Respect Poems For School

Respect Poems For School

CROSSenjoyjumprideshowstart1. Joey and Jessieon their bike in going toschool.2. Childrenthe pedestrian carefully.3. It's time todoing my project4. Iwriting poems.5. Pupilsrespect to their teacher​

Daftar Isi

1. CROSSenjoyjumprideshowstart1. Joey and Jessieon their bike in going toschool.2. Childrenthe pedestrian carefully.3. It's time todoing my project4. Iwriting poems.5. Pupilsrespect to their teacher​




Hope this help you. :)


1. Joey and Jessie ride

on their bike in going to


2. Children cross

the pedestrian carefully.

3. It's time to start

doing my project

4. I enjoy

writing poems.

5. Pupils show

respect to their teacher

2. Whats the poems title? We the graduates of saint raphael high school,school year 2021/2022 do solemnly diswear to uphold the tenets of my alma matter to value,inspire and continue being honnor and glory to its name We,pledge loyalty to its mission with the full commitment of caring and respecting our parent and teacher and our comunity as a whole. Btw i am the speech hehe Pledge of loyalty po yung title hehe


pledge of loyalty toh hahah walang nag answer


3. In the Poem" Dead Men's Path"here are some questions: 1.What is the problem in the story? 2. When the village priest explains the tradition and the purpose of the path, Obi replies by saying that "the whole purpose of our to eradicate just such belief as that". Why did he declare that as the purpose of the school? 3. If obi respected the traditions of the people, what would have happened? 4. Who between Obi and the priest elicit your empathy more?Why? 5. What perspective on change and development in presented in the story? Cite lines to support your answer.​


1. The problem in the story involves obi's refusal to open the ancestral pathway which connects to the universal conflict between modernity and traditional cultures ....,..

4. The key to have a healthy family is to love them, respect them, and supporting them. A healthy relationship between family means that they feel love from you, it creates a strong connection from the family. A healthy family doesn’t need to be perfect or rich or anything, the importance of it is that you have fun memories of them. The more closer to your family the more bonding that you made. Make sure to have time for your family so that you will have good relationship. Always respect your family even if it is a young or old. Communicate with your family everyday to express how are you feeling today, how is your day at work or school. It is important to communicate to them so that you will be open to them if you had problems or you just need to speak with this helps you to be honest with your family. Always support your family at all time especially in difficult times. Always share with your family to show your appreciation to them that you care about your family. What is the cohesive device in the poem?


penge points pleeeaaaseee


1. D


3. C

4. D

5. B

6. to persuade

7. to entertain

8. to inform

9. to inform

10. to inform

11. to inform

12. to inform

13. to inform

14-15. (P) She writes a letter

16-17. (P) You should do your homework.

18-19. (A) The house is being painted by them.

20-21. (A) The dinner would have been eaten by the children.

22-23. destroyed, had built

24-25. went, had already done

26-27. ate, had made

28-29. had phoned, had gone

30-31. (R) Mother asked, "What is the matter?"

32-33. (D) Shyam said that he can solve this problem.

34-35. (R) He said, "I like that song".

36-37. (D) She asked me where my sister is.

38. phrase

39. clause

40. clause

41. clause

42. phrase

43. clause

44. clause

45. clause

46. skimming

47. scanning

48. scanning

49. skimming

50. scanning


6. 3. Who is the speaker in the poem?A. The brown racesB. The white childrenC. African ChildD. Eku McGred4. What is the request of the speaker in the poem?A. economic and social conditionB. the fair respect given to all blacksC. the opportunity given by the whitesD. the slavery of the blacks5. What is the poem "I am an African Child" all about?A. Africans are just like any other races and people should stop stereotyping them asthe poor and the lower class because of their skin color.B. Africans experience slavery against the whites.C. The children of the Africans wanted to go schooling because they wanted to betreated fairlyD. The black children were bullied during that time because of their color.​


13. d






3. answer is d. Eku Mcgred

4. answer is b. the fair respect to all blacks

5. answer is a. Aficans are just like any other races and people should stop stereotyping them as the poor and the lower class because of their color


good luck

7. . How does the writer describe the first stage?A. All the men and women are players.2. (1) 'All the world's a stage,(2)And all the men and women are merely players;(3) They have their exits and their entrances,(4) And one man in his time plays many parts, Question: Which part of this stanza states, roles begin at birth and end with death?A. 1B. 2 C. 3D. 43. According to Shakespeare, what are the two activities that mark the first stage?A. crying and spittingC. feeding and cryingB. mewling and pukingD. vomiting and burping4. And then the whining schoolboy, with his satchelAnd shining morning face, creeping like snailUnwillingly to school and then the lover," Question: How does the writer describe theschoolboy age of man based on the underlined words?A. The schoolboy age is free from parent's guidance.B. Naturally the child spends more time with friends than parents at home.C. The schoolboy age wants to stay at home than go to school.D. The child takes the whining and complaining about the forced routine.5. "Unwillingly to school And then the lover,Sighing like furnace, with a woeful balladMade to his mistress' eyebrow. Then the soldier,"Question: Which stage of man thepersonadescribes this stanza?A. Schoolboy B. TeenagerC. YouthD. Old Age6. According to the persona, what physical and mental changes takes place as a man reachesthe sixth and seven ages?A. They are rebellious and impetuous temper.B. The degeneration of physical and mental faculties.C. They are respected because of wisdom and experiences.D. The person is no longer able to perform basic tasks.7. In these lines, what is compared to "reputation"?"Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrelSeeking the bubble reputation"A. LoveB. JealousC RightsD. Honor8.The poem "Seven Ages of Man" is a part of a play titledA. As You AreC. Romeo and JulietB. Seven Ages of Man D. As You Like It9. According to the author, The Seven Roles of Man begins at birth and ends withA. DeathB. GraveC. OathD. life10. The line, "All the world's a stage", is compared to real-lifeA. drama playB. life dramaC. battlefieldD. radio play​













hope it help


8. bir Let's Try This Suggested Time Allotment: 25 minutes (Week 3) Read the poem below and try to understand the meaning and its message. Let's E- Suggested Time AL First Part Find the words the We All Need Love By Diane Penuel L Ducan school and com We, children, are all the same, boy or girl, rich or poor, big or small. We're smart in our own way. Big dreams we have, I say. ho DepED : Some are born to happy parents, Some others, from home are away. We have different colors but the same rights we have. We want respect and we all need love. Processing Questions: Write your answers on a clean sheet of paper. 1. What is the message of the poem? 2. How are we different from others as presented in the poem? How will you treat others who are different from you? 1.T 2.​


1. the message of the poem is ..all people is equal not rich and also nat poor ..

2. for me i will treat them the same way they treat me


hope it help



10. T OR F. Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. (5pts.)_____1. The five components of Oral Language are phonology, syntax, semantics, morphology, and posture._____2. Biag ni Lam-ang (lit. 'The Life of Lam-ang') is an epic poem of the Ilocano people from the Ilocos region of the Philippines._____3. A conviction can be defined as a feeling that something exists or is true._____4. A belief can be defined as a firm belief._____5. Multimedia is a form of communication that combines different content forms such as text, audio, images, animations, or video into a single presentation.II. Identification. Directions: Identify what is being defined in the following statements. Write only the letter of your answer. (10 pts.)_____6. It is a long narrative poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation.a. Legend b. epic c. myth d.folktale_____7. These are usually the topic sentence or the main idea of the paragraph.a. General statements b. specific statements c. major statements d. minor statements_____8. These are supporting information or evidence for the topic sentence or main idea.a. General statements b. specific statements c. major statements d. minor statements_____9. It is the amount of personal space between people who are talking.a. Pitch b. intonation c. proximity d. pauses_____10. It can signal both the enduring characteristics of a speaker and his or her current emotions and attitudes.a. Posture b. intonation c. eye contact d. volume_____11. It indicates the changes in speech; a downward intonation indicates that a message is complete, while an upward intonation indicates a question.a. Posture b. intonation c. eye contact d. volume_____12. It refers to a formal discussion of the opposing sides of a specific subject or formal contest of arguments.a. Debate b. panel discussion c. oral reports d. symposium_____13. It is a situation in which a group of people are gathered together to discuss an issue of public concern in front of an audience.a. Debate b. panel discussion c. oral reports d. symposium_____14. It is a conference or other meeting for discussion of a topic, especially one in which the participants make presentations.a. Debate b. panel discussion c. oral reports d. symposium_____15. It is a presentation of one’s research work in school, seminar, conference, workshop, etc.a. Debate b. panel discussion c. oral reports d. symposiumIII. Matching Type. Directions: Match the virtues in Column A with their appropriate explanation in Column B.(5pts.)Column A Column B_____16. Wisdom a. “always behave with courtesy and respect towards_____17. Righteousness your subject”_____18. Sincerity b. “be sincere and thoughtful in all you do.”​





















sana maperfect ka

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