisd. Supernova Nucleosynthesis23. Process that can produce elements up to $83 - BismuthNuclear Fission b. R.Process S Process d. S Process24 This is also known as Nucleosynthesisas Procesb. R-ProcessNuclear Fission d. Proton Proton Reaction25. This cours in the main sequence of starsStar NucleosynthesisR Processb. Primordial Nucleosynthesisd Supernova Nucleosynthesis26 It is also known as nuclear fusion and the formation of new nuclei actions in the early stages ofdevelopment of the universoa Nucleosynthesis S-ProcessR Process d. Singularity27 In this process, there's a buildup of a VERY heavy sotope, then as beta-decays occur, youmarch up in atomic number and produce heavy producta S Process b. R.Process Nuclear Fission d. Proton Proton Reaction28. He successfully carried out a nuclear transmutation reaction, a process of transforming oneelement or isotope into another elementa Chadwick b. Moseley c. Mendeleev d. Rutherford​


18. C- Particle Accelerator

17. D- Mendeleev

18. C- Singularity

19. C- Moseley

20. B- Ernest Lawrence

21. A- Stellar nucleosynthesis

22. B- Primordial nucleosynthesis

23. C- S process

24. C- Nuclear fission

25. A- Stellar nucleosynthesis

26. A- Nucleosynthesis

27. B- R-process

28. D- Rutherford

Ps. This is the Answer key of this module so I'm really sure on it I hope it helps you >_<

10. What was robert millikan's contribution to the atomic theory?

Question :

What was robert millikan's contribution to the atomic theory?

Answer :

first direct and the electric charge of a single electron

11. Date: April 11, 2023 Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) TOPIC SCIENCE 7 INTERVENTION Learning Task A. Reading Selection Electricity may be described as a form of energy. Understanding electricity entails understanding charges - the basic unit of electricity. Charge is a quantity measured in Coulombs (C). Charges may be transferred to and from objects and may move in conductors as current measured in Amperes (I). The world we live in is highly dependent on the electric energy and power (measured in Watts) supplied by our power plants. The unit watt (W) is named to honor James Watt, the inventor of the steam engine during the industrial revolution. Electric charge is an intrinsic property of protons and electrons. Charge is a quantity with a magnitude and unit. The SI unit of charge is the Coulomb (C). A neutron has zero net electrical charge because it is neutral A proton carries a positive charge (+e), while electron carries a negative charge (-e). These two types of charges (positive and negative) were named by Benjamin Franklin. JJ. Thomson discovered the electron an Robert Millikan discovered the charge of the electron. The charge of the electron is the negative of the elementary charge e which is equal to 1.6 x 10-19 Coulomb. The charge of the electron and the proton are the same only that the proton is positive (+1.6 x 10-19 Coulomb). Like sign of charges repel and unlike sign of charges attract each other. Materials may contain several charges and when these are neutral, they contain equal numbers of positive and negative charges. Materials or bodies may be left with a certain charge. This may be done through the process of charging. charging means gaining or losing electrons. There are various types of charging processes namely, charging by friction, charging by conduction, and charging by induction. Let us describe first the process of charging through friction. Guide Questions: 1. What is the charge of a neutron? 2. Who discovered the electron? Describe the different types of charging processes (MELC 21) Electricity There are many different types of atoms, and these atoms can combine in a variety of ways to form the nature of objects we encounter every day. Depending on the type of atoms an object is made of, an object can be more or less attracted to an electron. This electrical property is known as electron affinity. If an object has a high electron affinity, then it is more attractive to electrons. Different materials have different affinities of electrons. This is important as we explore the most common methods of charging-triboelectri charging, also known as charging by friction or rubbing. 3. Who invented the steam engine? 4. What is electron affinity? 5. What is electricity? 6. What is current? 7. What is the unit of power? 8. What is the charge? 9. What is triboelectric charging? 10. How can materials be charged?​


1. The charge of a neutron is zero (0).

2. The electron was discovered by JJ Thomson.

3. James Watt invented the steam engine.

4. Electron affinity is the electrical property of an object that determines its attraction to electrons.

5. Electricity may be described as a form of energy that involves charges - the basic unit of electricity.

6.Current is the flow of electric charge measured in Amperes (I).

7.The unit of power is Watt (W).

8. Charge is a quantity with a magnitude and unit. The SI unit of charge is Coulomb (C).

9. Triboelectric charging is the process of charging by friction or rubbing.

10. Materials can be charged through various processes such as charging by friction, charging by conduction, and charging by induction.


12. Directions: Read each statement carefully and answer the following questions by writing the correct answer on the space provided for before each number. ____1. Which of the following is NOT an evidence of star formation? A. hydrogen B. helium C. infrared Radiation D. rocks ____2. Which of the following elements are major components of star? A. carbon and oxygen B. helium and carbon C. hydrogen and carbon D. hydrogen and helium ____3. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. The core of red giant star is made up of carbon B The average star has shorter life span C. The more massive the star is the faster it burns its fuel D. No elements heavier than Iron can be produced in a massive star ____4. Which is the first stage of a star’s life cycle? A. black hole B. nebula C. protostar D. white dwarf ____5. What is the sign that a protostar will transform into the next stage? A. When it starts to glow B. When the it starts to spin faster C. When Hydrogen nuclear fusion begins D. When it increases temperature igniting the Hydrogen ____6. He successfully carried out a nuclear transmutation reaction, a process of transforming one element or isotope into another element. A. James Chadwick B. Henry Moseley C. Dmitri Mendeleev D. Ernest Rutherford ____7. This is known as the origin and production of heavy elements. A. Stellar Nucleosynthesis B. Primordial Nucleosynthesis C. R – Process D. Supernova Nucleosynthesis ____8. It is also known as nuclear fusion and the formation of new nuclei actions in the early stages of development of the universe. A. Nucleosynthesis B. S – Process C. R – Process D. Singularity ____9. It is a device that is used to speed up the protons to overcome the repulsion between the protons and the target atomic nuclei by using magnetic and electrical fields. A. Spectroscopy B. Particle Accelerator C. Particle Decelerator D. Microscope ____10. He created a classification of elements based on their atomic weight. A. Ernest Rutherford B. John Dalton C. Robert Millikan D. Dmitri Mendeleev ____11. The following molecules have polar covalent bonds EXCEPT? A. NH3 B. CS2 C. BCl3 D. HBr ____12. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. Polar covalent bonds can be present in a nonpolar molecule. B. Polar covalent bond is present if the electronegativity difference between atoms is equal or less than 0.4. C. Polarity of bond and molecular geometry are the two factors that affect the polarity of molecules. D. Polar bond forms when electrons are unequally shared by two atoms in a compound. ____13. It refers to the relative ability of a bonded atom to attract shared pair of electrons? A. Electron affinity B. Electronegativity C. Ionization energy D. Metallic property ____14. Which description below correctly describes polar molecules? A. Polar bonds are present. B. The polar bonds are arranged so that they do not cancel. C. Lone pairs on the central atom are arranged so that they do not cancel. D. Lone pairs on the central atom are arranged so that they can be cancelled out. ____15. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about CO2? A. Has an electronegativity difference of 1.0 B. Has a linear molecular shape C. Polar bond is present D. Is a polar molecule ____16. Which of the following Intermolecular Forces of Attraction is considered as the weakest? A. H-bonding B. Ion-dipole C. Dipole-dipole D. London forces ____17. ______ refers to the energy required to increase the surface area by a unit amount. A. Viscosity B. Surface tension C. Vapor pressure D. Density ____18. Which of the following statements is TRUE about nonpolar molecules? A. high boiling point B. high melting point C. low surface tension D. low vapor pressure ____19. Which of the following properties has indirect relationship with the strength of IMFA? A. Boiling point B. Melting point C. Surface tension D. Vapor pressure























13. 1. It is a device that is used to speed up the protons to overcome therepulsion between the protons and the target atomic nuclei by usingmagnetic and electrical fields.a. Spectroscopyc. Particle Acceleratorb. Particle Deceleratord. Microscope2. He created a classification of elements based on their atomic weight.a. Ernest Rutherfordc. Robert Millikanb. John Daltond. Dmitri Mendeleev3. It is a one-dimensional point which contains a huge mass in aninfinitely small space.a. Nucleosynthesisc. Singularityb. Dilationd. R-process4. He noticed that shooting electrons at elements caused them torelease x-rays at unique frequencies.a. Dmitri Mendeleevc. Henry Moseleyb. Robert Millikand. Emilio Serge5. He synthesized element with atomic number 43 using a linearparticle accelerator.a. Ernest Rutherfordc. Dmitri Mendeleevb. Ernest Lawrenced. John Dalton6. This is known as the origin and production of heavy elements.a. Stellar Nucleosynthesis c. R-Processb. Primordial Nucleosynthesis d. Supernova Nucleosynthesis7. This is known as the origin of light elements.a. Stellar Nucleosynthesis c. R-Processb. Primordial Nucleosynthesis d. Supernova Nucleosynthesis​












14. 6. Why do average stars have longer life span than massive star? A. They have less fuel to burn B. They have more fuel to burn 7. In which stage do massive stars explode and release large amount of energy? A. main sequence B. protostar C. super nova 8. When does a star become unstable? A. When it runs out of fuel C. When its core is converted to Iron B. When it contracts and expands D. When the outer shell of star is pulled by the gravity from the center 9. It is a device that is used to speed up the protons to overcome the repulsion between the protons and the target atomic n using magnetic and electrical fields. A. Spectroscopy B. Particle Decelerator C. They burn their fuel at faster rate D. They burn their fuel at slower rate C. Particle Accelerator D. Microscope 10. He created a classification of elements based on their atomic weight. A. Rutherford B. Millikan C. Dalton D. Mendeleev 11. He successfully carried out a nuclear transmutation reaction, a process of transforming one element or isotop another element. C. Mendeleev D. Rutherford C. Lightest Element D. Halogens A. Chadwick B. Moseley 12. These are elements with atomic numbers beyond 103. A. Super Heavy Elements B. Gases Elements 13. It was created by bombardment of molybdenum by deuterons (heavy hydrogen, H12), by Emilio Segre and Ca Perrier in 1937. A. Oxygen B. Helium C. Technetium 14. This is how three Helium-4 is converted into Carbon in red giant star A. Proton-proton chain B. Tri-Alpha Process 15. This occurs in the main sequence of stars. A. Stellar Nucleosynthesis B. Primordial Nucleosynthesis C. R-Process D. Supernova Nucleosynthesis 16. It was created by bombardment of molybdenum by deuterons (heavy hydrogen, H12), by Emilio Segre and Carlo Perrier i A. Oxygen B. Helium C. Technetium D. Uranium 17. Which phase of star will be created after the end of red giant? A. black hole B. supernova 18. Which of the following statements is TRUE about polar bonds? 19. Which of the following molecule is nonpolar? A. NaCl B. HCI C. Neutron Capture D. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis C. red super giant a. They are present in metals. b. They are responsible for the formation of ionic compounds. D. white dwarf C. CO2 D. NH3 20. A polar covalent bond would form in which of the following pairs of atoms? A CI-CI B. Mg-O C. N-H D. C-S 23. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? D. Uranium c. They always result to the formation of polar molecular compounds. d. They may result to nonpolar covalent compounds depending on molecular geometry. 21. Which of the following bonds is the MOST polar? A. H-CI B. C-CI C. H-H D. N-F 22. Anonpolar covalent bond would form in which of the following pairs of atoms? A. Na-Cl B. Ca-O C. P-N D. C-S D. white dwarf A. Polar covalent bonds can be present in a nonpolar molecule. B. Polar covalent bond is present if the electronegativity difference between atoms isPASAGOT ASAP NEED KONA MAYA 12:00 THANKU​


6.B or C



9.A or C


sorry d ako sure sa 11 to23 eh

15. he was known for his work in atomic physics and major science dealing with the fundamental constituents of the universe,the forces they exert on one another,and tge results produced by this forces.A.democritusB. j j thomsonC. robert millikanD. ernest rutherfold​


D. Ernest Rutherfold


Ernest Rutherfold from New Zealand is known as Father of Nuclear Physics.

16. what is the atomic model of millikan​


Millikan discovered that there is a fundamental electric charge—the charge of an electron. Rutherford's gold foil experiment showed that atoms have a small, dense, positively charged nucleus; the positively charged particles within the nucleus are called protons.

17. he crated a classification of elements based on their atomic weightA) RutherfordB)DaltonC)MillikanD) microscope​


b po correct me if I'm wrong

18. 1. Which is the second most abundant element in the universe?a. carbonc. hydrogenb. helium.2. When does a star become unstable?a. When it runs out of fuelb. When it contracts and expandsc. When its core is converted to Irond. When the outer shell of star is pulled by the gravity from the center3. He created a classification of elements based on their atomic weight.a. Rutherford c. Millikanb. Daltond. Mendeleev4. It is a device that is used to speed up the protons to overcome the repulsionbetween the protons and the target atomic nuclei by using magnetic and electricalfields.a. Spectroscopyc. Particle Acceleratorb. Particle Decelerator d. Microscope5. What do you call the relative ability of a bonded atom to attract shared electronpairs?a. Electron affinityc. Ionization energyb. Electronegativityd. Metallic property6. refers to the energy required to increase the surface area by a unit amount.a. Viscosityc. Vapor pressureb. Surface tensiond. Density7. Which of the following statements is TRUE about nonpolar moleculesa. Have high boiling pointc. Have low surface tensionb. Have high melting point d. Have low vapor pressure8. Which ions will result to higher ion-dipole interactions?​


1. C2. D3. A4. B5. C6. D7. B 8.


Pa ❤️ po


1. b. helium

2. d.

3. d. Mendeleev

4. c. Particle Accelerator

5. b electronegativity

6. b. Surface Tension

7. b. Have high melting point


19. 2. He created a classification of elements based on their atomic weight.c. Millikand. Mendeleeva. Rutherfordb. Dalton​


D. Mendeleev


Dimitri Mendeleev

In 1869 Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev started the development of the periodic table, arranging chemical elements by atomic mass.

20. He noticed that shooting electrons at elements caused them torelease x-rays at unique frequencies.a. Mendeleevc. Moseleyb. Millikand. Serge5. He synthesized element with atomic number 43 using a linearparticle accelerator.a. Ernest Rutherfordc. Dmitri Mendeleevb. Ernest Lawrenced. John Dalton6. This is known as the origin and production of heavy elements.a. Stellar Nucleosynthesis c. R-Processb. Primordial Nucleosynthesis d. Supernova Nucleosynthesis7. This is known as the origin of light elements.a. Stellar Nucleosynthesis c. R-Processb. Primordial Nucleosynthesis d. Supernova Nucleosynthesis​


4. c (Moseley)

5. b (Ernest Lawrence)

6. a (Stellar Nucleosynthesis)

7. b (Primordial Nucleosynthesis)

21. 12. The Universe was colder 13.8 billion years ago. a. True b. False 13. The higher the energy of the particles in an object are the higher the temperature that object will be. a. True b. False 14. Mass can be converted into energy. a. True b. False 15. Niels Bohr's atomic model is basically considered as a primitive Hydrogen atom model. a. True b. False16. John Dalton discovered the electron and suggested the Plum Pudding' Model of atom. a. True b. False 17. How is the energy of star produced? a. By Combustion b. By Decomposition c. By Nuclear Fission d. By Nuclear Fusion 18. He noticed that shooting electrons at elements caused them to release x-rays at unique frequencies. a. Mendeleev b. Millikan c. Moseley d. Segre 19. It was created by bombardment of Molybdenum by deuterons by Emilio Segre and Carlo Perrier in 1937. a. Oxygen b. Technetium c. Helium d. Uranium 20. He created the classification of elements based on their atomic weight. a. Rutherford b. Dalton c. Millikan d. Mendeleev​

Same prob lol


09269008110- tmTime check 8:28

22. Which of the following is NOT one of the evidence of the Big Bang Theory? * 1 point discovery of Primordial Helium detected ultraviolet radiation Measurements showing the expansion of the universe Who deduced that galaxies are continuously moving away from one another? * 1 point Ralph Alpher Edwin Hubble George Gamow Hans Bethe How does the formation of light elements in the universe occur? * 1 point building up of complex atoms through the formation of deuterons. occurrence of reverse reaction in deuterium reaction of deuterium with proton and neutron All of the above How does heavier element formation starts to takes place after the Big Bang? * 1 point fusion reaction of Helium neutron capture carbon burning phase combination of hydrogen and proton Who concluded that matter could not be divided infinitely into smaller and smaller pieces. * 1 point Democritus Thinkers Alchemist Dalton One side of the water molecule has a slight positive charge, while the other side has a slight negative charge. What do the charges indicate about the molecule? * 1 point Water is an ion. Water is a polar molecule. Water is non polar molecule. Water is universal solvent Sulfur (32) has four isotopes with mass number 32, 33, 34, and 35. What is the same in all isotopes? * 1 point number of neutrons atomic weight number of protons atomic mass In Rutherford's model, the exact location of the electrons outside the nucleus was not determine that led ___________________ to made an improvement on his model. * 1 point J.J Thomson Robert Millikan James Chadwick Neil Bohr


1 point

Ralph Alpher

Edwin Hubble

George Gamow

Hans Bethe

How does the formation of light elements in the universe occur? *

1 point

building up of complex atoms through the formation of deuterons.

occurrence of reverse reaction in deuterium

reaction of deuterium with proton and neutron

All of the above

How does heavier element formation starts to takes place after the Big Bang? *

1 point


ang haba nmn nyan parang exam na eh

23. ____ 1. It is a device that is used to speed up the protons to overcome the repulsion between the protons and the target atomic nuclei by using magnetic and electrical fields. A. Spectroscopy C. Particle Accelerator B. Particle Decelerator D. Microscope ____ 2. He created a classification of elements based on their atomic weight. A. Rutherford C. Millikan B. Dalton D. Mendeleev ____ 3. It is a one-dimensional point which contains a huge mass in an infinitely small space. A. Nucleosynthesis C. Singularity B. Dilation D. R-process ____ 4. He noticed that shooting electrons at elements caused them to release x-rays at unique frequencies. A. Mendeleev C. Moseley B. Millikan D. Serge ____ 5. He synthesized element with atomic number 43 using a linear particle accelerator. A. Ernest Rutherford C. Dmitri Mendeleev B. Ernest Lawrence D. John Dalton ____ 6. This is known as the origin and production of heavy elements. A. Stellar Nucleosynthesis C. R-Process B. Primordial Nucleosynthesis D. Supernova Nucleosynthesis ____ 7. This is known as the origin of light elements. A. Stellar Nucleosynthesis C. R-Process B. Primordial Nucleosynthesis D. Supernova Nucleosynthesis ____ 8. Process that can produce elements up to #83 - Bismuth. A. Nuclear Fission C. S Process B. R-Process D. S Process ____ 9. This is also known as Nucleosynthesis. A. S Process C. Nuclear Fission B. R-Process D. Proton-Proton Reaction ____ 10. This occurs in the main sequence of stars. A. Stellar Nucleosynthesis C. R-Process B. Primordial Nucleosynthesis D. Supernova Nucleosynthesis













basta yan

24. 6. Who among the following was the first to determine the electron's charge? A. Coulomb B. Faraday C. Franklin D. Millikan​







25. 1. It is a device that is used to speed up the protons to overcome the repulsion between the protons and the target atomic nuclei by using magnetic and electrical fields. a. Spectroscopy b. Particle Accelerator c. Particle Decelerator d. Microscope 2. He created a classification of elements based on their atomic weight. a. Rutherford b. Millikan c. Dalton d. Mendeleev 3. It is a one-dimensional point which contains a huge mass in an infinitely small space. a. Nucleosynthesisb. Singularity c. Dilation d. R-process 4. He noticed that shooting electrons at elements caused them to release x-rays at unique frequencies. a. Mendeleev b. Moseley c. Millikan d. Serge 5. He synthesized element with atomic number 43 using a linear particle accelerator. a. Ernest Rutherford b. Dmitri Mendeleev c. Ernest Lawrence d. John Dalton 6. This is known as the origin and production of heavy elements. a. Stellar Nucleosynthesis b. R-Process c. Primordial Nucleosynthesis d. Supernova Nucleosynthesis 7. b. R-Process c. Primordial Nucleosynthesis d. Supernova Nucleosynthesis3 8. Process that can produce elements up to #83 - Bismuth. a. Nuclear Fission b. S Process c. R-Process d. S Process 9. This is also known as Nucleosynthesis. a. S Process b. Nuclear Fission c. R-Process d. Proton-Proton Reaction 10. This occurs in the main sequence of stars. a. Stellar Nucleosynthesis b. R-Process c. Primordial Nucleosynthesis d. Supernova Nucleosynthesis 11. It is also known as nuclear fusion and the formation of new nuclei actions in the early stages of development of the universe. a. Nucleosynthesis b. R-Process c. S-Process d. Singularity 12. In this process, there’s a buildup of a VERY heavy isotope, then as beta-decays occur, you march up in atomic number and produce heavy product. a. S Process b. Nuclear Fission c. R-Process d. Proton-Proton Reaction 13. He successfully carried out a nuclear transmutation reaction, a process of transforming one element or isotope into another element. a. Chadwick b. Mendeleev c Moseley d. Rutherford 14. It was created by bombardment of molybdenum by deuteronns (heavy hydrogen, H12), by Emilio Segre and Carlo Perrier in 1937. a. Oxygen b. Technetium c. Helium d. Uranium 15. These are elements with atomic numbers beyond 103. a. Super Heavy Elements b. Lightest Element c. Gases Elements d. Halogens​


1. C

2. D

3. C

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. C

9. C

10. A

11. A

12. B

13. D

14. C

15. A


This answer came from the answer key of module.

if you want an answer in assessment go to comment section. hope this will help you.

26. 27. He created a classification of elements based on their atomic weight.a. Rutherfordb. Millikanc. Daltond. Mendele​


letter D its Dimitri Mendeleev

-He was the one who created and classified of elements based on their atomic weight.

27. 12. The Universe was colder 13.8 billion years ago. a. True b. False 13. The higher the energy of the particles in an object are the higher the temperature that object will be. a. True b. False 14. Mass can be converted into energy. a. True b. False 15. Niels Bohr's atomic model is basically considered as a primitive Hydrogen atom model. a. True b. False 16. John Dalton discovered the electron and suggested the Plum Pudding' Model of atom. a. True b. False 17. How is the energy of star produced? a. By Combustion b. By Decomposition c. By Nuclear Fission d. By Nuclear Fusion 18. He noticed that shooting electrons at elements caused them to release x-rays at unique frequencies. a. Mendeleev b. Millikan c. Moseley d. Segre 19. It was created by bombardment of Molybdenum by deuterons by Emilio Segre and Carlo Perrier in 1937. a. Oxygen b. Technetium c. Helium d. Uranium 20. He created the classification of elements based on their atomic weight. a. Rutherford b. Dalton c. Millikan d. Mendeleev​


#12. a true

13. b.false



16 true













28. Robert millikan atomic theory contribution


His earliest major success was the accurate determination of the charge carried by an electron, using the elegant “falling-drop method”; he also proved that this quantity was a constant for all electrons (1910), thus demonstrating the atomic structure of electricit



29. 3. He discovered proton through his experiment in gold foil. a. Joseph John Thomson b. John Dalton c. James Chadwick d.R.A Millikan


c po yung tamangsagot po


i hope a brainlist poLuxldkydkhdkhxkclhxhdkxkhxlufydlykdtkd

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