Diagram Design Inspiration

Diagram Design Inspiration

it has a design that are inspire​

Daftar Isi

1. it has a design that are inspire​


inabel is my answer but i dont know if its correct

2. it has a design that are inspired

Fix ur question and brainliest me:)

3. it has a design that are inspired by


pakilagay po ng choices para masagutan po namin ng maayos. salamat po!

4. Where do fabric designers derive inspiration from?​


Question: Where do fabric designers derive inspiration from?


is mainly found on the internet and the street, closely followed by magazines. But museum collections and books still rank high in popularity.


5. B. How does your design show the principles of Harmony and rhythm?C. what inspired your design and show does the end product represent your inspiration? ​


B.Harmony as a principle of design is the sense of cohesiveness between the elements in a composition. The elements shouldn't be exactly the same or completely different but related in some way. Color palettes or similar textures can create a sense of unity between different components.

C.My inpirations with my design is when someone told me that it's beautuiful and usefel to other and someone told me keep it up.

6. what inspired you to choose such design?​


I will base it in who really I am.I will base it in my life,my emotions.

7. It has a design thst are a inspired by natural elements




8. What inspired you with your design?​


Behance — similar to Dribbble but owned by Adobe, Behance is another great place to find inspiration and recent work from designers around the world. Find designers you like and follow them! Twitter — the creative community is incredibly active on Twitter so it's the perfect place to find inspiration.

9. it has a design that are inspired by natural elements​


It has a design that are inspired by natural elements: patterns that depict different landforms, the colors of nature and animals.




unsure po ako sa answer , check ko lng muna book ko then I'll write the correct answer sa comments (:

10. 12.Where do the Yakan people get their inspiration to weave symmetrical patterns? A. Their ancestors send design inspirations through their dreams. B. Their inspiration for design comes from their loved ones who support them. C. Their design inspiration comes from other groups that use the same geometrical pattern.D. Their inspiration for designs comes from their environment and the influence of Islamic sacred geometry.




Their inspiration for designs comes from their environment and the influence of Islamic sacred geometry. FOR SURE...




maniwala ka pare kung ikaw

11. How do you get inspiration for character design?​


When you work with characters you need to be inspired," advises, "and you can do this through research. Your mind is a visual library that you can fill up. Try to notice people around you – how they walk, their gestures, how they dress – and use that in your design."


Character Design is among the best skills one can develop as an artist.•        Sketch them small at first (thumbnail drawing) •        Mark the best ones and draw them larger. •        Create variants on your second drawing. •        Think in terms of shape design. •        Write down or mull over the backstory. •        Explore the Character in various other drawings.

Good Luck!Mark as the Brainiest!Always happy to help   :)

12. What inspired you with your design?

It inspired me by my design becoz its related and wonderful

13. we can look or refer for ather logo designs but for inspiration only? true or falsewe can look or refer for ather logo designs but for inspiration only​




True is the answer because i see this in my book

14. among those inspiring designs what design is interesting to you ?why?​


asan ang picture? para masagutan natin

15. The inabel designs are inspired by the following except




because commonly inabel designs are inspired by living things such as flowers, landforms or leaves

16. the following are inspirations for inabel designs except _____.​




17. design that are inspired by natural elements



nakita ko lang po yan

18. What inspired you with your design?


my inspiration with my design is when someone told me that it's beautiful and useful to other and someone told me that keep it up thanks me later

19. Its design are inspired from natural elements


D. Argument or Persuasion Texts

5. Utiline various text structures, such as description, cause and effect,

comparison and contrast, problem and solution, question and answer, an

4. Includes shorter texts.

A. literacy nonfiction

C. Expository Texts

B. Procedural texts

temporal sequence.

A literacy nonfiction

C. Expository Texts

B. Procedural texts

D. Argument or Persuasion Texts

6. A cooking recipe is an example of which type of text?

A. Descriptive

C. instructive

B. informative

D. persuasive

7. What is the purpose of informative text?

A. To tell you how to do something

B. To provide clear facts about something

C. To describe how a scene might look in a novel

D. To persuade you to buy something




l hope it's help

20. what is nature inspired design


Designers and creative people use nature, is an infinite source of ideas for their inventions and products. Everyday, we interact with products whose shape or principle function is inspired by the world around us, from swim suits inspired by fish to laptops closing like clams.

21. what fabric design in southeast asia inspired you​


lao sinh because it's my favorite fabric, it looks like modern and i like the design

22. it has design that are inspired by natural elements patterns that depict




That's all I know since napag aralan napo namin Yan..

pa brainliest po salamat

23. it has a design that are inspired by natural elements pattern




Inabel, sometimes referred to as Abel Iloco or simply Abel, is a form of weaving tradition native to the Cordilleran people of Northern Luzon in the Philippines.Its designed inspired by natural elements.

24. what happened in a diagram during inspiration?​

Upon inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and flattens and the chest cavity enlarges. This contraction creates a vacuum, which pulls air into the lungs. Upon exhalation, the diaphragm relaxes and returns to its domelike shape, and air is forced out of the lungs.

25. The design of this Mandaya clothing is inspired by?​

Answer: davao city -local designer wilson Ninofranco limon is coming up with a clothing line that will combine cotton fabric and the Dagmay textile of the Mandaya indigenous people in Davao Oriental Dagmay is made From abaca fiber and its color are extracted from barks seeds fruits and other natural dyes

26. it has a design that are inspired by natural elements patterns that the





27. the inabel design are inspired by the following except​

I don't no if A or D I guests is D

I don't no if I wrong but I help you

28. it has a design that are inspired by natural elements




"Abel" is the Ilocano word for weave, and "inable" can be interpreted to mean any kind of woven fabric.In the world of weaving however,inabel is particularly used to refer to textile that is distinctly Ilocano in origin.

29. the inabel design inspired by?​


Traditional Inabel patterns are derived from the weaver's everyday life experiences. Human images, plants (flowers, leaves, fruits, trees, seeds), and animals (birds, horses, goats, fishes, frogs, turtles) figure prominently in intricate weave designs.

30. Where do fabric designers deprive their inspiration from?​


Through experience


The experience they faced when they still young.

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