What Is Viewing Skills

What Is Viewing Skills

what is the viewing macro-skill?​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the viewing macro-skill?​


Viewing is the fifth macro-skill today. It refers to perceiving, examining, interpreting, and construction meaning from visual images and is crucial to improving comprehension of print and nonprint materials [3]. ... Just like teaching the traditional macro-skills, educators encounter difficulties in teaching viewing


Macro skills are most commonly referred to listening, speaking, reading and writing in English language. Listening: This is a communication technique that requires the listener to understand, interpret and evaluate what he or she hears.

2. What is the importance of viewing SKILL?​


Viewing helps students to slow down, reflect and think about the images they are seeing, and develop the knowledge and skills to analyse and evaluate visual texts and multimedia texts that use visuals. Viewing also helps students acquire information and appreciate ideas and experiences visually communicated by others.


The important of the viewing skill it is good exsercise


Because this is good exercise

3. 1. What is the Viewing Macro-skill?​


viewing is the fifth macro-skill today. It refers to perceiving,examining,interpreting,and construction meaning from visual images and crucial to improving comprehension of print and nonprint materials.

4. what is your views about poor reading skills among the students in the Philippines?​


Because philippines is a poor country lots of students doesn't have education and lack of manners because some parents are same as their children

5. in what ways the different genres of viewing help you improve your viewing skills?​


I don't know


hehe peace

6. 3. What skill of learning English language is being developed when visual media such as television and online platforms are involved? a. comprehension b. listening C. Speaking d. viewing​


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7. What's more Direction: True or False! Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if it is not. 1. There are six macro-skills. 2. Viewing is a macro-skill that can be practiced by viewing a visual image. 3. You can interpret information with visual images. 4. A comedy genre is often funny. 5. A horror genre often has stories about a romantic couple. 6. You may determine the kind of viewing materials by their genre. 7. MTRCB can only be seen in TV series. 8. You, at age 13, are allowed to watch R-16 materials. 9. Audience should be responsible with what they watch.10. Documentary is a viewed material that has factual content.​


tfttfttt(im not sure)tt


pa brainles po rate

#follow for more

8. 1-2. Give at least two skills developed in various types of viewing materials. 3. What skill enhanced by using printable materials? 4-5. Identify the importance of various types of viewing materials. Name at least two.​

gawin molang sa sagutang papel


ung lang

9. Pre-TestRead each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is correct and F if wrong. _______1. Viewing is one of the macro skills which refers to perceiving, examining, interpreting, and constructing meaning from visual images. _______2. Critical thinking is not developed during viewing activity. _______3. Post-viewing gives you an opportunity to activate your prior knowledge. _______4. Viewing helps one acquire information and ideas. _______5. A piece of writing, an advertisement, a painting, a performance, or a film can be used in viewing activity.______6. Viewing could also be achieved through a photo gallery. Photos convey stories to which we can connect to what they are trying to impart to us. _______7. Pre-viewing is where you make predictions and inferences related to the theme._______8. Viewing is not an important skill to learn._______9. While-viewing is the stage where you actually view the material to understand the message through making connections, confirming predictions and inferences you had in the previous stage______10. Piece of writing is not used for viewing​













Sana makatulong

10. what is the important communication skills• speaking • listening• reading• writing• viewing • communicationexplain​


ayan ata, sana tama







[tex]\huge \bold\orange{Answer✔}[/tex]


- connections occur when readers are reminded of what they have read/viewed with the other link by the same author, stories from a similar text types, or perhaps on the same topic.


13. 7. What is a skill that involves interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating thesignificance of visual images- the messages and meanings?A. Listening Comprehension C. Viewing ComprehensionB. Reading Comprehension D. Writing and Composition​

C. Viewing Comprehension

14. Explain what is your view about the need for relevant knowledge, skills and positive attitudes? ​


Knowledge: the information about various operations/organizations. How they work and how to work with them Skills: the technical and strategical skills about software languages and customer dealing Attitude: they learn how to be motivated and co-operative


sana maka help:)

Being knowledgeable about something in particular is a great way to improve yourself and your experience. Like reviewing hundreds of lessons for you to ace an exam. Skills will come when you have been on a training program to upgrade your natural skills you already have like the basics in life. Then there goes positive attitude. This part is very crucial yet simple. Why? Because reading people and giving them positive impression will always have a different perspective on a person’s point of view. But we must always do give a positive attitude to keep people knowing that you you always have it in you. Always give your best respect to people even though they doesn’t deserve it most especially in the customer service industry.

15. What I Have LearnedWhat are your realizations as you journey through this lesson? Before movingforward, summarize the important points that you found helpful andchallenging by completing the sentences.Jot Your InsightsAfter doing all the activities in this module, I learned that viewing isI believe viewing skill is important because​


After doing all activities in this module I learned that bibliography is the page in which we can find the alphabetical list of sources

I realized that I need to improve my understanding

For me, the most difficult part of the lesson is (the lesson where you find most difficult)

I believe writing a bibliography is important because we will easily find it's sources, it can avoid plagiarism and it will give proper credits to the author

16. from your own point of view, what are the main skills needed in food prepatation​


1.proper cleaning

2.expertise in knowing of fresh ingredients

3.expertise of cooking


hope it helps

17. 1. What new ideas and skills did you find interesting?2. Which part of the lesson impacts the way you view the experience?3. What follow-up is needed to further improve your knowledge?​


1. I learned that researching is one of the best way to improve my cognitive skills and for me it is very interesting. you will be able to practice on critical thing, purposeful reading and of course organizing the information from the reference being read.

2. the question seems to lack pertinent information such as reference and other important indicators in order for the question to be answered completely and correctly. nevertheless, for both learners and the teachers a certain part of the lesson may variable impact the classroom experience. this is experience can either motivate or demotivate the mood of the class but overall, adds to the learning experience.

3. A follow-up in class is necessary to further improve one's knowledge. this can be done in a form of a written or oral examination to further assess how far the students understand the topic discussed.An activity that aims to reinforce the student learning may be considered.


Hope it help

pa mark me as a brainliest =)

-Roronoa Zoro

18. 1. Which is true about making connections? *A. This helps readers in comprehending texts, passages, videos and pictures read or viewed by activating prior knowledge and making meaning of what they read or viewed.B. It is a skill in reading or viewing that links what the learners read and viewed to what they already know or experiencedC. This makes the learner understand the text or movie more easily.D. All of the above


d po sagot ty po llllllllllll

19. 1. Which of the following term do not associate with the term genre?a. Categoryb. kindc. typed. viewWhat is the fifth macro skill of learning English language that is being developed when we see advertisements,films, diagrams, symbols, paintings, drawings, sculpture, and videos?a. Listening skillb. reading skillc. viewing skilld. writing skill3. How many genres of viewing are there?​




20. In what ways that different of genres viewing help you improves your viewing skills?

It helps them to build their vocabulary as they come across new words in the books they read. This would, of course, improve their communication skills. Children can develop their writing skills when they continue to read books of various genres. They learn new words, and this helps to improve their writing skills.

21. 1. What do you think the concept of the picture above? 2. Is it the view pleasant for the eyes? 3. What will be the message of the picture for you? 4. Are there skills composing in this photo? How?nōn-sense-reported​


1. it is tower in ocean

2. yes

3. ang mesahe ko sa larawan na ito ay isa syang makakatulong sa ating mga mamamayan na pumupunta sa dagat

4.yes, because the skills composing in this photo is makakatulong ito


translate mo nalang po ang sagot sa number 3 at no.4

22. What makes viewing a SKILL? a MACROSKILL?​


•| Viewing is the fifth macro-skill today.

•| It refers to perceiving, examining, interpreting, and construction meaning from visual images and is crucial to improving comprehension of print and nonprint materials [3]. This is the skill to be taught as the learners are exposed on multimedia.

Viewing is the fifth macro-skill today. It refers to perceiving, examining, interpreting, and construction meaning from visual images and is crucial to improving comprehension of print and nonprint materials [3]. This is the skill to be taught as the learners are exposed on multimedia.




23. 3. What skill do you apply in gathering information from a newspaper?A. reading B. listening C. viewing D. skimming​

3. What skill do you apply in gathering information from a newspaper?

- A. Reading


D. skimming


Reading Technique–Skimming

This reading technique is used for getting the gist of the whole text lead. We generally use this technique at the time of reading a newspaper or magazine.

Under this technique, we read quickly to get the main points and skip over the detail.

It is useful in getting a preview of a passage before reading it in detail or reviving understandings of a passage after reading it in detail.








dont know if im right sorry

25. In viewing educational film, video, pictures and other images, you are developingwhat skills?A writing skillsB. listening comprehensionC. viewing comprehensionD. reading comprehension​


C. viewing comprehension


because you are watching film, videos, pictures and images by viewing them.

26. What is the significance of developing your skill in comparing and contrasting the contents of any material that you view or information that you read from outside sources?​


it will help you to understand what is better

27. 3. In watching television programs or video in the internet, whatcommunication/macro skill (speaking, writing, viewing, reading) doyou use?​




Because you use your eyes to watch.


Viewing is the answer po

28. Study the following statements and put a check mark before eachnumber (✓) if they are correct.1. Printed texts refer to resource materials that are printed and you can read.2. Viewing calls for watching video recorded materials on a screen either onTV or a video-sharing app.3. Reading and viewing are the same skill without any distinction.4. Movie adaptations of books are always faithful and an exact copy of thetext.5. Reading is a passive skill.6. Viewing is an active skill.7. One good way to cite the differences and similarities of a viewing materialand a reading text is through a Venn diagram.8. To spot the differences between a video and a printed version of a text, youneed to identify their distinguishing features.9. Viewing is not considered a skill in learning the English language.10. It is important for you to decipher the difference with what you are viewingand reading to better analyze the materials if they are either relevant or factual.​













#Hope it helps

29. forward,What I Have LearnedWhat are your realizations as you journey through this lesson? Before mening,summarize the important points that you found helpful andchallenging by completing the sentences.Jot Your InsightsAfter doing all the activities in this module, I learned that viewing isI believe viewing skill is important because​


After all the activities in the module I learned that viewing skill is important becaise it helps us know the topic or lesson that we teach us by the viewing skill we have lot I learn to this lesson

30. Pls help me its about fire in californiaDirection: Answer the following questions with 1 – 3 sentences.1. What is the Viewing Macro-skill?2 Enumerate five examples of a viewing material.3. What is a genre?4. What is your favorite genre in a viewed material? Why?5. Why is MTRCB important?​



1. Viewing is the fifth macro-skill today. It refers to perceiving, examining, interpreting, and construction meaning from visual images and is crucial to improving comprehension of print and nonprint materials [3]. ... Just like teaching the traditional macro-skills, educators encounter difficulties in teaching viewing.

2.Example - Wood, Book, Table, Chair, stone, etc. Yes, a substance is also called as a material which is generally composed of atoms and molecules.

3.Genre is most popularly known as a category of literature, music, or other forms of art or entertainment, whether written or spoken, audio or visual, based on some set of stylistic criteria, yet genres can be aesthetic, rhetorical, communicative, or functional.

4. i feel like you should be the one to know what kind of genre you'd like. It's an opinionated question. So you should answer with your own opinion.

5.The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) is both a regulatory and developmental agency. ... The Board is tasked to promote an environment that may lead to authentic and responsible self-regulation in both the film and television industries.

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