Cross Section Elevation

Cross Section Elevation

it refers to the view showing the inside part of the building either in cross section or longitudinal section. a. elevation plan b. location plan c. section plan d. site development plan ​

Daftar Isi

1. it refers to the view showing the inside part of the building either in cross section or longitudinal section. a. elevation plan b. location plan c. section plan d. site development plan ​


i think its letter C,yeah thats my answer



2. The elevation of the cross characteristics ​


The Elevation of the Cross is also the title of a smaller oil on paper painting reproduction of the triptych. It measured 60 × 126.5 cm, but was later enlarged to 70 × 131.5 cm. This smaller painting is a representative of modified reproduction of the much earlier triptych.

3. what is the difference between elevation and section?​


The difference between Interior Elevations and Sections is that Interior Elevations start at the finished floor elevation and stop at the ceiling. Interior Elevations show individual walls in specific rooms, whereas Sections cut through floors showing multiple rooms stacked on top of each other.


The difference between Interior Elevations and Sections is that Interior Elevations start at the finished floor elevation and stop at the ceiling. Interior Elevations show individual walls in specific rooms, whereas Sections cut through floors showing multiple rooms stacked on top of each other.

4. _____12. Shows the design of the house, height dimension, material finish and complete information and specification. a. elevation b. perspective c. roof d. section


b. po


pa brinles nalang po

5. A radio station tower was built in two sections. From a point 87 feet from the base of the tower, the angle of elevation of the top of the first section is 25°, while the angle of elevation of the top of the second section is 40.To the nearest foot, what is the height of the second section of the tower to the nearest foot? need the answer asapnonsense answer=report​


32.451 feet

Step-by-step explanation:


6. explain how and why the elevation of the cross artwork inspires you spiritually?​


the first time in the poem that relates to the next few days.

7. 2. These lines indicates visible objects, edges or outline of objects A Solid B. Dimension C. Leader D. Dashed 3. What refers to the orthographic view of the outside of a building? A Sectioning B Dimension C. Scaling Elevations 4. Which of these types of sectioning that is limited by a break line? A Broken-out section B Removed section​


A visible line, or object line is a thick continuous line, used to outline the visible edges or contours of an object. A hidden line, also known as a hidden object line is a medium weight line, made of short dashes about 1/8” long with 1/16”gaps, to show edges, surfaces and corners which cannot be seen.



8. what is highlighted elements of arts the elevation of the cross​?pasagot Po brainlest ko ung tamang sagot


these elements include bold use of chiaroscuro, and color dynamic and increase the emotion and realism of the painting.


General Information:

The Elevation of the Cross is a triptych painting by Flemish Artist Peter Paul Reubens. This Flemish work of art shows some of Reubens finest work, and some of the elements that he commonly used in his paintings. Among these elements include bold use of chiaroscuro, and color dynamic and increase the emotion and realism of the painting. In the middle panel, several strong men struggle to lift the cross upright with Christ on it. The left panel depicts people mourning over his torture. The right panel depicts roman soldiers pointing and ordering men to lift the cross. The chiaroscuro style and use to depict the scene take away from specific parts and add to other parts of the artwork  style akin to Caravaggio's depictions of religious scenes. The use of motion and depiction of the emotional agony of some of the figures brings viewer attachment and emotional reaction.

9. If the elevation of points a and b are 1810.3m and 1831.6m, respectively, it can be analytically determined that the contour line with an elevation of 1815m will cross line ab at what distance on the map from point a






10. it is a drawing showing the plan elevations sections and other features​


Plan or blue print


Yan lang alam ko

11. what layout and details does not belong to the arhitectural drawing?A.Floor plan B.Front Elevation C.Cross Section Legend​



i dont have experience of architecture but i think letter D

12. the middle section of the tower consists of stairs and elevators that lead to the top​

the middle section of the tower consists of stairs and elevators that lead to the top

I think B.


13. Drawing showing the plan, elevations, sections, and other features a. Work Plan b. Design c. Sketch d. Detail Drawing


The answer is letter C


14. A cell tower has built in two sections. From a point 100 feet from a base tower, the angle of elevation of the top of the lower section is 35° . The angle of elevation of the top of the upper section of the tower is 45° . Find the height of the upper section of the tower.


A ration functional function is any function which can be written as the ratio of two polynomial functions,where the polynomial in the denominator is not equal to zero.the domain of f(x)=P(x)Q(x)f(x)=P (x) Q(x) is the set of all points x for which the denominator Q(x) is not zero

15. A tower was built on two sections. From a point 80 feet from the base of a tower, the angle of elevation of the top of the first section is 27°, and the angle of elevation of the top of the second section is 42°. To the nearest foot, what is the height of the top section of the tower?answer please need now​


tan25°=a/87, a ( half of tower, lower part) = 36.0366.

tan40°=x/87, x = 63.209.

subtract 63.209-36.0366= 27.172427 ft.

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps, pabrainliest :)



Please click image for solution!


16. a radio station tower was build in twoo sections. from a point 87 feet from the base of the tower ,the angle of elevation of the top of the first section is 25° ,and the angle of elevation of the top of the second section is 40°1. what is the height of the first section of the tower?2.what is the height of the second section of the tower?3.what is the total height of the tower?NEED KO NA ASAP​


1. 40.89 feet.

2. 32.19 feet.

3. 73.08 feet.

Step-by-step explanation:

Nasa pic po yung explanation

Sána makatulong

pa brainlliest po plsss

17. A radio station tower was built in two sections. From a point 80 feet from the base of the tower, the angle of elevation of the top of the first section is 25°, while the angle of elevation of the top of the second section is 40°. What is the height of the second section of the tower to the nearest foot?


Maybe 128 feet I am not sure about this

18. define what is asked. 26.specification 27.detail dimension 28. overall dimension 29. elevation 30. section​


135718181751528291 Sana makatulong

19. 5. Which of the following shows only vertical distances?A. Floor planB. ElevationC. SectionD. Perspective​


A. Floor plan


i don't if it is right:)

Answer:A Floor Plan

20. ___ are established in drafting elevations and sectionspasagot po ng maayos,brainliest ko ​


orthographic An elevation drawing is an orthographic projection drawing that shows one side ... and doors located on the exterior wall must be included on the elevation


21. what is the difference between elevation and section


Elevations show individual walls in specific rooms, whereas Sections cut through floors showing multiple rooms stacked on top of each other. 

22. What design parameters will you include in proposed elevated railway that crosses a known active faults ? ​


Problems for moving trains can be caused by earthquakes in a couple of ways. Shaking the tracks beneath a moving train can directly cause derailment. Or the earthquake can cause offset on or damage to the tracks ahead of a train, causing a derailment even after the earthquake is over.


Is so hard and it's so long.

23. a communication tower was built in two sections from a point of 85 feet from the base of the tower, the angle of elevation of the top of the fire section 32°, and the angle of elevation of the top of the second section 52° what is the height of the top section the sum


32 degrees plus 52 degrees





24. .) A radio station tower was built in two sections. From a point 87 feet from the base of the tower, the angle of elevation of the top of the first section is 25°, and the angle of elevation of the top of the second section is 400. To the nearest foot, what is the height of the top section of the tower? (LT. 3.7 & 3.8) (This is Trigonometry) ​

Step-by-step explanation:

a radio station tower was ball into such on from a point 87

25. the angle of elevation of a road is 4.5°. what is the length of the section of road if it rises 16 meters?​


23 meters i dont know bwesit na 20 characters to

26. 1. Which of the following is an example of a plan?A. Floor Plan B. Elevation C. Section D. Isometric Diag am​


A. Floor Plan

Floor Plan is used in Architecture or Interior designing to plan the flooring of a certain house, building and etc.


A. Floor plant


because B is not a plant C not either

27. Drawing that shows the plan, elevation,section, and other features


A plan drawing is a drawing on a horizontal plane showing a view from above. An Elevation drawing is drawn on a vertical plane showing a vertical depiction. A section drawing is also a vertical depiction, but one that cuts through space to show what lies within.

28. In five sentences explain the difference between elevationand section.​


Elevation show individual walls in specific rooms,

whereas Section cut through floors showing multiple rooms stacked on top of each other.


Sana makatulong:)goodluck

29. a drawing that shows the interior details of a structure a. section drawingb. elevation drawing​


Ang sagot ay B. Elevation Drawing

30. 30. What refers to the orthographic view of the outside of a building? A. Sectioning C. Scaling B. Dimension D. Elevations




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