Describe The Ideas Of The Ancient Greek On The Atom

Describe The Ideas Of The Ancient Greek On The Atom

describe the ideas of the ancient greeks on the atom

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1. describe the ideas of the ancient greeks on the atom

the idea that all matter is made up of tiny, indivisible particles, or atoms, is believed to have originated with the greek philosopher leucippus of miletus and his student democritus of abdera in the 5th century BC The word atom comes from the greek word atomos, which meansindivisible

2. Describe the ideas of the ancient Greeks on the atom​


About 2,500 years ago, early Greek philosophers believed the entire universe was a single, huge entity. In other words, "everything was one." They believed that all objects, all matter, and all substances were connected as a single, unchangeable "thing." One of the first people to propose "atoms" was a man known as Democritus. As an alternative to the beliefs of the Greek philosophers, he suggested that atoms, or atom

—tiny, indivisible, solid objects—make up all matter in the universe.


Hope it helps.

If it does, Pls mark me as brainiest! Ty ^^

3. Describe the ideas of the Ancient Greeks on the atom, the ideas of the Ancient Greeks on the elements, and the contributions of the alchemists to the science of chemistry.​


According to ancient Greek belief, all matter can be further split until it is no longer divided. "Atom" is derived from the Greek word "atomos," which meaning "indivisible." When a stone is sliced in half, the two halves retain the same qualities, leading to the conclusion that if objects are repeatedly cut into smaller pieces, the object will eventually become too small to cut up.

These types of indivisible substance, according to thinkers like Leucippus and Democritus, are too little to be seen but absolutely solid, immutable, and indestructible. They also thought that physical characteristics like color and taste were made up of atoms.

4. Discuss the similar ideas between the Greek concept of the atom and the statement in Dalton's atomic

Aside from that, some similarities between the ancient Greek concept of an atom and Dalton's atomic theory include stating that atoms are indestructible and indivisible. Further, both theories formulated that atoms have different size and mass.

5. Complete the diagram below. Using your knowledge of the ideas of Ancient Greeks, write a sentence that starts with each letter in the word ATOMS. The sentences should describe the significant ideas of the Ancient Greeks about the atoms or the important ideas that led to its discovery. A- T- O- M- S-​


A - Atoms come from the Greek words indivisible.

T - They knew that atoms as moving particles.

O - One, they believed that all objects, matter and all substances are related as a single.

M - Matter, they thought that matters was made of small and finite particles.

S - Small particles which they called "atomos"

6. 2. How did the concept of atom evolve from Ancient Greek to present?


In the fifth century BC, Leucippus and Democritus argued that all matter was composed of small, finite particles that they called atomos, a term derived from the Greek word for “indivisible.” They thought of atoms as moving particles that differed in shape and size, and which could join together.

7. what are the differences and similarities between ancient greeks concept of an atom and daltons atomic theory​


Similarities and Differences Between the Ancient Greek Concept of an Atom and Dalton's Atomic Theory

There are various similarities and differences between the ancient Greek concept of an atom and Dalton's atomic theory. One key point that is similar in the two concepts was that all matters are made up of small and invisible atoms. Aside from that, some similarities between the ancient Greek concept of an atom and Dalton's atomic theory include stating that atoms are indestructible and indivisible. Further, both theories formulated that atoms have different size and mass.

Differences Between the Ancient Greek's Concept of an Atom and Dalton's Atomic Theory

Meanwhile, here are some of the differences between the Ancient Greek Concept of an Atom and Dalton's Atomic Theory:

Ancient Greek Concept of an Atom

Originated by Democritus and Leucippus

Atoms' different sizes and shapes correspond to the phases of matter (solid, liquid, oil, etc.)

Atomic model is a round sphere without electrons, protons, and neutrons.

Dalton's Atomic Theory

Developed by John Dalton

In a particular element, all atoms are identical. Different elements have different atoms in terms of size and mass.

Modified the theory by explaining that chemical reactions result in atom rearrangement.

8. 2. Who is the proponent of the atomic structure among the ancient Greeks?​


Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus first developed the concept of the atom in the 5th century B.C.E.

Democritus believed that atoms were uniform, solid, hard, incompressible, and indestructible and that they moved in infinite numbers through empty space until stopped. But other proponents like Plato and Aristotle attacked the theory because of being 'no scientific value'.

9. Why is the ancient Greek conception of man described as cosmocentric?


The first group of Greek philosophers is a triad of Milesian thinkers: Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes. Their were focused on studying cosmological theory purely based on natural phenomena. Their approach required the rejection of all traditional explanations based on religious authority, dogma, myth and superstition.


Cosmocentric is a notion that all things come from a single “primal substance.  Thales believed it was water; Anaximander said it was a substance different from all other known substances, “infinite, eternal and ageless”; and Anaximenes claimed it was air.Observation was important among the Milesian school. Thales predicted an eclipse which took place in 585 BCE and it seems he had been able to calculate the distance of a ship at sea from observations taken at two points.Anaximander, based on the fact that human infants are helpless at birth, argued that if the first human had somehow appeared on earth as an infant, it would not have survived/ The science among Milesians was stronger than their philosophy and somewhat crude, but it encouraged observation in many subsequent thinkers and was also a good stimulus to approach in a rational fashion many of the traditional questions that had previously been answered through religion and superstition.


10. according to the ideas of the ancient greeks which element repels water​

sorry kailangan ko nga points peace



11. what are the ideas of ancient greek on the elements

The contributions of the alchemist to the science of chemistry.
The atomic number and the synthesis of new elements.
The nuclear reactions involved in the synthesis of new elements.
Understanding the concept of the chemical elements

12. What are the similarities and or differences the ancient Greeks concept of an atom and Dalton’s atomic theory?

Similarities and Differences Between the Ancient Greek Concept of an Atom and Dalton's Atomic Theory

There are various similarities and differences between the ancient Greek concept of an atom and Dalton's atomic theory. One key point that is similar in the two concepts was that all matters are made up of small and invisible atoms. Aside from that, some similarities between the ancient Greek concept of an atom and Dalton's atomic theory include stating that atoms are indestructible and indivisible. Further, both theories formulated that atoms have different size and mass.

Differences Between the Ancient Greek's Concept of an Atom and Dalton's Atomic Theory

Meanwhile, here are some of the differences between the Ancient Greek Concept of an Atom and Dalton's Atomic Theory:

Ancient Greek Concept of an AtomOriginated by Democritus and LeucippusAtoms' different sizes and shapes correspond to the phases of matter (solid, liquid, oil, etc.)Atomic model is a round sphere without electrons, protons, and neutrons.Dalton's Atomic TheoryDeveloped by John DaltonIn a particular element, all atoms are identical. Different elements have different atoms in terms of size and mass.Modified the theory by explaining that chemical reactions result in atom rearrangement.

Learn more about atomic theory by visiting:

13. 17. Who is that Ancient Greek Philosopher who proposed the 1 pointidea that atoms are made of tiny particles? Use the picturebelow.​


hope it helps you

14. (25 points) Complete the mnemonic (first letters) below. Using your knowledge on Ancient Greeks and Alchemy, write a sentence that starts with the given letters in the word ATOMS. The sentences should describe the significant ideas of the Ancient Greeks and Alchemists about atoms and the concepts that led to its discovery.A-T-O-M-S-​


Atoms combine to form mulecules

15. The ancient Greek who is known for championing the concept of atom was named ______________.Select one:answer: DEMOCRITUS​


ok thanks for answering

16. describe the Greek theater based on the characteristic of arts during ancient Greek? ​


Ancient Greek drama was a theatrical culture that flourished in ancient Greece from 600 BC. The city-state of Athens, which became a significant cultural, political, and religious place during this period, was its centre, where the theatre was institutionalised as part of a festival called the Dionysia, which honoured the god Dionysus. Tragedy (late 500 BC), comedy (490 BC), and the satyr play were the three dramatic genres to emerge there. Athens exported the festival to its numerous colonies. Modern Western theatre comes, in large measure, from the theatre of ancient Greece, from which it borrows technical terminology, classification into genres, and many of its themes, stock characters, and plot elements.


thats my answer about your question hope it help you

17. describe the Greek theater based on the characteristic of arts during ancient Greek? ​


yan po sana makatulong

18. The ancient Greek who is known for championing the concept of atom was named ______________.

It was Democritus who was first to propose that matter is composed of tiny particles called atom.

19. Complete the diagram below, using your knowledge of the ideas of Ancient Greeks and of alchemy, write a sentence that starts each letter in the word ATOMS. The sentence should describe the significant ideas of the Ancient Greeks wind alchemist about the atoms or the important ideas that led to its discovery. A - T - O - M - S -​


20. complete the diagram below. using your knowledge of the ideas of ancient greeks and of alichemy, write a sentence that strats with each letter and the word atoms. the sentences should describe the significant ideas of the ancients greeks and alchemist about the atoms or the important ideas that led to its discoveryKailangan kupo ngayon thanks!!​


Empedocles argued

that all matter was composed of four elements: fire, air, water, and earth.

21. Describe the development of swimming in the ancient Greeks and in Mesopotamia?​


Describe the development of swimming in the ancient Greeks and in Mesopotamia?


They thought the atom is invisible, that it has no parts

23. how did the ancient greek view the atom?​


The Greeks called these particles atomos, meaning indivisible, and the modern word “atom” is derived from this term. Democritus proposed that different types and combinations of these particles were responsible for the various forms of matter. follow po

24. describe the transition of greek mythology to the ancient philosophy​


The transition from Mythology to Philosophy include events which brought the transitions, early philosophers, What kind of philosophical thought prevailed during the Middle Ages along with key Church philosopher of the later Middle Ages. It is also important to discuss myths and philosophers beliefs during transition.

hope it helps ty<33

25. Using your knowledge of the ideas of ancient Greeks and of alchemy,write a sentence that starts with each letter in the word ATOMS.The sentences shoud describe the significant ideas of the Ancient Greeks and alchemist about the atoms or the important ideas that led to its discovery.need kona to bukas pahelp po​


An atom is made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons


You welcome

26. The ancient Greek who is known for championing the concept of atom was named

Democritus is an ancient greek whos known as the champion of the atom concept

27. what word best describes the era of ancient greeks​


Ancient Greece (Greek: Ἑλλάς, romanized: Hellás) was a civilization belonging to a period of Greek history from the Greek Dark Ages of the 12th–9th centuries BC to the end of antiquity ( c. AD 600). This era was immediately followed by the Early Middle Ages and the Byzantine period.

28. Describe the ideas of ancient greek on the elements


The ancient Greek belief holds that all matter can be divided further until it is not. The word "atom" comes from the Greek word "atomos" which means "indivisible". If a stone were to be divided in half, the two halves still have the same properties which led to the conclusion that if objects are continuously cut into smaller pieces there would be a point that the object is too small to be cut up.  

Thinkers like Leucippus and Democritus believed that these kinds of indivisible matter are too small to be seen but completely solid and are both unchangeable and indestructible. They also believed that physical properties such as color and taste can be composed of atoms.  

Learn more about atomic theory:

29. word describe the era of Ancient greeks​


The term Ancient, or Archaic, Greece refers to the years 700-480 B.C., not the Classical Age (480-323 B.C.) known for its art, architecture and philosophy. ... The polis became the defining feature of Greek political life for hundreds of years

30. how the concept of the atom evolved from ancient Greek to The present​

How the concept of the atom evolved from ancient Greek to The presentThe concept of the atom has evolved significantly over time, from the ancient Greeks to the present day. Here's a brief overview of its evolution:

1. Ancient Greece: The concept of the atom was first proposed by the Greek philosopher Democritus (c. 460 – c. 370 BC). He believed that all matter was composed of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms, which varied in size and shape.

2. Middle Ages: During the Middle Ages, the concept of the atom was largely forgotten in Europe, but it was preserved and developed by Islamic scholars. The Persian philosopher Al-Kindi (c. 801 – 873 AD) suggested that atoms were the smallest possible units of matter, and the Arabic alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan (c. 721 – c. 815 AD) developed a theory of chemical transformation based on the idea of atoms.

3. Renaissance: In the 16th century, the Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno (1548 – 1600) proposed that atoms were infinite in number and that they filled all of space.

4. 17th-18th centuries: In the 17th and 18th centuries, the English scientist Robert Boyle (1627 – 1691) and the French chemist Antoine Lavoisier (1743 – 1794) developed the concept of elements, which are the basic building blocks of matter. The English physicist John Dalton (1766 – 1844) proposed that atoms were indivisible and that all elements were composed of atoms of a single type.

5. Late 19th-early 20th centuries: In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, experiments by J.J. Thomson (1856 – 1940), Ernest Rutherford (1871 – 1937), and others provided evidence that atoms were composed of smaller particles, including electrons, protons, and neutrons.

6. Modern era: In the modern era, the concept of the atom has been refined through the development of quantum mechanics and other advanced theories. Today, we understand that atoms are made up of a nucleus, which contains protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons that orbit the nucleus. We also know that atoms can combine to form molecules, which are the building blocks of all substances.

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