Keystone Species In Australia

Keystone Species In Australia

are humans keystone species or foundation species​

Daftar Isi

1. are humans keystone species or foundation species​


Humans are more likely to be considered a foundation species than a keystone species.


Ecologists have identified numerous keystone species, defined as organisms that have outsized ecological impacts relative to their biomass. Here we identify human beings as a higher-order or 'hyperkeystone' species that drives complex interaction chains by affecting other keystone actors across different habitats.



Humans are more likely to be considered a foundation species than a keystone species.

Because keystone species is one that fills a unique niche on which the ecosystem and its biodiversity depend while foundation species is one which modifies or maintains the habitat of other species.

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2. Is human a keystone species or foundation species?


Humans are more likely to be considered a foundation species than a keystone species. The construction of human homes and other buildings, as well as

3. Are human keystone species?


False or wrong


i hope it works

4. What are keystone species? Why are they important in maintaining the balance in an ecosystem?


What are keystone species?

A keystone species is a species which has a disproportionately large effect on its natural environment relative to its abundance, a concept introduced in 1969 by the zoologist Robert T. Paine. Keystone species play a critical role in maintaining the structure of an ecological community, affecting many other organisms in an ecosystem and helping to determine the types and numbers of various other species in the community. Without keystone species, the ecosystem would be dramatically different or cease to exist altogether. Some keystone species, such as the wolf, are also apex predators.


Why are they important in maintaining the balance in an


A keystone species helps define an entire ecosystem. Without its keystone species, the ecosystem would be dramatically different or cease to exist altogether.

5. Explain how dominant and keystone species exert strong control on community structure.


Dominant and keystone species influence the presence and abundance of other organisms through their feeding relationships.

In addition, some organisms, called foundation species, exert influence on a community not through their trophic interactions, but by causing physical changes in the environment.

paki brainliest naman ho :))



6. Sharks are example of __________ species?A IndicatorB FoundationC invasiveD Keystone​




Sharks are excellent indicators of environmental health because they are top predators and are abundant locally. Their efforts enable researchers and institutions to obtain data on the movement, biology and health of sharks while enhancing public safety and education.


7. are humans keystone species? support your answerpa help po​


1.magandang araw

2.mganadang tanghali

3.magandang hapon

4.magandang gabi

5.thx, sa points




correct me if im wrong

No,Human being identify as a higher-order or 'hyperkeystone' species that drives complex interaction chains by affecting other keystone actors across different habitats.

Some examples of keystone species :
Shark,Sea lion,jaguar,the lion,star fish,gray wolve and etc..

8. simple term as easily understood by a non forester differentiate keystone species from indicators species​


































9. What do you think will happen if a keystone species is removed in an ecosystem?


No other species would be able to fill its ecological niche.


Keystone species have low functional redundancy. This means that if the species were to disappear from the ecosystem, no other species would be able to fill its ecological niche. The ecosystem would be forced to radically change, allowing new and possibly invasive species to populate the habitat.

Sana makatulong

pa brainlliest po

10. What are the examples of Keystone Species in the Philippines?


Some examples of keystone species include the bison, prairie dog, and otter. These are keystone species because they have great affect on their ecosystem, and without them, the ecosystem would change or suffer.

Quick Navigation for Keystone Species Examples

1. African elephants

2. Grizzly bears

3. Sharks

4. Sea otters

5. Krill

6. Beavers

7. Hummingbirds and Honey possums

8. Parrotfish

9. Prairie dogs

10. African termites

11. Woodpeckers

12. Saguaro cactus



A keystone species that is important to many different communities in the Philippines is the fresh water crocidile, otherwise known as the Philippines Crocidile. They are esential in every ecosystem they live in because when the crocidiles are little, they act as prey for larger animals such as birds.

11. keystone species examples

Red mangrove: This tree grows along the shoreline in the tropics and its roots protect the soil from erosion. The roots also offer protection to small animals, including reef fish. Sea otters: Sea otters are a keystone species in the kelp forests. They eat many invertebrates, but especially sea urchins.

12. what are the effect of that keystone species removed​


Without its keystone species, the ecosystem would be dramatically different or cease to exist altogether. Keystone species have low functional redundancy. This means that if the species were to disappear from the ecosystem, no other species would be able to fill its ecological niche.

13. what are the keystone species? why are they important in maintaining the balance in an ecosystem?


A keystone species is an organism that helps define an entire ecosystem. By keeping populations of mussels and barnacles in check, this sea star helps ensure healthy populations of seaweeds and the communities that feed on them—sea urchins, sea snails, limpets, and bivalves

14. ano ang keystone species?

a species whose presence and role within an ecosystem has a disproportionate effect on other organisms within the system.A keystone species is often a dominant predator whose removal allows a prey population to explode and often decreases overall diversity

15. help give three keystone species in the phillipines(mutualism, engineer, predator) and it's place of origin ​



16. ecological resilience keystone species​


ano grade mo na


ako grade 10 na pre

17. 10. Nutrient cycling is an example of: A. Structure. B. Composition C Function. D. Ecosystem 11. This are general understandings of ecosystems and ecosystem management. A. Ecological. Concepts B. Ecological Principles 12. Basic assumptions about ecosystems are called: A. Ecological concepts B. Ecological Principles 13.Organisms--populations--community--ecosystem--biosphere is an example of what ecological concept? A. Levels of biological organization B. Keystone species C. Native species D. Disturbance 14. Bohol tarsiers, tamaraw of Mindoro are examples of: A. Keystone species B. Native species C. Ecological resilience D. Fragmentation. 15. Honey bee, butterfly, flying fox bat are examples of: A. Keystone species B. Native species C. Disturbance D. Fragmentation 16. This provides habitat for a large portion of critical elements of an area's biodiversity. A. Keystone species B. Keystone ecosystem C. Keystone process D. Population viability 17. Which is an example of a keystone ecosystem. A. Estuaries. B. Pollination 18. Fire and Pollination are examples of : A. Keystone species B. Keystone ecosystem C. Keystone process 19. This is the capacity of an ecosystem to cope with disturbance or stress and return to a stable state. A. Viability. B. Ecological Resilience C. Disturbance D. Fragmentation 20. Which is/ are example of disturbances. A. Wildfire B. Lake turnover C. Drought D. All of the above













18. 1. A species that impacts the survival rates of other species in an ecosystem is a?a. endangered species b. keystone speciesc. niche speciesd. extinct species​


a.endangered spieces


yan ang answer


A. endangered species


a species of animal or plant that is seriously at risk of extinction.

19. What effect do keystone species have on an ecosystem?​

A keystone species is an organism that helps define an entire ecosystem. By keeping populations of mussels and barnacles in check, this sea star helps ensure healthy populations of seaweeds and the communities that feed on them—sea urchins, sea snails, limpets, and bivalves.

20. What is the difference between keystone species and exotic species?​.


Keystone species maintain biodiversity; their removal can greatly alter the dynamics within the community.

21. Provide four examples of keystone species

Keystone Species in Their Environments

Here are some examples:
American alligator: Alligators use their tails to make burrows to stay warm and when they move on, these burrows fill with water which is used by other species. Alligators are also predators, keeping the numbers of other species in check.
Beavers: Beavers are considered habitat engineers because they change the environment by building dams. This dam building provides still water in which many species flourish.
Bees: By pollinating plants, bees contribute to their survival. The plants are shelter for insects, which are then eaten by other species, like birds.
Elephants: By eating small trees, elephants preserve the grasslands, because the grasses need plenty of sun to survive. If they were not there, the savanna would convert to a forest or scrublands.
Gopher tortoise: This tortoise makes large burrows which are used by more than 350 species, including owls, snakes and frogs.
Grizzly bears: As predators, bears keep down the numbers of several species, like moose and elk. They also carry and deposit seeds throughout the ecosystem. Bears that eat salmon will leave their dropping and the partially eaten remains that provide nutrients such as sulfur, nitrogen and carbon to the soil.

22. scientist observed that the domino effect can happen if the species that is lost are ___________.a. Top predatorsb. Keystone speciesc. Herbivoresd. Endangered species​




Herbivores are plant eating animals. they are the main source of food for the top predators or other animals in the wild. if there is a decrease or if a species of herbivores die. They often result in the decrease of the predators because they can't eat that much food anymore.




Im not sure

but i hope this answer can help you

23. give me 2 example of indicator species keystone and foundation, 10 endangered species of plants and animals

indicator species
1. frog 
2. fish
endangered species
2.polar bear
6.western prairie fringed orchid
7.rafflesia flower
8.oahu stenogyne
9.ouachita mountain goldenrod
10.flesh eater

24. What are the effect of that keystone species removed


Without its keystone species, the ecosystem would be dramatically different or cease to exist altogether. Keystone species have low functional redundancy. This means that if the species were to disappear from the ecosystem, no other species would be able to fill its ecological niche

25. Species that are in danger of becoming extinct in the near future are known as A. endangered species B. exotic species C. keystone species D. threatened species​


A. endangered species


An endangered species is a species that is very likely to become extinct in the near future, either worldwide or in a particular political jurisdiction.

26. What are the effects if that keystone species removed?


The species that make up an ecosystem are connected in complex "food webs" of eater and eaten. When one species disappears, its predators can no longer eat it and its prey are no longer eaten by it. Changes in these populations affect others. Such impact 'cascades' can be unpredictable and sometimes catastrophic.

27. Species sa Australia​

The fauna of Australia consists of a huge variety of animals; some 83% of mammals, 89% of reptiles, 90% of fish and insects and 93% of amphibians that inhabit the continent are endemic to Australia.

28. How does keystones species affect the flow of materials in an ecosystem?A. They interacts with other species in a symbiotic relationship or prediction, loss off a keystones species, the way how the particular ecosystem may be modified.B.Nothing bad will really happen is a keystones species will be lost.C.They Play their role in the system and nothing in particular event in the ecosystem is associated in the process.D. When they interact in the ecosystem, the flow of materials will eventually happen without their help​


How does keystones species affect the flow of materials in an ecosystem?

A. They interacts with other species in a symbiotic relationship or prediction, loss off a keystones species, the way how the particular ecosystem may be modified.


A keystone species helps define an entire ecosystem. Without its keystone species, the ecosystem would be dramatically different or cease to exist altogether.



A. They interact with other species in a symbiotic relationship or prediction, loss off a keystones species, the way how the particular ecosystem may be modified.


A keystone species is a life form that affects an entire ecosystem. If the keystone species disappear from the ecosystem, no other species can do its job. The ecosystem would have to radically change, allowing new and possibly invasive species to take over the habitat.

29. Why is it important to take care of keystone species?




A keystone species is an organism that helps define an entire ecosystem. Without its keystone species, the ecosystem would be dramatically different or cease to exist altogether. ... The ecosystem would be forced to radically change, allowing new and possibly invasive species to populate the habitat.

30. Are humans keystone or foundation species


Humans are more likely to be considered a foundation species than a keystone species.

You understand the importance of team work in your job. You share ideas and responsibilities with your team members on a daily basis. In your weekly team meeting with your supervisor, one of your co-workers takes credit for a time and money saving change in operating procedures you devised. Your supervisor erroneously thinks your co-worker came up with the change and your co-worker does not correct the misinterpretation, but allows the boss to not only commend him, but offer a bonus. Do you go to your co-worker and demand he correct the situation, go to your supervisor and explain you should receive the commendation and reward, or keep quiet as you do not believe in ownership of ideas akes credit for a time and money saving change in operating procedures you devised. Your supervisor erroneously thinks your co-worker came up with the change and your co-worker does not correct the misinterpretation, but allows the boss to not only commend him, but offer a bonus. Do you go to your co-worker and demand he correct the situation, go to your supervisor and explain you should receive the commendation and reward, or keep quiet as you do not believe in ownership of ideas but offer a bonus. Do you go to your co-worker and demand he correct the situation, go to your supervisor and explain you should receive the commendation and reward, or keep quiet as you do not believe in ownership of ideas?

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