Maxwell s Five Levels Of Leadership

Maxwell s Five Levels Of Leadership

discuss the level 5 leadership​

Daftar Isi

1. discuss the level 5 leadership​


Level 5 leadership is a concept developed in the book Good to Great. Level 5 leaders display a powerful mixture of personal humility and indomitable will. They're incredibly ambitious, but their ambition is first and foremost for the cause, for the organization and its purpose, not themselves.

2. | Discuss the level 5 leadership​


Level 5 leadership is a concept developed in the book Good to Great. Level 5 leaders display a powerful mixture of personal humility and indomitable will. They're incredibly ambitious, but their ambition is first and foremost for the cause, for the organization and its purpose, not themselves

3. current level of competence in leadership​



Making yourself aware of how your decisions affect others.

Choosing to prioritize the needs of others over yourself.

Managing your time carefully.

Using your energy wisely.

Making a commitment to self-improvement

4. what are the five 3ps in leadership ​

What are the five 3ps in leadership?

personal attributes, position, purpose, processes and product.Answer:• Purpose• Passion• Persistence


Hope it's help.



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5. Identify the difference/s between behavioral and trait approaches in leadership​


Summary – Trait vs Behavioral Theories of Leadership

The key difference between trait and behavioral theories of leadership is that trait theory states that leaders have inborn traits, whereas behavioral theory rejects inborn virtues of leaders and states that leaders can be trained.

6. Strategies for implementing sustainability: five leadership challenges thabo mathobela


Mathobela Thabo IS one of the Mabaho



7. what are the significance of self-leadership to the following a. leaders or superior officers b. lower level employee or subordinates ​


Self-leadership allows a leader to influence others to take action so that the goals of the organization are met.

A. leader or superior officers


Letter A po


Tama po yung sagot ko pa brainliest po plsss and pa heart na din thank you po

8. How does personal leadership and competence from the personal and social levels figure in customer service?


The personal relationship is they can guide their workers and assist them on what they would do and at the same time, they help managing his/her social level figure in customer service

9. 37. What is the message of situational leadership?a. A leader is first a servant.b. A leader must fit leadership style to the follower’s level of readiness and willingness.c. A leader can choose the leadership style that fits him most.d. Authoritarian leadership is best because organization accomplishes much.​

What is the most suitable message of situational leadership?

So the answer to that question is c. A leader can choose the leadership style that fits him most.

Leadership is a way for a leader to influence other people, subordinates, or followers to want to achieve the desired goals. A leader will focus more on the process and people, as well as the goals to be achieved. A leader is required to be active in making plans, coordinating members, conducting experiments, and leading work to achieve common goals. The reason why the other choice is not true :

a. A leader is first a servant. (not correct) because a leader is not a servant but they are figures who play a big role in organizing a job.

b. A leader must fit leadership style to the follower's level of readiness and willingness. (not correct) because the followers have to follow the leader.

c. A leader can choose the leadership style that fits him most. (correct) because only she/he knows how to make better progress.

d. Authoritarian leadership is best because the organization accomplishes much. (not correct) Authoritarian leaders tend to feel that they are the smartest and most understanding, do not like to receive criticism and input, and can be concluded as selfish leaders.

Learn more about differentiate leadership here


10. in your own words describe and differentiate the five leadership style according to blake and mouton's leadership managerial grid​




11. five ways can show leadership in physical activities within your school


Key Messages


•  Because it is guaranteed to reach virtually all children, physical education is the only sure opportunity for nearly all school-age children to access health-enhancing physical activities.

•  High-quality physical education programs are characterized by (1) instruction by certified physical education teachers, (2) a minimum of 150 minutes per week (30 minutes per day) for children in elementary schools and 225 minutes per week (45 minutes per day) for students in middle and high schools, and (3) tangible standards for student achievement and for high school graduation.

•  Students are more physically active on days on which they have physical education.

•  Quality physical education has strong support from both parents and child health professional organizations.

•  Several models and examples demonstrate that physical education scheduled during the school day is feasible on a daily basis.

12. Which of the following is/are example(s) of 'Growth play driven by thought leadership'?

Examples of growth play driven by thought leadership

It may appear frightening to be a thought leader, but it does not have to be. Books and other real-life examples to jump-start your journey to producing exceptional thought leadership content can build yourself as a leader, whether you're a big name or a little startup.

Adding to the Discussion

Being aware and up-to-date on industry trends is essential when it comes to being a thought leader. Yet, let us not get too caught up in being creative. That will happen later. To be innovative, you must first understand your industry as a leader.

As a thought leader, your expertise is built on past and current experience, industry news, and how you use that information to educate others.

Which of the following is an example of the Attribution Theory of Leadership?


13. On Leadership and Followership Directions: Name five individuals in your country whom you think have great influence among others through their leadership or followership.



2.Local nurse

3.barangay captain




14. what is the five leadership qualities used in the poem "me the manager - my purpose and vission"​


Leadership Qualities of a Good Manager

Inspires Others.

•Of all the attributes that set good managers apart, this may be the most important. ...

•Demonstrates Honesty and Transparency. ...

Offers a Strategic View. ...

•Communicates Effectively. ...

•Leads by Example. ...

•Makes Informed Decisions.


your welcome!

15. Significance of self-leadership to the lower level employees or subordinates


Self-leadership allows a leader to influence others to take action so that the goals of the organization are met. In addition to helping you achieve your own personal goals for your life and career, benefits of self-leadership include: Makes you more efficient and productive. Keeps you motivated and accountable

16. In five exact words, define the word LEADERSHIP​

administration, management, directorship, control, governorship, stewardship, hegemony.

Guiding, Inspiring, Directing, Motivating, Empowering.

17. describe and differentiate the five leadership style according to Blake and Mountains leadership direct people​


Based on behavioural research studies on leadership and management (e.g. Ohio State Studies and Michigan Studies), two basic management behaviours can be identified as important: task-oriented behaviour and people-oriented behaviour. Even though these two factors are not the only important management behaviours, concern for both the task and the people must been shown at some reasonable level. Inspired by these findings, Blake and Mouton from the University of Texas proposed a two-dimensional Managerial Grid based on a manager’s concern for production (task-oriented) and concern for people (relationship-oriented). Each axis on the grid consists of a nine-point scale with 1 meaning a low concern and 9 a high concern. Depending on a manager’s score on each of the two axis, you can assign different types of management styles to managers. This article will elaborate on these different kind of styles and its implications.


sana maka tulong

18. Define leadership in your own words. Then state five ways you can show leadership in physicalactivities within your school?​


1.accept others opinion. responsible. active enough. respecfull honest

19. How are you going to develop servant leadership? Give at least five.


1. Be a good listener.

2. Practice empathy.

3. Embrace concepts of healing.  

4. Be aware.

5. Be persuasive.

6. Be able to conceptualize.

7. Be a good steward.

8. Commit to building up people.


20. What are the maturity levels of situational leadership theory and which is important among them all?

What are the maturity levels of situational leadership theory and which is important among them all?

Every business's leadership style has an impact on staff performance as well as operational efficiency. According to situational leadership theory, people's leadership styles evolve through time as they gain and refine their professional skills. To put it another way, situational leaders change their leadership style to suit the firm's needs and its employees. In this article, we'll go over what situational leadership theory is and how you can utilize it to help your staff. Situational leadership theory is a method of assigning a leadership style to a circumstance based on various factors. Situational leaders change their leadership methods based on their staff's competency and dedication. Situational leadership is a flexible approach that focuses on maximizing employee potential while also reaching corporate deadlines or milestones. The situational leadership hypothesis relates a group member's maturity level to their leadership style. Maturity is described as a group member's level of readiness to undertake a task based on their understanding of the position and their ability to do so.

The following factors influence maturity level:

Working hours

Experience in the workplace


Job self-assurance

Explain what situational leadership, and servant leadership are​?




21. Name five leaders you admire most and discussed his leadership philosophy.​

1. Socrates (469 BC-399 BC)
Nationality: Greek-Athenian
Known for: Co-founder and leader of Western philosophy
As one of the founders of Western philosophy thought, Socrates was a great leader and teacher in the field of thought, ethics and philosophy. He started a philosophical school which influenced other great thinkers who passed along his ideas and teachings

2. Alexander the Great (356 BC-323 BC)
Nationality: Greek-Athenian
Known for: King of Macedon and leader of one of the largest empires in history
Alexander the Great took over the Macedonian empire after his father, Philip II, was assassinated. Before long, he invaded other regions and also ruled over Asia Minor. He overthrew King Darius III, the king of Persia. During his conquests, he founded about 20 cities that were named after him. He is considered one of the greatest military years in world history.

3. Cleopatra VII (69 BC-30 BC)
Nationality: Egyptian
Known for: Last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt
After ruling alongside her father – Ptolemy XII Auletes – and her brothers, she became the only ruler. She had sexual relations with Julius Caesar to gain more power and eventually made their son – Caesarion – her co-ruler.

4. Julius Caesar (100 BC-44 BC)
Nationality: Roman
Known for: Dictator of the Roman Republic from 49BC to 44BC
Julius Caesar was one of the leaders in the Roman Republic who helped bring that government down and replace it with the Roman Empire. He was the first Roman general to cross both the Rhine and the English Channel after building a bridge over the former. He was also responsible for conducting the first invasion of Britain ever

5. Constantine the Great (c. 272-337)
Nationality: Roman
Known for: 57th Emperor of the Roman Empire
Constantine the Great served as the Emperor of the Roman Empire from 306 to 337. He worked his way up to his position thorugh the military tribune and was successful in several wars once becoming emperor. This made him the only ruler of the eastern and western regions by 324.

6. Attila the Hun (c. 406-453)
Nationality: Mongolian
Known for: Ruled the Huns for nearly 20 years
Attila the Hun conquered places like Russia, Poland, Germany and southeastern Europe to amass a huge empire during the 5th century. He also attacked part of the Roman Empire and agreed to stop only in exchange for 660 pounds of gold each year. His attacks were so devastating that he was nicknamed “The Scourge of God.”

7. Genghis Khan (c. 1162-1227)
Nationality: Mongolian
Known for: Emperor of the Mongol Empire
Started the Mongol invasions throughout Europe and Asia which led to becoming the largest contiguous empire of all time after his death. He also founded the Mongol Empier and advanced it by creating a unique writing system and promoting religious tolerance throughout the empire.

22. State five ways leadership is applicable in doing physical activities in school:​


Key Messages

• Because it is guaranteed to reach virtually all children, physical education is the only sure opportunity for nearly all school-age children to access health-enhancing physical activities.

• High-quality physical education programs are characterized by (1) instruction by certified physical education teachers, (2) a minimum of 150 minutes per week (30 minutes per day) for children in elementary schools and 225 minutes per week (45 minutes per day) for students in middle and high schools, and (3) tangible standards for student achievement and for high school graduation.

• Students are more physically active on days on which they have physical education.

• Quality physical education has strong support from both parents and child health professional organizations.

• Several models and examples demonstrate that physical education scheduled during the school day is feasible on a daily basis.

23. 1. The Great Man theory is associated with which of the following approaches tostudying leadership?a. Skillsb. Intelligencesc. Stylesd. traits2. According to Northouse (2007), which of the following sets of five traits arerecognized widely to be major leadership traits?a. perseverance, resilience, integrity, empathy, masculinityb. intelligence, resilience, determination, integrity, extroversionc. intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, sociabilityd. extroversion, intelligence, self-confidence, integrity, resilience3. What are the three core elements of Adair's Action-Centered Leadership Model?a. People, task, leaderb. Task, team, Individualc. Follower, leader, taskd. Team, task, leader4. Oshagbemi and Gill (2004) provide evidence to suggest that different leadershipstyles are needed across different hierarchical levels. Which of the followingstyles was found to remain equally important and used across lower, middleand senior managerial levels?a. Delegativeb. Directivec. Participatived. Consultative5. According to Kata (1974), what are the three core skills required from managersat different hierarchical levels?a. Technical, human, conceptualb. Human, cognitive, technicalc. Cognitive, conceptual, technicald. Economic, technical, conceptual6. Which types of leadership remains underexplored through research?a. Leadership of teamsb. Leadership in organizationsc. Leadership of organizationsd. Leadership at executive level​

Leadership Competencies: Traits, Personality, Skills, Styles, and Intelligences

There are certain competencies of an individual that makes a good leader. There are also several traditional approaches to theorizing leadership. What makes a good leader? According to trait theory and personality, there several leadership skills and styles that contains things that a leader should and should not do. Part of which are the intelligences of leadership.

Answers:d. c. b. d. a. c.

Things to Remember:The Great Man theory is associated with traits.According to Northouse (2007), intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability are recognized widely to be major leadership traits.The three core elements of Adair's Action - Centered Leadership Model include task, team, and individual.Consultative style of leadership was found to remain equally important and used across lower, middle and senior managerial levels.According to Kata (1974), what are the three core skills required from managers at different hierarchical levels are technical, human, and conceptual.Leadership of organizations is a type of leadership which remains under explored through research.

What is leadership:


24. relationship of leadership style and level of satisfaction of customers of selected restaurants​


Customer satisfaction gives an understanding on how much the product or service meets the expectations of the customer while loyalty is influenced by product or service quality and other factors.Customer satisfaction is a measurement of a customer's attitude toward a product, a service, or a brand. ... Customer loyalty is a set of behaviors and attitudes that a customer exhibits that demonstrate loyalty to a product, service, or brand, such as repeat purchases or choosing the brand over a competitor.


Customer satisfaction is an abstract concept that basically measures the degree to which the products or services of a business meet consumers' expectations. ... Businesses can use customer satisfaction surveys to receive feedback from customers and then use the feedback to try to improve customer satisfaction.

25. how does the big five help leadership?​

Big 5 Personality Outcomes

Extraversion, agreeableness, intellectual curiosity, and emotional stability were positively correlated with overall self-ratings of leader development behavior and several of the specific self-rated leader development behaviors.


Big 5 Personality Outcomes

Extraversion, agreeableness, intellectual curiosity, and emotional stability were positively correlated with overall self-ratings of leader development behavior and several of the specific self-rated leader development behaviors.

26. state five ways can show leadership in physical activities within your school.​


Always magdala ng yantok

Being a best role model for them

Kayo na bahala sa iba, basta love ko si God oks nayun

27. Explain the difference between management and leadership. Discuss why conceptual leadership skills become more important, and technical skills less important, at higher organizational levels.


I can only differentiate the difference between management and leadership, so management talks about on how to manage a specific plan, you are directing, commanding on how does your plan will work while leadership talks about how does a leader will take control and look out of his members. they are also both has a specific goals to attain.

28. Define leadership in your own words. Then state five ways can show leadership in physical activities within your school.​


leadership is next to responsibilitiies

29. what is the five theories of leadership? ​


Transformational Leadership.

Leader-Member Exchange Theory.

Adaptive Leadership.

Strengths-Based Leadership.

Servant Leadership.

30. five ways to show leadership in physical activities with your family​


1.Stand tall from the front: We're talking about being an example. ...

2.Work in partnership with your wife or child's mom: ...

3.Act like a servant: ...

4.Live with humility: ...

5.Think morally: ...




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