Positive Attitude And Self Confidence

Positive Attitude And Self Confidence

effective leaders:a. Are creativeb. Have self confidencec. Are flexibled. Have a positive attitudee. All of the above​

Daftar Isi

1. effective leaders:a. Are creativeb. Have self confidencec. Are flexibled. Have a positive attitudee. All of the above​


d.Have a poaitive attitude not sure




E. All of the above


this are all the needed traits that a leader should have if the leader have this type of traits he/she would make the best leadership in a group.

2. 2. Effective leaders:a. Are creativeb. Have self confidenceC. Are flexibled. Have a positive attitudee. All of the above​



(ganyan po ba or explanation?)

(message me nalang po :))

e. all of the above. leaders should always have positive attributes.

3. 2. Effective leaders:a. Are creativeb. Have self confidencec. Are flexibled. Have a positive attitudee. All of the above​


a.Are creative


I'm not sure po


4. positive feedback and self-confidence dependent variable:___________indendent variable:____________ ​


pic po


para ma answer po ng maayos

5. 1 point 15. Choose the word with the positive connotation. self- confident--arrogant * o O A. self-confident B. arrogant​

Answer                                                                                                                                bB?B?b?b?b?b?b??bb??

6. Self esteem and self confidence are the examples of_____health?​


Mental health


trust me it's mental health

7. which of the following refers to our attitude towards ourselves? a. self-esteemb. self-conceptc. self-actualizationd. self-confidence​


A. Self-esteem


A yung answer

8. 1 point 15. Choose the word with the positive connotation, self- confident--arrogant A self-confident ОО B. arrogant 16. A desk is an example of​

ANSWER ✨B. Self-confident

A desk is an example of

desk used as a noun:

desk used as a noun: A table, frame, or case, usually with sloping top, but often with flat top, for the use writers and readers. It often has a drawer or repository underneath.

#LetStudy ✔️

9. 2. Effective leaders: a. Are creative b. Have self confidence c. Are flexible d. Have a positive attitude e. All of the above




a leaders must have a creativity to present there output uniquely and also leaders should show to his/her team mate confidence for them to be motivated. Leaders must also be flexible so that he/she can easily adapt any task with less hassle and leaders should have a positive mindset and positive attitude so that his/her team mate wont get out of place...

10. self loveself knowledgeself confidence self respectself expression

Self-love, defined as "love of self" or "regard for one's own happiness or advantage", has been conceptualized both as a basic human necessity and as a moral flaw, akin to vanity and selfishness, synonymous with amour propre, conceit, conceitedness, egotism, et al.

Self-knowledge is a term used in psychology to describe the information that an individual draws upon when finding an answer to the question "What am I like?". While seeking to develop the answer to this question, self-knowledge requires ongoing self-awareness and self-consciousness.

Confidence is a state of being clear-headed either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective. Confidence comes from a latin word fidere' which means "to trust"; therefore, having self-confidence is having trust in one's self.

Self respect is an individual's subjective evaluation of their own worth. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs about oneself as well as emotional states, such as triumph, despair, pride, and shame.

Self-expression is a display of individuality whether it's through words, clothing, hairstyle, or art forms such as writing and drawing. Being self-expressed means that people will see your spirit and true character; they will see the totality of who you are.

Hope this helps!

11. Do you have self-confidence to talk to different kinds of people of varying age, position and status in life?

I don't because I feel I'm not in the same condition or state as them.

12. Ideas12. How you can develop self-confidence?A. Learn yourself and your capabilitiesB. Perform right actions and achieving righC. C. You must gain positive attitudes.D. All of the above​



13. How foes your attitude towards life change if you have self-confidence?​

Attitude and self-confidence seem to exist in a dynamic state of flux. They are involved in a cosy little relationship where they like to do pretty much everything together. If Self-Confidence fancies going for a ride, it asks Attitude how it feels about it. If Attitude is having a good day, chances are Self-Confidence will be feeling pretty perky also. They are basically co-dependents (let’s be honest).

14. it is an attitude about your skills and abilities a. goal setting b. self confidence c .interaction d .relationship​

The answer is B. Self-confidence

B. Self confidence (sana po makatulong)

15. Positive traits Wich I sensed are really part of me 1. helpfulness and empathy2. Self confidence​







16. 1 point 15. Choose the word with the positive connotation, self- confident--arrogant * O A. self-confident O B. arrogant​


B. self-confident

What is SELF-CONFIDENT❓Self-confidence is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your life. You know your strengths and weakness well, and have a positive view of yourself. ... Feeling confident in yourself might depend on the situation.


17. A. Multiple choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.1.It is your understanding of your feelings and your character.A. self-knowledgeC. Self-expressionB. Self-confidenceD. Self-love2.Ourmay influence our behaviors towards others.a.self behaviorsc. sexual orientationb. healthy sexuality d. personal health attitude3.It encompasses not only on your attitudes and behavior towardsyourself but also refers to your perception, feelings, and behaviortowards others.a. attitudec. Behaviorb. sexualityd. Gender4.Healthy sexuality may refer to the following except:a. deterrence and indifferenceb. Sexual needs and desiresc. self-image and respectd. attitudes and feelings5. It is your awareness of the things that you can do well.a. self-expressionC. self-confidenceb. self-loved. self-respectWhich the follow​








I hope I helped you po.

18. The following are forms of media that affect one’s attitude and practices towards sexuality, except one. -Self- love -Self- confidence -Self- knowledge -Self- expression


self expression


sana makatulong

19. Do you have self-confidence to talk to different kinds of people of varying age, position and status of life? Why?​


yes I have


cause you have a confidence so you can talk to people say your name & age so they can talk to you too

hope it help

20. Effective leaders:A. Are creativeB. Have self-confidenceC. Are flexibleD. Have a positive attitudeE. All of the aboveboose ane si​


E, because an effective must be creative in terms of ideas in something,

21. 7. Regular physical exercise helps to improve our mood , to stimulate good sleep and ______ * A. raises self-confidence B. to raise self-confidence C. raising self- confidence D. should raise self-confidence




sana makatulong sayo salamat




22. 8. How would you explain Healthy sexuality? A. Encompasses the following characteristics (Self Love, Self-Knowledge. Self Confidence, Self-Respect, and Self Reflection) 8. Refers to your attitudes and behavior toward yourself C. Provides a sense of self-worth when sexual understanding is positive. D. Involves the physical, mental, social, emotional and ethical dimensions of ones personality. PAKI answer po pleeaase po :-(​


want to do that man is not the same thing about it

23. What values will you get from playing sungka? A. Self confidence B. Positive attitude C. Discipline D. All of the above​


The correct answer is: D. All of the above.

Sungka is a traditional Filipino board game that involves strategy, skill, and luck. Playing sungka can provide a variety of values and benefits, including:

A. Self confidence: As players gain experience and improve their skills, they may develop a sense of self-confidence and a belief in their own abilities.

B. Positive attitude: Playing sungka requires concentration, patience, and persistence, which can help to cultivate a positive attitude and a sense of optimism.

C. Discipline: Sungka requires players to follow rules and make decisions based on strategy, which can help to develop discipline and self-control.

Overall, playing sungka can provide a range of values that can be beneficial in both personal and professional settings.

24. Confidence, which comes with high self-esteem, can provide a teenager with a more positive outlook about life.Is it a fact about stress or not?


not a fact of stress


please deposit 5 coins

25. Example: Self-confidenceSelf-confidence​

Visualize yourself as you want to be.

Affirm yourself.

Do one thing that scares you every day.

Question your inner critic.

Take the 100 days of rejection challenge.

Set yourself up to win.

Help someone else.

Care for yourself.

26. Dependent and independent of positive feedback and self confidence​






Dependent i think


because its positively self confidence

i hope it helps but i dont understand sorry:))))

27. good ment health can be seen as state of mental health that allows one to flourish a fully blank life a. attitude b behavior c confidence d self esteem​


D or C


parehas silang Tama

28. how to improve your self-formation? a. identity and recognize your strengths to improve confidence b. learn to praise yourself c. develops a positive attitude d. all of the above​


D. all of the above

improve your self formation by recognize your strength to improve confidence, learn to praise yourself and develops a positive attidude of yours

29. How self confidence creates a great positive impact in your life and why ?​


self-confidence allows you to experience freedom from self-doubt and negative thoughts about yourself.


hope it helps

30. do you have Self-confidence to talk to different kinds of people of varying age, position, and status of life?why?​

Child, i think you have to answer this yourself because it's very self explanatory.

You just have to say no or yes if you have a self-esteem talking to the ones mentioned above and then explain why.

In my case, i would say "No, because i was born unsocial." T^T

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